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Self Organized Networks Project at Corporate Level

Self Organized Networks
Organisation of a SON
project at corporate level
V. Diascorn
22 November 2013
FT Orange Company Confidential
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Context: SON studied in anticipation and coming in
SON vendors’ releases
Self Organized Network (SON) domain is studied for some time at
group level through different research and anticipation projects:
Huawei SON trial in Belgium
Tec Eco studies on the OPEX savings expected in Belgium and France
– Several Research projects on the new SON features to come on our networks
From 2013, such functionalities become available for deployment and
more and more affiliates must build their strategy around SON usage
SON activation (automation of mobile network management) has
major impacts on network optimization, network monitoring, control of
SON features and consequently operational processes…
A transversal project mount at Group Level
to consolidate this strategy of SON activation
This project will encompass 2G/3G/4G solutions
The project will also be in charge to maintain the link between
operators’ strategy and research activities.
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Key challenges of the project
Macro network
/ Small Cells
2G/3G/4G/ next releases
RAN sharing
Ease of
Link with
Ease of
Impact on IS
Multi vendor/equipment
Centralized SON
Distributed SON
RAN vendors
party providers
Enhancement of probes
New methods coming
from Research
objects and 3GPP
FT Orange Company Confidential
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The incoming trials in France, Spain and Tunisia
Trials on classical SON features proposed on LTE by RAN vendors:
Trials in France on first LTE SON features provided by Ericsson and ALU: ANR features,
First trial on Ericsson done in Creil (previous presentation) and new ones starting
Coming trials on ALU from beginning of 2014
managed by IODAA/OPRM teams (Corporate follow up)
Trials in Spain on first LTE SON features provided by Ericsson and Huawei: ANR features,
PCI conflict management, MRO (named UE oscillating HO minimization for Ericsson)
Cluster of trial in Madrid (trial from December to February 2014) for Ericsson
Cluster of trial in Valencia (trial from December to February 2014) for Huawei
common work between Corporate and Orange Spain
Trials on Over-The-Top SON solutions proposed on 2G/3G:
Trial in France of Intucell (CISCO) solution in 3G to start in January 2014: ANR, Load and
Interference management features
managed by IODAA/OPRM teams (Corporate contribution)
Trial in Tunisia of Eden Rock solution in 2G and 3G from February to April 2014 (on RNC/BSS
in Tunis): ANR, SC optimization, Load and Interference management features
common work between Corporate and Orange Tunisia
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Link with the countries as next steps:
What are your needs, What are our responses
In the scope of the project, we intend to be able to respond to 5 main
questions from affiliates:
Which SON features and SON solutions are technically interesting for an
affiliate? What are the expected gains and drawbacks of these features and solutions
What is the tech-eco impact and interest to use SON features and solutions in a
2G/3G/LTE network?
Which combinations of SON features’ activation are recommended when
deploying several SON actors on a network?
Which actions are necessary to ensure a good functioning and monitoring of
SON features?
What can be the impact of SON features’ activation on the processes from
operational teams in the affiliate?
As a status at the beginning of the project, a first audit of your current strategy
around SON will be launch in the coming month.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information/news on SON
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Thank You
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