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MOI Alumni Welfare Constitution

deliberate on this name)
The name of the welfare association shall be MOI UNIVERSITY ALUMNI 2018
WELFARE ASSOCIATION (Hereinafter referred to as “the welfare association ”).
a) To promote the welfare of the members by offering financial, social and moral
support during difficult moments such as bereavement and sickness.
b) To promote members businesses within our circles and networks i.e WhatsApp and
Facebook. (Day to be deliberated on when to have the market day in the
group to promote members)
c) To promote the welfare of the members by offering financial, social and moral
support in times of happiness such as weddings whereby a calendar of the wedding
details will be issued and the member in question choose among the events which
he/she wants to be supported in.
d) The welfare association is a non-profit and a non-political association.
a) Integrity
b) Accountability
c) Equity
d) Commitment
e) Honesty
f) Fairness
For somebody to qualify as a member of the Welfare Association, he/she
must be:
a) 18 years and above
b) Sound mind and of good character
c) Ready to abide to all requirements as indicated in the Welfare Constitution
d) Pay a non-refundable registration fee of Ksh 500 and/or any amount agreed by
members (Members to deliberate)
e) Any new member who expresses interest to join the group must meet the following
in addition to the conditions in article (4 (a, b, c and d above)):
Request for and fill membership application form from the secretary
committing to abide by the rules of the group (Members to deliberate on the
content of the Membership Application form)
Pay all dues as will be calculated and communicated by the treasurer (this
to be guided by the membership application form)
After satisfying the above conditions, the chairperson will officially
announce admission of the new member (In Writing through issuance of admission
a) All members are equal
b) Every member has a right to be elected to the leadership of the welfare association
c) Every member has a right to any information concerning the welfare association.
d) Every member has a right to attend meetings to discuss the progress of the welfare
e) Every member has a right to a one vote on all matters concerning the welfare
association during meetings except conditions under article 12 (c)
a) Member resignation
The following procedure shall apply for any member who wishes to resign from the
welfare association
Must submit written notice to the chairperson within three months
In receipt of the resignation letter, the chair will convene a committee
meeting within one month.
The committee shall deliberate on the case of such a member and make its
recommendations in writing
The secretary shall communicate the decision of the committee to the
member in question.
The member shall respond in writing to the committee and make all
commitments in writing specifying timelines on any conditions to be met as part of
b) Expulsion of a member by the welfare association members.
A member may be expelled from the group if the member:
Fails to contribute for 3 consecutive months without a reason.
Shares group matters to third parties (non-members)
If a member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without prior notice
or apology
Gross misconduct by a member which includes and not limited to: Abusive
language, Posting or communicating personal issues in to the members platform and
failure to obey the leadership and respect to other members during meeting proceedings
or in the group’s formal communication platforms
c) Death of a member
Incase of death of a member, the contribution shall be given to the next of kin i.e
spouse or family or money used in paying of school fee for children which shall be
d) Mental insanity of a member
Incase of insanity of a member, the contribution shall be given to the next of kin i.e
spouse or family. (Members to deliberate on this)
a) The office bearers of the welfare association shall be full members of the group and
shall be elected annually at the annual general meeting to be held in every year.
They shall include:
The Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson
The Secretary
Organizing secretary/ Coordinator
The Treasurer
One other member from the group
b) All office bearers shall hold office from the date of election until the succeeding
annual general meeting where new leadership will be elected
c) Any office bearer who ceases to be a member of the welfare association shall
automatically cease to be an office bearer thereof.
d) Office bearers may be removed from office in the same way as it is laid down for the
expulsion of members in section 6 (b) and vacancies thus created shall be filled by
persons elected at the general meeting resolving the expulsion.
e) The office bearers should be of high integrity, professionalism, trustworthy, selfrespect, respectful to all other group members and a team player.
f) Any member can bring a motion of no confidence with an office bearer who fails or
proves unable to meet conditions of article 7 (e) and if such motion is supported by
a 2/3 majority of the members through a vote, then that office bearer ceases to be
an office bearer.
g) All office bearers shall work in one synergy to bring the welfare association vision to
h) Office bearers can only hold office for a maximum of 2 terms in one position. (
Members to deliberate on this section)
i) Incase of vacancy of a post of an office bearer, a by-election is to be held in the next
quarter upon the date of office being declared vacant.
