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English 9: Drawing Conclusions & Generalizations

PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)
Name :______________________________ Date: ____________ Score:________
Quarter 2 – Week – 8
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the
materials/texts read, compose forms of literary writing.
Lesson: Drawing Conclusions and Generalizations
1. Draw conclusion and make generalization from the materials read.
2. Recognize the importance of drawing conclusion in comprehending a
reading text.
3. Compose a short story showing success in life.
Drawing conclusion and generalization is a skill used to apply given
information to reach a judgment.
Getting Started
A. Read each statement carefully. Draw conclusion based on the information
given. Write down the letter of your answer.
1. The community quarantine will start tomorrow. People start to build long
queues outside the supermarket. They are hoarding canned goods,
alcohol, and other necessities. What are the people doing?
a. They are having shopping spree. c. They are panic buying.
b. They are spending their salary.
d. They are enjoying the sale.
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
2. Carla wakes up. Her mother comes in her room carrying food and
medicine. After eating her food and drinking the medicine, she goes back
to bed even though it is a school day. Why doesn’t Carla go to school?
a. Carla is sad.
c. Carla feels lazy.
b. Carla is sick.
d. Carla doesn’t like school.
3. Jose puts on his new clothes. His mother told him that they will go to the
house of his ninang. When he steps outside the house, he saw children
holding gifts and red envelop with a big smile on their faces. What is the
a. It’s Jose’s birthday.
c. It’s Jose’s graduation day.
b. It’s Valentine’s Day.
d. It’s Christmas Day.
4. After the students left the room, Ms. Cruz cleans the board and puts the
books on the shelves. Afterwards, she sweeps the floor and arranges the
desks. What conclusion can you draw from the given sentences?
a. Ms. Cruz is a neat and organized person.
b. Ms. Cruz has nothing else to do.
c. The school can’t hire a janitor.
d. The students were messy.
5. Lorna spends her summer with her grandparent. She loves the fresh air
and the simplicity of life on that place. Every morning she waters the
vegetables, harvests eggs at the backyard, and fetches water from the well.
She enjoys riding the carabao and washing clothes in the river. Where did
Lorna spend her summer vacation?
a. in the mountain
c. in the province
b. in the city
d. in the suburb
B. Read each sentence carefully. Put a
on the space before the number if
the statement shows a valid generalization and put an X on the space before
the number if the statement shows a faulty generalization.
______ 6.
Mother fed the baby to stop him from crying. All babies cry when they
are hungry.
7. Quarantine made us realize the importance of nature to our well-being.
Many people start planting during the community quarantine.
8. My Grade 9 students usually post Tiktok videos. Most teenagers enjoy
creating short video using TikTok.
9. TV stations have observed that TV ratings during PBA finals and
Pacquiao’s fight soar. I think everyone loves basketball and boxing.
10. I was sick yesterday and could not get up to do the tasks in the module.
Some students lack time management that results to cramming.
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
C. Let’s Review
Making inference is a reading strategy that you can use to help you
understand the text’s meaning and purpose. Maybe you have encountered this
in answering questions on your major exams in English. Inferencing is the
combination of the information you can get from the text and your background
knowledge to come up with a reasonable guess.
Who Am I? (Riddle Game)
Directions: Guess the following riddle using the information given below. Write
your answer on the space provided below each description.
 I have small white petals.  Most adults like me, most
 Vendors sell me near the
children hate me.
 My color is green, my skin
is wrinkled.
 Filipinos consider me as
their national flower.
 I am rich in iron and
bitter in taste.
 I am a tiny mammal.
 I have big round eyes
and brown furry skin.
 You can find me in
 They consider me as a  I am part of the Earth.
 I can be dangerous when
 I used pen and paper to
I erupt.
fight for the freedom of  I spew out magma and
my country.
 I wrote Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo.
D. Introduction
Let’s see what’s inside the bag of Mr. Reyes. Answer the following question
face mask
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
1. What are the things inside Mr. Reyes’s bag?
2. What do you think is his profession?
3. What is your evidence in guessing his profession?
Drawing Conclusion
 Authors don’t always explain everything in a story. Good readers use story
clues plus what they know to draw conclusion (an educated guess)
What the
text says
Jose helps a man to cross the
street. The man is wearing dark
sunglasses and holding a white
cane. As they cross the street the
man starts to tap his cane on the
road as if trying to clear the path.
What you
Wearing dark
Holding white
The man
is blind
Clearing his path
Making Generalization
 A broad statement is based on information, observation, experiences, or an idea
that applies to a group of people or things. It is logical but unproven.
 SIGNAL WORDS- some, many most, few, sometimes, often, rarely, probably,
 Beware of words that can lead to faulty generalization: all, everyone, none, always,
VALID – Many soldiers are brave
FAULTY – Soldiers are always brave.
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
Getting it Right
A. Let’s Celebrate
Directions: Look at the following pictures below. Try to conclude what
celebration is being observed in the following pictures. Write
your answer on the space provided after each number.
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
B. Match the Conclusion
Directions: Match the event of the story in column A with its conclusion
on column B. Write only the letter of your answer.
Column A
1. The sound of siren is all over the
place. The smoke is getting thicker
and thicker. People start running
while carrying things they can keep.
2. I heard a loud explosion; then, the
ground starts shaking a bit. As I look
outside the window, ash fall starts
pouring from the sky. Suddenly, an
alarming siren fills the city.
