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9042 Sound Waves

Sound Waves
Professor K. W. Chow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sound as a wave?
You hear sound and music everyday.
But you might have overlooked that sound is a
kind of waves.
How is sound produced, propagated and detected?
The physics of waves gives answers to these
Sound waves
Sound is a mechanical wave that can
propagate through a gas (air), liquid (water)
or solid.
Restoring force – Elasticity of the medium.
The analogy with slinky
will be illustrative. Instead
of air particles, the medium
for wave propagation is
the coil of the slinky.
(Extracted from http://clackhi.nclack.k12.or.us/physics/projects/experiments/1999/Deb%20&%20Liz/slin_com.gif)
Sound waves
To generate a wave, a disturbance is required.
A disturbance is typically generated within the
slinky by pushing back and/or forth the first coil of
the slinky i.e. the first coil becomes disturbed.
It then pushes or pulls the second coil, displacing
the second coil from its equilibrium position.
The second coil goes on to “disturb” the third coil
and so on.
(Extracted from http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/CLASS/waves/u10l1b.html#rest)
Sound waves
When a coil is displaced, it will return to its
equilibrium position afterwards, because of the
restoring force/elastic force within the slinky.
In other words, the disturbance (wave profile)
travels through the slinky but not individual coils.
As the disturbance moves through the slinky, the
energy introduced into the first coil is also
transported along the slinky from the first coil to
the last coil.
Particles connected by springs
(Extracted from http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/mmedia/waves/lw.html)
Sound waves
A sound wave is similar to a slinky wave in nature.
The medium now consists of the air particles (or
It requires a disturbance to generate the sound. The
source could be our vocal cords, a guitar or violin or
the vibrating diaphragm of a radio speaker.
These sources “push” the air particles to generate the
The disturbance propagates as a sound wave. When
it reaches our ear,
we hear the sound.
Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
Sound waves
A tuning fork vibrates and disturbs the
surrounding air particles. When it moves to one
side, it pushes on the surrounding air particles
on that side. These air particles collide with those
in front of them, creating a pressure increase.
This is called compression.
When the fork moves to the other side, it pulls
in the surrounding particles, creating a pressure
drop. The drop in pressure
pulls in more surrounding
air particles. This is
called rarefaction.
(Extracted from http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/CLASS/sound/u11l1a.html )
Rarefaction and Compression
(Extracted from http://www.le.ac.uk/se/centres/sci/selfstudy/snd2.htm)
(Extracted from http://academic.umf.maine.edu/~magri/phy110/c19/unit3so.html)
Speed of Sound
Sound travels faster in water than in air, as the
elastic restoring force in water is larger. Sound
moves even faster in a solid. In general, sound
propagates faster in denser materials.
The speed of sound in air is still high (relative to a
running human)! (~340 meters per second).
However, light moves much, much faster than
sound (~300,000,000 meters
per second).
Hence, you “see”
before you “hear” a thunder.
Can we “hear” our Sun?
Our common experience tells us that explosion
creates sound.
Explosions arise from a localized release of a large
amount of energy. The air particles are forced to
vibrate violently and generate sound.
There are many explosions happening in the Sun,
but they cannot be heard on Earth, as there are too
few air particles between the Earth and the Sun to
transmit sound.
Sound cannot travel in outer
space either. Astronauts cannot
hear each other in space.
(Extracted from http://www.smh.com.au/ffxImage/urlpicture_id_1070127350191_2003/12/01/400sun,0.jpg)
Cover a bell with a glass tube/container.
Extract the air inside the glass tube
You shall notice that the sound diminishes.
(Extracted from http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/CLASS/sound/u11l1a.html)
Frequency and Amplitude of Sound
One important feature of a sound wave is
the pitch.
Different vibrating objects generate sound
of different pitches. The vibrating object
can be the vocal cords of girls, boys,
violin or guitar.
Although the air particles vibrate back
and forth in all sound waves, the
frequency will be different.
Frequency is the number of complete
back-and-forth oscillations of an air
particle per second (the unit is Hertz).
For instance, for a 100Hz sound, as the
sound wave propagates, the air particle
vibrates for 100 times in 1 second, i.e.
1 Hertz = 1 vibration/second
If we record the pressure at a particular time as time
go, it will be a sinusoidal curve as shown:
(Extracted from
The period is the time taken for an air particle to
complete 1 vibration. Hence, a higher frequency
sound means a smaller period. Graphically, the
sinusoidal curve appears to be more “compressed”.