a) Chairperson-the Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the committee and
at all general meetings.
ii. The chairperson shall be responsible for admission of new members through
issuance of an admission letter into the welfare association.
b) Vice Chairperson-The Vice-Chairperson shall perform any duties of the
Chairperson in his/her absence.
c) Secretary- the Secretary shall deal with all the correspondence of the welfare
association under the general supervision of the committee. In cases of urgent
matters where the committee cannot be consulted, he/she shall consult the
Chairperson or if he is not available, the Vice –Chairperson. The decisions reached
shall be subject to ratification or otherwise at the next committee meeting. He/she
shall issue notices convening all meetings of the committee and all general meetings
of the welfare association and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such
meetings and for the preservation of all records of proceedings of the welfare
association and committee.
d) Organizing secretary/ Coordinator- He/ she shall liase and coordinate events of the
welfare association
In in the absence of the Secretary, the Organizing secretary/ Coordinator shall
perform all the duties of the Secretary and such other duties as shall be assigned to
him by the Secretary or committee whether the Secretary is present or not.(
Members to deliberate on this)
e) Treasurer-The Treasurer shall receive and shall also disburse, under the directions
of the members, all moneys belonging to the association and shall issue records for
all moneys received by him/her and for all moneys paid by him/her. The treasurer
is responsible to the members that proper books of account of all monies received
and paid by the welfare association are written up to date, preserved and available
for inspection by any member during meetings.
f) Trustee- The Trustee shall offer advisory services to the welfare association and be
a signatory for the welfare bank account. The trustee shall be involved in the
decision making of the welfare.
a) The committee shall consist of all the seven (7) office bearers of the welfare
b) Any casual vacancies for members of the committee caused by death or resignation
shall be filled by the committee until the next members meeting. The committee
must convene members meeting within a period not exceeding 30 days to fill the
vacant position.
a) The committee shall be responsible for the management of the welfare association
and are also accountable for the welfare properties.
b) All monies disbursed on behalf of the welfare association shall be authorized by the
c) The quorum for meetings of the committee shall be not less than 2/3 of committee
The committee shall not make any decision on behalf of the whole welfare
association unless discussed by members and passed by simple majority
a) There shall be quarterly virtual meetings and a physical annual general meeting
(12th Dec.) Members to decide on date of preference for the annual
general meeting
b) Notice in writing of such annual general meeting, accompanied by the annual
statement of account and the agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members
not less than 7 days before the date of the meeting.
c) The agenda for any annual general meeting shall consist of the following:
Confirmation of the minutes of the previous annual general meeting.
Consideration of accounts.
Election of office bearers and the committee members (and trustees where
d) Quorum for annual general meetings shall not be less than 2/3 of the registered
members of the welfare association.
e) Members to issue their apologies for annual meetings 48hrs prior to the meeting
date through the secretary’s email in writing. (Members to deliberate on the
types of apologies to be accepted)
Exceptional cases during the annual actual meeting date can be considered and
should be channeled through the secretary’s email.
g) Members are allowed to only give apologies upto a maximum of 2 consecutive
annual meetings. Any member who exceeds this limit shall be considered as a
member without apology and section 13 (b) applies to them.
Members should give their apologies prior to the virtual meetings to be held
through the secretary via email.
i) Leadership or any other member can propose a get together/ retreat and guys can
deliberate to adopt or reject such a proposal.
a) At all meetings of the welfare, the elected Chairperson, or in absence, of the ViceChairperson, or in absence of both these office bearers, a member selected during
the meeting shall act as the chair.
b) The chairperson may at his discretion limit the number of persons permitted to
speak in favour of/or against any motion.
c) Resolutions shall be decided by simple secret ballot. In the case of equality of votes,
the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
d) The committee will invite a 3rd Party to oversee the election process upon approval
by the welfare members. (Members deliberate on this point.)
a) Lateness in annual meetings will attract Ksh. 200 The fine will be added to the
welfare bank account. This money to be sent to the treasurer immediately.
