_ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Using Appropriate Oral Language, Stance and Behavior cs Closing _ X My Presentation Title MELCs Contents Chart Closing EN7OL-II-g-2.6.2: Use appropriate oral language stance and behavior when giving information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in factual and personal recounts cs _ X My Presentation Title MELCs Contents Chart Closing SUB-SKILLS: EN7OL-II-a-4.1: Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal cues when developing, maintaining and ending conversations and dialogs EN7OL-III-a-1.3: Express ideas, opinions, feelings and emotions cs during interviews, group/panel discussions, forums/fora, debates, etc. EN7OL-IV-a-1.26: Give clear precise and concise information, explanations and instructions in varied oral communication situations EN7OL-IV-c-1.7: Orally narrate events in factual and personal recounts using appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents What is it? cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing When I was five years old, I took an extreme liking to my sister's toys. It made little differencecs that I had a trunk overflowing with dolls and toys of my own. Her "big girl" treasures were much easier to break, and much more appealing. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Likewise, when I was ten and she was twelve, the earrings and make-up that she was slowly permitted to experiment cs with held my attention, while my former obsession with catching bugs seemed to be a distant and fading memory. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Answer the following questions: cs 1. What is the shared experience all about? _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Answer the following questions: 1. What is the shared experience all about? - The girl shared about her experience of liking her sister’s things. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 2. How does the girl describe her sister’s “big girl” treasures? cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 2. How does the girl describe her sister’s “big girl” treasures? cs - For her, they were much easier to break, and much more appealing. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 3. When reading or speaking in class, what should the speaker observe? cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 3. When reading or speaking in class, what should the speaker observe? cs - Your classmate stood straight without unnecessary movements. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 3. When reading or speaking in class, what should the speaker observe? cs - Your classmate poke in a wellmodulated voice and maintained eye contact. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 3. When reading or speaking in class, what should the speaker observe? cs - Used appropriate support the talk. gestures to _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing 3. When reading or speaking in class, what should the speaker observe? cs - Used appropriate support the talk. gestures to _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Definition of Terms 1. Oral Language - It is a skill that we cs use throughout the day to process and deliver our understanding, make requests, ask questions, receive new information, and interact with peers. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Definition of Terms 2. Stance – It is the way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted; a person's posture. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Definition of Terms 3. Behavior – It is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Definition of Terms 4. Factual Recount – An actual event by cs someone not personally involved in the situation. Its purpose is either to inform, entertain or both. We have a very comprehensive guide to writing a historical recount which can be found here. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Definition of Terms 5. Personal Recount – It is all about the writer's recollection of csa particular event or experience. It includes things like diary writing, but it's also what we do whenever we tell someone a story about something that happened to us. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Basic Posture 1. Observe open posture. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Basic Posture 2. Keep your head up. cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Basic Posture Chart Closing 3. Practice and perfect your posture. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Basic Posture 4. Maintain eye to eye contact. cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Basic Posture 5. Use a firm handshake. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Basic Posture 6. No unnecessary touching of one’s face. cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Basic Posture Contents Chart Closing 7. Use open hand gestures. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing How important are gestures to speech delivery? cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing • It helps your audience connect better. • Provides a way tocs channel your nervous energy into a positive activity that benefits your speech and gives you something to do with your hands. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Page 5 cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart cs Answer: b Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart cs Answer: c Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart cs Answer: e Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart cs Answer: d Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents cs Chart Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart cs Answer: a Closing _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Aspects of Language in Public Speaking 1. Appropriateness -cs This refers to whether a language is suitable or fitting for ourselves as the speaker; our audience; the speaking context; and the speech itself. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Aspects of Language in Public Speaking 2. Use of vivid language - This will help cs your listeners to create strong, distinct, clear and memorable mental images. This will also help audience to truly understand and imagine what the speaker is saying. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Aspects of Language in Public Speaking 3. Creating a mental picture This is the ability to motivate the audience to use their five senses. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Aspects of Language in Public Speaking 4. Using concrete language - It is a way of showing the audience not just telling them what we want to say. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Aspects of Language in Public Speaking 5. The use of recurring variance of elements of sound or speech cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Aspects of Language in Public Speaking 6. Using Chart Closing ideas that are grammatically parallel cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Brainstorm: For or Against Construct a debate speech about the topic, “Children ages 0-7 should not have their own smartphones.” Follow this format to organize your ideas. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Brainstorm: For or Against • • • • • Debate Topic Opening Statement Argument Supporting details/facts Closing Argument/Conclusion cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Debate Topic: Children ages 0-7 should not have their own smartphones. Opening Statement: Good morning! Thank you to cs each and every one of you for being here with us today. We are very pleased to welcome those who have been with us at this moment. Honorable Chair, our motion today is, technology harms our future. I take this opportunity to present my views against the motion. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Argument: According to researchers, a smartphone is detrimental to a child's social-economic cs development as it diverts a child's attention. According to the findings, the use of interactive screen time on such devices could also impair a child's development of the skills needed for math and science. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Supporting details/facts: On average, 67 percent of children surveyed in Bahrain, Japan and the Philippines use mobile cs phone. 52 percent of children surveyed use a tablet. The Philippines has the highest proportion at 76 percent and Japan the lowest at 24 percent. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Closing argument/conclusion: There are many potential health risks to mental and physical well-being related to overuse of cell phones, especially low csIQ & improper mental growth in children, sleep deprivation, brain tumors and psychiatric diseases are hot-button issues. A smartphone is an addictive device which traps a soul into a lifeless planet full of lives. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Why is it importance for us to learn the appropriate oral language, stance and behavior? cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing • A solid foundation of oral language helps children become successful readers and strong communicators. These skills also foster a child's confidence and overall sense of well-being. cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing • Speakers position themselves in relation to their own or other people's beliefs, opinions and statements cs about things or ideas in communicative interaction with other speakers making them understand each other’s point. _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing Page 6 cs _ X My Presentation Title Team Contents Chart Closing cs Close