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CSEC Physics Exam Guide: Graph, Forces, Waves

Main Topic
Graph work &
Data Analysis
What you should be able to do
▪ Predict, hypothesize, interpret and
evaluate scientific evidence;
Main points
▪ First variable mentioned (graph question) goes on the y-axis;
Plot a set of values accurately on graph
2/3 of paper) so use large, convenient scales;
Scales such as 1:5 or 1:10 are easier to use;
Draw a line of best fit for a set of plotted
Axes should be labelled with quantities and units (e.g. l/m or v/m s-1) and
the graph has a title;
Graph should take up as much of the paper as possible (minimum
Determine the gradient of a straight-line
Use small, circled dots or upright crosses for the points;
Broken lines should be used to show read-off values, including
gradient triangle;
Read off a value on one axis given the
corresponding value on the other axis.
Gradient, m = y2 – y1/x2 – x1 …[y = m x + c] eqn. of a straight line
Gradients have units (except when the variables on both axes have
the same units). Gradient may be a significant quantity; note the unit!
The y-intercept, c, is the value on the y-axis for which the value on
the x-axis is zero (where the graph line cuts the y-axis).
Explain the effects of a force;
Force (F) SI unit: newton (N): that which changes a body’s state of
Identify types of forces;
rest or uniform motion in a straight line.
Determine the weight of objects;
Identify situations in which the application
of a force causes a turning effect;
A force can cause: change in size, shape, motion of an object, and
produce a turning effect.
Contact forces: normal force, applied force, upthrust, friction, air
resistance, tension
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Non-contact forces: gravitational force, electrostatic force,
magnetic force, electromagnetic force
Weight (W) = mass (m) * gravitational field strength (g)
Application of a force may produce a turning effect as in:
o Sitting on a see-saw
o Using a spanner to loosen a nut
o Opening a door
Distinguish between scalars and vectors
Examples: mass, time, speed, distance, volume, density
and give examples of each;
Use scale diagrams to find the resultant of
two vectors;
Calculate the resultant of vectors which
A scalar quantity is one which has magnitude (size) only
A vector quantity is one which has both magnitude and direction.
Examples: force, velocity, displacement, acceleration, momentum
A vector is represented by a straight line with an arrowhead.
are parallel, anti-parallel and perpendicular; The length of the line gives the magnitude of the vector while the arrowhead
Explain that a single vector is equivalent
gives its direction.
to two other vectors at right angles.
The sum of two or more vectors is a single vector known as the resultant.
1. For parallel vectors (angle between them is 0) the resultant =
arithmetic sum.
2. For antiparallel vectors (angle between them is 180˚) the resultant =
difference between them.
Note: the direction of the resultant vector is the same as the direction
of the larger vector.
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A single vector can be resolved into two vectors (called components) which are at
right angles to each other. One component is in the vertical plane while the other
component is in the horizontal plane.
Newton’s laws
State Newton’s three laws of motion;
Use Newton’s laws to explain dynamic
1st Law: A body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion
in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced force.
2nd Law: The rate of change of linear momentum of a body is
directly proportional to the unbalanced force acting on it, and takes
place in the direction of this force.
3rd Law: If a body A exerts a force on a body B, then body B exerts
an equal and opposite force on body A.
Note: unbalanced force = resultant force
1st Law: An object travelling in a straight line at constant speed.
2nd Law: An object falling freely to the ground (but not reaching terminal
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Rockets and Jet engines are applications of Newton’s third law.
Define pressure and apply definition;
Pressure is the force acting normally per unit area (of surface).
Relate the pressure at a given point in a
Pressure = force/area; SI unit: Pascal (Pa)
fluid to its depth and density;
area of surface 1 m2, hence, 1 Pa is equivalent to 1 N m-2.
Apply Archimedes' principle to predict
whether a body would float or sink in a
The pascal is the pressure exerted when a force of 1 N acts over an
The pressure exerted by a solid is directly proportional to its
weight and inversely proportional to the area it is standing on.
given fluid;
Cutting and piercing tools are more useful when sharp (narrower blade [smaller
area] requires less force) so a razor cuts easier and cleaner than a knife.
Fluid pressure is dependent on the depth (h) and the density (p) of
the fluid;
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The greater the depth, the greater the pressure.
The greater the density, the greater the pressure.
