BACTERIA EARCHEA howtheydifferfromeukaryotes DNA ispackaged The way materialfreein cell no reveled themakeupofcell wall abacteriahave sturdycell walls madeofchemicalcalledpeptidoglycan arched walls alsotough theirinternalstructures theydon'thavecomplexmembraneboundorganelles eukaryotesdo manybacteriafunction as single celledorganism EXTERAL STRUCTURES appendages provide motility AND enable adhesion motility flagella axialfilaments Adhesion fimbria pili nanotubes motility abilityof all to swim freelythroughaqueusen flagella 3 distinct partsofflagella I hook 2 fellament 3 basal body chemotaxis flagellasbehavior to move in response to chemicalsignals main functionof nanotubes transfer amino acid or electronsto eachother mmmm in effort to harvest energy coating for protection and glycoryn developers as aadhere sometimes helps cells to environment THE CELL ENNALOPE THEwallismembrane The cellenvelope is thefoundryof a bacterium The cell wall consistsof 2 3 basiclayers 1 The cell wall 2 cytoplasmicmembrane 3 bacteria The Cell Wall in bacteria structure made ofpeptidoglycan ridged liesjust outsidethecytoplasmicmembrane a gram negative gram positive cell walls The grampositive cell wall Think includes boundpolysaccartes tuchoveacid and lepoticchoicacid These maintain cell wall enlargement Thegramnegative all wall Thin single sheet of peptidoglycan Thegramnegative outer membrane possessed bygramnegative bacteria lies outside cell wall lipid belayer wi specialisedproteinsÉpolysacs The membrane Cytoplasmic a lipid bilayer wi embeddedprotons structure primarilyphospholipids proteins THE BACTERIALINTERNALSTRUCTURE Contentsof the cell cytoplasm cytoplasm ageletonssolutionencasedbycytoplasmic membrane it'smajorcomponent is water 70 80 which serves as a solvent for all contents which is a complex mixture of nutrients sugars amino Acids and salts endospores dormant bodies produced by bacteria exist in formof a vegative all or an endospore a vegetative cell is growing É actor challenging factor gets will form endospores in process called sporulation when environment THE ARCHE A Aphsychrophilic archer that at very are adaptedto growth low temperatures