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HCI in Software Engineering: Principles & Examples

Software Engineering
Topic 7: Human Computer Interaction
James Archbold
In association with Deutsche Bank
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
When last we left our heroes
We explore design/development cycles that
you might find as part of implementation
Considered options and their impact on
code maintainability and extensibility
Employed strategies to improve code:
Encapsulate what varies
Code to an interfacer
Favour delegation over inheritance
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
The Human Element
When you made your design document, you
made assumptions about the UI
Clearly, how humans interact with your system
is important
That is what we’re covering today
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Human Computer Interaction
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Session Outline
Historical perspective of HCI through an
Human traits that underpin HCI:
Neilsons Usability Principles
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Example: Microsoft Operating Systems
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Software Engineering
Topic 7: Human Computer Interaction 2
James Archbold
In association with Deutsche Bank
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Human Computer Interaction
The success of a software product is determined by the
humans who use the product
The MS story demonstrates both good (95/XP) and bad (2000/Vista)
HCI is the study of how humans interact with computers
We use HCI practices to improve the effectiveness and
usability of systems and software
Human traits underpin these practices
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
1. Attention
On the left we see an example of the
Stroop Effect, where words and colour
impact your attention
Attention - cognitive process of selectively
concentrating on aspect of the
environment while ignoring others
One theory is that the experiment requires
more attention to name the colour than it
does to read the word
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
We can force attention
We can divide attention
Cocktail party effect
Talking while driving
Involuntary attention
When salient characteristics of computing stimuli grab our
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
1. Attention
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
1. Attention
How we focus determines how we can
interact with a system
Studying how attention can be grabbed or
maintained enables effective design of
We can guide the user’s attention to the part of
the display most relevant without the need for
them to scan the entire interface
We can grab the user’s attention away from their
current task when required
The use of metaphors enable recognition even in
new systems, e.g. dragging an item to the
recycle bin
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
2. Memory
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
2. Memory
Memory is made up of three components
Sensory Stores: Iconic (visual) and echoic (auditory) stores hold
information before it enters working memory
Working Memory: Holds transitory information and makes it
available for further information processing
Long-term Memory: Holds information for long term storage
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Short Term Memory
Short Term Memory is a scratchpad for temporary recall of the
information under processes
Decays rapidly and has very limited capacity, works best in chunks
Cowan (2001) provided evidence suggesting that we can only hold
around 4 (+/- 1) things in short term memory.
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Short Term Memory
How we forget from short term memory is a source of debate
Decay Theory: Memory decays over time
Displacement Theory: New memory overwrites the old memory
Proactive Interference: Memory cannot be retrieved because it is
stored in the wrong place
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Long Term Memory
Episodic Memory
Knowledge of events and experiences
in serial form
How we reconstruct events that took
place in the past
Semantic Memory
Record of facts, concepts and skills
Often derived from episodic memory,
learning from experiences
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Long Term Memory and icon design
Many icons rely on memory and affordances (see later)
Resemblance - users an analogous image (a)
Exemplar - uses an example (b - indicates restaurant)
Symbolic - high level of abstraction (c - indicates fragility)
Arbitrary - no relation to the concept (d)
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Software Engineering
Topic 7: Human Computer Interaction 3
James Archbold
In association with Deutsche Bank
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
3. Cognition
Cognition is the process by which we gain knowledge
Includes understanding, remembering, reasoning, attending,
acquiring skills and creating ideas
Consider Norman’s Human Action Cycle and Gestalt Laws of
Perceptual Organisation
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Norman’s Human Action Cycle
Goal Formulation
Translation of goals into set of unordered tasks
Sequencing the tasks to create an action sequence
Executing the action sequence
Evaluation Stage
Perceiving the results after having executed the action sequence
Interpreting the actual outcomes based on the expected ones
Comparing what happened with what the user wished to happen
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Norman’s Human Action Cycle
Gulf of Evaluation
The psychological gap which must be crossed to interpret a
user interface
Gulf of Execution
The gap between the user’s goals and the means to execute
those goals
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organisation
Proximity: Objects appearing close together appear as groups
Continuity: Disconnected elements appear as connected whole
Part-whole Relationships: Whole greater than sum of parts
Similarity: Elements of same shape/colour perceived as belonging
Closure: Missing parts of figure are filled so it appears whole
Symmetry: Regions bounded by symmetrical borders perceived as
coherent figures
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organisation
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
4. Affordances
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
4. Affordances
Perception is a direct process, in which information is
detected rather than constructed
With no prior knowledge, users will actively engage in
activities that provide the necessary information
Affordances are what we see as the behaviour of a
system or object - what it provides to us
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
4. Affordances
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Where does this lead?
Historical perspective of HCI through an example
Human traits that underpin HCI
Attention, Memory, Cognition, Affordances
Several usability concepts impact system design
Feedback - giving user information on actions performed (visual, auditory)
Constraint - Restrain user’s interactions (Gaussian blur)
Mapping - Relationship between controls and their effects (trash can)
Consistency - Similar operations should use similar elements for similar
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Neilsons Usability Principles
1. Visibility of system status: Keep users informed of status by
providing appropriate feedback
2. Match between system and real-world: Use the user’s language
rather than system terms
3. User control and freedom: Provide escape routes for users
(‘undo’ buttons)
4. Consistency and standards: Avoid making users wonder if
different words mean the same thing
5. Help users recognise and recover from errors: Use natural
language to describe the error and provide a potential solution
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Neilsons Usability Principles
6. Error prevention: Prevent users from making mistakes wherever
7. Recognition rather than recall: Make objects, actions and
options visible rather than force the user to remember how to find
8. Flexibility and efficiency of use: Provide accelerators that allow
experts to do things faster
9. Aesthetic and minimalist design: Avoid using information that is
not needed, keep it simple
10. Help and documentation: Provide searchable information with
concrete solutions, write as if for a 13 year old
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction
Measuring Usability
Many metrics to use to evaluate your solution
Ratio of success to failure
Time to complete task
Number of errors a user makes
Number of times a user expresses frustration or satisfaction
HCI design and implementation can be complex, but allows for real
CS261 - Software Engineering - Human Computer Interaction