1. accomplice — a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan 2. adamant — impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason 3. aloof — distant, cold, or detached in manner 4. ambivalent — uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow 5. amorphous — having no definite form or distinct shape 6. annihilate — kill in large numbers 7. apathy — an absence of emotion or enthusiasm 8. arduous — characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion 9. audacious — disposed to venture or take risks 10. awe — an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration 11. barren —providing no shelter or sustenance 12. bedlam — a state of extreme confusion and disorder 13. behemoth — someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful 14. belligerent — characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight 15. bequeath — leave or give, especially by will after one's death 16. catharsis — purging of emotional tensions 17. colloquial — characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation 18. contemporaneous — occurring in the same period of time 19. deleterious — harmful to living things 20. detrimental — causing harm or injury 21. diabolical — showing cunning or ingenuity or wickedness 22. dissipate — cause to separate and go in different directions 23. docile — willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed 24. dubious — fraught with uncertainty or doubt 25. dwindle — become smaller or lose substance 26. effervescent — marked by high spirits or excitement 27. egotistical — having an inflated idea of one's own importance 28. enigma — something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained 29. ephemeral — anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day 30. euphemism — an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one 31. euphoria — a feeling of great elation 32. exacerbate — make worse 33. exorbitant — greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation 34. extemporaneous — with little or no preparation or forethought 35. fallacy — a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning 36. feign — give a false appearance of 37. flabbergasted — as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise 38. forlorn — marked by or showing hopelessness 39. furtive — secret and sly 40. halcyon — idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquility 41. hearsay — gossip passed around by word of mouth 42. hiatus — an interruption in the intensity or amount of something 43. hoax —something intended to deceive 44. hysteria — state of violent mental agitation 45. idyllic — charmingly simple and serene 46. impromptu —without advance preparation 47. infamous — known widely and usually unfavorably 48. jeopardize — pose a threat to; present a danger to 49. juxtapose — place side by side 50. kindle — cause to start burning 51. laconic — brief and to the point 52. lethargic — deficient in alertness or activity 53. —loquacious — full of trivial conversation; talkative 54. malaise — a feeling of mild sickness or depression 55. melancholy — characterized by or causing or expressing sadness 56. mirage — optical illusion 57. mnemonic — of or relating to the practice of aiding the memory 58. monotonous — sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch 59. mundane — found in the ordinary course of events 60. myriad — a large indefinite number 61. naive — marked by or showing unaffected simplicity; innocent 62. noble — having high or elevated character 63. nonchalant —marked by casual unconcern or indifference 64. notion — a vague idea in which some confidence is placed 65. oblivious — lacking conscious awareness of 66. odyssey — a long wandering and eventful journey 67. omnipotent — having unlimited power 68. opaque — not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy 69. ornithologist — a scientist who studies birds 70. patriotism — love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it 71. philanthropist —someone who makes charitable donations 72. poignant — keenly distressing to the mind or feelings 73. pristine — completely free from dirt or contamination; clear 74. queue — form a line or stand in line 75. rampant — occurring or increasing in an unrestrained way 76. rapport — a relationship of mutual understanding between people 77. rendezvous — a meeting place; tryst 78. sacrilegious — grossly irreverent toward what is considered holy 79. satirical — exposing human folly to ridicule 80. scrupulous — characterized by extreme care and great effort 81 solace — comfort offered to one who is disappointed or miserable 82 sporadic —recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances 83. squander — spend extravagantly 84 supersede — take the place or move into the position of 85. surreal — characterized by fantastic and incongruous imagery 86. tantamount — being essentially equal to something 87. threshold — the entrance for passing through a room or building 88. tranquility — a state of peace and quiet 89. tremulous — quivering as from weakness or fear 90. tyranny — dominance through threat of punishment and violence 91. ubiquitous — being present everywhere at once 92. unanimous — in complete agreement 93. unfathomable — resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be immeasurable 94. unscathed — not injured 95. vague — lacking clarity or distinctness 96. verbatim — using exactly the same words 97. vivid — evoking lifelike images within the mind 98. wayward — resistant to guidance or discipline 99. wither — shrink, as with a loss of moisture 100. wrath — intense anger 101. yearning — prolonged unfulfilled desire or need 102. yonder — distant but within sight 103. zealous — passionate or enthusiastic 104. zest — vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment 105. zippy — fast or lively.