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Proactive Maintenance in Egyptian Glass Company

1. Introduction
Implementation of
proactive maintenance
in the Egyptian Glass
Samir Ismail Mostafa
The author
Samir Ismail Mostafa is a Visiting Professor at the Education
Research Institute, Giza, Egypt.
Maintenance, Reliability management
The implementation of proactive maintenance, as presented
here, offers a complete package for maintenance system
development. The package contains a methodology, a software
package, and a set of tested and verified procedures. The
methodology is general enough to be used in various fields of
applications, as it was tested in different facilities, and service
and production environments. It addresses the total corporate
system, augmented by the new concepts of maintenance
methods, and utilizes suitable approaches of information
systems development. With the present approach process
re-engineering becomes essential for computerized maintenance
information systems definition.
Electronic access
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is
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Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · pp. 107-122
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited · ISSN 1355-2511
DOI 10.1108/13552510410539187
Many organizations facing the loss of their market
share are adopting one of the new management
philosophies such as total quality management,
just-in-time manufacturing, or business process
re-engineering (BPR). Unfortunately, none of
these approaches address the total corporate needs
(Juhasz, 1996). For this reason we find that more
than one program is adopted in the same
organization. For maintenance system
improvement, we can find programs as total
productive maintenance, reliability centered
maintenance, and also total quality maintenance
(TQMain) applied as well. In all cases
improvement is achieved through rigorous
systemic procedures with different levels of
In Egypt, most production facilities efforts are
directed towards ISO 9000 certification, where
maintenance activities are reviewed and
documented as is, with no re-engineering, and for
most of these organizations maintenance expenses
are considered as overheads. Also, in many cases
maintenance systems in Egyptian organizations
have been found to be responsible for frequent
production and quality loss, and affect the safety of
humans and the environment.
2. Maintenance practice in Egypt
Although maintenance is one of the oldest jobs in
the Egyptian industry, it has not progressed much
through the years. In order to examine the state of
maintenance practice, we should consider two
main factors: the management side of
maintenance, and the technology used. Regarding
the technology, one may find scattered locations or
plants that spend money on buying new devices,
tools, or instruments, which are intended to be
used in maintenance. Statistical figures about
types and models of these devices, locations, and
utilization levels in Egypt are not available. But
based on the survey conducted by the author
through his visits, which covered more than 40
factories during the last seven years, only eight
locations were found to have complete sets of
instrumentation for predictive maintenance. The
The author would like to thank Engineer Mohamed
Abdel-Wahab, the Chairman of EGC, for his support
for this project. Also, without the support and
commitment of Engineer Sherif Georgy (plant
manager) and the hard work of Engineer Said Nawar
and maintenance personnel, and the cooperation of
EGC employees, this effort would have been wasted.
I would like also to thank Engineer Mohamed Yehya
and Mrs Iman Osman for their programming skills.
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
others either do not have any, or have some. But it
is regrettable to say that none of these sites did
develop a maintenance technology package
integrated with their maintenance and
management procedures. On the management
level it is natural that maintenance management
suffers all symptoms and difficulties of the
management practice in Egypt as expressed by
many Egyptian researchers (El-Mikkawy and
Handoussa, 2002).
Based on the author’s survey and experience the
existing state of affairs in most of the industrial
organizations regarding maintenance practice in
the Egyptian industry and service sector may be
summarized as follows (Samir, 1996, 1998,
maintenance organizations are developed
most of the time randomly and do not reflect
the functional needs of the business;
no documented standard maintenance
procedures exist;
if these procedures are available it is rarely in a
readable, updated form suitable for the
technicians’ use;
documentation and recording of maintenance
activities are always heavy, uneasy and
unpleasant tasks for all levels of maintenance
equipment manuals, catalogues and repair
instructions are rarely supplied in a complete
if equipment documentation was supplied, it
is never found in its proper place;
in all cases equipment documentation is
normally in a foreign language, has a different
format, and with missing or mixed standards
and specifications;
for cultural and historical reasons
maintenance work is always done based on
experience, and sophisticated maintenance
engineers are difficult to find; and
individuality on the personal and
departmental level governs the pattern of
interaction between organization elements in
most sectors.
administration sub-systems. Dealing with
maintenance problems in an organizational
context requires considering the holism of the
organization and not concentrating on a subset of
its components (Coetzee, 1999). Huse (1980)
explains this statement as:
3. System approach and development
In search for solutions for maintenance problems,
one should look for different methods to handle
and investigate previous chronic problems. In the
new era of information, an organization is viewed
as an information processor (Smith, 1972), and
the maintenance system becomes one of the
corporate sub-systems along with production,
planning, training, technical, research and
development, marketing, finance, quality, and
The performance of the whole is not the sum of the
individual parts, but is a consequence of the
relationship of the performance between parts.
Thus, problems cannot be solved separately, since
they are interdependent.
Then, solving maintenance system problems
requires a total approach, with many changes on
the corporate level as well as on the sub-unit levels.
3.1. Maintenance and information
With the wide use of computer systems,
maintenance management and technology has
changed tremendously. Entire factories can simply
run now by computers either locally through a
distributed control system (DCS), or remotely
integrated with is another control facility.
Operations in both options rely heavily on
supervisory information, which continuously
collected and transmitted to the control system.
Also, portable computerized devices are developed
to collect data about equipment failure and
malfunction symptoms. Data collected has to be
analyzed for diagnosis and equipment repair
(Sherkhodaie, 2000). With the improvement of the
data collection techniques, volumes of data
increase together with processing power, which
leads to the improvement of the accuracy of failure
diagnosis and prediction. In all cases data collected
through automated tools or by maintenance
personnel are processed through information
systems, or specifically maintenance management
information systems (MMIS).