While frequency characterizes the
pitch of a sound, the loudness is
related to the amplitude (or more
precisely, the intensity = the square of
the amplitude) of the sound wave.
The unit of sound intensity is the ‘BEL’
or one-tenth of it, the ‘Decibel’.
Loudness (cont’d)
This is a logarithmic scale, meaning
that each 10 dB increase will imply a
10-fold change in energy intensity.
Thus a 50 dB sound is ten times louder
than a 40 dB sound.
The faintest sound a human can hear
is roughly given a level of 0.1 dB.
Loudness (cont’d)
A normal conversation has a level of
60 dB, while the siren of a police car is
roughly 80 dB.
A very powerful rock concert might be
at a level of 120 dB, while close to a jet
engine at takeoff will be roughly 140
Sound intensity levels
How do our ears work?
Human bodies, sometimes, are perceived as very
complicated machines (probably the most complicated
one on Earth).
This is true in the sense that every organ has its critical
roles in performing a task, like gearbox and bearings in a
To hear a sound, our ears have to do three basic things:
– 1. Direct the sound waves into the hearing part of the
– 2. Sense the fluctuations in air pressure;
– 3. Convert these fluctuations into an electrical signal
which can be understood by our brain.
Doppler Effect
The Doppler Effect is a phenomenon
observed where a source of waves is
moving with respect to an observer.
This phenomenon is relevant to all
types of waves but we shall focus on
sound wave here.
Doppler Effect
When a source of waves moves, say a moving
ambulance with its speaker turned on, there will be
an apparent upward shift in frequency for the
observer when the ambulance is approaching the
observer. A higher pitch is heard.
However, when the ambulance is receding, an
apparent downward shift in frequency will occur.
You can experience Doppler Effect in real life, say
by standing at the platform with a
approaching/leaving train.
(Extracted from http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/CLASS/sound/u11l3b.html)
Explanation for Doppler Effect
Assume that the source of sound always emits the same
number of waves for a fixed time period. If the source is
stationary, the same frequency is heard in all locations.
However, if the source is moving towards the observer, the
distance between the source of sound and the observer
is reduced.
Hence ‘the number of waves’ received by the observer will
increase for any fixed time period, as the distance the
waves need to travel to the observer is smaller, i.e. the
‘apparent frequency’ will increase.
The converse is true when the source is moving away from
the observer.
Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
Explanation for Doppler Effect (cont’d)
A simple animation
Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
Doppler Effect - Remark
It is important to note that Doppler Effect is
not a result of an actual change in the
frequency of the source.
The source always emits at the same
frequency. The observer only perceives a
different frequency due to the relative
motion between the source and the
Supersonic Jets
Modern aircrafts fly at very high speeds. Combat
jets can fly at a speed faster than the speed of
sound. Interesting phenomena occur in these
When the aircraft is traveling exactly at the speed
of sound, the observer will detect nothing until the
aircraft arrives.
Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
Supersonic Jets
When the aircraft is flying above the speed of
sound (supersonic), the aircraft actually
leads the advancing wave front.
The aircraft will pass by a stationary observer
before the observer actually hears the sound
the aircraft creates! There will be a time
delay and then you hear “boom”.
Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
Zone of Silence
A zone of silence, where no sound
can be heard, will appear.
(Extracted from http://www.adl.gatech.edu/classes/dci/hispd/dci09.html)
Supersonic Flights
Free-flight models of the X-15 being fired into a
wind Tunnel vividly detail the shock-wave
patterns for airflow.
Credit: NASA History Division
Standing Waves
Generally, standing waves are formed when
two identical wave trains propagate in
opposite directions.
Energy is ‘trapped’ locally.
(Extracted from http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/CLASS/sound/u11l4c.html)
Standing wave
Typically there are sequences of nodes
(locations with zero displacement) and antinodes (maximum displacement) in a pattern
of standing waves.
Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
(Extracted from
Nodes and antinodes
Nodes – points where there are no motion at
all times.
Antinodes – points which can attain
(Extracted from
Nodes and Antinodes
A variety of actual standing
wave patterns can be
produced, with each pattern
characterized by distinctly
different number of nodes.
These standing wave
patterns can only be
produced within the medium
at certain frequencies known
as harmonic frequency or
simple harmonics.
First Harmonic Standing Wave Pattern
Second Harmonic Standing Wave Pattern
Third Harmonic Standing Wave Pattern
How does a guitar work?
Nearly all objects will vibrate when disturbed (say,
hit, struck, plucked, or strummed).
