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Control Systems Syllabus EGE 416-01

Division of Engineering Programs
Maintaining Public Health on Campus and in the Classroom (Spring 2023)
For students testing positive for COVID:
Per current guidance from the CDC and the New York State Department of Health (DOH), those
who have COVID must isolate for five days after becoming symptomatic or testing positive and
must wear a well-fitted mask on days 6-10. Students must report positive cases to the Student
Health Center (845-257-3400 or healthservice@newpaltz.edu) as soon as possible. Notices of
positive cases reported to the Student Health Center will continue to be sent to the student’s inperson faculty to validate excused absences.
For students exposed to COVID:
Current CDC and New York State DOH guidelines require that those who are not “up to date” with
vaccinations (including having a booster when eligible) and who are exposed to COVID through a
close contact must quarantine for five days after exposure. If documentation is required, see
Affirmation of Quarantine.
Student Absence Policy:
The number of absences allowed in a course is at the discretion of the instructor and must be stated
in the course syllabus. Students absent from class for any reason are expected to complete all
assigned work in the course and should consult the professor about make-up policy.
Course Modality:
Students are required to complete courses in the modality in which they were initially offered.
Faculty cannot change the modality of the course for individual students.
[Faculty may, at their discretion, offer alternative modalities on a short-term basis to accommodate
student absence for a positive COVID test or exposure.]
Course Details
Credit Hours: 3
• NYS requires 45 hours of learning time, or “time on task,” per credit.
Class Days, Time, Location:
• MR 12:30 PM – 01:45 PM
• 225 Wooster Hall (WH 225)
Course Modality:
● Seated (in person)
● 13 Modules are to be completed.
● Each module should take an average of 3 hours to complete.
Control Systems, EGE416-01
Division of Engineering Programs
Students must earn a grade of “C- “or higher in each of the following prior to taking this course:
EGE311 Signals and Systems
Instructor Details
Name and Title: Dr. Julio Jorge González, Professor
Campus Email: gonzalej@newpaltz.edu
Office Phone: 845-257-3724
Office Location: 215 Resnick Engineering Hall
Office Hours:
T 1:30 PM-3:30 PM; W 03:00 PM – 05:00 PM remotely via WEBEX.
I will accommodate students unable to meet during normal office hours.
To schedule a WEBEX meeting, send an email to gonzalej@newpaltz.edu and I will send
you the WEBEX invitational link.
Course Description
Feedback and robustness; transfer function, block diagram and signal-flow graph: Mason's gain
formula; stability: Routh-Hurtwitz array; steady-state error; state-space: relation to transfer function,
state-diagram; design of PID controllers; design of state-feedback controllers.
Control Systems, EGE416-01
Division of Engineering Programs
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Outcomes (SO) of the Division of Engineering Programs
Student outcomes represent the desired knowledge and skills that Engineering students must have
acquired by the time of graduation. All our Engineering Programs have adopted ABET Criterion 3
as guiding student outcomes, as specified below.
By the time of graduation, Engineering students must have demonstrated an ability to:
1. identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of
engineering, science, and mathematics.
2. apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration
of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and
economic factors.
3. communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make
informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global,
economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a
collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
6. develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data, and use
engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Learning Outcomes (LO) of this Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have demonstrated an ability to:
I. Analyze control systems, including a) obtaining a mathematical model from a given
experimental outcome, b) obtaining the system output for a given input, c) determining traits
such as stability, steady-state error and gain and phase margins.
II. Design control systems to satisfy predetermined design specification, such as overshoot,
settling time, gain and phase margin. They will also demonstrate their design skills through a
Design Project Report, which will include a) generating of theoretical expectations, b)
simulating the designed system, analyzing simulation results regarding their match with
theoretical expectations, and providing relevant conclusions.
This course LO contribute to the Division programs SO as explained in the following table:
Level of Contribution
Control Systems, EGE416-01
Division of Engineering Programs
Digital Learning Environment
We are using the platform D2L (Desire to Learn) Brightspace at:
Reading Materials
“Automatic Control Systems” by Farid Golnaraghi and Benjamin C. Kuo, 11th edition, Mc Graw
Hill Education Inc., 2021.
The course will meet twice per week. It is strongly recommended that you attend all sessions.
Failure to do so will put you at a distinct disadvantage.
