e Wei-Chung Wu and Richard M. Bass Jerry R. Yeargan School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0250, USA Department of Electrical Engineering University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Abstract -This paper presents techniques which can eliminate or reduce the effects of the positive or RHP zero which appears in the small-signal duty-cycle to output transfer function of certain dc-dc converters. Several techniques are presented along with the theory, simulation 11. TECHNIQUES FOR ELIMINATION OF THE RHP ZERO This paper investigates three more techniques. Two are based on the state-space averaging model of Cuk and Middlebrook [2] and the third is based on the Injected-Absorbed-Current (IAC) model described in the book by Kislovski, Red1 and Sokal [ 3 ] . results and experimental results supporting each technique. Consider the example of the boost converter shown in Fig. 1. Neglecting capacitor ESR, the state-space averaging model yields I. INTRODUCTION There are a number of ways to eliminate the positive or right- the following small-signal model E half plane (RHP) zero in the loop gain equation for the boost r. f 1 \2L1 converter. Some methods involve complex control schemes to eliminate the RHP zero, but the various techniques presented in this paper involve changing parameters in a conventional pulsewidth modulator ( P W ) controlled boost converter to eliminate the RHP zero. A paper published in APEC 1990 by Sable, Cho and Ridley [1] presented different ways to eliminate the RHP E zero. The three methods suggested in that paper were 1) use leading-edge modulation 2) select component values to satisfy R , L . C > R (1 - 0 ) ~ 3) do not integrate the equivalent series resistance (ESR) generated output voltage switching ripple in the control loop All three techniques are based on knowing a fixed value of Fig. 1. Boost converter model considering only PWM feedback control the capacitor ESR. This paper will focus on eliminating the RHP zero in converters with low or negligible ESRs. A well known technique for eliminating the RHP zero is to operate the converter in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). Once the system enters this mode of operation, the 0-7803-4489-8/98/$10.00 0 1998 IEEE 362 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology - Arunachal Pradesh. Downloaded on February 03,2023 at 07:05:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. conventional system model reduces to a single left-half plane (LHP) pole, proper system [2].The condition which guarantees averaging model and the: IAC models converge to the same model. the boost converter is operating in DCM is In summary, the three techniques are TS A second technique 2L 'RD( 1 - D)* (2) 1) operate in the discontinuous conduction mode 2) reduce the inductor value while maintaining CCM operation continuous conduction mode (CCM) 3) reduce the frequency while maintaining CCM operation TS 2L RD( 1 - D ) 2 111. VERIFKATION TECHNIQUE (3) while decreasing the inductor value. With a small inductor and at Stability of a linear system with feedback can be determined a high switching frequency, from (l), the effect of the RHP zero from the phase and gain margins of the loop gain transfer can be minimized. The RHP zero is shifted towards positive function using Bode plots. A negative feedback system consisting infinity, thus reducing it's effect. This also holds true for of only two poles strictly in the LHP and no zeros is always increasing the resistor value while maintaining CCM operation. stable. It can easily be seen that for realistic values for the duty By operating the converter with large inductor ripple, i.e. near the cycle, the poles of (1) and (4) are strictly in the LHP. The RHP DCWCCM boundary, the effect of the RHP zero is reduced. zero allows the possibility of instability. Using Bode plots and A third technique also maintains CCM (3) while operating the system at a lower switching frequency. From the IAC model, observing the phase and gain margins, the stability of the system, which depends on the RHE' zero, can be determined. Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate how stability properties vary the small-signal model for the boost converter is: using Bode plots from MA'IZAB[4] for two techniques discussed in this paper. The Bode pbot for the first technique is not shown H(s) = (4) because it is a standard one pole system. In Fig. 2., the plot with the resonant peak on the left is the Bode plot of the loopgain of a From this equation, it can be seen that the RHP zero can become a LHP zero if the switching frequency is low enough. The frequency operating range constraint for this third approach is 2L ,>Ts> R ( 2 D )( 1 -D ) 2 RD( 1 - D ) 2L (5) 0 -50 -100 The upper limit insures CCM while the lower limit keeps the zero in the LHP. Unlike the IAC model (4), the state-space averaged -150 -200 -250 model (1) does not include a T , term, and therefore does not predict this regime of stable operation. As the frequency approaches infinity or T , approaches zero, the state-space -300 I o3 1o5 1oe 10' 1O8 Frequency(radlsec) Fig. 2. Bode plots from Matlaib using the IAC model demonstratingthe effects of changing the inductor value. 