MMIS can be viewed as “the system which
collects, processes, and transmits maintenance
information and makes it available to maintenance
personnel, managers, and those who need to make
decisions which may affect plant operation and
performance. It is a human activity system that
may employ computers or automated tools for data
collection, processing, or diagnosis”. By this
definition, data and information collected using
the appropriate technology need to be processed
for further actions, which lead us to maintenance
management. On the management level, since the
1960s, computers manage maintenance
operations and activities through a number of
computerized applications. Many organizations
implemented one or more of these computerized
maintenance management systems (CMMS), with
different levels of success (Labib, 1998). Success
of CMMS implementation depends on the
corporate strategic planning and its associated
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
maintenance practice. The availability of
structured maintenance procedures with effective
planning mechanisms, integrated with the human
activity systems, all contribute to the successful
implementation of maintenance system
computerization. Consequently, choosing the
right technology with a suitable computer
application package is not a straightforward task.
This fact is supported by the following results of
the survey conducted by the Plant Maintenance
Resource Center on CMMS implementation:
of the respondents, 90 per cent are currently
using CMMS, with the largest portion (23 per
cent) from two years, and 10.3 per cent in the
process of implementing a package;
between 20 and 40 per cent could not report
any benefits from implementing the CMMS;
nearly 20 per cent rated their CMMS
implementation as poor;
overall, it appeared that conducting BPR
seems to increase the chances of the successful
implementation of CMMS (above 50 per
of the respondents, 23 per cent were not aware
of the reason for selecting their CMMS;
a total of 20 per cent found that conducting
stakeholder analysis during implementation
has a positive influence; and
of the respondents, 43 per cent thought the
most important factors for their success were
obtaining senior management commitment,
and selecting the correct CMMS.
Organizations need to employ a suitable
methodology to help in selecting or developing the
right CMMS solution for their maintenance
problems, and all methodologies are centered on
information. We simply do not manage the asset,
or the equipment itself, but we manage the
information associated with its functions and
3.2. Maintenance types and methods
To find out how the information era shaped
maintenance practice, a literature review for
maintenance methods was conducted. Each
method was closely examined using a number of
parameters shown in the appendix at the end of the
article. The following represents most of these
3.2.1. Run-to-failure
This is the oldest type of maintenance. Now, it is
suitable for small, non-critical, low price
3.2.2. Corrective maintenance
Unplanned activities undertaken to return the
equipment to its operating condition.
3.2.3. Scheduled maintenance
Periodic replacement of parts based on their age
(Kececioglu, 1994, p. 335; Nagarrur, 1999).
3.2.4. Planned maintenance
When maintenance technicians perform
maintenance functions based on a pre-planned
3.2.5. Preventive maintenance
This practice encompasses all planned, scheduled
and corrective actions before the equipment fails.
3.2.6. Condition-based maintenance (CBM)
“Is a maintenance based on objective evidence or
predictable failure for system or component”, for
US Navy, CBM includes scheduled maintenance
as well as corrective maintenance (Jacobs, 2000).
CBM is not a technology or a technique, but it
depends on other technologies to provide this
objective evidence.
3.2.7. Condition monitoring
A process characterized by the absence of
preventive maintenance tasks. The item is
maintained by CM if it is permitted to remain in
service without preventive maintenance until
function failure occurs (James, 2001, p. 18).
3.2.8. Predictive condition monitoring (PCM)
The application of multiple technologies to
monitor the condition of machines (Nicholas,
2000). It tracks various conditions and
performance measurements to identify pending
machine failure (Talbott, 2001). Technology is
always combined with various analysis techniques
through computerized applications.
3.2.9 Equipment asset management
An optimum combination of best practice,
technology, organization, and administration
directed to gaining lifetime value from process,
production, and manufacturing equipment
(Michell, 1998).
3.2.10. Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)
A process used to determine the maintenance
requirements of any physical asset in its operating
context (Moubray, 1993), and to determine what
must be done to ensure that it continues to fulfill
its function.
3.2.11. Preactive maintenance
Preactive maintenance is that which defines
equipment maintenance requirements before the
process, line, or individual machine commences
operation or before major expansion (Donovan,
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
3.2.12. Total productive maintenance (TPM)
It is basically an asset maintenance methodology
that combines the effort of plant operators, safety,
energy, materials, and quality with the planning
and maintenance efforts. TPM is a plant
improving methodology (Robinson and Ginder,
1995), promoted by the Japan Institute of Plant
Maintenance in 1983.
3.3. System approach
It is clear that all previous maintenance methods
are linked to management of maintenance
information and the selection and utilization of
suitable maintenance technology, and both are
highly affected by the supporting infrastructure or
organization. For this reason, to investigate
maintenance problems, one should examine
organizational problems as well as maintenance
management and its technology. When dealing
with organizational problems one should
concentrate on the cause of the problems rather
than the symptoms. Most organizational problems
originate from its environment, augmented by the
policy and procedures of the management, and
propagated by the organization. Tackling those
problems requires a global view of all procedures;
policy, techniques, and also the way people
perform their work. This means that we have to
consider all problem elements in an organizational
context through a total system approach. With
system approach a number of methodologies were
developed to handle engineering and information
systems problems. Soft system methodology
(Checkland, 1990) is one of these methodologies
which was applied successfully in similar situations
(Wilson, 1990).
With the information explosion era, a number
of other approaches have emerged to handle
system development problems, each utilizes a
number of methodologies. These approaches
range from a managerial-oriented approach as
strategic or participative approaches, to
technically-oriented as in structured, data, or
object-oriented approaches, or a mixture of both as
in a prototyping approach (Avison and
Nandhakumar, 1995). With this variety of
development methodologies, maintenance systems
should be viewed with three interacting and
overlapping components of: maintenance
technology, information systems, and information
3.2.13. TQMain
TQMain is a strategy for monitoring and
controlling deviations in a process condition and
product quality for detecting failure causes and
potential failures in order to interfere (Al-Najjar,
3.2.14. Productive reliability (PR)
Based on TPM methodology with the purpose of
reducing cost and improving capacity through
continuous maintenance improvement, and by
utilizing failure mode and effect analysis
techniques (Toy and Wogninrich, 2000).
