Uploaded by Eissa Alesayi

Real Estate Marketing Plan: Investment & Development

real estate investement and
development company
marketing plan
Presented by:
Eissa Alesayi
Executive summary
Real estate marketing is one of the marketing activities aimed at transferring
ownership of real estate or renting it, knowing the current and future needs of
the population, and working to meet them.
This research intend to build a marketing plan for real estate
investement and development company .
The plan included several parts.
Situation analysis
Market summary
Results and effects
• Due to many factors, most
• Currency price inconsistency
• Riyadh procedures against
• stability and security of the
capital Sana’a
• The real estate market is the safe destination for
Yemenis' savings...
• Escaping from savings in banks to fencing lands and
constructing buildings
• Sana'a's housing crisis due to the displaced has revived
investment in real estate
• The security and stability of Sana'a prompted
expatriates to invest their money in its real estate
• Currency price inconsistencies make real estate a safe
haven for investors
Market summary
Results and effects
• Real estate offices located in the main areas within
the capital have stopped working in the recent period,
due to the fullness of apartments and houses and the
exaggerated increase in land prices by more than
• The suffering continues in the absence of the
construction of giant residential neighborhoods and not
random buildings and buildings that do not meet the
purpose by real estate brokers and real estate
investment companies that only care about profit and
do not seek to provide any requirements for adequate
housing, infrastructure or development.
• Lack of mechanisms to regulate and monitor the real
estate market
• Mechanisms for regulating and
monitoring the real estate
• Real estate valuation law and
• Real Estate Rental
Standards Act.
• Standards for allocating state
property for infrastructure
• Enhancing real estate security
and facilitating citizens' access
to adequate housing
Market summary
Real estate marketing deals with a product that distinguishes it from other marketing products and the
need for this product to have an official (governmental) agency to confirm the sale and purchase
transaction (registration) and control in land and urban planning
• An urban development strategy that
includes a real estate policy, a housing
policy, and the reduction of urban sprawl on
agricultural land
• Solving the problems of slums.......etc
• Establishment of a real estate investment
and development company affiliated to the
General Authority for Land, Survey and
Urban Planning
• Preparing a strategic plan for the company
• Preparing an integrated marketing plan
Market segmentation
Geographic Segmentation:
By dividing the market into geographical units
(Governorates, districts, neighborhoods, lanes).
Demographic Segmentation:
By dividing the market according to Income.
Psychological Segmentation:
To better understand consumers, Buyers within
the same demographic group, Buyers are divided
into groups on the basis of
psychological/personality lifestyle.
Behavioral Segmentation:
By dividing buyers into groups on the basis of
their attitude toward, use of, or response to a
product regarding of needs and benefits (some
benefits from it, Some buy for passion,Same for
copying others,some for feeling real needs)
Market needs
• A diverse housing offer that responds to different social groups.
• Facilitating citizens' access to adequate housing.
In addition to the following benbenifits:
• Safe and stable real estate ownership free of problems.
• Adequate housing in planned areas, formal urban planning, far from slums.
• Adequate housing with all basic infrastructure and services, including
education, health and other facilities.
Market growth
If there is an official government agency that undertakes real estate development
projects, there will be a revolution in urbanization. This will enhance people's
confidence in real estate investment, and growth in the real estate field will increase
steadily and with positive steps away from randomness and property problems.
SOWT analysis
• Priority in investing state lands to serve development purposes.
• Choosing the best sites to suit the use of lands within the plans.
• Selection of planned sites or planning of selected sites at the highest level due to
the availability of the concerned staff.
• Providing engineering, design and marketing consultations regarding places and
• From the legal side, the company will provide real estate security because it has
the necessary expertise and qualifications to verify ownership and secure
• The absence of a comprehensive inventory of private state lands and real
estate (owned by ownership documents).
• The assault and appropriation of most of the state's private lands and
real estate by property agents and tenants, and their refusal to give it up
except for exorbitant sums according to custom, right (naughty).
• The lack of clarity of the laws defining the state's ownership of public
lands from the teenager and the like of great fluids, beaches, etc., and
their contradiction with customary and tribal provisions.
• Lack of confidence in the state as a result of the bad reputation
accumulated in the minds and minds of the people.
• Partnership with various government agencies, whether in securing land protection.
• Partnership with government agencies in providing all infrastructure and basic
services for the sites selected for investment.
• Partnership with the private sector and banks in financing investment projects.
• Opening the door to investment for foreign capital to establish investment projects
in the country's lands.
• Re-activation of the Housing Bank.
• Establishing housing projects to provide housing for employees in installments.
• Stop disposing of state lands and real estate in accordance with presidential
• Not accepting the project idea from the government.
• Fighting the idea of the project from the capital and the influential monopolists
of the real estate market.
• Conflict with some laws (local authority law, investment law...etc.).
• The issuance of the new law regulating the profession of real estate offices was
• Relevant government agencies (such as the Ministry of Public Works and
Roads represented by the housing sector, the Ministry of Local
Administration, the General Authority for Investment) and other ministries and
government agencies such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the
Ministry of Tourism and the Social Fund for Development.
• Public, private and mixed companies such as investment and real estate
development companies
• Brokers (authenticators) specialized in the field of real estate marketing.
• Individuals.
• product& service offering
• The company will offer various real estate products( selling, renting) the most
important of which are:
• (residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural ,.....etc)
• Residential real estate (real estate for housing purposes, apartments, independent
houses, apartments, villas, Residential compounds, residential cities) and others.
