Boris Paton: Biography of a Welding Pioneer

Boris Evgenovich Paton
Boris Paton was born on November 14, 1918 in Kyiv in the family of Academician Yevhen
Paton, director of the Institute of Electric Welding. Paton was the brains behind the field of
welding processes, metallurgy and metal technology. He was the Ukrainian scientist,
President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences,
B. Paton had a brainwave – he could apply welding and related technologies in space,
creating space structures. Until the early 1960s, scientists and engineers believed that
welding in space was impossible. But Paton did it. In addition, he had thoughts about the use
of welding in other industries on the brain. And Paton became the main initiator of the unique
technology of welding living tissues used in surgery.
Boris Evgenovich was very brainy. He is the author and co-author of more than 720
inventions (500 foreign patents), more than 1200 various publications, including 20 scientific