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Legendary Sales Letters Vault: Improve Your Copywriting

Legendary Sales Letters Vault – 109 Total | Copy Legends
2022-10-18, 5:49 PM
Ah, Yes – Let's Take A Moment To
Discuss The "Sales Letter"...
Most sales letters today are... brutal.
Brutal enough to suck-start a shotgun.
And today, we aim to solve that for you.
Because as a copywriter…
You’ve either written sales letters in the past, OR...
You’ll need to learn how to write ‘em in the future.
Whether for your business or offer – or a client.
So, what’s THIS sales letter selling?
A live demonstration.
A proven solution.
A lifetime lesson.
I refer to it as my “Transparent Sales Letter.”
Whereas each “section” is clearly labeled.
Let’s dive in at the very top, starting with...
The "Problem"
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You’ve seen ‘em a thousand times.
Unoriginal and uninteresting sales letters…
That you’d NEVER consider purchasing from.
And if you’re anything like me, then…
You’ve also been on the publishing side…
Of one of these capital sin sales letters.
And there are 1,001 reasons WHY sales letters fail:
! Stressing the features, rather than benefits...
! Writing in “I, Me, We,” not “you” orientation…
! Speaking to audiences instead of individuals...
! Misjudging reader intelligence, “writing down” to them...
! Failing to “keep the copy moving” downward…
! Neglecting to back up claims with relevant proof…
! Omitting the exact “sales-advancing action” to take next…
! Being afraid to write copy long enough to finish the job…
! Framing in the “passive tone” rather than the “active tone”...
! Ignoring to explain what the reader will lose (without action)...
! Forgetting to speak in a conversational tone…
! Making the first commitment too large for the reader…
! Lacking a demonstration of credibility and authority…
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! Including illogical and unbelievable statements…
! Overusing clichés, adverbs, adjectives, and superlatives…
! Using more words than necessary, when less will do…
! Overlooking the need to justify your price…
And That’s Only 17 Reasons
Why Most Sales Letters
So Often Fail...
These reasons also illustrate the many reasons why…
Many copywriters live or die by their sales letters.
But the #1 reason why failing sales letters... fail, is that...
Most copywriters never learned to write ‘em the right way.
(And they continue to recycle the same one they’ve always used.)
And here’s the grand irony of that bold statement:
Copywriting is NOT a science – copywriting is an art.
There are no exact set of rules proven to work each time.
But there are rules proven NOT to work most of the time.
If you’ve only learned to write sales letters by…
Copying that one “funnel guy” (for the 1,000th time)...
You’ll continue to give away your copywriting control.
True copywriting freedom comes once you have…
The tools, resources, and knowledge to assemble...
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Your own “winning,” high-converting sales copy.
Rapidly – repeatedly – successfully –profitably.
The “Solution Mechanism”
The solution is simple.
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If you wanna become a world-class sales letter copywriter…
Then you must read – and study – world-class sales letters.
And it makes complete sense, huh?
There’s no way around that logic.
No shortcuts, no corner-cutting.
Everything changes when everything changes.
Also – nothing changes when nothing changes.
Once you change your sales letter ““inputs”
You’ll then change your sales letter “outputs.”
And the larger your collection of sales letters is...
The more creative inspiration you’ll have to find the…
Perfect big idea, headline, hook, appeal, pitch, or CTA.
And when you have these…
You dramatically improve your resources for…
Starting, finishing, and launching a successful…
Sales letter designed to generate more sales.
The “Product Build Up”
When it comes to writing your sales letters…
Here’s a quote to remember by Gary Halbert:
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Original Copy Legend
“You are only one sales letter away from striking it rich!”
And Gary should know…
He’s one of the most successful sales letter copywriters of all time..
And he flung his ink with such a big stick that he once wrote a…
! 1-page, 361-word sales letter that…
! Mailed out 600,000,000+ times, and…
! Generated 20,000+ cash customers a day…
Now, I don’t know about YOU, but that…
Is the ONLY kinda sales letter example…
I wanna read, study, and “Profit Swipe.”
This example brings up a critical question right now.
Will this sales letter help you become a better copywriter?
That’s the single question I encourage you to ask yourself…
With every decision concerning your copywriting journey.
So – I urge you to ask – and answer it – for yourself below.
Will These Legendary Sales Letters Help
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You Become A Better Copywriter?
Legendary sales letters like:
" The sales letter that generated 7,300,000+ total customers per day
and was mailed (#40)...
