HIV /AIDS Use standard precautions HIV is also known as human immunode ciency virus AIDS is also known as acquired immune de ciency syndrome A pandemic is a global epidemic affecting all people Retrovirus is an RNA virus, which uses reverse transcriptase to become DNA in a host cell Antibody appears rather rapidly after infection through blood products usually within 4 to 7 weeks HIV can be spread through Anal or vaginal sex, being the receiver is riskiest Sharing needles or syringes Mother to child through pregnancy, birth, or breast-feeding Contaminated needle from a healthcare worker Oral sex Blood blood products, organ/tissue transplant T cell or CD4 cell is the main sale of the immune system HIV infects these cells A high CD4 count is good. It means you’re immune function is OK. A low CD4 count is bad. It means you have decreased immune function. When someone has AIDS, it deplete their helper, T cells, CD4 cells, and macrophages There are different classi cations for someone with aids or HIV, and their CD4 / T cell count Greater than or equal to 500 - 29% or more, stage 1 Between 200 and 499 - 14 and 28%, stage 2 Less than 200 - less than 14%, stage 3 - has AIDS de ning illness Also less than 200=AIDS dx, remember this. You should be alarmed when: they have a cd4 <200 Raising viral load Declining health - fever, night sweats, fatigue, malaise Not on prophylactic anabiotic’s or antiretrovirals Persistent/ severe fever, cough, diarrhea, headache, weight loss New neuro de cits - focal de cits, mental status changes, seizures Prophylaxis PrEP - preexposure prophylaxis These are used in high-risk populations The people who should take it daily it’s Holly effective for prevention of HIV only Men who have sex with me in, heterosexually, active men and women, injecting drug users, serodiscordant relationships How long do I have to take it before it provides maximum protection? If receiving anal sex, you should be on PREP for 7 days before Is receiving vaginal sex you should be on a PREP for 20 days before If you use injectable drugs, you should be on PREP for 20 days before PEP - Post exposure prophylaxis Occupational exposure, non-occupational exposure, sexual assault S/S: Acute: fever, night sweats, chills, muscle aches Infection: opportunistic, protozoa, fungal, bacterial, viral (like thrush/ oral candidas) Malignancies: kaposis sarcoma, malignant lymphoma’s, invasive cancer, HPV Endocrine complications All bout theONht you need to know PH 002 7.35 7.45 22 30 PO 80 100 too Oasat your ABG's Paco2 35 45 Pada 80 100 ETCO2Gradient 2 5655thanPalos 22 26 95 100 need anearperfect balancebw ventilation perfusion for adequate exchange you ÉI li 1 oath makethe stomach FM Remove secretions To assistventilation s 7.5 8or8 Fda50 70 NonRebreather 6 10 FOR 70 100 Venturi Mask variable Fios 24 50 you need 1 Positioning sniffing Brokeneck E collar readingfor good CO Airway maintenance w intubated aspiration can pts occur anytime securesDocumentplacement maintains monitor cuff Cr gomes Pao2 460 Leep bagmask verify placement w chesttray intubate w in 30sec pulsemox ogabronchospasmed tonwi Fact or EPHF.IS HOB itsopposite PartialRebreather 6 10 hemothorax tengo Prevent aspiration notfor FiOs 2444 simpleMask 5 8 Fi0235 55 increased secretions prevent the upper maintain an airway by7002COPD nasalcanula 1 6 onolfhardtorentilate Breathsounds on the simulated Roomair is 21 S 0 Alveoli 0 Bronchus Respiration 7.60 20 30 wrist restraints to preven extubation maintain suction mouthcare Preventsinfected Ah nasalcanula 1 61 24 44 FiO2 Oral Fall Mask 35 55 cang nasopharyngeal partial rebreather 50 701 Pavel endotracheal 1 w reservoir60 nonrebreather 70 100 venturi 24 50 ACO2 Respiration stimulated by but not w COPD its opposite Mobilization DVT PE sebreathing tx S bronchodialators There are different types of Respirations TinsonCO2 High Apnvestic end of lifeup PEA CheyenneStokes