Assessment and Grading Information
Assessment Activities and Weights
Homework set (H):
Midterm Examination (M):
Design Project (P):
Final Exam (F):
Equation used to calculate your total numerical grade G
G = 0.20 H + 0.25M + 0.25 P + 0.30 F
Correspondence between total numerical grade G and letter grade- Grade Schema
Numerical grade
Letter grade
G ≥ 90
A85 ≤ G < 90
80 ≤ G < 85
75 ≤ G < 80
B70 ≤ G < 75
65 ≤ G < 70
60 ≤ G < 65
C55 ≤ G < 60
G < 55
Note: The scale in the table above may look lenient but it is not, as this engineering course is very
challenging. Due to the challenging nature of this course, a numerical grade of for example 76%,
represents a well-deserved B.
Last Day to Withdraw without Grade Penalty
Academic Year 2022 – 2023: Fall semester, November 3; Spring semester, April 2.
Control Systems, EGE416-01
Division of Engineering Programs
Assessment Activities Policies
Homework Assignments
• Students are encouraged to work in consultation with their peers and the instructor. The
instructor does not consider this interaction as cheating. On the contrary, this interaction is a
powerful learning tool.
• However, after consultation, the student should try to redo each homework problem
individually. This is the most efficient way of learning and preparing for the examinations. In
line with this thread of thought, submission of the homework assignment is individual
• Submit homework assignments as a PDF file into the corresponding MODULE of Brightspace
(Assignment 1 in MODULE 1, assignment 2 in MODULE 2, and so on) before the deadline
(12:30 PM of the corresponding date). Brightspace will be programmed to not accept
homework submissions after the deadline. Assignments submitted outside from Brightspace
will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero.
• It is advisable to submit your assignment ahead of the deadline, in case of unexpected
technical problems. To consider this situation, or any other unforeseen problem, Brightspace
is programmed to drop the worst grade assignment for each student.
• The instructor will clearly indicate the maximum score attainable for each problem. Correct
work and answer will get full credit. Correct work and wrong answer will obtain partial credit.
Correct answer with no work will obtain no credit.
• The three examinations will be exclusively based on the homework assignments. Therefore,
while executing and understanding the assignments, students will be studying for the tests.
• Important: Students must obtain a homework average H ≥ 70% not to fail the course. This
policy encourages students to acquire a great work habit and helps them prepare progressively
for successfully taking the examinations.
• Cell phones, calculators, and earphones are prohibited.
• Students cannot bring their own formula sheet to the exam. The instructor will provide the
formula sheet, appended to the examination papers. The instructor will also provide the
students with a copy of the formula sheet before they take the test. This way, students will be
familiar with the looks of the formula sheet and will be able to use it to practice for the test.
Design Project
• The project will be executed by student teams.
• Maximum number of students per team is two.
• Only one report per team is required.
• Submit the project report as a PDF file into the Module PROJECT of Brightspace before the
deadline (12:30 PM of the corresponding date). Brightspace will be programmed to not accept
report submissions after the deadline. Reports submitted outside from Brightspace will not be
accepted and will receive a grade of zero.
Control Systems, EGE416-01
Division of Engineering Programs
Campus Policies
Please visit the following link for an updated version of relevant campus policies.
Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI)
You are responsible for completing the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) for this course and
for all your courses with an enrollment of five (5) or more students. I value your feedback and use it
to improve my teaching and planning. Please complete the online form during the appropriate
period: Fall 2022, November 29 – December 12; Winter 2022-2023, January 11 – January 16;
Spring 2023, April 24 – May 8.
Course Modular Organization
It is available in the course digital platform D2L Brightspace at:
Schedule of Activities
(Subject to change with notice on Brightspace and in class)
Assessment activities are arranged in Modules in Brightspace. A tentative schedule for activities is indicated
in the following table. The actual assignment dates and due dates will be clearly specified in Brightspace and
in class.
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5
Midterm Examination (*)
Homework 6
Homework 7
Homework 8
Homework 9
Course Design Project (**)
Homework 10
Homework 11
Final Examination (***)
Date Assigned
Date Due
The Midterm examination will take place from 12:30 PM to 01:45 PM at WH 225.
(**) The Design Project Report will be due at 12:30 PM into Brightspace.
(***) The Final examination will take place from 12:30 PM to 02:30 PM at WH 225.
Control Systems, EGE416-01