(This may be the highest “profit-per-word” sales letter ever written.)
" The sales letter that ran from 1974-2003 and generated $1 Billion in
sales (#51)...
(You’ll discover why this is the most “swiped” sales letter of all-time.)
" The sales letter that achieved a 100% response rate from every reader
who received it (#5)...
(You’ll discover powerful and persuasive “appeals” to tap into your
reader’s empathy.)
" The sales letter that launched one of the most successful magazines of
all time (#14)...
(You’ll discover one of the most brilliant and remembered sales letter
questions ever asked.)
" The sales letter that sold out all 50 seats ($10,000 apiece) for an
around-the-world expedition (#44)...
(You’ll discover the most bizarre “hook” you can use to sell your offers.)
" The sales letter “control” (highest-performing version) that lasted for
35+ years (#34)...
(Imagine what it would feel like to run a profitable sales letter for even
3.5 years.)
" The sales letter that sold $110,000,000 worth of products with just a
single mailing to two lists (#37)...
(You’ll discover the most powerful “triggers” to get your reader to take
the next sales-advancing action.)
The "Product Reveal"
As the lead researcher here at Copy Legends HQ…
It’s within reason to claim that I’m now one of the…
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It’s within reason to claim that I’m now one of the…
Most well-researched copywriters... on the planet.
And because of that…
I’ve read, studied, swiped, and come across…
The most successful sales letters ever written.
And because of THAT…
I started collecting and organizing them.
This collection now includes three volumes...
With a total of 109 legendary sales letters.
It’s Known In The Copywriting World As
The “Legendary Sales Letters Vault”
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109 legendary sales letters assembled by…
Dozens of immortal ink-slingers, including:
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# David Ogilvy
# Jay Abraham
# Eugene Schwartz
# Bill Jayme
# Claude Hopkins
# John Yeck
# Bruce Barton
# Bob Stone
# Gary Bencivenga
# Scott Haines
# Bob Bly
# Jim Punkre
# Clayton Makepeace
# Mel Martin
# Dan Kennedy
# Ted Nicholas
# Josh Manheimer
The "Pitch"
If you’re interested in owning them for life...
Below, you can access the complete master...
“Legendary Sales Letters Vault” collection.
And here’s the best part...
Along with these 109 complete sales letters...
You’ll ALSO receive free lifetime updates for...
Every additional “volume” added to the vault.
Truth be told…
The complete “Legendary Sales Letters Vault” ...
Will help you to BECOME a better copywriter.
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And inside, you’ll discover 109 variations of “winning”…
Sales messages, big ideas, appeals, and letter structures…
That generated billions of dollars in total sales – by mail.
Here’s what that means (and why it matters to you)...
The strategies you learn inside these 109 sales letters…
Can be applied to every type of sales copy you write…
Including your sales letters... ads... and emails.
Even if you read just one of these letters per day…
In 109 days, you’d have a master’s level education…
In one of the most critical of all copywriting skills.
(Just imagine if you read just 2, 3, 4, or 5 per day…)
This wisdom gives you a significant advantage.
Not only in becoming a better copywriter, but…
Also against your competing copywriters who’ve…
Never read – or studied – these lost masterpieces.
But Before We Go Any Further –
Let’s Reason Together About Price
I won’t sugarcoat this one…
This “Legendary Sales Letters Vault” is a...
Serious resource for serious copywriters.
And it’s an even more serious investment.
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The original price? $997.
The logic for this first price was simple:
Once you learn a single “$10 tip” from…
Each of the 109 legendary sales letters…
The value you receive exceeds the price.
And that doesn’t account for you…
Discovering the perfect creative inspiration…
Headline, big idea, or appeal that may lead to…
Your first (or next) “million-dollar sales letter.”
So the critical question becomes:
If you had $997 to invest in your ability to read, study, and…
Write high-converting sales letters, rapidly and repeatedly…
...would you invest it in yourself?
Would that be an unreasonable investment to make?
Of course not –– not if you’re committed to…
Becoming the best copywriter you can become.
And Here's The Real Kicker...
It goes without saying, but it’s worth repeating:
All it takes is ONE shift in your understanding of…
HOW to assemble high-converting copy to change…
The entire trajectory of your copywriting journey.
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And that’s too powerful to limit only to the…
Copywriters who have an extra $997 laying around…
Despite the justified value of a resource like this one.