3.2.15. Operating maintenance training and
This is a holistic approach, which considers all
aspects of the supporting infrastructure
(operation, maintenance, training, administration)
as integral parts of the whole system (Meador,
3.2.16. Proactive maintenance (PaM)
This is a proven, advanced maintenance approach
that focuses on reducing the total maintenance
required and maximizing the life of machinery
(Hedderich, 2002). The results of PaM activities
are re-engineered individual system/equipment
maintenance practices with enhanced preventive/
predictive maintenance.
3.2.17. Profit center maintenance
This is a maintenance management program in
which maintenance of machinery, equipment of
fixed asset is considered a profit activity and is
optimized for maximum value rather than the least
cost (Bond, 1994).
3.2.18. Maintenance management metric
Here, maintenance management is the allocation
of value added resources for the purpose of
systematically improving overall equipment
effectiveness, while optimizing the cost of per unit
Other maintenance methods examined
included machinery reliability management, total
plant performance maintenance, optimized asset
utilization, asset utilization, and economic value
3.4. System development methodologies
Regarding information systems, previous
approaches are applied with different levels of
success. Each approach utilizes a number of
methodologies with associated tools and
techniques, to handle business-related problems.
Each methodology space covers the activities to be
carried out within the development phases (known
as system development life cycle), starting from
strategic planning to the post-implementation
phase. Through the years many methods have
been developed, and now more than 1,000 exist
(Bubenko, 1986). A review of these methods can
be found in Samir (2002, p. 77), and more
management of change methodologies can be
found in Holmn and Devane (1999).
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
4. Maintenance system development
To identify the basis on which maintenance
systems should be established, one should define
the needs for its existence. As a matter of fact the
needs for maintenance systems stemmed from the
way equipment is designed and manufactured, and
not necessarily solely by its operation. All
equipment is designed and manufactured to satisfy
two main operational criteria: reliability and
maintainability (Ebling, 1997). In the design
process the manufacturer identifies quantifiable
figures for maintainability, followed by the
determination of the condition under which
maintenance should be performed. This
information should be provided for the purchaser
of the equipment for proper planning of its
operations and maintenance. A production line
comprises a number of pieces of equipment, and
reliability and maintainability of the line will
depend on the properties of its sub-assembly, but
its repair conditions may not be the same as for its
individual components. For this reason it is
essential to know:
which unit needs to be repaired rather than
the preventive maintenance schedule;
maintenance tasks to be performed with the
required skills, tools and spares;
level of repair for each unit and component;
the optimum level of spare parts necessary to
guarantee proper and timely repair; and
testing procedures and verification of repair to
guarantee as good as new equipment.
It is clear that previous factors are essential to
sustain the pre-designed operation of the
production line, and it depends on the
combination of economic, technical, and
behavioral factors of the organization. At the same
time one should also remember that individual
pieces of equipment normally are purchased from
various manufacturers. They are also subjected to
different operating and environmental conditions,
and during their useful life cycle, may be subjected
to a number of modifications, enhancements, and
upgrading. The matter can be complicated further
if we are faced with a situation where a piece of
equipment is partially failing or its condition is
degrading (instead of fail/not-fail). Organizations
need to develop skills to deal with all these issues
and to keep accurate, up-to-data records about all
parameters which will affect production line
availability, productivity, and product quality
(Wang, 1999). Organizational divisions, which
should be designed to perform these functions,
constitute maintenance systems. Maintenance
systems should perform a number of functions
beyond the actual service and repair of the
equipment. Now issues such as higher plant
availability, greater safety, better product quality,
environment hazard-free operation, longer
equipment life, greater cost effectiveness
(Moubray, 1993, p. 3), and power rationalization,
have all become part of maintenance system
4.1. Mission and objectives
Traditionally, technical managers view
maintenance missions as an increase in plant
equipment availability by the efficient repair or
replacement of failed equipment. Technicians see
maintenance missions as putting the failed
equipment back into operation as quickly as they
can (Samir, 1998). This old traditional view of
maintenance has changed; maintenance systems
should be viewed as a number of business
components arranged together according to a
structure to achieve predetermined objectives and
perform specific functions. Maintenance missions
must accommodate a purpose that is larger than
simply carrying out repairs or reducing the number
of maintenance tasks (Donovan, 1998). Defining
the mission sheds more light on how the
organization should be structured and its desired
future state (Cummings and Worley, 1997). Once
systems’ functions are adopted, system developers
should think how to structure the new maintenance
system in accordance with its mission and
objectives, which may depend on types of business,
category of industry, and personnel. Maintenance
system mission in a continuous process industry is
different from a mass production facility, as in
aircraft transportation services compared to road
fleet operations. Also, maintenance objectives
change with the mission and depend on the type of
product and its quality level.
4.2. Maintenance and business objectives
Based on the defined mission statement a number
of objectives should be identified. RCM defines
maintenance in terms of asset functions as
“maintenance objective is to ensure that the
physical assets continue to fulfil its intended
functions” (Moubray, 1993). This definition
requires that we clearly identify the following two
basic points:
(1) Functions of the assets.
(2) Their desired performance standards.
With this concept it becomes essential in
maintenance systems to deal with assets failure
through the identification of:
ways of function failure;
causes of failure;
consequences of failure; and
effects of failure.
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
When the business side is considered with the
failure management, maintenance activities should
cover a wide spectrum to satisfy:
equipment and assets availability;
effectiveness of maintenance labor;
control of maintenance material; and
conservation of energy.