Pressure = density * gravitational field strength * height
All points at the same horizontal level in a fluid at rest have the same
Archimedes' principle: Whether a body is wholly or partially
immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upthrust force equal and
opposite to the weight of the fluid it displaces.
Upthrust = Weight of fluid displaced
Law of flotation: A floating object displaces its own weight of the
fluid in which it floats.
weight of fluid displaced = weight of object
Relate temperature to the direction of net
thermal energy transfer;
Relate the temperature of a body to the
SI Unit: kelvin (K)
kinetic energy of its molecules;
Identify physical properties which vary
Temperature determines the direction of net heat flow between
substances in contact.
with temperature and may be used as a
basis for measuring temperature;
Temperature (T) is a measure how hot an object or a substance is.
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the
particles in a substance.
Thermometric properties: Volume of a liquid or gas, Pressure of a
Relate the use of a thermometer to its
constant volume of gas, Electrical resistance of a metal, EMF
between the ends of two wires joined
Define the fixed points on the Celsius
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The lower fixed point is the temperature of pure melting ice at
normal atmospheric pressure – designated as 0 degrees.
The upper fixed point is the temperature of the steam above water
boiling at normal atmospheric pressure – designated as 100 degrees.
Gas laws
Relate graphs of pressure or volume
against temperature to the establishment
of the Kelvin temperature scale;
Use the relationship between Kelvin and
Celsius scale;
Give qualitative explanations of the gas
laws in terms of the Kinetic theory;
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When extrapolated backwards both the V-T and P-T graphs cut the
temperature axis at –273.15 deg C.
This temp is taken as absolute zero and hence forms the basis for a
new temp scale; the kelvin temperature scale.
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T/K = θ/°C + 273
Gas pressure can be explained by molecular motion. Collision of gas
molecules with the walls of their container creates a force (Newton's
2nd law). This force per unit area gives rise to gas pressure.
Wave motion
Differentiate between types of waves;
Draw diagrams of transverse and
A wave is a series of disturbances which allow energy to be
transferred from one point to another;
longitudinal waves on slinky springs and
A pulse is a single vibration or a short burst a wave.
transverse waves in ripple tanks;
A wave-train is a succession of similar wave pulses.
Apply speed, wavelength, frequency,
Waves can be classified as:
period and amplitude;
o electromagnetic or mechanical
Represent transverse and longitudinal
o transverse or longitudinal
waves in displacement-position and
o stationary or travelling (progressive)
displacement-time graphs;
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Electromagnetic waves consist of electric and magnetic fields
oscillating perpendicular to each other, and to their direction of
travel. They can propagate through a vacuum. e.g. LIGHT
Mechanical waves are produced from disturbances in the particles
of a medium and cannot pass through a vacuum. e.g. SOUND
Transverse waves are those in which the disturbance is in a
direction perpendicular to the direction of the wave motion. They are
recognised by crests and troughs.
Longitudinal waves are those in which the disturbance is in line or
parallel to the direction of the wave motion. They are recognised by
compressions and rarefactions.
Wave speed, v is the distance travelled by a given point on a wave
per unit time. SI unit: metre per second
Wavelength is the distance between two successive points in a wave
which are at the same position in their motion at the same time. SI
unit: metre
Frequency, f is the number of vibrations or oscillations of a wave
per unit time. SI unit: hertz
Period, T is the time taken for one complete vibration or oscillation
of a wave. SI unit: second
Amplitude, a is the maximum displacement of a particle in a wave
from its rest position. SI unit: metre
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A displacement-position graph shows the displacement of all the
parts of a wave at a single moment in time.
It is like a photograph of the wave motion.
Time-related quantities cannot be extracted from this graph.
A displacement-time graph shows the displacement of a single
point in a wave as time progresses.
Space-related quantities cannot be extracted from this graph.
Describe how sound is produced and
propagated in a medium;
Guitar: strings vibrate
Relate the terms "pitch" and "loudness" to
Tuning fork: prongs vibrate
wave parameters;
Flute: column of air vibrates
Apply the speed of sound to practical
Cite evidence that sound waves reflect,
Describe the use of ultrasound;
The pitch of a sound is related to its frequency (# of vibrations per
refract, diffract and interfere;
Sound is transmitted as a longitudinal wave through a series of
compressions and rarefactions.
