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Power & Hypertrophy Workout Plan: 4-Week Program

Power and Hypertrophy Workout
1) The sets listed are working sets. Warm up 1-2 sets before any
exercise especially the compound lifts.
2) Warm up for 5 minutes (elliptical, bike, track, etc) to get blood
circulating and then dynamic stretch along with light exercises
before every workout to maximize strength potential and prevent
3) Every lift is to be executed with good form. Full range of motion
along with the 2-1-0 rep tempo (2 second eccentric, 1 second
pause, 0 second positive). The goal is to build maximal muscle and
strength while staying healthy. Squeeze hard on every exercise.
Your muscles don’t know how much weight its moving but it does
know how much tension its under.
4) Don’t know or understand what a specific exercise or set variation
is? The Internet and I are available 24/7.
5) Get a workout partner. This is a hard workout and to push yourself
mentally and physically will require someone to spot you and hold
you accountable week in and week out.
The / in between two different exercises (ex.- curls/extensions) is a
superset. Supersets are performed back to back with 30-90 secs
between each set.
Rep tempos are the amount of time you are performing each phase
of the exercise. For example, a bench press with a (4-1-0) rep
tempo is a 4 second negative (lowering of the weight), 1 second iso
hold at the bottom, and a 0 second concentric (pressing the weight
from chest). For exercises starting at the bottom (leg extension,
shoulder lateral, etc..), the 4-1-0 rep tempo is still the same. 4
second negative, 1 second iso hold at the top, 0 second concentric
(lifting the weight).
I do not prescribe accessory muscles (calves, abs, forearms, etc.). If
you want to do extra exercises, body parts, sets- you are more than
welcome as long as you perform all the sets of the prescribed
Week 1
Day 1: Upper Body
• Seated V-bar cable rows 15, 12, 10, 8
• Flat bench barbell chest press 12, 10, 10, 8
• Wide grip pull ups (assisted machine or band if necessary) 4 sets of 10
• Seated dumbbell shoulder presses 15, 15, 15
• Tricep dips (add weight or use assisted machine if necessary) 12, 12, 12
• EZ Bar bicep curls/ Cable rope tricep extensions 15, 15, 15
Day 2: Lower Body
• Frog Glute Pumps 3x50
- https://youtu.be/HyCiZVMMDW4
• Barbell Deadlift 12, 10, 10, 8, 8
- https://youtu.be/-4qRntuXBSc
-squeeze glutes and hams hard at the top
• Hack squat machine 10, 10, 10, 10
- https://youtu.be/ZmZ-tu_Rqc4
- Focus on going as low as possible while keeping your butt
against the platform
• Walking dumbbell lunges 30, 30, 30
- https://youtu.be/z7AB4HZQkl8
-(glute dominant) lean torso forward at the bottom of the lunge and
squeeze glute at the top
Day 3: Rest/ Mobility Work
Day 4: Back and Shoulders
Make all the back exercises today two movements. On all rows, focus on 1)
retracting your scapula (shoulder blade) 2) rowing the weight. On all vertical
pull downs 1) depressing your shoulder blades 2) pulling the weight down
with your elbows. Focus on building the mind to muscle connection with
your lats.
• Single arm dumbbell row 15, 12, 12, 10, 10
-focus on getting your wrist by your hip and your elbow as far back
as possible
• Wide grip lat pull downs 12, 10, 10, 8
• Wide bar high rows 15, 12, 10, 10
-Use a wide lat bar and grab outside shoulder width. Pull the bar to
your upper stomach/lower chest with your elbows 90 degrees.
Squeeze your upper back hard
• Bent over dumbbell rear delt laterals 20, 20, 20
• seated dumbbell laterals 15, 15, 15, 15
• Machine shoulder press 15, 15, 12, 10
Day 5: Lower Body
• Lying leg curl 15, 15, 15, 15/ Barbell or smith machine Glute thrusts 15,
15 ,15, 15
-On the leg curls, focus on pushing your hips into the pad and
squeezing your glutes the entire movement- up and down
- https://youtu.be/LM8XHLYJoYs barbell glute thrusts
• Barbell squat 12, 12, 12, 12
- Work up to a heavy 12 reps with good form and stay there for 2-3
sets. Try to squat as low as possible and push your knees away from
each other to engage your glutes.
