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Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Protein Shake Recipe

Chocolate Banana
Peanut Butter Protein
Written by Lacey Baier ● in Drinks
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Want a nourishing protein shake that is
delicious and satisfying all at the same time?
This Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Protein
Shake is the absolute best you’ll ever taste!
Protein (and its benefits) is one of my fave
topics. Because y’all know that protein is super
important. It’s a muscle-building, bodyrepairing nutrient that we can’t do without.
Sometimes we don’t get enough protein and I
am always looking for ways to remedy that.
This chocolate banana peanut butter shake is
one of them!
So we’re going to take a look at how delicious
this shake is and how good it is for you. But
first, if you want to know a little about protein,
I’ll give you the scoop.
known cardiovascular
disease and/or heterozygous
familial hypercholesterolemia
(HeFH), an inherited
condition that causes high
levels of LDL-C. It is not
Protein is the best source for energy
Protein is called a building block because of
amino acids
Protein helps us make and burn energy
Protein helps our metabolism work the way
it should
You can get protein from a lot of sources. Nut
butters, protein powders, and chicken are just 3
ways. Seeds and full-fat dairy are 2 more.
But a creamy
and smooth protein shake is a
fun, grab n’2)/#"$3*4"$25&,'
go way to get needed protein, too.
So grab your blender or Vitamix and let’s get
H o w To M a ke A P ro t e i n
S h a ke
Delicious shakes are made this way:
Base: Add ice or fruit like a banana to
thicken (note: chia seeds can thicken a
shake also)
Protein source: In this case, peanut butter,
almond milk and protein powder
Sweetener: If required (you can add a
natural sugar like raw honey or pure maple
Liquid: I like milk such as almond, cashew or
Blend it: If the mixture is too thick, add a bit
more milk until you reach the desired
B e n e f i t s O f P ro t e i n
S h a ke s
Protein shakes satisfy hunger. That’s a big
benefit in my mind because, after a workout,
I’m ravenous. And maybe I’m heading off to
work or to take the kids on an outing and need
energy fast. That’s when I reach for a chocolate
banana peanut butter protein shake!
Learn More
NEW Guinness 0
Inspired by the rich, smooth flavor of
Guinness Draught, now brewed as a non-…
alcoholic beer.
More benefits:
Protein shakes are great for muscle
Protein shakes can replace a meal
Protein shakes can help increase muscle
mass when you exercise
I s I t B a d To P u t P e a n u t
B u t t e r I n Yo u r P ro t e i n
S h a ke ?
It’s definitely okay – and smart – to put peanut
butter in your protein shake. Peanut butter is a
healthy ingredient! Peanut butter has all 3 of
the macronutrients we need daily, those being
fat, protein, and carbs.
So yes, go ahead and add peanut butter to your
shake as I did in this recipe. It tastes great, too!
Is A Chocolate Banana
P ro t e i n S h a ke G o o d Fo r
We i g h t L o s s ?
I think chocolate banana protein shakes are
good for weight loss. Why? Because you are
filling up with nutrients after exercise instead
of reaching for that processed, empty of
nutrition, calorie-laden protein bar.
BTW, looking for a healthy protein bar? See
what makes a healthy protein bar and see my
top 7 here.
Enjoying a shake made with power-packed
protein powder can help you lose weight:
The decrease in hunger keeps you away
from junk food
Protein helps you lose weight slowly (instead
like a crash diet), maintaining lean muscle
Protein helps beat belly fat (see my post on
blasting belly bloat)
Ty p e s O f P ro t e i n P o w d e r
I’ve written several posts on protein powders. I
have lots of recipes on the site, too, like
pancakes that taste fabulous alongside bacon
– done in the oven, folks!
Some of the types of protein powder on the
market are:
Hemp protein
Pea protein
Rice protein
Whey protein
Casein protein
Learn More
NEW Guinness 0
Inspired by the rich, smooth flavor of
Guinness Draught, now brewed as a non-…
alcoholic beer.
W h a t C a n I A d d To M y
P ro t e i n S h a ke To G a i n
We i g h t ?
To gain weight by drinking protein shakes, add
ingredients like avocado, nut butter, healthy
oils like coconut oil, and extra protein sources
like oats. Make sure you have a full-fat milk in
there such as dairy milk or coconut milk.
Almond and cashew milk are good for adding in
calories, too.
Have 2-3 small protein shakes a day and be
sure to focus on healthy foods like whole grains
and lean proteins for extra muscle-building
Stay away from processed foods – they will not
help you gain weight in a healthy way. Instead,
they can lead to inflammation.
W h a t ’s I n T h i s C h o c o l a t e
Banana Peanut Butter
P ro t e i n S h a ke ?
This chocolate banana peanut butter protein
shake has so much goodness in it. It’s so easy
to throw the ingredients in a blender and have a
nutritional snack in less than 5 minutes!
Almond milk
Peanut butter
Ripe banana
Chocolate whey powder
Ice cubes
Honey is optional
Learn More
Perfect Bulleit Pairings
Bulleit Bourbon, bitters and a hint of
sweetness to balance. Old Fashioned, but…
never out of style.
W h e n S h o u l d Yo u D r i n k
P ro t e i n S h a ke s ?
I prefer to drink my protein shake after I
exercise. That’s because I want that source of
protein to help my body build and maintain
muscle mass. I’m typically hungry also, so a
quick-to-make shake is the best thing to curb
my hunger pains fast.
But if you like to drink your protein shake
before you head to the gym or out for a walk,
that’s okay as well because you get the energy
you need to complete your exercise goal.
You want to spread out your protein intake
throughout the day for optimum results, so as
long as you are getting what you need, when
you drink the shake is up to you.
H o w O f t e n S h o u l d Yo u
D r i n k P ro t e i n S h a ke s ?
How often you drink protein shakes depends
on your goals. If you want to gain weight, you
can have a protein-filled shake every time you
do resistance training to help build muscle. For
weight loss, you can reduce your calorie intake
and ensure that you are still getting enough
protein by maybe drinking two shakes a day.
But remember, the important thing is that the
protein shake is not a protein replacement. You
still need to get your requirements from other
sources, too.