Python 1)Functions 1. Print() – output 2. Input() 3. Len()-count 4. range(2)- 0,1 5. round(2.9)=3 6. abs(-2.9) - +2.9 2)Methods 1. Upper() – Capitalization 2. Lower()- de-capitalization 3. Printing specific character/s in a string Ex:String=‘Python for beginners’ Print(string[0]) The output would be – P If we want to print a single wordString=’Python for beginners’ Print(string[0:6]) Output would be- Python #)You can also number from the end of the string ExString=’That Dog is black’ Print(String[-1:-6]) The output would be – black The table below shows how the strings number itself. Matrixes in Python You can simply make a matrix by the concept list of the list Ex:matrix =[ [2,5,8], [5,9,1], [7,9,6] ] T -17 h -16 a -15 t -14 -13 d -12 o -11 g -10 -9 i -8 s -7 -6 b -5 l -4 a -3 c -2 k -1 *Notice that at the end of the last row of the matrix there is no comma(,) If we want to display the full parts of the matrix we should use a nested loop twice. Ex:For I in matrix: Print(i) The result would be [2,5,8] [5,9,1] [7,9,6] Each list considered as an one item so it printed 3 items If we want to access the each components ,we should use another for loop. Ex:For I in matrix: For k in i: Print(k) The result would be 2 5 8 5 9 1…. List Methods Consider the following list List=[2,5,8,7,6] 1. Adding numbers to the list: Append() Ex:List.append(20) Print(list) The result would be: [2,5,8,7,6,20] *Number 20 would be added at the end of the list *If we want to add that number in the front or any place of the list we should use insert the first number we should write the index Ex:List.insert(0,20) Print(list) The result would be: [20,2,5,8,7,6] 2. Clearing the list: .clear() .pop() method would remove the last item on the list .remove() would clear a given item in the list 3. Existence of a given number in the list Finding the index: .index(value u need to find the index of) Boolean value of the existence of the number: Print(50 in list) If the number ‘50’ doesn’t exist in the ‘list’ an error message would be displayed. 4.Sort() Sorting the list to ac ascending order 5.reverse() Reversing a list 6.count() Counting the special/values in the list 7.floor and ceil method Used to round the numbers higher and lower Ex- floor(2.9) – 2 Ceil(2.9) - 3