3. The players wear yellow jersey. They
are running to the other side of the
court. One player shoots the ball in
the basket. Then the crowd starts to
cheer loudly.
4. Nanay is busy cooking her
specialties. Tatay and kuya are
grilling the lechon. My younger sister
watches the parade outside. Ana
invites me to play at the peryahan
5. The students start to board the bus
at six in the morning. Their bag
packs are filled with food. The tour
guide starts to mention the name of
the places they will visit: a museum,
amusement park
Column B
A. The students are
going on a field
B. There is an
ongoing fire near
the place.
C. They are
celebrating the
fiesta in their town.
D. The people enjoy
watching the
basketball game.
E. There is a volcanic
C. Valid of Faulty
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Write the word VALID if the
statement shows a valid generalization and FAULTY if the
statement shows a faulty generalization.
_________ 1. BTS and Blackpink are famous K-pop groups. Many
teenagers love K-pop music.
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
_________ 2. Every country has different tradition. Filipino family
typically prepares round fruits during New Year’s Eve.
_________ 3. We use words and gestures to show respect to the elderly.
Children always use ‘po’ and ‘opo’ when talking to older
_________ 4. Ken’s mother is into Keto diet and his sister is into Paleo
diet. All women are in diet all the time.
_________ 5. Filipinos love sweet treats. Leche flan is everyone’s favorite
A. Directions: Read the following stories. Fill in the chart with your
conclusion and evidences from the text to support your
Mario attended his high school reunion last week. There were around
200 former alumni who attended the event. After three days, he began to
have a mild sore throat which he tried to cure by drinking lemon and
honey concoction. But as days passed by, his symptoms started to
progress. He got a slight fever followed by a dry cough. Last night he was
rushed to the hospital due to shortness of breath. He only stayed at the
hospital for a day and the doctor advised him to go home and do a 14day quarantine. The doctor also prescribed some medicine he should
take for seven days.
What kind of illness does Mario have?
Evidence from the text
II. Trisha just transferred in her new school. She chose to sit at the chair in
the back row. She didn’t talk to anyone and just finished her task.
During recess time, she walked into the canteen and looked around
nervously. She kept her eyes on the floor and walked towards the empty
table. She sat down and pulled out her lunch box. One of her classmates
approached her and tried to start a conversation. She answered briefly
and nodded her head. Her face was hot with embarrassment.
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
What is Trisha’s personality?
Evidence from the text
B. Directions: Based on the pictures given below, create your own story on
the life of a girl name ‘Sarah’. The story should be 5 to 8
sentences long. Write down your conclusion on the story you
have made.
(Story Title)
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
My Conclusion:
C. Post-Test
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter for the conclusion
that makes the most sense.
1. Mrs. Santos comes to the classroom and starts distributing the scantron
sheet and test questionnaires to the students.
A. The students will take their periodical exam.
B. The students will have a graded recitation.
2. Romeo puts the worm in the bait hook and throws it into the pond. He is
holding the rod and waits patiently for his catch.
A. Romeo is waiting for his friend. B. Romeo is fishing.
3. Bea visits the library once a week to borrow some books to read. She
finishes reading 8 books in a month.
A. Bea loves reading books.
B. Bea is a librarian.
4. The people are watching closely. The opponent receives an upper cut and
knocks down on the floor of the ring.
A. People are watching a boxing fight.
B. People are watching a billiard game.
5. Benji turned on the hazard light of his car. Then, he took out the jack,
wrench, and spare tire at the back of his car.
A. Benji will sell his car tools.
B. Benji’s car has a flat tire.
The Masque of the Red Death
By. Edgar Allan Poe
The people are filled with terror and uncertainty; a curse devastated the whole
land. They call it the “Red Death”. At first you will experience sharp pains,
and sudden dizziness; then bleeding of the pores. It can cause its victims to
die in half an hour.
Prince Prospero, the ruler of the land feels happy and hopeful. He doesn't
seem to care about his poor, dying subjects. Instead, he decides to let the
kingdom take care of itself while he and a thousand of his lighthearted friends
shut themselves up in a fabulous castle to have one never-ending party.
After several months, Prince Prospero throws a fancy masquerade ball. At
midnight, a new guest arrived. He wears a mask that looks like the face of a
corpse and his garments resemble a funeral cloak. The prince becomes
furious towards the mysterious guess, so he chases after him. As they reach
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
the black and red room the stranger turn to look at Prospero, then the prince
starts sweating blood and suddenly falls to the ground…
6. What can you conclude about the story?
A. The land is haunted.
B. There is war in the land.
C. A terrible disease has struck the land.
7. Based on the story, how can we generalize the feeling of the people of
the land towards the plague?
A. All the people are afraid of the plague.
B. Most of the people are terrified of the plague.
C. Everyone in the palace is unafraid of the plague.
8. What kind of ruler is Prince Prospero?
A. He is a selfish and irresponsible ruler.
B. He is a careless and boisterous ruler.
C. He is a violent and shameless ruler.
What kind of friends does Prince Prospero have?
A. His friends are timid and anxious
B. His friends are generous and helpful.
C. His friends are luxurious and carefree.
10. What happened to Price Prospero at the end of the story.
A. Prince Prosper fell asleep .
B. Prince Prospero is sick.
C. Prince Prospero died.
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.
Prepared by:
Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School
SDO Mandaluyong
Education Program Supervisor, English
Q2 Week No.8 Competency Code:
Competency: Draw generalization and conclusion from the materials/texts read, compose forms
of literary writing.