Sound is made by vibrating systems:
(20 Hz – 20 kHz human audible range)
The loudness of a sound is related to the amplitude of the
Knowledge of the speed of sound can be used to determine how far
a thundercloud is and to make corrections for the timing of a race.
Evidence for:
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Reflection – echoes
Refraction – sound travelling from air to water
Diffraction – hearing sounds from around corners
Interference – sound from two loudspeakers
Ultrasound refers to sound waves having frequencies above that of
the upper audible limit of human hearing, i.e. higher than 20 kHz.
Ultrasound is widely used in medicine to visualise tissues/organs
to capture their size, structure or possible damage and developing
foetuses during routine and emergency prenatal care.
It can also be used to find flaws in materials (like most metals) or
to measure the thickness of objects.
Illustrate the effect of converging and
diverging lenses on a beam of parallel rays;
Define the terms:
at least one curved side.
o Principal axis
o Principal focus
A lens is any piece of glass, plastic or other transparent material with
Converging (convex) lenses are thicker in the middle than at the
edges, and cause a parallel beam of rays to meet at a point.
Diverging (concave) lenses are thicker at the edges than in the
o Focal length
middle, and cause a parallel beam of rays to spread out as if they
o Focal plane
originated from a point.
o Magnification
Differentiate between real and virtual
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The principal axis is an imaginary line perpendicular to the lens, and
which passes through the optical centre.
Determine the focal length of a
converging lens:
The principal focus is the point on the principal axis where rays
parallel to the principal axis meet (converging lenses) or appear to
originate (diverging lenses).
The focal length is the distance between the optical centre of a lens
and its principal focus.
The focal plane is the plane that is perpendicular to the axis of a
lens, and passes through the principal focus.
The magnification is the ratio of the image height to the object
height, or the ratio of the image distance from the lens to the object
distance from the lens.
Real image - formed by actual intersection of light rays; can be
obtained on a screen (converging lenses mostly produce real images)
Virtual image - formed when light rays appear to originate from a
point but do not actually meet; cannot be obtained on a screen
(diverging lenses always produce virtual images)
Scale Drawings - Information about images formed by a lens can
be obtained by drawing any two of the following:
1. A ray parallel to the principal axis which is refracted through the
principal focus.
2. A ray passing through the optical centre which is undeviated.
3. A ray through the principal focus which is refracted parallel to
the principal axis.
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The lens formula is another method which can be used to
determine properties of the image formed from a converging or
diverging lens.
Current Electricity
& Electrical
Distinguish between conductors and
Conductor – An object or type of material which allows electric charges to
flow through it easily.
State that an electric current in a metal
Insulator – An object or type of material in which does not allow electric
consists of a flow of electrons;
charges to flow through it easily.
Differentiate between electron flow and
The electric current is a stream of charge carriers of a certain sign flowing in a
conventional current;
particular direction.
State the unit of electrical current;
Apply the relationship Q = It;
Differentiate between direct and
Analyse current-time or voltagetime graphs.;
Draw current/voltage-time graphs to
illustrate AC and DC;
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In electrolytes and molten ionic substances, it is due to anions
(negatively charged ions) and cations (positively charged ions).
alternating currents;
In metals this is due to (mobile) electrons which are negatively
In semi-conductors it is due to both electrons and holes.
Differentiate between direct and
alternating currents;
Cite examples of the conversion of
electrical energy to other forms and vice
Apply the relationship V = E/Q;
Apply the relationship P = IV;
Discuss the importance of conserving
electrical energy and the means of doing
Quantity of charge = current × time
The SI unit of current is the ampere (A) equivalent to coulomb per
second (C s-1).
Direct Current (d.c.) is the flow of electric charges in one direction
only. Current from batteries, power banks, phone chargers is d.c.
Alternating current (a.c.) is the flow of electric charges where the
direction changes regularly in a repeated fashion. Current from the
mains supply (electrical outlet) is a.c.
Electrical energy can be converted to other forms and vice versa:
Mechanical to electrical by generators; electrical to mechanical by
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The potential difference or voltage between two points is the
energy converted per unit charge from electrical into other forms.
Potential difference = Energy/Charge [V = E/Q]
1 V = 1 J C-1
Electrical Power = Current * Voltage [P = I × V]
Most of our electricity is produced from the combustion of
fossil fuels:
o Fossil fuels are non-renewable and burning yields harmful gases
which enhances the greenhouse effect and produce acid rain etc.
o Use of LEDs, more efficient refrigeration and AC units and turning
off appliances when not in use can help to conserve electrical energy.