Try to hold a ruler on end of table and pull
handing edge down, then release the ruler. The
ruler will vibrate.
The vibration disturbs the
air particles nearby and you
hear the sound generated.
When you pluck a guitar
string, it begins to vibrate.
(Extacted from
Natural Frequency
The frequencies most natural and engineering
systems oscillate in are usually fixed by their
intrinsic properties.
In other words, if you disturb the object and
allow it to vibrate freely, it will always tend to
vibrate at a frequency known as natural
When you pluck a guitar, you will always hear
the same pitch. The guitar string is vibrating at
its natural frequency when it is disturbed /
Forcing at Natural Frequency - Resonance
When a system (a guitar or a structure) is forced
externally at a frequency equal to one of the natural
frequencies, the amplitude of the resulting vibration
will grow indefinitely (a phenomenon called
Basically, the forcing and oscillator are always in
phase, and thus energy is fed into the system
continuously. Consequently, the amplitude will build
up in time.
If the forcing and the motion are not in phase, i.e.
opposing each other at some time instants, there
will be energy dissipation, and hence the growth of
the amplitude will be limited or impeded.
More on Natural Frequency and Resonance
To avoid exciting resonant conditions, an
army of soldiers marching on a bridge will
avoid moving at exactly the same frequency.
When you listen to a guitarist playing the
guitar, you can notice that he/she is
pressing the guitar string at different
positions. Sounds with different pitches will
then be generated by the guitar. What the
guitarist is doing is actually altering the
natural frequency of the guitar string by
changing the effective length of the string.
Standing wave in a guitar string
First of all, the string has two fixed ends and
waves will be reflected at these ends. Therefore,
the wave in a guitar string is a standing wave.
Animation here
As you can imagine, increasing or decreasing the
length of the string will alter the wave lengths of
the standing wave.
(Extracted from
How do guitars work?
For a guitar, there are six strings and each
has a different linear density (mass per unit
length.) The wider strings are denser on a
per meter basis. On varying the tension
(roughly, how “tight” the string is) and length,
sounds of different frequencies are produced.
The frequency depends on the properties of
the string i.e. the tightness (tension) and the
linear density of the strings.
That’s why when a guitar string is loosened,
the guitarist has to tune it to the right tension
to generate the precise pitch.
How do guitars work?
During a performance, the guitarist can also press
the string against one of the frets on the neck of
the guitar to change the length of vibration portion
of the string, and hence the wavelength of the
standing wave.
This modification will in turn change the natural
frequency at which the string will vibrate.
Consequently, the guitar can generate sounds of
different pitches during a performance.
The same principle can actually
be applied to any string
instrument, say harp or violin.
(Extracted from
Wind Instrument
Another example is the trombone, a wind
There is a tube attached to any wind instrument. It
acts as a container for a vibrating air column.
The air inside the tube will vibrate when the
musician start to “blows” the air.
Tthe only way to change the natural frequency is to
change the wavelength of the waves it produced.
This is accomplished by pushing or pulling the tube.
The same principle applies to other instruments,
say flute or clarinet.
Ultrasound broadly refers to the class of
sound waves where the frequency greater
than the upper limit of human hearing
(20,000 Hertz). There are many useful
applications. Two examples will be briefly
Diagnostic sonography:
Ultrasonography is an
ultrasound-based diagnostic
medical imaging technique
used to visualize internal
organs, muscles or fetus.
They operate in the frequency
range of 2 to 19 Megahertz
(hundreds of times greater
than the limit of human
The choice of frequency is a
trade-off between spatial
resolution of the image and
imaging depth: low
frequencies will produce less
resolution but image deeper
into the body.
(Extracted from
SONAR stands for sound navigation and ranging.
It employs sound propagation to navigate,
communicate or to detect other vessels.
In an active sonar system, there is a sound
transmitter and receiver.
(Extracted from http://mainland.cctt.org/istf2006/images/496px-Sonar_Principle_EN.svg%5B1%5D.png)
The operation principle is roughly the following:
The active sonar sends a sound pulse and listen
for reflections from any objects.
The time from transmission of a pulse to reception
is measured. The system will then calculate the
distance between the SONAR and the object by
knowing the speed of sound.
SONAR may also be used
to detect underwater objects.
(Extracted from http://marine.usgs.gov/factsheets/michigan/sonar.gif)
Applying Sonar to Measure Distance /
Measure the time lapse
between the emission of
waves and the recording
of the reflected signals.