Welding Defects Photo Album tutorial for welders and NDT specialists Prepared by: DSc Dževad Hadžihafizović (DEng) Sarajevo 2023 Longitudinal crack weld. l Gack - defect of the welded joint in the form of a fracture of the metal in the weld and (or) adjacent zones of the . welded joint and the base metal. 1 ~ong crack - weld joínt oriented along the axis of the weld. =i • 1• i• 1 .i! -¡··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·.--- ··-··-¡! Longitudinal crack weld. Long crack weld. I r .111,, cr-« 1.. r ,1\. k - wel d crack oriented acres rhe axis of the weld ¡ ¡ .L. .L 1 1 Cráter crack - crack (longitudinal, transverse, branched) in the crater of the weld bead (layer). i i 1 ¡ -¡-----·-------, 1 1 ! ! ! i i -1---·---------·T -r-------·----·-T 1 1 1 1 Radial crack - severa! cracks of different directions emanating from one point. r- Branched crack - weld joint crack having branches in different directíons, ora group of joint crack extending from one common crack. J L·-··-··--··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··J. 1 1• ! . ,-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-··T Branched crack weld. Pore - rounded gas-fllled cavity. Inclusión - cavity in a metal filled with gas, slag or a foreígn metal; generalízed name of pores, slag and tungsten inclusions. defect in the form of a caviry or cavíry, formed during shrinkage of mol ten metal during crystallization. Cráter, Shriukage caviry - -~ 1 T'"- - Worm-hole weld. defect in the form of a funnel or tubular recess in the ,,,, '''' 1 1 1 1 U ndercut - sharp conical recesses at the boundary of the surface of the weld with the base metal. @ñderc"lJtl Burn-through - a defect in the form of a through hole in the weld formed due to leakage of part of the mol ten metal of the weld pool during welding. Ovcrlap - defect in the form of metal leakíng during welding onto the surface of the welded parts. !overlap.l Uneven seam excessive variation width. width in seam Incorrect wcld profilc - too small an angle (a) between the surface of the base metal and the plane tangent to the surface of the weld. Local wcld penctration cxce local excess melt (on the lnslde of a ¡one-sided searn). Fract ure of axe of part . Corncr di placement - the offset between the two parts to be welded, in whtch their flat surfaces are not parallel, 1 1 1 -¡---1 ' 1 ----l 1 1 1 1 Spatter - a defect in the form of hardened drops of molten metal on the surface of welded or deposited parts with or wíthout the formatíon of a crystalllne bond with the base metal. \\ cid flakc - transverse or rounded (in case of automatíc submerged are weldíng, elongated-rounded) recesses on the surface of the roller, formed due to uneven solidlfícatlon of the weld pool metal (estírnated by maxlrnum depth). l·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·L i i fA~~h~ l.-· -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·Lf I A-A Dccpcning bctwccn thc wcld bcad - longitudinal hollow between two adjacent beads (layers) of the seam (estlmated by I maximurn depth). rise BanuKu chamfer Yz11y611eHtlJl Lack of fu ion - defect in the form of non-fusion in the weld due to incomplete fusion of the edges of the base metal or the surfaces of previously made weld beads . .... (iñck offusion. =1 defect in the form of violation of the continuity of fusion of the weld metal wíth the base metal. Exfoliatlon - 1 1 -·-··-··-·· ··-··-··-··-··-·- ! ' i i jA ! j i 1 i -¡ i i i A-A i i ! -f-··-··-.. ··-··-··-··-··-·i- lA Exccss wcld rcinforccmcnt (s) of the butt weld. - excess weld metal on the front side Wrong.J Excc convcxity - excess d metal on the front side of the et weld. -g Fillct wcld a ymmctry smatch of the actual value of the nt leg to the design value. Root convcxiry - the part of the one-sided weld from the root slde, protruding above the level of the surfaces of the welded parts (estlmated by the maximum height of the location of the surface of the root of the seam above the specífled level). Root concavity - defect in the form of a recess on the surface of the ack side of the welded one-sided seam (evaluated by the maximum depth ~ f the surface location of the root of the seam from the level of the location of the surfaces of the welded parts). I the edge of which to the edge of any neíghborlng inclusion is not less than the maximum wldth of each of the two inclusions considered, but not less than three times the maximum inclusion size with a lower value of this indicator (of the two considered). Maxinuun inclu ion izc - the greatest distance (a) between the points of the externa) switchlng círcult. The maximum inclusion wldth is the largest distance (b) between two poínts of the external inclusion circuir, measured in the direction perpendicular to the maximum inclusion slze. Lot of inclu ions - two or more inclusions (pores, slag and other inclusions) the mínimum distance between the edges of which is less than established for single ínclusíons, but not less than the maximum wídth of each of any two considered adjacent ínclusíons. lncomplcte cdgc prcparation - longitudinal continuous or lntermittent surface concavity weld due to Uneven weld surface - excessíve roughness of the outer surface of the seam. lnsufflcíent filler metal Poor wcld rcnewal - local surface roughness at the place where welding resumes. 2 t---------------i t--------- ------i 1 1 1 ~ 1 I DEFECT PHOTOS FOR SELF CONTROL I