Circuit Diagrams
Use symbols to construct circuit diagrams;
Differentiate between series and parallel circuits;
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Diagrams use specific symbols for each component. Wires are drawn as
straight lines at right angles.
Series Circuit – The components are connected end-to-end; thus,
there is only one path through which current can flow.
Current is the same at all points; potential difference varies.
Total resistance = sum of the individual component resistances:
(RT = R1 + R2 + R3 …)
Parallel Circuit – The components are connected across each other
in separate branches, creating multiple paths for current flow.
Current varies while potential difference is the same.
The reciprocal of the combined resistance = sum of the reciprocals
of the individual component resistance:
(1/Rc = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 …)
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Describe Marie Curie's work in the field
of radioactivity;
State the nature of the three types of
from uranium caused ionisation of air molecules.
They discovered the elements polonium and radium and determined
radioactive emissions.
the density, melting point and other physical properties of these new
Describe experiments to compare the
ranges of α, β and Υ emissions;
Marie Curie and Pierre Curie investigated uranium compounds. Rays
The couple was awarded the Nobel prize for physics along
Describe the appearance of the tracks
with Henry Becquerel in 1903 for their study into the
of radioactive emissions in a cloud
spontaneous radiation discovered by Becquerel.
*In 1911 she received another Nobel prize (in chemistry) for discovering
Predict the effects of magnetic and
radium and polonium.
electric fields on the motion of α and β
Atomic nuclei which are unstable become more stable by emitting radiation
particles and Υ rays;
spontaneously. This phenomenon is known as radioactivity.
Predict the effects of magnetic and electric
There are 3 types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
fields on the motion of α and β particles
Alpha particles are helium nuclei (two protons & two
neutrons); having a relative charge of +2 and relative mass of 4.
and Υ rays;
Beta particles are fast-moving electrons ejected from the nuclei of
atoms during neutron decay. They have a relative charge of –1 and 0
Gamma rays are very short wavelength
electromagnetic radiation. They have no mass nor charge.
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The range of any radioactive emission can be determined by placing a
Geiger-Mueller (GM) Tube connected to a ratemeter in front of the
radioactive source and increasing the distance until there is a sudden drop in
the reading of the ratemeter.
Gamma rays have the greatest range in air, followed by beta particles.
Alpha particles have the smallest range.
Differences in the ionising ability of radioactive emissions results in
unique tracks (vapour trails) in a cloud chamber:
Alpha particles produce thick, straight tracks
Beta particles produce bent, wispy tracks
Gamma rays produce short, faint tracks (referred to as secondary
Electric and Magnetic fields have an effect on alpha and beta particles but
NOT on gamma rays.
Apply Fleming's left-hand rule to predict the deflection of
alpha particles in a magnetic field... beta particles are deflected in
the opposite direction and to a greater extent due to their
smaller mass.
Alpha particles are deflected in the direction of the electric
field while beta particles are deflected in the opposite direction.
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Define the term 'half-life';
Use graphs of random decay to show that
half of the original number of radioactive nuclei (or mass or activity)
such processes have constant half-lives;
to decay.
Solve problems involving half-life
The half-life (T½) of a radioactive element is the time it takes for
The activity of a radioactive source is the rate at which its atoms
decay (measured in becquerels – Bq)
1 Bq = 1 disintegration/second
The same fraction of radioactive atoms decays in equal intervals of
time, thus, the relationship between activity/number of atoms/mass
and time is one of exponential decay. i.e. the half-life of a
radioactive element is constant.
Nuclear Energy
Relate the release of energy in a nuclear
During a nuclear reaction there is a very small loss in mass and a
reaction to a change in mass;
corresponding release of a large amount of energy. Einstein's equation
Cite arguments for and against the
(E = m c2) relates this loss in mass to the energy released.
utilisation of nuclear energy;
Nuclear power stations use relatively small amounts of fuel and
generate electricity in large quantities.
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The reserves of nuclear fuel are relatively large
Radioactive emissions are ionising radiations and can cause damage
to living things (cancer-causing; birth defects).
Heavy doses of radiation can kill living things or cause severe burns
Accidents can happen in power stations that may cause the release of
radioactive material.
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