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Youth Unemployment Survey Report

A questionnaire survey was conducted targeting youth unemployment and recommendations were
also drawn based on the findings.
The concern of Youth unemployment is primarily within the educated youth and not the
uneducated children of farmers. The data analysis provided by the Ministry of Labor and Human
Resources, revealed that youth unemployment is not a phenomenon occurring even across villages
and towns, but rather confined more in to the urban and educated section of the society. There
various reports and documents published which concern the youth; them employment and its
causes, consequences and so on. Most of these documents portray the trends, the causes and
consequences. With time, there have been changes in the scenario of the labor market and there
are certain significant changes which occurred over a period of time. youth unemployment has
become a global concern in the 21st century. Several studies were carried out by various
economists and social scientists. When a person remains unemployed for a long period of time,
they tend to live a destructive live, which eventually would cause them mentally and physically
inactive and unsound leading to disruption in social disharmony. “Adolescences imply a series of
status passages. Young people have to make transition in their educational career – from primary
to secondar education and eventually on to tertiary education. A campus based cross-sectional
survey was carried out during the months of August and September 2022 in University of Energy
and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani. Students aged 18 years and older were considered
eligible for the study. Considering the prevalence of awareness on road safety measures among
adults to be 15.7% as observed from literature for an absolute precision of 4% and 95% level of
confidence with an anticipated non-response rate of 10%, sample size was estimated to be 340.
Consenting individuals were administered a pretested, semi-structured questionnaire to collect the
relevant data. In addition to the socio-demographic details of the participants, the questionnaire
assessed the and their practice towards the same.
The questions were customized to individually assess the road safety practices of pedestrians and
drivers. The questionnaire assessed knowledge and practice of the study participants with regards
to traffic rules to be observed as a pedestrian or a driver.
Fifty(50) people participated in the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey was
completed in September 2022. The questionnaire survey forms were made accessible to the
youth on both physical and online means.
The questionnaire survey forms allowed each person to submit only one response. Some users
refused to participate in this survey by not accessing the forms. Some users completed the forms
on site while others completed the form in their own time.
Age range
Over 50
Table 1. Age ranges that participated in the survey.
The questionnaire was simplified so that users could choose between yes, no and always and
seldom. Allowance was also made for detail comments for those who wanted to give more
information on this topic.
The feedback received was analyzed and presented in a summarized format. Some of the answers
are combined and details are discussed under the findings.
Figure 1 : A chart showing the currently unemployed status in Ghana.(Source :
The result from this survey shows that all individuals that partook in the questionnaires
are currently unemployed which needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Figure 2: A chart showing whether the individuals are currently in further education. It can be
seen that there are a lot of individuals that are currently furthering their studies based on the
charts, as these two reasons Yes or No.
Figure 3: A chart showing the difficulties do you face as a young person in finding a job. Based
on the charts, approximately 49.1% indicated that lack of experience is, by far , the biggest
challenge first time job seekers face.
With rising population, increasing enrolment and other concerning factors the unemployment
issue has taken its toll to greater height leading to several consequences which require forefront
attention from everyone. It is very evident from the number of arrests made by the Royal Bhutan
Police that juvenile delinquency and related crime rates are on the rise. Such social issues might
seem feeble, but one should not forget that rise in such situations will impose acute strain on the
existing facilities and may hamper progress in other areas of development. The problem of
unemployment is not a new issue that emerged overnight. There are various measures and
mitigating methods that are being undertaken by government and concerned agencies.
Nevertheless, the severity of the problem overrides the measures and assistances in curbing down
these issues. In other words, there are gradual increases in number of such issues which results
from other factors with unemployment as another indirect factor contributing as an evident
challenge. With their diverse exposure to various ideas, places and behavior of the people, there
are number of literatures and studies, which can be a guide and reference to design our own
programmed and activities to curb down such issues through education reforms, social reforms,
Policy recommendations and many other practical activities that they have imprinted in their
studies and research documents.
One major finding derived from such study is that one of the vital complex issues that we need to
deal is changing the social mindset of the people along with economic development of the
country. This can be verified with the simplest example of the attitude of youth towards the bluecollar jobs in the case of the Bhutanese youth. Therefore, changing their attitude towards work
means changing their total social outlook with the way they think, and see the world outside.