In real life many problems arise which prevent
maintenance organizations achieving these
objectives and performing to satisfy these
requirements. One problem, which is found to
have a great impact on maintenance practice, is the
gap in communication which exists between the
people controlling the financial side and those
controlling the technical side of maintenance (P/
PM Technology, 1999 p. 21). Egypt is no
exception, we find many problems exist
concerning the handling of equipment spare parts,
plant assets, and maintenance cost accounting,
which all are controlled by accountants, although
they are highly related to management
4.3. Scope of maintenance
Strategy implementation is one of the major
elements of system development methodology
(Ward and Griffith, 1998). In our case,
maintenance system strategies can be viewed in
terms of scope of maintenance systems and their
space of influence. Previous maintenance
strategies with their associated methods or types
may be viewed through their field of influence or
their effect (see appendix), through the following
four levels.
4.3.4. System
Proactive maintenance strategy can be used to its
potential benefit when it is applied to system’s
concepts. With this view the equipment’s root
cause of failure may not be necessarily technical,
and the contribution of the human activity subsystem cannot be neglected. Developing the
maintenance system based on proactive
maintenance strategy requires major changes in
structure and culture.
4.4. Organization
Based on the mission, objectives, and strategy,
management systems are organized and
structured. As organization is a collection of
people working together in a division of labor to
achieve a common purpose (Schermerhorn,
1985); it should be developed through a rational
analysis for functions, specialization, and people.
Organization development in Egypt is highly
governed by cultural values, and “requires change
processes that fit local customs and that address
business issue” (Cummings and Worley, 1997,
p. 528)
5. Situation analysis and problem origin
4.3.1. Equipment
Breakdown maintenance strategy, and its
associated methods of corrective maintenance or
unplanned maintenance, only involves the
equipment. Management planning here
concentrates on job planning, and the job is
considered to be finished when the equipment is
put back into operation.
4.3.2. Plant
Preventive maintenance strategy is concerned with
the production line or plant-wide equipment
through maintenance planning and scheduling.
Planning here covers maintenance planning and
job planning.
4.3.3. Asset
With asset management predictive/preventive
maintenance strategy is applied to combine the
plant scope with cost, safety, and time. It handles
plant assets’ potential failures by utilizing
equipment risk assessment and trying to reduce
the cost of maintenance through the equipment’s
useful life time cycle. Methods as RCM, PCM,
and PR, if integrated with maintenance
management, come into this domain.
Through previous lines we set the stage for the
basis on which the present approach was used. It is
clear that at the present stage of the systems’ age,
(Juhasz, 1996) industrial plants and facilities in
Egypt should perform their maintenance activities
differently. Maintenance management should be
considered as one of the corporate management
information systems, and the present development
of information technology offers the opportunity
for improvement on the management and
engineering sides. When an industrial organization
is managed through an integrated system, data
collected through predictive maintenance
techniques can efficiently be used to predict the
machine condition. This information, when
integrated with the production and planning
activities of the plant process and operations, will
serve marketing, finance, and other elements of a
business environment. Different analyses and
design methodologies should be explored to
achieve this new structure.
5.1. Problem origin
With new projects very little, or almost no
attention is given to establishing a maintenance
management concept until the equipment
commences production. With new projects, most
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
of the Egyptian projects’ owners contract a project
manager who, with the help of a number of
consultants, guides the construction of the project
through its development cycle. With a licensed
technology and new production line and probably
with new and advanced equipment, all instructions
for repair and service are supplied in a foreign
language, which most of the time is incomplete in
content and subject. Maintenance organization is
always left out of sight. People start to think about
maintenance after the commissioning and startup. At this stage a number of solutions may come
into the picture such as:
hire a foreign company to carry out plant
operation and maintenance;
contract maintenance experts with local
technicians to manage maintenance
introduce ready-made computerized
maintenance packages with their associated
technology as is;
use ready-made computerized maintenance
packages with some customization; and
use a complete manual system with operators’
and maintenance technicians’ experience.
The result is a vicious circle of frustration and
failures as the project continues to age out, and
more breakdowns and deterioration of quality will
be expected. This scenario governs most of the
maintenance operations in new and running
projects and can be attributed to a lack of formal
development methodology which integrates the
technology with the human activity system and
takes into account the cultural issues of our
interacting systems (Samir, 1999b). This result
contributes to the state of maintenance operations
in Egypt as presented at the beginning of this
Unfortunately, none of the previous approaches is
expected to work due to the following reasons:
people need time to be acquainted with the
management needs of the new technology;
the effect of the organization’s culture and
values are missing with the introduction of the
new ready packaged system;
engineers and technicians do not share in the
evolution of the maintenance needs definition
from the start;
applying successful ready-made packages in
another environment does not always
guarantee success in all environments; and
most of the time training is not always
determined based on actual organizational
With this situation the following characterizes the
nature of maintenance in such arrangements:
the maintenance organization grows in a
random fashion, irrespective of the
maintenance needs;
the nature of the maintenance operation will
always be reactive to catch up with production
maintenance budgets suffer more cuts, as data
for budget justification is missing;
more staff with low managerial skills becomes
the pattern of management;
deriving the plant production based on
operation only will induce a weak planning
vision; and
maintenance technology, if it exists, will never
be fully utilized.
6. System approach to proactive
maintenance (SAProM)q
Proactive-based maintenance (ProM) as employed
in this work is a systemic and holistic approach to
building a maintenance system in such a way as to
guarantee optimum safety, integrity, and to
approach failure-free operation.
