STANDARD 1 TOPIC 1: THEORY TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Rules and requirements of the State the basic rules to be computer laboratory observed in the computer laboratory Name the basic environmental conditions and security of the computer laboratory Introduction to computers Identify computer hardware CONTENT The basic rules Environmental conditions such as ventilation. Security of and in the computer room. Hardware:CPU,keyboard, mouse,monitor, speakers and printers. SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Formulating the rules as a class. Discussing the importance of environmental conditions and security. Pointing at and naming components of the computer NB: teacher to restrict to available equipments TOPIC: BASIC SETTINGS AND FILE MANAGEMENT TOPIC Use of a mouse Desktop features OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Use of a mouse CONTENT The drawing program icon e.g. paint Use a drawing program 1 Mouse movement and control SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Moving the pointer within diagram/shapes Clicking on the left mouse button Playing games using the mouse Pointing at the drawing icon using the mouse. TOPIC: WORD PROCESSING TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Load a word processor using an icon. Insert auto shapes and pictures using the mouse CONTENT Basic keyboard keys such as enter, backspace, caps lock and spacebar. Text selection Identify basic keyboard keys. Use the basic keyboard key. Type letters of the alphabet in both lower and upper case. Type simple words and numbers Select text Shift and arrow keys. Blocking text using the keyboard Formatting text The bold icon. The font colour icon Clicking the bold button. Changing colour of text. Loading a word processor program Word processing features Keyboard keys and their uses Typing SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Word processor Auto shapes and pictures Letters of the alphabet. Simple words and numbers 0-50 Block text using the keyboard Bold text Colour text 2 Creating a picture story using several auto shapes and pictures Pointing at and naming the basic keys Playing games using the keyboard keys. Writing simple words and numbers 0-50 TOPIC: PRESANTATIONS TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Drawing Draw pictures of their choice Loading a Open and close a drawing presentation/drawing program program CONTENT SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Drawing program e.g. paint Manipulating the mouse to produce a drawing. Painting the drawings, closing a drawing program. 3 STANDARD 2 4 TOPIC 1: THEORY TOPIC Rules and requirements of the computer laboratory Introduction to computers OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: State the basic rules to be observed in the computer laboratory Name the basic environmental conditions and security of the computer laboratory Identify computer hardware CONTENT The basic rules Environmental conditions such as ventilation. Security of and in the computer room. Hardware: CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor, Speakers and printers. SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Formulating the rules as a class. Discussing the importance of environmental conditions and security. Pointing at and naming components of the computer NB: teacher to restrict to available equipments TOPIC: BASIC SETTINGS AND FILE MANAGEMENT TOPIC Desktop features OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Identify icons by name CONTENT Names of icons 5 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Pointing at specific program icons TOPIC: WORD PROCESSING TOPIC Loading and exiting a word processing program Basic keyboard keys and their uses Opening, saving and exiting OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Load and exit a word processor Type numbers and simple words Type simple sentences Identify basic keyboard keys Use the basic keyboard key CONTENT Identify documents in a folder Retrieve documents from a folder Close a document Exit a program Highlight Bold text Colour text Default location (my document) Close button Insert auto shapes and pictures using the mouse Auto shapes and pictures Formatting text Word processing features SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Letters of the alphabet, words, Writing letters of the alphabet short sentences and numbers Writing numbers 0 to 100, simple words and sentences Basic keyboard keys such as Enter, backspace, caps lock, delete and spacebar Shift and arrow keys The bold icon The font colour icon 6 Pointing and naming the basic keys Playing games using keyboard keys Applying knowledge learnt on basic keyboard keys Launching a program, retrieving a document. Saving and closing a document. Exiting a program using the close button. Highlighting text Bolding text Changing colour of text NB Emphasis should be on primary colours Creating a picture story using several auto shapes or pictures TOPIC: PRESANTATIONS TOPIC Drawing OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Draw and colour in shapes Loading a presentation/drawing program CONTENT Open and close a drawing program 7 Drawing program icon Drawing program SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Drawing and colouring in shapes Using the mouse to produce a drawing. Closing a drawing program. STANDARD 3 8 TOPIC 1: THEORY TOPIC Rules and requirements of the computer laboratory OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: CONTENT SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES State the basic rules to be observed in the computer laboratory Name the basic environmental conditions and security of the computer laboratory The basic rules Environmental conditions such as ventilation. Security of and in the computer room. input, output and storage devices: Hardware : CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers and printers Storage devices: Floppy disks, flash drive/memory stick compact disk (CD), digital video disk (DVD). Software: WORD GAMES GOOGLE FACEBOOK Introduction to computers TYPES OF COMPUTERS Identify computer hardware and software WEBSITE INTERNET 9 Formulating the rules as a class. Discussing the importance of environmental conditions and security. Drawing and labeling components of the computer. Differentiating between input and output devices. NB: teacher to restrict to available equipments. Identifying the program in use. TOPIC: BASIC SETTINGS AND FILE MANAGEMENT TOPIC Starting up the computer Starting programs Working with windows OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Switch on the computer Start programs Close window using the close button CONTENT Power buttons Start button Start menu Close button 10 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Identifying