• Barbell Romanian deadlift 15, 12, 12, 10
- https://youtu.be/2SHsk9AzdjA
focus on sticking your butt as far behind you as possible and
getting a big stretch
- stop right below your knee or mid shin. Squeeze your glutes at
the top of each rep
• Leg press 15, 15, 15/ Dumbbell walking lunge 20, 20, 20
Day 6: Chest and Arms
Incline dumbbell chest press 15, 12, 10, 8
Chest fly machine 15, 12, 12, 10
Incline smith machine chest press 12, 12, 12
EZ bar cable curls/ Lying EZ bar skull crushers 15, 12, 10, 8
EZ bar preacher curls/ cable rope tricep extensions 15, 12,
Day 7: Rest/ Mobility Work
Week 2
Day 1: Upper Body
• Flat dumbbell chest press 12, 10, 8, 8- dropset 10
• Seated V-bar back rows 15, 15, 12, 10- dropset 10
• Underhand pull ups (assisted machine or band if necessary) 3 sets of 610
-shoulder width grip
• Standing barbell shoulder press 10, 10, 10
- https://youtu.be/2yjwXTZQDDI
-push head through as you lock out to activate traps
• Seated machine laterals 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
-20 seconds between each set
• Ez bar curls/ Lying unilateral dumbbell tricep skull crushers 15,
12, 10
- https://youtu.be/ir5PsbniVSc DB skull crusher
Day 2: Lower Body
• Barbell (smith machine or free weight) front squat 12, 12, 12, 12
- https://youtu.be/tlfahNdNPPI
• Bulgarian split squats 15, 15, 15
- https://youtu.be/JJ78WYGaBqE?t=49s
- 30 seconds between each set
• Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 4x10/ Smith machine glute 4x10
- Go as heavy as possible while maintaining form for these 4 sets of
- https://youtu.be/tH0stBpF7ko Smith machine glute thrusts
• Leg extension/ Leg press (feet low and shoulder width) 20, 20, 20/ 20,
20, 20
Day 3: Rest/ Mobility Work
Day 4: Chest and Back
• Flat barbell press 15, 12, 10, 8/ Wide pull ups (assisted machine or band
if necessary) 15, 12, 10, 8
• Incline dumbbell press 15, 12, 10/ Single arm dumbbell row 15, 12, 10
• Chest fly machine 20, 15, 12/ EZ bar underhand lat pull down 16, 14, 12
• Seated V-bar cable row 15, 15, 15/ push ups 3 sets to
Day 5: Lower Body
• Barbell Sumo deadlifts 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
- https://youtu.be/PQ3A_HmfQyk
- Focus on driving through the bar with your glutes
• Dumbbell single leg reverse lunges 15, 15, 15, 15
-Perform 15 consecutive reps with one leg then 15 reps with the
other leg
- https://youtu.be/ZZvRoS5Y48Q
-30 seconds between each set
• Wide stance single dumbbell squats 12, 12, 12, 12
- https://youtu.be/DlnYtOX5zIo
• Seated leg curls/leg extension 15, 15, 15
Day 6: Shoulders and Arms
• Rope cable face pulls 15, 15, 12, 10
-hold the top of the movement for 2 seconds and squeeze your
upper back hard
- https://youtu.be/HSoHeSjvIdY
• Dumbbell shoulder press 15, 12, 10, 8- dropset 10
• Seated Dumbbell laterals (1/2 rep full rep) 12, 12, 10, 10
-Lateral half way up, go down, lateral all the way up, go down=1
• Dumbbell Hammer Curls 20, 20, 16, 16/ Seated single dumbbell tricep
extension 15, 12, 10, 8
• Straight bar cable curls/ Cable rope tricep push down 10, 10, 10
Day 7: Rest / Mobility Work
Week 3
Day 1: Back and arms
• Wide lat pull downs (4-1-0 rep tempo) 12, 12, 10, 10/ Straight bar cable
lat pull overs 12, 12, 12, 12
-Maintain your shoulder blade depression throughout the 4 second
- https://youtu.be/AjCCGN2tU3Q Lat pull overs
• Single arm dumbbell rows 15, 15, 12, 10- dropset 15
• Seated wide bar row/ underhand lat pulldowns 15, 12, 10
• Ez bar curls /Lying EZ bar skull crushers 10, 10, 10
• Dumbbell hammer curls 24, 20, 20/ Tricep dips 3x failure
Day 2: Legs
• Leg curl 21, 21, 21
-7 full range of motion, 7 top half, 7 bottom half
• Barbell squat 20, 15, 12, 8, 10, 10, 15
-20 seconds of rest between the last 10, 10, 15 (use 45% less
