Unit-5 Steady electric current and circuit properties 5.1 Basic principles 1. Electric current w/n a conductor is connected to a source of voltage or battery the free electrons in it will undergo an ordered or directional motion forming electric current it is given as , I = Q /t its si-unit is ampere A 1A = 6.25ₓ1018 electrons / second =1C / s 1e = 1.6ₓ10-19C 2. Resistance, resistivity, and conductivity 2.1. Conductivity (6) It measures material ability to allow electric current through it 2.2. Resistivity (ᵨ) It measures material ability to resist the flow of electron in it Conductivity and resistivity are inverse proportional ᵟ=1/ᵨ Its si unit is Siemens per meter 2.3. Resistance ( R ) It is a property of a material to control amount of current It is electrical device to control amount of current It is given , R = ᵨ L /A, R = V / I 1. Drift velocity and current density Drift velocity ( Vd ) It is average velocity of an electron in moving through a conductor Due to collision they do not move straight lines along the conductor instead they move or undergo a zigzag motion Electric field in a wire gives electrons a drift velocity 2. Current density ( J) It described as J= I/ A and J=ᵟ E I=∆Q/∆t ∆Q = n q A ∆X = n q A Vd ∆t Therefore. Vd = J /n q , where ,n-is number of charge Electromotive force and internal resistance Sources of electromotive force Cell, or battery transforms non electrical energy ( chemical in cell or battery to electrical)and generator transforms mechanical in to electrical energy Sources of emf are energy converters r is internal resistance in the cell Vd = I r terminal voltage is voltage out of the cell Vt =I R therefore , some energy is lost in the cell due to heat Ԑ= Vt +Vd I = Ԑ /R+r remaining potential is , Vt = Ԑ - Vd Power in an electrical circuit it is a rate at w/c electrical energy is converted in to heat it is given as P= W/t =V I , V=I R , I=V/R , W = Q V P= R I2= V2/R Combining resistors 1. In series It given as 1. IT =I1=I2=I3=In 2. VT= V1+V2+V3+ +Vn 3. V=I R 4. RT=R1+R2+R3+ +Rn 2. In parallel It is given as 1. VT =V1=V2=V3=Vn 2. IT=I1+I2+I3+ +In 3. I=V/R 4.1/RT =1/R1+1/R2+1 / R3 + +1/ Rn 5.2 Kirchhoff’s rules It used to solve complicated circuits It is valid in any junction and loop 1.1st rule (junction) States that the algebraic sum of the currents entering any junction point in a circuit is zero This means that the sum of currents entering any junction point is equal to the sum of the currents leaving the same junction point It is based on the law of conservation of charge I in = I out About direction, first take assumption. Second if your answer is opposite to the actual current direction , a negative current will be result 2.2nd rule (loop) States that the algebraic sum of the potential difference ( voltage) around any closed loop is equal to zero This means that the algebraic sum of the emf s in any loop equals the algebraic sum of the voltage in the same loop Given as Sum of emf = sum of IR It is based on principle of conservation of energy applied for electric circuit Sign convention for voltage If you move as follows , 1. For voltage drop a. In the direction of current , V = -I R b. Opposite to direction of current , V= I R 2. For emf a. In the direction of current , V = emf b. Opposite to direction of current, V= -emf 5.3 Measuring instruments 1. Ammeter It used to measure current at any branch It Connected in series with resistor Resistance of ammeter should be low as possible 2. Voltmeter It used to measure the voltage drop across some part of a circuit It connected parallel to with resister Resistance of voltmeter should be high as possible 3. Galvanometer It is a moving coil meter It used to sensitive measurement of electric current ( very small ) 3.1 Galvanometer to measure large currents It is converted in to ammeter by placing a resistor in a parallel with the Galvanometer Such resistor is called a Shunt ( small resistor) It should be small resistance It acts as ammeter Given as Vg = Ig . Rg Vs = Is .Rs I = Is + Ig , Is = I-Ig Rs = Ig . Rg / I-Ig 3.2 Galvanometer to measure large voltmeters It connected to large resister with galvanometer in series It is called multiplier resister It acts as voltmeter It given as V = VR +Vg R = v-I Rg /I 5.4 The Wheatstone bridge It is a type of bridge circuit It has four resistors R1, R2, R3,& Rx connected end to end Values of R1 &R2 are precisely known Value of Rx is unknown resistor w/ c is measured Value of R3 is variable w/n R3 is adjusted so that there is no current through the galvanometer the bridge said to be balanced w/n Ig=0 , I1 and I2 are in series , I1=I2 and similarly I3=Ix potential difference b/n A and B , VAB= 0, VA=VB ,therefore VAC = VBD I1 R1=I3 R3, are parallel equ.1 Similarly , VAD = VCB I2 R2 = IX RX , are in parallel equ. 2 Divide equ. ½ , you get R1/R2 =R3/RX RX = R2 R3 /R1 The potentiometer It is potential divider circuit It is used to measure emfs and potential differences Known resistances are R1 and R2 Test cell is emf is determined b/c it is parallel to R1 given as , emf = V1 = V ( R1 / R1+R2 ) I1 = V1/R2 Comparing the emf of two cells using a potentiometer Instead of the two resisters R1 & R2 as above fig , a wire of uniform cross section can be used as in fig below Emf 1 is one of the two cells for comparison w/n the galvanometer read zero : emf 1˷l1 Then disconnect the cell emf1 from the circuit and replace it by emf 2 , the other cell for coparison Again move the pointer p until the galvanometer reads zero Then measure the length of the wire from A to p ( l2 ) , where emf 2˷l2 Then , emf1/emf2 =l1/l2.