power buttons Turning on the computer Using the start button Selecting options from menu Using the close button TOPIC: WORD PROCESSING TOPIC Loading a word processor program OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Word processing program typing Basic keyboard keys and their uses. CONTENT Word processor program Load and exit a word processor program using a starter menu Insert and colour auto shapes and pictures using the mouse Type sentences Auto shapes and pictures Identify basic keyboard keys. Use the basic keyboard key. Sentences. Four special characters i.e.!? , . Basic keyboard keys such as enter, backspace, caps lock, delete and spacebar. Word processing setting Identify the tittle bar and task bar Tittle bar and task bar Formatting text Select/highlight text Block text Bold text Colour text Underline text Shift and arrow keys and mouse The bold icon The font color icon. The underline icon 11 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Opening and closing a word processor program Colouring auto shapes and pictures Writing sentences and special characters. Pointing at and naming the basic keys. Playing games using keyboard keys. Applying knowledge learnt on basic keyboard keys. Using the tittle bar and task bar Blocking text. Bolding text. Changing color of the text. Underlining text. TOPIC: PRESANTATIONS TOPIC Drawing OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: CONTENT Drawing program icon, shapes, drawing and pictures Open a drawing program Combine shapes and drawings Save shapes and drawings 12 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Opening the drawing program using shortcut. Drawing according to teachers instructions. Typing and clicking the save shortcut STANDARD 4 13 TOPIC 1: THEORY TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Rules and State the basic rules to be requirements of the observed in the computer computer laboratory laboratory Name the basic environmental conditions and security of the computer laboratory Introduction to computers Identify computer hardware and software CONTENT The basic rules Environmental conditions such as ventilation. Security of and in the computer room. Hardware : SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Formulating the rules as a class. Discussing the importance of environmental conditions and security. Input and output Drawing and labeling components of the computer CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers and printers Storage devices: Floppy disks, flash drive/memory stick compact disk (CD), digital video disk (DVD). Software: Classifying input and output devices Listing the types of storage devices NB: teacher to restrict to available equipments Identifying the software in use by name and function 14 TOPIC: BASIC SETTINGS AND FILE MANAGEMENT TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Starting up and shutting down Switch off the computer Desktop features Printing using shortcut CONTENT Start menu Power buttons Start button Program using a mouse Use the start button Use a mouse to start a program Print process Generate a hard copy 15 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Identifying power buttons Turning off the computer Identifying the start buttons Starting a program using a mouse Printing using the print icon TOPIC: WORD PROCESSING TOPIC Loading a word processor program OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: CONTENT SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Word processor program Close icon & command the file menu Opening and closing word Exiting a program using close button Auto shapes and pictures Using the mouse to colour auto shapes and pictures Manipulating the menu and scroll bars Word processing features Word processing settings Load a word using a start menu Exiting a program using the close icon and close command in the file menu Insert and colour auto shapes and pictures using the mouse Use the menu bar and the scroll bars Word processing screen: menu bar and scroll bars Short paragraphs, punctuation Four special characters i.e. ! ? ,. Shift and arrow keys and mouse Backspace and delete key Typing Type a short paragraph Text selection and correction Select/highlight text using the shift and arrow keys and mouse. Delete sentences Identify numeric keyboard keys Use the numeric keyboard key Identify documents in a folder Retrieve documents from a folder Save a document in the hard disk Close document Formatting text Block text Bold text Color text Underline text Align text Apply font size and type The bold icon The font colour icon The underline icon Alignment icons Font size icon Type icon Editing text Copy and paste text Copy and paste Basic keyboard keys and their uses Opening and saving Short paragraph that integrate the numeric keys Default location (my documents) Double clicking the document in the folder Saving document and close button 16 Typing short paragraphs and inserting correct punctuation marks Blocking text Erasing sentences from right and from left to right Playing games using keyboard keys Launching a program Retrieving a document by double clicking it in the folder Using save and open command in the file menu Saving and closing a document Blocking text, Bolding text, Changing colour if text, Underlining text, changing text alignment, aligning text, changing font size and text, Using the scroll bar to see more fonts. copying and pasting using the Edit command menu, copying and pasting using the icons. TOPIC: PRESANTATIONS TOPIC Loading a presentation/drawing program Drawing OBJECTIVES CONTENT Pupils should be able to: Load a presentation program using Presentation program a mouse Drawing program icon Saving drawings Shapes, drawings and pictures Open a drawing program Combine shapes and drawings 17 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Opening a presentation program Creating a blank presentation Typing basic text Drawing according to instructions Using the short cut to save drawings STANDARD 5 18 TOPIC 1: THEORY TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Rules and requirements State the basic rules to be observed in of the computer the computer laboratory laboratory Name the basic environmental conditions and security of the computer laboratory Introduction to Identify computer hardware and computers/computer software hardware and software CONTENT The basic rules Environmental conditions such as ventilation. Security of and in the computer room. Hardware : Input and output CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers and printers Storage devices: Floppy disks, flash drive/memory stick compact disk (CD), digital video disk (DVD). Software: System and application software List advantages and disadvantages of using computers Advantages & disadvantages of using computers 19 