Assignment 5 Logisim Download the Logisim-evolution logic simulator. Logisim is an open-source digital logic circuit design and simulation software written in Java. We will be a revised version called Logisim-evolution. You can download it from this link: 1. Getting started with the Logisim Tutorial First, start the logisim simulator. Then click on the Help dropdown menu in the Menu bar. You will see three help topics: Tutorial, User’s Guide and Library Reference. Click on Tutorial and go over Steps 0-5. Make sure you understand how to: • • • • Add logic gates Find and wire the gates Add and manipulate input and output pins Use the analyzer tool By the end of the tutorial, you would have a circuit model of an XOR gate. Click on Project -> Analyze Circuit you can see your Truth Table and Expression matches the ones below: 2. Simulating Half Adder with Logisim Implement a circuit with two outputs for a half adder using the following truth tables. Use only AND, OR, and NOT gates for the logic part of the circuit. Use Pins for the input and outputs. Give each input and output an appropriate label (which is property in the lower left corner; initially says “HDL required”). Use only a single input pin for A and a single one for B, connected appropriately for both outputs, S and C 2 You can test that the circuits are working by changing your cursor to pointing-hand tool and clicking on the inputs. If the output pins or any wires are blue, they are not attached to a value-producing part of the circuit. If any wires are red, that means they are connected to two contradicting inputs. With different inputs, you should see the correct output values. You can also test your circuit by looking at the generated truth table. Click on Project -> Analyze Circuit. Is the truth table correct? If not, fix your circuit. Save your circuit as halfAdder.circ and submit a PDF file includes screenshots of your Canvas (circuit) and Truth Table.