You Are a Work of Art! Day 1: Introduction W e A r e H e r e This is our ! n u f meet e m o s e v a time h s ’ t e Curiosity Lab -- Check in We are going to have so much fun! oing g e r a u o Y ! . r U e O p Y a f p o Before we start, a u u o o y y d I’d like to know agive in m There is no right e r o t t a g little bit about h n i t o s g a or wrong...just e m e id yourI athinking. l c r i what you think! to c Circle the ideas that are true: Some kids are good at everything. People are born with certain talents that the rest of us will never have. People are born smart or not smart. Smart people are able to do things without too much effort. Circle the ideas that are true for you. I should just stick with the things I am good at. If I am good at something it’s easy for me. When I get stuck, I know that whatever I am stuck on is one of my weaknesses. When something is hard for me I know that it’s not one of my strengths. When someone is better than me at something, I know I will never be as good as them. Circle the ideas you have recently thought about yourself . I am either good at something or I am not. I know I am not going to be able to do this, so why even try. When someone tries to help me with something or gives me a suggestion, I feel like they are picking on me. I can’t make this better, so why even try? I already know everything I need to know about this. N A M E G A M E Class Meeting Your teacher has created a name game to help us get to know each other. Let’s do it! Teacher led class discussion... How do we want our class to be? What can we all do so that our class is the way we want it to be? Teacher Note: Write this down on an anchor paper for easy reference. Your turn Create your “All about You” Nameplate Teacher Note: Collect the name plates as students complete them so that you can use them in class each week.