6.1. Concept
Maintenance systems with their associated
structure and procedures in any industrial plant,
develop and evolve gradually over a period of time
(Barasarba and Archer, 1995). This time period
depends on many factors and the most important
one is the commitment of the organization to the
required change. As maintenance activities are
always viewed to be based on technical tasks, the
present approach emphasizes the importance of
building a strong foundation of maintenance
management in order to fulfill these tasks right first
time, and every time. Without proper information
channels, a unified data model, proper analytical
capability and training based on actual and true
needs, measurements of PCM become useless.
Also, without proper interdepartmental interfaces
the valuable data of product quality, equipment
history, and cost, calculating a true and accurate
cost of maintenance, will never be achieved.
6.2. Maintenance technology
The present approach utilizes different
technologies to monitor the cause of failure for the
purpose of preventing the failure and extending the
machine’s life. Based on the research results and
supported by a field survey, 10 per cent of the
cause of failure is responsible for 90 per cent of its
occurrence (Fitch, 1995). Proper technology
should be selected to monitor the cause of failure
and to help in identifying the proper procedure for
its prevention.
Implementation of proactive maintenance
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Samir Ismail Mostafa
Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
1998. It started its operation with a certain
organization structure developed to satisfy the
basic needs of its functions. Because of the high
level of sophistication and accuracy required by the
processing elements of the plant, conventional
maintenance techniques appeared to be inefficient.
A number of problems were found to exist with its
operations, which showed itself in the following
low operational performance;
frequent unscheduled faults;
frequent contamination of control elements;
frequent degradation in glass quality;
repeated spare parts availability problems;
weak information flow; and
frequent unplanned production demands.
6.3. Elements
Implementation of ProM methodology as
implemented in this work covers the following
education and learning;
wide participation of employees;
management commitment;
technology full utilization;
maintenance system re-engineering;
full system integration; and
cost and return.
These elements will be reviewed during the
discussion of the following case study.
7. Proactive maintenance – the
The present method is an integrated structuredprototyping technique, specifically useful in
maintenance system development in an illconditioned environment. The scope of structured
approach, as applied here, can best be described
through the following main phases:
program initiation;
feasibility analysis;
business area analysis;
logical system architecture;
system selection;
re-engineering and system design;
contracting and procurement;
implementation; and
A more detailed explanation of this methodology
can be found in (Samir, 2002, p. 146). Prototyping
is building a small model based on the basic system
requirements, and, through a number of iterative
steps, new requirements are added to the prototype
and the model itself is extended to cover other areas
of interest. Prototyping starts with logical system
architecture and continues beyond system
construction. During the last seven years, this
methodology was used by the author in a number
of projects, and the following sections shed more
light on its elements and implementation as it is
used with its full development cycle in the following
particular case study.
The EGC authority explored various means to
enhance its managerial mechanisms, and
maintenance management was one of the areas to
be investigated when this program started in 1999.
Preliminary analysis indicated that many of the
problems encountered with the existing operations
of EGC maintenance are related to inefficient
maintenance organization, with its missing links
and interfaces with other divisions, which are
required to facilitate data flow between different
sub-systems of the EGC. In order to enhance EGC
maintenance organization structure, and to
identify the type of maintenance strategy and
technology suitable for its system, the first phase of
the present study was initiated by adopting the
following main activities:
assess the environment of the maintenance
operations in the EGC;
identify problems and deficiencies of the EGC
plant operations;
define new objectives to be achieved; and
develop requirements for a new arrangement,
to help in achieving the set objectives.
8. Case study: implementation in the
Egyptian Glass Company (EGC)
8.1. Problem definition
To assess the environment and to identify EGC
maintenance problems, a number of meetings,
questionnaires, and brainstorming sessions were
conducted with managers and personnel from
maintenance departments and their interfacing
sub-systems, in addition to EGC document flow
and workflow review. Diagnosis of maintenance
operations and practice were done by dividing the
functions among the following major areas:
human resource and policy development;
maintenance management;
equipment availability and performance; and
preventive and predictive maintenance.
The EGC officially started its production of high
quality of flat glass, using a continuous fully
automated process of float technology in January
Each functional area was examined with its
subdivisions, as identified through different levels
of investigation. Table I summarizes basic
Implementation of proactive maintenance
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Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
Table I Samples of findings with elements of investigation for EGC maintenance function area
and policy
Function area
Organization and job description
Policy and procedures
Maintenance cost
Spare parts and inventory
Work order system
Equipment reliability
Equipment criticality
Work shop
Technology development
Condition monitoring
Trending and failure analysis
Tools and devices
Findings and conclusions
Technical training only
Was not adequate
Did not exist
Model did not exist
No parts coding, changes needed
Did not exist
Not calculated
Based on experience
No formal procedure
Feeling and visual
Based on experience
Did not exist
Only basic devices
elements of investigation and findings. Direct
effect between each element and functional area
(as represented by U in the Table) was examined,
as well as other indirect effects. A total of 80
elements of evaluation was used during the
problem definition phase, and data collected were
used in evaluation.
It was concluded that the existing production line
of the EGC provides an excellent opportunity for
improvement of its layout, process monitoring and
operations technology, besides its available
documentation. Also, maintenance operations of
the EGC needed a major enhancement to cope with
the level of sophistication of the plant operation, and
to be able to utilize all of its resources. New systems
needed to be developed to overcome all of its
existing difficulties, and to improve its level of
maintenance activities.
To guarantee successful implementation of the
new system, development was carried out in
phases. The first phase concentrated on developing
a master plan for system development and the
introduction of a small-scale maintenance system
(prototype) based on the new basic requirements.
This prototype was further expanded in the
following phases:
a problem definition phase;
a design phase;
an implementation phase;
a predictive maintenance installation phase;
a maintenance by information phase.
As shown in Figure 1 these phases are overlapped
and iterative; each is divided into a number of
activities and tasks (350 tasks were implemented).
