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TTL Unit 4 Questionnaire: 21st Century Skills & Instruction

1. It is used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy,
critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to
help students thrive in today’s world. 21st-century skills
2. It is all about using technologies confidently as you live, learn and work in a challenging
digital world. Digital literacy
3. The identified 21st-century digital skills are? Technical, information, communication,
collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.
4. The ability to identify different types of media and the messages they are sending.
Media literacy
5. It is pivotal for us to consider the source of the information and ask ourselves what the
person’s objective is. This can clarify whether it is a reliable source or not.
Information literacy
6. It is pervasive in the workplace and there is a high demand for ICT-proficient employees.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
7. This study elaborates on the seven core skills supported by the use of ICT:
Technical, information and management, communication, collaboration, creativity,
critical thing, and problem solving.
8. The information abundance caused by ICT requires skills for _________, ________, and
_________ information in digital environments. Searching, evaluating and organizing
9. It provides guidelines to organize appropriate pedagogical scenarios to achieve
instructional goals. Instructional design model
10. It can be defined as the practice of creating instructional experiences to help facilitate
learning most effectively. Instructional design model
11. According to them “design is more than a process; that process, and resulting product,
represent a framework of thinking”. Driscoll & Carliner
12. He was an educational psychologist who created a nine step process called the Events
of Instruction. Robert Gagne
13. It helps trainers, educators, and instructional designers structure their training sessions.
Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction
14. These are the already established learned capabilities of the learner.
Internal conditions
15. It deals with the stimuli that is presented externally to the learner.
External conditions
16. It ensure the learners are motivated to learn and participate in activities by presenting a
stimulus to gain their attention.
Gaining attention (Reception)
17. This allows the learners to organize their thoughts on what they will learn and help place
them in the proper mind set.
Informing the learners of the objectives (Expectancy)
18. Help the learners make sense of new information by relating it to something they already
know or something they have already experienced.
Stimulating recall of prior learning (Retrieval)
19. Present the learner with the new information using learning strategies to provide
effective and efficient instruction.
Presenting the Stimulus (Selective instruction)
20. Offer the learner guidance by providing coaching on how to learn the skill.
Providing learning guidance (Semantic encoding)
21. Let the learner do something with the newly acquired behavior, skills, or knowledge.
Provide them with practice activities to activate the learning process.
Eliciting performance (Responding)
22. After the learner attempts to demonstrate their knowledge, provide immediate feedback
of learner’s performance to assess and facilitate learning. This is also a good time to
reinforce any important points.
Providing feedback (Reinforcement)
23. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional events, administer a test the
learner to determine if the expected learning outcomes have been achieved.
Assessing performance
24. Repeated practice with effective feedback is the best way to ensure that people retain
information and use it effectively.
Enhancing Retention and Transfer (Generalization)
25. He was an American educational psychologist who examined and then restructured the
way teaching should be approached, to maximize learners’ performance.
Benjamin Samuel Bloom
26. It is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that can, among countless other uses, help
teachers teach and students learn. Bloom’s taxonomy
27. It is one of the most recognized learning theories in the field of education.
Bloom’s taxonomy
28. It was the first domain created by the original group of Bloom’s researchers.
Cognitive Domain
29. The acronym "ADDIE" stands for
Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate
30. In this phase the instructional problem is clarified, the instructional goals and objectives
are established and the learning environment and learner's existing knowledge and skills
are identified. Analysis Phase
31. This phase deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content,
subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection. Design Phase
32. It is where instructional designers and developers create and assemble the content
assets that were blueprinted in the design phase. In this phase, storyboards are created,
content is written and graphics are designed. Development Phase
33. In this phase, the facilitators' training should cover the course curriculum, learning
outcomes, methods of delivery, and testing procedures. Implementation Phase
34. These discoveries include the objectives and expectations of the learner can be found in
what phase? Evaluation Phase
35. He was a respected educational researcher and teacher who studied various
instructional design theories and models to identify a number of principles common to
each. David Merill
36. From Merrill’s research, he established five instructional design principles that can be
applied when designing any program or practice to achieve effective and efficient
instruction called _________. Merill’s Principles of Instruction
37. Learning is promoted when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems.
38. Learning is promoted when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new
knowledge. Activation
39. Learning is promoted when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner.
Demonstration (Show me)
40. Learning is promoted when new knowledge is applied by the learner.
Application (Let me)
41. Learning is promoted when new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world.
42. It can enhanced accessibility, enable a variety of learning approaches, offer increased
flexibility, support collaboration and communication and encourages the development of
skills for a digital age. It can be used alongside face-to-face, as blended learning or for
distance learning. Technology enhanced learning/teaching
43. It is any technology that enhances the learning experience. TELT
44. This term will be used in this study to refer to the teaching using chalk and board for
teachers; pen and paper for students. Conventional Methods of Teaching
45. This term is used here to refer to materials included in the context of a course that
support the learner’s achievement of the described learning goals.
Digital Learning resources