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Formulating the rules as a class. Discussing the importance of environmental conditions and security. Drawing and labeling components of the computer Classifying input and output devices Listing the types of storage devices NB: teacher to restrict to available equipments Identify different system and application software Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer. TOPIC: BASIC SETTINGS AND FILE MANAGEMENT TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Starting up and shutting down Select option for shutting sown computers Use of mouse Perform different tasks by double clicking the mouse Settings Adjust date and time settings Identify task bar and its function CONTENT Shutting down options Double clicking Date and time settings Task bar functions A, C, and D drives Delete files and folders Identify drives and folders on the computer Delete files and folders from the C drive Recycle bin concept Identify the recycle bin and its used Recycle bin icon Desktop features Use shortcut menu for desktop display Printing Print documents using the shortcut Desktop display using shortcut menu Printing Screen severs Set screen savers on the monitor Screen savers Loading a word processor program Load a word processor using start menu Word processor close button Close a document Exit a program My computer icon 20 C drives files and folders SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Applying different options for shutting down Playing games using the mouse Checking current date and time Changing date and time setting using shortcut Minimizing and restoring using mouse Opening C drive Distinguishing folders from files Deleting files and folders Opening recycle bin Closing recycle bin Applying desktop display using shortcut menu Applying the printing technique using an icon Selecting and applying screen savers Using the start menu to load a word processor TOPIC: WORD PROCESSING TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: word processor features Typing Insert symbols, pictures and text Design pattern using auto shapes Type a paragraph CONTENT SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Symbol, pictures and text patterns Selecting symbols and pictures Identifying patterns Typing short paragraphs Short paragraphs, Punctuation Special characters ! ? , % $ () Shift and arrow keys and mouse Backspace and delete key Text selection and correction Select/highlight text Delete sentences keyboard keys and their uses Saving and Opening documents Formatting text Identify numeric keyboard keys Use the numeric keyboard key Open, save and close documents in the hard disk Block text Bold text Color text Underline text Align text Apply font size and type Short paragraph that integrate the numeric keys Open, save and close commands in the file menu The bold icon The font colour icon The underline icon Alignment icons Font size icon Type icon Editing text Copy and paste text Remove text Copy and paste Cut and paste 21 Blocking text Erasing sentences from right and from left to right Playing games using keyboard keys Opening, saving and closing a document Blocking text, Bolding text, Changing colour if text, Underlining text, changing text alignment, aligning text, changing font size and text, Using the scroll bar to see more fonts. copying and pasting using the Edit command menu, Copying and pasting using the icons. cutting and pasting using the Edit command menu, Cutting and pasting using the icons. TOPIC: SPREADSHEETS TOPIC Introduction to a spreadsheet Spreadsheet formatting Saving and opening documents OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: CONTENT Spreadsheet structure; columns, rows, columns headings, row headings cells, cell names, cell pointer, sheet tabs, navigating in the spreadsheet. Describe the spreadsheet structure Create a spread sheet set with adjustments insert formatting cells and page cells Open save and close documents in the hard disk Width adjustments Formatting cells and page breaks Open, save and close commands in the file menu SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Explaining what constitutes a spreadsheet Explaining the difference between workbooks and worksheets Creating a spreadsheet-spreadsheet structure, cursor manipulation Formatting a spreadsheet Opening, saving, and closing using file menu TOPIC: PRESANTATIONS TOPIC CONTENT Loading a presentation program OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Load a presentation Drawing Opening and closing a presentation Save drawings Open and close existing presentation drawings Presentations Formatting text Slides, font, colour and size Slide show format text on slides apply font, colour and size on text apply slide transition effects apply design templates present a slide show Presentation program Slide transition effects Design templates Slide show presentations 22 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Viewing of different available slides Adding text to a slide Saving the presentations Saving the drawings Typing in the file name Saving in the correct folders Changing the font size Changing the text colour Adding transitions in normal view Using existing template designs STANDARD 6 23 TOPIC : THEORY TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: Rules and requirements explain the basic rules to be observed of the computer in the computer laboratory. laboratory Introduction to computers CONTENT The basic rules. Identify different types of computers Different types of computers: Laptops, palmtops, Notebooks PC, mainframe Supercomputer. Hardware Identify computer hardware and software Input devices: Keyboard, mouse Output devices Speakers, printers and screen. SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Discussing the need for rules in the computer laboratory and the consequence of breaking the rules. Compare the different types of computers. Entering data using the input devices. Storage devices: Floppy disks, flash Disk/memory stick, compact disk(CD), digital video disk(DVD). Software System and application software Identify computer viruses and their causes Computer viruses, causes and effects 24 Discussing the suitability in the application of different types of storage devices NB: teacher to restrict to available equipments TOPIC OBJECTIVES Pupils should be able to: List advantages and disadvantages of using computer CONTENT Advantages and disadvantages of using computers Identify the benefits and limitations Internet and e-mail. in the use of internet and email 25 SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND NOTES Discussing the problems resulting from computer viruses. Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using computers. Demonstrating how to access internet. Sending and receiving e-mail.sss 26