Maintenance team members were trained to
produce the required development information
and to implement it at the same time. Information
produced from each activity is used to feed the
next phase and to set the stage for the team
training and project management. During project
implementation, a number of work groups and
committees were formed to guide the development
of requirements and to guarantee the proper
interfaces of maintenance information with other
departments of the EGC. It is important to note
that during the development phases of the project,
the author acted as a developer, implementer,
coach and problem investigator (technical and
non-technical) (see Samir, 2002, p. 146).
8.1.1. Functional analysis
In order to be able to judge the effectiveness of
EGC organization structure, job functions with
samples of job description used in the licensing
provider company (LPC), were used to construct a
simplified float manufacturing organization
model. This model was then compared with the
existing functions in the EGC, and used to identify
new areas and functions that needed to be covered.
For this purpose a linear responsibility chart
(Dougherty, 1989, p. 45) was used to relate each
function with job position and duty, as described
by the LPC. A total of 50 functions was examined
with its corresponding job in the EGC, together
with all of its supporting positions. Based on this
analysis and with all other findings, a proposed
EGC maintenance and technical organization
structure was developed.
8.1.2. Mission statement
Through a number of collective meetings with
managers and engineers the following mission
statement was defined:
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Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
Figure 1 Phases of maintenance system development
EGC employs a sophisticated flat-glass continuous
computer-controlled process to produce flat glass
by utilizing float-bath technology. The production
line should operate continuously around the clock
for 24 hours, 7 days a week, to produce zero defect
flat glass with production rate depends only on
product specified geometry, density, and other
physical parameters. The EGC maintenance
mission is to guarantee continuous operation to
produce the specified quantity of glass, with a
specified quality. The mission only ends when
production quantities are met.
8.1.3. New system objectives
Based on the analysis results, new system
objectives were derived and used to trigger all the
subsequent development activities. Objectives
were divided into short-term and long-term. The
following gives examples for some of these
automatically generates training requirements
for EGC technicians and engineers;
continuously enhances and improves
technical skills required for critical operations;
fully utilizes information produced from
process measurements and monitoring;
identifies equipment criticality based on
actual plant operation;
provides clear identification of critical spare
provides accurate estimate of materials, spare
parts and consumables needed;
provides a detailed cost of maintenance for
each piece of equipment;
continuously reduces maintenance costs while
maintaining world-class operation;
uses equipment reliability models to improve
the effectiveness of maintenance;
provides a learning mechanism for
maintenance system implementation;
provides a means to predict failures of all
critical equipment early enough and with no
interruption to any of the planned operations;
continuously reduces emergency repair or
breakdown of all critical equipment and/or
components to a minimum; and
provides tools and mechanisms for
enhancement and/or improvement of
equipment performance.
The new maintenance system was designed to
remove all previously mentioned problems and
satisfy the objectives defined above.
8.1.4. Maintenance and business objectives
Linking maintenance objectives with EGC
business objectives required close examination for
its sub-systems functions, information flow, and
outputs. For this purpose, EGC divisions which
highly interact with maintenance, were identified
operation planning and control;
process engineering;
inventory control;
quality control; and
computer and information systems.
Guaranteed smooth information flow between
these divisions and maintenance was essential in
the present project. For this purpose maintenance
system interfaces were accurately defined (see
Figure 2).
8.1.5. Organization structure
Based on the comparison of the LPC organization
model and considering the defined needs and
objectives of EGC operations, a proposed
organization structure was developed and
submitted to EGC management for approval.
Once this proposed organization was approved,
job description, policy and procedures, with
document flow, were formalized. Two new
divisions, namely maintenance planning and
Implementation of proactive maintenance
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Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
Figure 2 EGC sub-systems with interfaces
increase effectiveness of maintenance
operations; and
improve energy management and control.
A work plan was developed with 36 main activities,
and each team member was asked to develop an
action plan for specific systems or group of
equipment in coordination with other members,
and under the supervision of two team leaders
(mechanical and electrical). Further, maintenance
team members were trained to develop tasks in a
number of collective and individualized sessions.
8.3. System design
The system design phase concentrates on
maintenance systems re-engineering, together
with functional and data model development.
Also, during the design phase equipment analysis
was carried out, with real life failure data, to
identify the proper monitoring and diagnostic
technologies. The following highlights some of the
important activities, which took place.
technological studies, and machine health
monitoring, were created. Functions and
subdivisions for each of these divisions were
developed based on actual workflow, and
supported with real life data.
8.1.6. Maintenance planning
The maintenance planning and technological study
division is designed to carry out all planning and
scheduling of maintenance, manage work order
systems, perform the preliminary failure analysis
and document and actually perform statistical
analysis of component problems and maintainability
factors. This division is considered as the first level
of equipment enhancement and modification.
Technical data about machine problems should be
formulated here before passing to the next level of
technical studies. Two levels of specialized technical
studies were proposed: one at the Technical Office,
and the other at the Research and Development
department. Also, efforts of the maintenance
planning division should be coordinated with the
production planning and control as both represent
two sides of the process support.
8.2. Planning for maintenance system
Data collected during the problem definition phase
were used to build an integrated plan for both
maintenance system development, and
maintenance work to be performed on physical
assets of the EGC facility, in addition to emergency
procedures. Team members were trained to develop
the plan through the following three main steps:
(1) Define scope of work.
(2) Develop a work plan.
(3) Build an action plan.
8.3.1. Maintenance workflow
Maintenance operations are planned based on the
information generated by the new system.
Effectiveness of this planning is highly dependent
on the quality, accuracy, and recency of this
information. Information is processed data
captured from facts and events experienced by
various operations taking place within the system.
Forms and reports flowing with the physical work
are the only elements used to capture these data.
