Uploaded by Paula Flores

Nurse-Patient Communication: Importance in Healthcare

 Summary of paper without citations
 Definition of communication
o a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, or behavior (Merriam-Webster)
o a personal understanding (Merriam-Webster)
 Definition of nurse-patient communication
o A relationship between a nurse and a patient that creates synergy
 Why is nurse-patient communication relevant
o It adds to the professional care model
o Inclusion of the patient in their care leads to holistic patient care
 Why is nurse-patient communication important in healthcare
o Increase trust of nurses
o Increases compliance to ordered interventions
o Allows for the nurse to show compassion
o Creates an environment for the patient to have autonomy, collaboration, and
receive respect
 Impact on healthcare economics
o Better communication with patient leads to decreased use of hospital
 Length of stay is shorter
 Better quality outcomes
 Exemplary/ evidence-based practice
 The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of the nurse-patient
communication as a concept in the healthcare realm.
Databases used:
o MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Search Terms used:
o “communication,” nurs*, concept
Inclusion Criteria and Limiters:
o Peer Reviewed Journals, Published between 2017-2022, English language
Exclusion Criteria:
o physician-nurse relationship, pediatric patients
Synthesis of findings
 Common themes
o Relationship
o Trust
o Intimacy
o Equality
 Attributes (defining characteristics of the concept)
o Strength of the nurse patient relationship was increased with time spent with
o Nursing knowledge
o Nursing education
o Patient readiness
o Language barriers
o Trust
o Patient compliance
o Decreased length of stay
o Exemplary practice in the healthcare system
 Summary of nurse-patient communication
 Gaps in knowledge
o The reason why the patient nurse relationship is more meaningful than doctor
patient or other disciplinary groups in hospital
o Patient should be the center of the communication to lead to better care
 Next steps in understanding the nurse-patient communication
o Next step is educating doctors and other disciplines on better/ therapeutic
communication to improve patient relationships
o Focus on patient centered care to increase strength of patient relationships and
in turn provide better care that is more holistic
List at least 20 references used in synthesis
Measurement of the concept in literature
o Surveys of patients prior to nursing education on communication and post
o Decrease cost for hospitals after nurses were educated on communication