• The company also will offer various real estate services such as:
• Providing marketing consultations in the field of prices, choosing the best sites, and
• Providing engineering, planning and design consultancy.
Key to success
• Identifying the current and future needs of the population for real estate of all
kinds and working to satisfy them in the appropriate time and place as much as
possible as much as possible in light of the society's trends, customs, and
traditions, and the various regulations and laws set by the state to regulate the
real estate market.
• In addition, The company must ensure total customer satisfaction.
Critical issues
• Establish itself as the premier Real estate development company.
• Creating a distinct brand in the real estate sector and improving its reputation.
• Assisting the government in bridging the housing gap and solving the problems
of random construction.ase .
• Constantly monitor customer satisfaction.
Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy
The key to the marketing strategy is focusing on Real estate
product development, increasing real estate products according
to demand, and diversifying real estate products.
Achieving the maximum benefit from the lands and real estate of the state and
making optimal use of it, eliminating real estate speculation, creating a suitable
environment to attract investment, developing the republic’s urban areas, and
establishing real estate projects to solve the problems of housing and random
Marketing objectives
• To Maximize competitiveness through strong growth each year, efficient production
and selling at premium prices to the target market.
• To improve reputation, creating a positive impression, and achieving consumer
satisfaction from the first year.
• To plan and act to satisfy continuity, and to achieve a steady increase in market
Financial objectives
• To Maximize profits and market share 5 percent per year for the first five years .
• To develop research and development budget as a percentage relative to revenues .
Target markets
• real estate sector market of 50,000 people in the capital, Sana'a
• by advertising and promoting real estate development projects targeting all
social groups, and we expect the target market to reach 500,000 people.
• after the first year of establishment
• we will targeting the governorates of Ibb and Al Hudaydah, and then
expanding to the rest of the governorates after the second year.
The company will position itself as the premier in real estate investment
and development market. This positioning will be achieved by leveraging
the company competitive edge: staff experience and land ownership .
Marketing tactics
Marketing tactics
• The marketing program will seek to first create customer awareness concerning
the offered products and services and then develop the customer base.
• the company marketing program is composed of the following approaches to:
• product, prices, people, process, place, physical environment, and
promotion .
The company, with the staff it owns and who has experience for more than 15 years,
is the most capable of determining the needs and desires of the population when
choosing the locations of buildings and buildings, in terms of size, design and
location, and providing the necessary services. In partnership with government
agencies, the company will pave main and secondary roads, dig sewers, and provide
electricity , extending telephone lines, and providing potable water and other things
before allocating real estate in its various types and forms, and offering it for sale.
• The price policy of real estate products depends on a set of interrelated factors,
the most important of which are the following:
• Location of the property, type of property, competition, standard of living for
citizens, need and urgency, cost, level of profits desired by sellers, goals,
regulations and laws.
• These and other factors combined greatly and effectively affect the buyer's
The company's employees play an important role in operations and production
and form part of the service. There is an interactive relationship between them
and the consumer and an impact on the general acceptance of the consumer.
The company will train all staff professionally on ways to deal with the
• The process of transferring real estate ownership from the company to the buyer
directly, by registering this process (the buying and selling process) in the
competent authority, which is (the General Authority for Lands, Survey and
Urban Planning)
• And because the company follows the authority administratively, it will complete
all legal procedures for real estate registration on behalf of the citizen without
resorting to a real estate broker or agent to relieve the citizen of friction with the
government employee and his exposure to extortion.
• The buyer looks at the location of the real estate strategically, and attaches great
importance to it in the present and the future. The presence of commercial real
estate in a commercial area or in the city center or the main commercial streets
gives it an advantage over the rest of the real estate located in other places, in
terms of its ability to generate profits, and increase the demand for it by those
involved in trade
• The same applies to residential real estate, as the presence of these real estate in
areas or neighborhoods where the necessary services are available such as paved
streets, sewers, schools, places of worship, health institutions
Physical Environment
• The real estate product is subject to the influence of environmental changes like
other marketing products, as the political conditions that the country is going
• As for the economic conditions, they also directly affect the demand for real estate
• As for the social conditions and factors that are related to the norms, traditions
and social values prevailing in society, such as keeping the family together in one
house even after the marriage of the children
• The company aims to introduce the target buyer to the real estate (product)
and convince him that it is consistent with his needs, desires and financial
capabilities, and urge him to complete the purchase or sale transaction.
• The company will promote all its projects through the use of a promotional
mix consisting of the following elements:
• Advertising (TV's, Radio and jjournals ).
• Personal selling.
• Social Media.
• public relations.
• Create a website and mobile application.
• Design CRM system.
Create a website
The company will create an easy to use and informative website. This site will be the first stop
for people looking to learn about the company and browse its products. As well as designing a
mobile application for the company.
CRM Real Estate Customer Relationship Management
The company will design CRM software to allow it to seamlessly manage its real estate business
from a single platform both on-premises and on the road because the data is stored in the cloud
Marketing Research
The company will benefit from the experiences of neighboring countries and
successful international experiences in market research by collecting data on the
behavior and characteristics of consumers of real estate products and collecting all
inputs through surveys when developing the marketing mix and seeking feedback
from consumers to develop programs and evaluate marketing campaigns.
• The purpose of the company marketing plan is to serve as a guide for the
government. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance:
• Revenue: monthly and annual
• Expenses: monthly and annual
• Customer satisfaction
• New-product development
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon and infographics
& images by Freepik