So I decided to “Price Pivot” and cut it in HALF…
To provide the 109 most legendary sales letters for…
Just $497 – bringing each sales letter to just $4.56.
At that price…
It’d become the “Deal of the Decade” for any…
Copywriter who was serious about their own…
Ability to start, finish, and launch sales letters.
Think about the price of college tuition today…
Four years and tens of thousands of dollars to…
Learn about outdated models that no longer…
Apply to the real world we’re now living in.
And I speak that from personal experience...
After graduating with a degree in “Entrepreneurship.”
Then I Was Struck With A Humbling Dose
Of Nostalgia, Once I Remembered…
A pivotal moment from early in my copywriter journey that…
Jolted me outta my “headspace” and back into my “heart space.”
It was a quote I often repeated to myself after failing, which was:
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As a struggling copywriter...
“If I only knew what ‘they’ knew, then I could also do
what ‘they’ do.”
It’s a simple yet powerful reminder.
I imagine it may resonate with you.
And because of that memory…
I remember how wasteful it was to spend money…
Earning a degree from a respected business college…
That taught me nothing about becoming a successful...
Copywriter or a 6- and 7-figure online business owner.
That’s when I made my final decision on price.
By offering the entire “Legendary Sales Letters Vault”...
The 109 greatest sales letters of all time, complete…
With 663 pages of profitable copywriting wisdom…
For just $109.
Yep – just $1 per legendary sales letter.
That makes it the highest “value-per-dollar”…
Product ever published by Copy Legends.
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The "Close"
Now, if you’re wondering right now…
“Matt – this sounds awesome, and I’m 100% interested, but... I already purchased
some of the “Legendary Ads Vault” ...
Can you tell me EXACTLY WHY this “Legendary Sales Letters Vault” will
dramatically accelerate my progress in becoming a better copywriter?”
A brilliant question – with a simple answer.
It’s true: the “Legendary Ads Vault” gives you a…
Master collection of the world’s greatest ads…
Written by dozens of the “Original Copy Legends.”
And it’s ALSO TRUE…
Your ability to assemble world-class sales letters…
Requires VASTLY different copywriting strategies…
Than other shorter forms of copy (ads and emails.)
Think about it like this…
Every ad you write has ONE clear objective – to “sell the click.”
This click positions your prospect at the top of your sales letter.
Now think about this...
Most emails you write have ONE clear objective - to “sell the click.”
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This click also positions your prospect at the top of your sales letter.
And Your Sales Letters Are Designed
For Only One Purpose…
To convert your prospects into first-time customers – OR...
To convert your first-time customers into repeat customers.
These objectives make your sales letter copy…
Your single-greatest money-making sales copy.
Because your sales letters demand more from you.
They require you to deliver a complete selling job.
Because you’re no longer only “selling the click.”
You’re asking your reader to trade their money…
For the solution that only your offer can deliver.
Because Once You Reach A Certain Point
In Your Copywriting Abilities...
Even just ONE simple change in your sales letters that…
Increases conversions by 1-2% can result in thousands…
Tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of...
Dollars in total sales for your online business/funnels.
That’s why investing just $109 for this…
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Complete collection of the 109 most proven…
And profitable sales letters ever assembled...
Becomes a clear no-brainer decision for you.
If your “Copywriter Intuition” is telling you right now…
“You’ve gotta get your hands on this collection of sales letters!”...
If you believe these sales letters will provide you...
With one (or a hundred) ideas, strategies, sequences…
Or writing styles that’ll help you to BECOME a better…
Sales letter copywriter, trust that “copywriter’s intuition.”
(After all –– it led you to Copy Legends in the first place.)
This Sales Letter Collection Is Your Opportunity
To “Become” –
Because Learning
Isn’t Enough
After filling out a few details below…
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And once your order is complete, you’ll receive…
One-click access to the entire collection of the…
109 most legendary sales letters – 663 pages.
You’ll also receive free lifetime upgrades.
This means when the collection grows to…
200-300-400 sales letters in the future…
You won’t have to pay the “$1 per” price.
If you’re ready to level up as a copywriter…
If you’re ready to see, read, and study the…
Most successful sales letters ever assembled…
Then I invite – and as always, encourage you…
To complete your order below.
You’ll be joining 331 of your fellow copywriters…
Who’ve already chosen to level up their copy game.
I sure hope you’ll choose to join them (and me) now.
- Matt “Legendary Sales Letters Vault” Bockenstette
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2022-10-18, 5:49 PM
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