weight than the 8 reps before)
• Single leg press 15, 15, 15, 15
-No rest between legs or sets
• Leg press (feet high and wide) 20, 20, 20/ banded dumbbell glute
thrusts 40, 40, 40
-Put a band around your knees in order to build more glute tension
and push your knees out at the top of each rep
Day 3: Rest / Mobility Work
Day 4: Shoulders and Chest
• Standing cable rope face pulls 15, 15, 15
• Incline barbell press 12, 10, 8, 8, 8
• Cable crossover 20, 16, 12 – dropset 10- dropset 10
-Focus on squeezing the chest when you cross palms
- https://youtu.be/-vegIiHQkhU?t=33s
• Seated dumbbell shoulder press 15, 12, 10, 10/ Seated Dumbbell laterals
15, 15, 15, 15
• Straight bar front delt raises/ Wide grip straight bar upright
rows/ Standing shoulder press 3x10
-This is the finisher so go straight from front raises- upright rowsover head presses
Day 5: Back and Arms
• Underhand pull ups (assisted machine or band if necessary)/ wide lat
pull downs 15, 12, 10
• Single arm dumbbell rows/ Seated cable wide bar rows 15, 12, 10
• Seated wide bar high rows (2-3-0 rep tempo) 12, 10, 10
-3 second squeeze at the top
-pull to sternum, arch back as much as possible at the top, and
squeeze your upper back
• EZ bar cable curls 15, 12, 10/ Assisted machine tricep dips
15, 15, 12- dropset 10
-Stand and face away from cable during reverse cable curls with the
cable between your legs
• Dumbbell hammer curls 24, 20, 18/ Cable rope extensions 15, 15, 12
Day 6: Legs
• Lying leg curl (2-2-0 rep tempo) 15, 12, 10
-Squeeze at the top for 2 seconds
• Barbell glute thrusts 4x12
• Leg extension (2-2-0 rep tempo) 15, 15, 15
-Squeeze and point toes up at the top for 2 seconds
• Leg press 4x10/ walking dumbbell lunges 4x26
• Smith machine squats 4x15
-Squat below parallel
-Come up 3⁄4ths to the top and back down (constant tension)
Day 7: Rest / Mobility Work
Week 4
Day 1: Legs
• Barbell deadlift 4x5
- Work up to a heavy 5 reps
• Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts (4-1-0 rep tempo) 12, 12, 12
• Hack squat 15, 15, 15/ Glute bridge with medicine ball between legs 15,
15, 15
• Walking dumbbell lunges 30, 30, 30
-(glute dominant) lean torso forward at the bottom of the lunge and
squeeze glute at the top
Day 2: Upper body
• Flat barbell press 8, 5, 5, 5
-Work up to a heavy 5 reps
• Barbell rows 15, 12, 10, 20
- https://youtu.be/9efgcAjQe7E
• Assisted wide pull ups (4-1-0 rep tempo) 10, 10, 10- dropset 10
• Standing barbell shoulder press 12, 12, 12- dropset to standing dumbbell
shoulder press 15 reps
• Ez bar cable curl/ Seated dumbbell triceps extension 15, 12, 10
Day 3: Rest / Mobility Work
Day 4: Legs
• Lying leg curls 25, 25, 25, 25
-15 full range of motion, 10 bottom half reps=25 reps
• Leg press 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
-increase weights every set until you get to a tough 15
• Barbell squats 20, 16, 12, 8
-constant tension
-do not stop and only come 3⁄4 of the way up
• Leg extension 20, 20, 20, 20
Day 5: Shoulders and Chest
• Cable Laterals 15, 15, 15, 15
-no rest between sets
- https://youtu.be/JVNTg7Z6WOE
• Rear delts on pec deck machine 25, 25, 25
- https://youtu.be/3eqjHFXNBes
• Seated Dumbbell shoulder press 15, 12, 10, 10
• Flat dumbbell chest press 10, 10, 10, 20
• Pec deck machine chest flys 12, 12, 12
-hold the top and squeeze your chest for 2 seconds
• Push ups 2x till failure
Day 6: Legs
• Lying leg curl/ jump squats 10, 10, 10/ 5, 5, 5
-jump as high as you can and take a second to load up for the next
• Barbell pause squats (1-2-0 rep tempo) 10, 8, 5, 5, 5
-start light
-explode on the way up
• Bulgarian split squats with dumbbell 15, 12, 10- dropset 10- dropset 10
- https://youtu.be/JJ78WYGaBqE?t=49s
• Barbell Romanian deadlifts (4-1-0 rep tempo) 10, 10, 10
Day 7: Rest