Without documenting all events happening within
the system, no accurate information can be
generated, and hence, all decisions will be
questionable. For this reason, one of the essential
works of this project was to activate a number of
data-capturing elements designed specifically to
suite the EGC environment, such as:
(1) Service request – used mainly for unplanned
(2) Work order – initiated by the work request, and
used for planned or repair work.
(3) Shift register – used for plant zones/sub-systems
to record its actual operations.
(4) Job card – for recording actual work
performed by each craftsman.
(5) Inspection and repair procedure sheet – describes
work required for repair.
(6) History card – used for each machine and main
(7) Spare parts list – to identify spare parts
required for component maintenance.
Scope of works was defined to cover the following
main phases:
define availability of technical documents;
improve safety and work environment;
To gain enough acceptance and support from
those who will be using these forms, a number of
meetings were conducted to get the full
participation of the maintenance team in this
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Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
development process. Forms were produced in
stages and each time people were invited to add to
it. At the end, the final form was submitted to the
plant manager for his review and approval.
Maintenance planning engineers took an active
part in transferring all the information between
different parties: operators, production
controllers, engineers and technicians. At the end
of the development process a formal instruction
(signed by one of the team members) was issued to
all divisions to explain the form and its use. After
two weeks of trials a collective meeting with all
engineers and supervisors of the plant, was held to
discuss their feedback, concerns and queries, and
to formally set the forms in operation. Now, these
forms are in place.
purpose a maintenance cost model was developed
and introduced in the computerized maintenance
package designed and constructed during this
project. The model is based on four fundamental
costs associated with maintenance work as:
(1) Direct cost.
(2) Standby cost.
(3) Lost production cost.
(4) Degradation cost.
8.3.2. Equipment document and technical instruction
In parallel with applying the work order system,
technical instructions for equipment maintenance
and inspection were made available to all engineers
and technicians. Based on the information
provided by the document survey, and from the
examination of the process flow diagram, grouping
of the equipment was identified in terms of system
and functions in 33 different systems.
Each of these elements includes a number of other
cost items contributing to the total maintenance
cost with various degrees. The model will be able
to produce maintenance costs for each piece of
equipment, each cost center, department, or plant,
as specified in the system objectives.
Using numerical values for these cost elements,
the following maintenance cost indices are
ratio of maintenance-to-operation cost;
maintenance and operation man-hour ratio
(taken from wage ratio);
ratio of contract cost to total maintenance cost;
overhead rate defined as the ratio of overheadto-maintenance cost; and
product maintenance cost defined as the cost
of maintenance per 1,000 units produced.
8.3.3. Equipment database design
Equipment and components within the 33 systems
are grouped logically to facilitate EGC database
design. There are a number of options for
equipment grouping (August, 1998, p. 36), and
the one used in the present model was chosen to
enhance maintenance personnel specialization and
to offer the required flexibility to trace component
failures. Now, equipment with its sets of subequipment and components is grouped in terms of
its physical location, systems and plants, and
disciplines. Also, it is arranged in a hierarchy
structure, and each is linked to its asset definition,
and is related to a cost center with its cost
accounts. Component spare parts and the
standard repair list both serve as an interface with
the inventory control subsystem. A database
model with its corresponding data flow model,
which constitute the base for the new
computerized maintenance application, is under
implementation now.
8.5. Installation of PCM
Vibration measurements and oil analysis
techniques were selected in the first phase of PCM
of this project. For this purpose a number of steps
were undertaken for its implementation. First, a
recent graduate engineer, hired by the EGC for
this particular project, was subjected to a training
program on rotating equipment condition
monitoring. The program was designed and
administered by the author to qualify this new
engineer to carry the required predictive
measurements. Second, evaluation of different
PCM packages was carried out. Third,
procurement of the package with installation and
implementation of the equipment database. Now,
after 14 months since the installation of the
monitoring package, it is possible to completely
monitor 65 pieces of rotating equipment, and to
carry out all diagnosis of measured data, in-house,
with no external help.
8.4. Cost of maintenance
Profitability and revenue increase, as the most
important business objectives, can be achieved
through various savings. Many studies indicated
that savings in maintenance always have the largest
and direct value in all savings (Barasarba and
Archer, 1995, p. 3). To monitor and to control
maintenance cost, elements of maintenance cost
have to be defined and linked to the corresponding
maintenance operation (Al-Najjar, 1996). For this
8.6. Maintenance information management
Based on the new re-engineered maintenance
system, a computer program was designed and
constructed to automate all of its functions. The
new computerized system is a Web-enabled
application with six modules namely: setup (for
production line and equipment), asset
management, scheduling (preventive maintenance
planning), failure analysis (implementing failure
mode cause and effect analysis), analysis
Implementation of proactive maintenance
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(equipment performance and maintenance
metrics), and security. It is believed that this
application offers an integrated low-cost solution
for all maintenance needs of the EGC.
production loss hours (starting time and end time)
with cause of loss (process or maintenance), and
action taken. Figure 5 shows a trend of this loss
during 11 months. The figure shows the total
production loss in hours with its components (loss
due to process and equipment malfunction loss)
before maintenance system re-engineering
(months 1 and 2 in 1999) and after
implementation (starting from month 8 in the
same year). It is clear that there is a decreasing
trend during the project in all components. During
the last two months in the graph (March and April,
2000) the average loss per month due to
equipment malfunctions is 87 minutes, which
represents 0.2 per cent of total production time per
month, a value which changed very little. It is
worth noting here that the impact of any change in
the management function on system performance
is nonlinear in nature with a number of delays
(Forrester, 1969). We can only assess this impact
with the proper collection of data, an accurate
analytical model, and with a formal system in
9. Benefits and returns
During the project implementation a number of
performance indicators were used to measure its
effectiveness and to justify its cost. The following
represents samples of these indicators, and more
parameters can be found in Dougherty (1989,
p. 318).
