Uploaded by Reynald Antonio Ilagan

Mechanical Engineering Problems: Stress, Shear, Bearings

1. A steel rod on bridge must be made to withstand a pull of 5,000 lbs. Find the diameter of the
rod assuming a factor of safety of 5 and ultimate stress of 64,000 psi.
2. If the ultimate shear strength of a steel plate is 42,000psi, what force is necessary to punch a
0.75 diameter hole in a 0.625 in thick plate?
3. What force P is required to punch a ½ in. hole on a 3/8 in. thick plate if the ultimate shear
strength on the plate is 42,000psi?
4. A 2.5 in. diameter by 2 in. long journal bearing is carrying a 5,500 lb load at 3600rpm using SAE
40 lube at 200oF through a single hole at 25 psi. Compute the bearing pressure.
5. A journal bearing with a diameter of 76.2 mm is subjected to a load of 4,900 N while rotating at
200rpm. If its coefficient of friction is 0.02 and the L/D = 2.5, find its projected area in mm2.
6. The shaft whose torque varies from 2,000 to 6,000 in-lb has 1½ inches in diameter and 60,000
psi yield strength. Compute for the shaft mean average stress.
7. How many 9/16 inch holes can be punch in one motion in a steel plate made of SAE 1010 steel,
7/16 inch thick using a force of 120 tons. The ultimate shear strength for shear is 50ksi and use 2
factor of safety.
8. A steel tie rod is to withstand a pull of 3,000 lbs. Find the diameter of the rod assuming a yield
stress of 48,000 psi and a factor of safety of 5.
9. The ultimate shear strength of a steel plate is 42,000 psi. Determine the diameter of a hole to
punch it if the force applied is 30 tons in a ¾ inch thick plate.
10. What force is required to punch a 1 in. hole on a ¼ in. thick plate if the ultimate shear strength
on the plate is 42,000 psi?
11. A 2 inch diameter by 3 inch long journal bearing is to carry a load of 3,000lb. Compute the
bearing pressure.
12. How many ½ inch holes can be punch in one motion in a steel plate 3/16 inch thick using a force
of 40 tons. The ultimate shear strength for shear is 50 ksi and use 2 as factor of safety.
13. A reactor weighing 1,000 metric ton is placed on a 10 in2 platform. Find the pressure in kg/m2
exerted on the platform.
14. A cylindrical strut, ½ meter in height and 10 cm diameter, is loaded axially with 1,000 kg.
Calculate the compressive stress in kg/cm2.
15. A tank with its contents weighs 5,000 kg. It will be supported with four concrete posts equally
spaced and with outer edges flushed with the perimeter of the tank. The compressive strength
of the concrete post is 1,000 psi and the factor of safety of 4 is required. Calculate the diameter
of each post in centimeters.
16. Determine the diameter of a steel rod that will carry a tensile load of 50,000 kg at a stress of
1,400 kg/cm2.
17. Determine the maximum thickness of metal plate in which a 7.5 centimeter diameter hole can
be punched, if the plate has an ultimate shearing strength of 4245 kg/cm2 and the punch can be
exert a maximum force of 200 metric tons.
18. A single bolt is used to lap join two steel bars together. Tensile force on the bar is 4,400 lbs.
Determine the diameter of the bolt if the allowable shearing stress is 10,000 psi.
19. A cantilever beam 3 meters long by 30 cm depth by 10 cm breadth has a single load 45 kg at the
unsupported end. Determine the maximum flexural stress.
20. A 2.5” diameter by 2 in. long journal bearing is to carry a 5500-lb load at 3600 rpm using SAE 40
lube oil at 200°F through a single hole at 25 psi. Compute the bearing pressure