Buku Literasi Digital UMKM berbasis Shopify-fix by I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa Submission date: 14-Feb-2022 08:11AM (UTC+0700) Submission ID: 1761572732 File name: LAYOUT_LITERASI_DIGITAL_UMKM_BERBASIS_SHOPIFY.pdf (4.45M) Word count: 22035 Character count: 147394 3 93 32 44 21 16 16 39 17 82 21 65 68 98 106 51 51 1 1 30 103 12 12 80 119 12 110 116 73 86 104 1 1 1 108 1 1 1 66 1 102 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 120 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 113 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64 1 92 64 88 111 20 20 20 20 20 84 105 79 50 49 75 72 76 59 50 109 33 18 67 122 18 18 7 7 7 95 55 42 7 7 7 7 7 7 83 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 115 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 63 43 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 96 54 54 8 8 16 4 5 5 35 5 4 5 4 5 13 57 14 4 112 13 4 31 61 23 23 91 5 4 5 15 15 71 25 25 77 118 5 5 56 36 74 22 22 9 26 78 28 22 19 25 25 89 41 22 4 60 99 121 87 70 60 38 19 25 25 101 19 25 25 19 19 38 13 5 13 5 35 94 90 45 24 37 46 34 11 58 1 40 100 27 33 48 114 47 107 69 18 30 53 81 117 30 30 29 85 52 62 Buku Literasi Digital UMKM berbasis Shopify-fix ORIGINALITY REPORT 23 % SIMILARITY INDEX 23% INTERNET SOURCES 6% PUBLICATIONS 7% STUDENT PAPERS PRIMARY SOURCES 1 ejournal.unesa.ac.id 4% 2 ojs.pnb.ac.id 1% 3 sipeg.unj.ac.id 1% 4 ecommerce.shopify.com 1% 5 community.shopify.com 1% 6 ejournal.uksw.edu 1% 7 journal.unesa.ac.id 1% 8 www.xendit.co 1% 9 help.merchants.affirm.com 1% 10 afi.unida.gontor.ac.id Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source <1 % 11 e-prosiding.poliban.ac.id <1 % 12 blog.amartha.com <1 % 13 www.archivebay.com <1 % 14 altairaerial.com <1 % 15 webdesign.tutsplus.com <1 % 16 www.coursehero.com <1 % 17 blog.mtarget.co <1 % 18 eprints.unm.ac.id <1 % 19 Submitted to Birkbeck College <1 % 20 jurnal.unsur.ac.id <1 % 21 1fitriani.blogspot.com <1 % 22 www.niagahoster.co.id <1 % 23 cize-store-demo.myshopify.com <1 % Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source 24 jurnal.unipasby.ac.id <1 % 25 swasthyakiore.com <1 % 26 docs.minionmade.com <1 % 27 jom.fti.budiluhur.ac.id <1 % 28 360sportwavebrush.com <1 % 29 ejournal.kemenparekraf.go.id <1 % 30 123dok.com <1 % 31 www.miskielondon.com <1 % 32 3lib.net <1 % Submitted to Universitas Negeri Surabaya The State University of Surabaya <1 % 34 ojs2.pnb.ac.id <1 % 35 Submitted to SDM Universitas Gadjah Mada <1 % 33 Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper Internet Source Student Paper dturismoeeventos.blogspot.com 36 Internet Source <1 % 37 conference.upnvj.ac.id <1 % 38 www.nomad-unlimited.com <1 % 39 analisadaily.com <1 % 40 etd.repository.ugm.ac.id <1 % 41 novik.neocities.org <1 % 42 ojs.unm.ac.id <1 % 43 www.pajak.go.id <1 % 44 anyflip.com <1 % 45 easychair.org <1 % 46 polgan.ac.id <1 % 47 www.e-journal.unair.ac.id <1 % 48 ejournal.kemsos.go.id <1 % Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source 49 Submitted to Sriwijaya University <1 % 50 goeroendeso.wordpress.com <1 % 51 Submitted to STKIP Sumatera Barat <1 % 52 ejournal.unib.ac.id <1 % 53 www.researchgate.net <1 % 54 www.slideshare.net <1 % Submitted to Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia <1 % 56 holofood-store-demo.myshopify.com <1 % 57 ikeastore.com.vn <1 % 58 journal.untar.ac.id <1 % Submitted to Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang <1 % learn.uco.edu <1 % 55 Student Paper Internet Source Student Paper Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper 59 Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper 60 Internet Source 61 shopify.github.io <1 % 62 jurnal.unmuhjember.ac.id <1 % 63 www.feb.ui.ac.id <1 % 64 www.suara.com <1 % 65 anangfirmansyahblog.files.wordpress.com <1 % 66 nasional.sindonews.com <1 % 67 exoocean.blogspot.com <1 % 68 Submitted to IAIN Batusangkar <1 % 69 akrabjuara.com <1 % 70 Submitted to City University <1 % 71 Submitted to Michigan State University <1 % 72 Submitted to Universitas Negeri Jakarta <1 % 73 jurnalmahasiswa.stiesia.ac.id <1 % Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper Internet Source Student Paper Student Paper Student Paper Internet Source 74 moocall.com <1 % 75 online-journal.unja.ac.id <1 % 76 Submitted to Universitas Negeri Semarang <1 % 77 www.endreywalder.com <1 % 78 www.peppyparents.com <1 % Regina Savitri, Sukaesih Sukaesih, Evi Nursanti Rukmana, Encang Saepudin. "INOVASI PELAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN MELALUI TAMAN BACAAN MASYARAKAT JATMIKA JAWA BARAT MENGHADAPI COVID19", Nusantara - Journal of Information and Library Studies, 2020 <1 % 80 ejournal.iaidalwa.ac.id <1 % 81 ejournal.upi.edu <1 % 82 eprints.upnyk.ac.id <1 % 83 jurnal.stitradenwijaya.ac.id <1 % 79 Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper Internet Source Internet Source Publication Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source 84 literasinusantara.com <1 % 85 repositori.usu.ac.id <1 % 86 repository.widyamandala.ac.id <1 % 87 www.shopify.com <1 % 88 id.berita.yahoo.com <1 % Gavin Ballard. "The Definitive Guide to Shopify Themes", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017 <1 % 90 ademaulanadwipurnama.blogspot.com <1 % 91 github.com <1 % 92 itjen.kemdikbud.go.id <1 % 93 jejakpublisher.com <1 % 94 jurusan.tik.pnj.ac.id <1 % 95 ledu.maranatha.edu <1 % 89 Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Publication Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source 96 nagabiru86.wordpress.com <1 % 97 repository.unib.ac.id <1 % 98 sites.google.com <1 % 99 www.okler.net <1 % 100 www.scilit.net <1 % 101 www.websparrow.org <1 % Heru Ependi, Reza Widhar Pahlevi. "KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN MAHASISWA PADA PRODUK ONLINE SHOP SHOPEE DAN FAKTOR PENENTUNYA", Journal Competency of Business, 2021 <1 % 103 aellyas.wordpress.com <1 % 104 ciptacendekia.com <1 % 105 digilib.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id <1 % 106 dspace.uii.ac.id <1 % 102 Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Publication Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source 107 ejournal.undiksha.ac.id <1 % 108 eprints.uty.ac.id <1 % 109 es.scribd.com <1 % 110 id.scribd.com <1 % 111 jnewsonline.com <1 % 112 margaretvera.com <1 % 113 nous.id <1 % 114 ocs.unud.ac.id <1 % 115 pt.scribd.com <1 % 116 repository.radenintan.ac.id <1 % 117 www.ejournal-binainsani.ac.id <1 % 118 www.fe.unisma.ac.id <1 % 119 www.scribd.com <1 % Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source Internet Source www.software-id.com <1 % Adam Freeman. "Pro ASP.NET Core Identity", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021 <1 % 122 e-journal.unipma.ac.id <1 % 123 www.jogloabang.com <1 % 120 121 Internet Source Publication Internet Source Internet Source Exclude quotes Off Exclude bibliography Off Exclude matches Off