9.1. Process through-put
This is defined as the ratio between quantity of
produced glass with the specified quality, and the
tank load (total amount of line charge). This ratio
is calculated automatically by the system DCS,
and averaged for each shift and day. Figure 3 shows
the yield distribution with time during 1999,
during which time the system re-engineering took
place, to be compared with Figure 4, which shows
the distribution for the year 2001, after reengineering and PdM installation. It is clear that
the introduction of the change brought the
production loss to a controllable state.
9.2. Production loss
One of the forms circulated in the system is the
production loss survey form. This form collects
Figure 3 Process rate at the start of change
9.3. Cost of maintenance per 1,000 units of
As the computerized package with the new
maintenance cost model still in its implementation
phase, cost of maintenance is calculated using data
collected manually about spare parts, material, and
average labor costs. Comparison of cost of
maintenance with the cost before implementing the
project will not give an accurate figure, as the EGC
was supported by the LPC. For this reason we will
compare the cost of maintenance to produce one
ton of glass with the same cost in different industries
in Egypt. This gives the following figures:
ratio of EGC maintenance cost per ton of glass
to cost of maintenance to produce one ton of
sugar (by Egyptian Sugar Integrated
Industry ¼ 95 per cent; and
ratio of EGC maintenance cost per ton of glass
to maintenance cost to produce ton of PVC
(by a petrochemical company in
Egypt) ¼ 44 per cent.
Figure 5 Production loss in hours, before and after re-engineering
Figure 4 Process rate after re-engineering and PdM
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Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
One should be very careful during this comparison
because the cost of maintenance always depends
on many factors, and comparison should be made
only under standard conditions.
becomes essential for computerized maintenance
information systems definition.
9.4. Overall equipment effectiveness
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), as defined
by TPM, combines process rate with equipment
availability, and quality rate. During the last six
months (from 1/1/2002 to 30/6/2002) EGC
average values for these parameters are 0.839,
0.99, and 0.87, respectively, which give:
OEE ¼ (yield) 0.839 X (equipment availability)
0.99 X (quality rate) 0.87 ¼ 0.722.
This value to be compared with that of the
world class value of OEE ¼ 0.85.
9.5. Savings from failure prevention
Part of PdM installation in the EGC is to calculate
the savings and cost of the program. Each piece of
the critical equipment diagnosed and analyzed is
assessed by developing a number of scenarios for
cause and consequence of failure. For each
scenario the cost of failure effects is analyzed and
recorded. It is hoped that by this procedure one
can prove that maintenance is not just an
overhead, but is a profit center (P/PM Technology,
1999 p. 19). To give an example, EGC’s nitrogen
plants were monitored for motor bearing
problems. The EGC maintenance department,
with the help of the condition monitoring
engineer, managed to operate this particular motor
one year beyond its recommended replacement
time by its vendor, and after two wrong diagnoses
(one due to its control panel, and the other was a
false alarm). It can be shown that two days of
unplanned downtime for this plant would cost the
factory the same amount of money required to buy
the monitoring package, which is equal to an
average of 4h 40min of lost production.
10. Conclusions
The implementation of proactive maintenance
(ProM), as presented here, offers a complete
package for maintenance system development.
The package contains a methodology, a software
package, and a set of tested and verified
procedures. The methodology is general enough to
be used in various fields of application, as it was
tested in different facilities, and service and
production environments. It addresses the total
corporate system, augmented by the new concepts
of maintenance methods, and utilizes suitable
approaches of information systems development.
With the present approach process re-engineering
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Further reading
Duffuaa, S.O., Raouf, A. and Campbell, J.D. (1999), Planning and
Control of Maintenance Systems: Modeling and Analysis,
John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, NY.
Mitchell, J.S. (1998), “Producer value – a proposed economic
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utilization”, paper presented at MARCON 98, sponsored
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Murthy, D.N.P., Trens, A. and Eccleston, J.A. (2002), “Strategic
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Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 287-305.
Oberg, C.P. (2000), “Managing maintenance as a business”,
Plant Service, July, p. 53.
Sherwin, D.J. (1999), “Age-based opportunity maintenance
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Tsang, A.H.C. (2002), “Strategic dimensions of maintenance
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Engineering, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 7-39.
Appendix. Assessment of maintenance
The following represents the basic elements used
in examining each of the maintenance methods
mentioned in the article. Other parameters were
developed to help in the examination which spans
areas of planning, organization development,
methodology space, maintenance model, cost and
finance, and maintenance engineering:
No. Elements
(1) Does it cover strategic planning?
(2) Link maintenance objectives with business
(3) Provide maintenance strategy development?
(4) What basic strategy does it use?
(5) Allow for maintenance system model
(6) Is it a development methodology?
(7) Does the methodology space have a life cycle?
(8) Integrate information system organization
with maintenance system development
(9) Does it help in CMMS selection,
development, and implementation?
(10) Allow for in-house development?
(11) Allow for software customization?
(12) Use on-the shelf package?
(13) Provide requirements specification
(14) Does the methodology cover:
social system;
activity system; and
maintenance technology selection?
(15) Does the methodology provide tools for
various phases of development?
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Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
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Volume 10 · Number 2 · 2004 · 107-122
(16) What its basic model is based on?
(17) Does the model give specific indicators?
(18) Do indicators cover:
system performance;
maintenance system effectiveness; and
machine health prediction?
(19) Does it provide maintenance cost
(20) Does the model consider:
asset cost;
preventive maintenance cost;
failure cost; and
outsourcing cost?
(21) Does the model utilize data processing and
information analysis?
(22) Provide mechanism to update equipment life
(23) Does it utilize economic indicators?
(24) Integrate corporate financial subsystem
fixed asset calculation;
general ledger; and
(25) Does it trace failure cause and effect?
(26) What is its scope of maintenance?