363 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology - Arunachal Pradesh. Downloaded on February 03,2023 at 07:05:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. boost converter with an inductor value of 60pF. From the phase minimum component feedback control was implemented margin, it is clearly unstable. The plot with the resonant peak on consisting of a comparator and a resistor network as shown in the the right has an inductor value of 15pH and is stable.In Fig. 3., same figure. This simple feedback scheme clearly isolates the the lower plot shows a boost converter operating at a switching right-half plane (RHP) zero instability phenomenon which frequency of 1 MHz, which is unstable. The upper plot shows the appears only when the output voltage is included in the feedback same system, but operating at 77 kHz, which is stable. loop (known as voltage mode control). The input current and output voltage waveforms for stable 100 and unstable operation are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7 for the 50 s D three techniques: discontinuous mode, lower inductance value, 0 and lower switching frequency, respectively. Fig. 5. shows the -50 operating mode changing from unstable CCM (25 SZ) to stable 0 g -100 $ 0 z DCM (loo0 Sz). In this case, the instability manifests itself as an unwanted, low frequency oscillation. The RHP zero can be -50 c -100 attributed as the cause of t h ~ instability. s In Fig. 6., the stable and -150 -200 -250 300 1o3 I o4 1o6 I 0' I 0' 1O8 Frequency (radlsec) Fig. 3. Bode plots from Matlab using the IAC model demonstrating the effects of changing the frequency l(111) 06. ~ IV. SIMULATION RESULTS 0.4- 2. 0.0 1WY lWY 1W" m u iW" 600" 7WU BOO" Bw" om1 Fig. 5. Output voltage (top) and inductor current (bottom) demonstratingthe effects of a discontinuousinductor current ,Wok I I I &- Fig. 4. Closed loop boost converter system The boost converter shown in Fig. 4.was simulated using Saber[5] with the following parameters: E=3V, L=60 pH, C=68 0.0 . loo" . ZDOY . 300" . IW" . SW" SW" 7W" , . BW" OW" 0.001 4.1 pF, no ESR, R=25 C& and the peak-to-peak sawtooth waveform Fig. 6. Output voltage (top) and inductor current (bottom) demonstrating the effects of a smaller inductor value in the feedback is 200 mV with a DC offset of 1.25 V. A 364 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology - Arunachal Pradesh. Downloaded on February 03,2023 at 07:05:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. unstable CCM operation for inductance values of 15 pH (stable) resulted. By keeping all the other parameters the same and and 60 pH (unstable) is shown. Fig. 7. illustrates the CCM only changing the 100 p H inductor to a 40 pH inductor, the operation at switching frequencies of 1 MHz (unstable) and 77 oscillations disappear as shown in Fig. 9. When the switching kHz(stable). The simulations support the theoretical analysis. frequency of the original oscillating system was lowered, the oscillations again disappeared as shown in Fig. 10. These waveforms show only the inductor current. Oscillations in the output voltage were difficult to see because the peak-to-peak voltage of the oscillations was on the order of millivolts and it was masked by measurement noise and the ESR ripple. , , 0.0 IW" , -0" . . , . . . MW 400" 540" m u 703" BW" 800" 0.001 4.) Fig. 7. Output voltage (top) and Inductor current (bottom) demonstrating the effects of a lower switching frequency V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 1 The boost converter shown in Fig. 4. was built in the lab using the following parameters: &2V, L=lOO pH, C=68 pF with low ESR, R=25 Q diode=lN5817, MOSFET=IRF520, Vsaw= 200mVpp + 1.25V and switching frequency = 640 kHz. An Fig. 9. Inductor current showing stable waveform using the same converter as Fig. 8. except at a lower frequency unstable, oscillating current waveform shown in Fig. 8. - - Fig. 10. Inductor current showing stable waveform using the same converter as Fig. 8. except with a smaller inductor 365 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology - Arunachal Pradesh. Downloaded on February 03,2023 at 07:05:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. VI. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES This paper investigates three techniques which can eliminate or reduce the effects of the positive or RHP zero which appears in the small-signal duty-cycle to output transfer function of certain dc-dc converters. All of these techniques require operating the converter near the CCMDCM boundary (i.e. large ripple condition for the inductor current) by varying the inductor or switching frequency.The techniques are presented along with the theory, simulation and experimental results supporting each technique. A verification technique was also presented. While the theory does not determine exactly if the system will oscillate, it [ l ] D. M. Sable, B. H. Cho and R. B. Ridley, “Elimination of the positive zero in fixed frequency boost and flyback converters,” in APEC Records, 1990, pp. 205-21I. [2] R. D. Middlebrook and S. Cuk, “A general unified approach to modeling switching converter power stages,” in IEEE PESC Records, 1976, pp. 18-34. [3] A. S. Kislovslu, R. Redl, and N. 0. Sokal, Dynamic Analysis of Switching-Mode DC/DC Converters, Lexington, MA: Design Automation, Inc., 1997 [4] R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1995. [5] Analogy Inc., “A Guide to Mixed-Signal Simulation and Design,” Analogy Inc., www.analogy.codpubslguidelguide.htm1 does provide a method of eliminating the oscillations. 366 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology - Arunachal Pradesh. Downloaded on February 03,2023 at 07:05:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.