(Members to deliberate on this)
b) Members who do not offer apologies during annual meetings will attract Ksh. 500 The
fine will be added to the welfare bank account. This money to be sent to the treasurer
immediately. (Members to deliberate on this)
The welfare association shall be vested in the name of not less than ONE trustee who shall
be a member of the welfare association and shall be elected by members at the annual
general meeting for a period of one (1) year. On retirement such a trustee shall be eligible
for re-election. A general meeting shall have the power to remove the trustee and all
vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or death, shall be filled at the same or next
general meeting.
a) Sources of funds
Registration fee (Members to deliberate on the amount)
Fines and Penalties (Members to deliberate on the amount)
iii. Monthly contributions to be sent between …….. and……. every month (Members
deliberate on the amount, date in the month to have contributions sent
to the Treasure and the purpose of the money. Suggestion gotten so far
was Ksh.500 for monthly contribution in the WhatsApp group and the
purpose was when something comes to our attention the welfare can
give a certain agreed amount for any event. If the kit does not have that
cash, the members can chip in something from their pockets equally.
With the kit ready, it can be helpful.)
iv. Contributions towards support of members events;
a) Where a member loses his/her life, members contribute a minimum of Ksh
1000 per member. (Members to deliberate on the amount)
b) When a member loses a nuclear family member i.e spouse, child, father, mother,
mother in-law and father in-law, members contribute a minimum of Ksh 500 per
member. (Members to deliberate on the amount)
c) When a member is admitted in hospital with a serious condition and he/she
has reached out to members for support, no minimum amount to be contributed by
members. (Members to deliberate on the amount)
d) When a member has a wedding no minimum amount to be contributed by
members. (Members to deliberate on the amount)
e) In very unique cases a member can raise an issue and after deliberations the
leadership can agree whether can be done through the group or not i.e one might have
been raised by an uncle, auntie or grandparents if he/she passes on that could
pass as a parent and members could contribute as a group. (Members to deliberate
on the amount)
b) Uses of funds
i. All the events covered by this group will attract an equal amount of Ksh. 2000
times the total number of registered members with a notice of three months
excluding sickness and bereavement where such notice of three months will not
apply. This amount will be equally contributed by all members at Kshs 2000 per
member. (Members to deliberate on the amount)
c) The group will only cover events under 15 (d)(i) which have a notice of three
months plus any other event that will arise under 15 (d)(ii)(iii).
d) The events that will be covered by the group includes:
Dowry payments/weddings/harambee
Sickness where a nuclear member of a principal member of the group or the
principal member is admitted for not less than three (3) days.
Bereavement of a nuclear member or the principal member or parents of
principal member (Both parents and in-laws)
e) The rules governing the welfare funds will include:
The funds of the welfare association may only be used for the furtherance
and achievement of the welfare association’s objectives outlined under Rules above.
All monies and funds shall be received by and paid to the Treasurer and
shall be deposited in the name of the welfare association in the bank account
approved by the members. (Members to deliberate on which bank account)
No payments shall be made out of the bank account without a resolution of
the members authorizing such payment and all cheques on such bank account shall
be signed by the Treasurer, Trustee, either or both the Chairman or Secretary of the
welfare association who shall be appointed by the members. (Suggestion from
the WhatsApp group was to have 2 signatories but upon developing the
constitution and deliberation of committee, we saw it prudent to have
trustee, treasurer, either or both the Chairman or Secretary)
The members shall have power to suspend any office bearer who it has
reasonable cause to believe is not properly accounting for any of the funds or
property of the welfare association and shall have power to appoint another person
in his place.
v. For payments such as cash withdrawals, or cash payments, a requisition note will
be signed by two signatories i.e Trustee and Organizing Secretary and held by the
treasurer. Records of contributions and expenditure will be maintained by the
treasurer and a financial statement given at each meeting.
Amendments to the constitution of the welfare association must be approved by at least
two-thirds majority of members at a general meeting of the welfare association. They
cannot however be implemented without the prior consent in writing of the registrar,
obtained upon application to him made in writing and signed by members.
The organization created by this constitution is a long-term project not made for
immediate dissolution. Individual members may however withdraw as per the laid down
When dissolution of the welfare association has been approved by the Registrar, no
further action should be taken by the committee or any office bearer of the welfare
association in connection with the aims of the welfare association other than to get in and
liquidate for cash all the assets of the welfare association. Subject to payment of all the
debts of the welfare association the balance thereof shall be distributed in such a manner
as may be resolved by the meeting at which the resolution for dissolution was passed.