Character Builder – Biography Answer in FIRST person: SUPER OBJECTIVE: I want to (insert verb) & finish sentence: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ATTITUDE LINE/GERM: I am (insert adjective) [what character thinks of self]: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________ IDENTIFY YOUR PRIMARY SOURCE: _______________________________________ WHAT SECONDARY SOURCES WILL YOU USE FOR THIS ROLE? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ____________________ Fundamentals Story Title Character Name Protagonist/supporter Antagonist/supporter Physical Appearance- DESCRIBE YOUR CHARACTER Gender Age Height Weight Hair Main character Minor character Eyes Distinguishing Marks Distinguishing Mannerisms Describe the character's appearance in a brief paragraph: Background- DO RESEARCH & CREATE YOUR OWN IMAGINARY CIRCUMSTANCES Birth date Family members Birthplace Family members Relevance of family in this story: Ethnic origin Family members Circle any of the following which are relevant to this story: Childhood Friends Education Religion Enemies Love Marital Status Money Briefly explain the relevant items: Personality In one word: First impression: Gets angry at: Laughs at: Cries at: Regrets: Vulnerability: Prejudices: Fears: Most valued possession (and why): Pressing need: Pressing desire: Other goals: Responsibilities: Sense of humor: Secrets Employment Other positive personality traits: Other negative personality traits (character flaws): How are these relevant to the story? Other details Hobbies: Skills: Smells: Favorite color: Favorite food: Favorite beverage: Favorite music: Favorite clothing: Describe this character's home: Story Relevance What complications arise from this character? SCRIPT WORK- MARK IN SCRIPT: 1. Please highlight your character name before each line in one color 2. Please highlight your lines (not stage directions!) in a brightdifferent- color 3. Write your super-objective on the FRONT COVER of the script 4. Identify and write your scene objective (which supports the super-objective) at the top of each page you are in. 5. Find all the moments in the script that present an OBSTACLE (what prevents you from achieving your objective), and mark with a triangle with an exclamation mark! 6. Find all of the moments where you DO something. (Put on new dress, light a cigarette, etc.), and UNDERLINE with a squiggly line. 7. Go through the script and UNDERLINE all of the “Given Circumstances” relevant to YOUR character with a straight line (what the playwright gives you that is undisputed info) 8. Find places with heightened emotion- places where you will have to draw on your own emotional experiences (no matter how small your experiences seem to you)- and mark “EM” in the margin. 9. Find your entrances- note: WHAT DID I JUST DO? WHAT AM I DOING NOW? WHAT’S THE FIRST THING I WANT OR EXPECT AS I ENTER? 10.ON ANOTHER SHEET OF PAPER: write out your character’s plot line (exposition, etc.)- this is your character arc. a. HOW has your character changed at the end of the story?