Uploaded by Fawwaz Khan

Chemistry CPT Review: Organic, Quantum, Thermo, Electro

Fawwaz Khan
12 University Chemistry CPT Review
Lesson 1: Alkanes & Cyclic Alkanes
- Alkanes
- Structural Isomers
- Alkyl Halides
- Cyclic Hydrocarbons
- Examples
Lesson 2: Alkenes and Alkynes
- Alkenes
- Alkynes
- Geometric Isomers of Alkenes
- Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes
- Examples
Lesson 3: Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Properties of Aromatic
- Naming
- Phenyl Group
- Common Names
- Reactions
- Examples
Lesson 4: Alcohols, Ethers and Thiols
- Properties Alcohol
- Naming Alcohols
- Reactions Alcohols
- Naming Ethers
- Preparation of Ethers
- Thiols
Lesson 5: Aldehydes and Ketones
- General Formula
- Properties of Aldehydes and
- Naming Aldehydes
- Preparation (Oxidation)
- Naming Ketones
- Hydrogenation
- Examples
Lesson 6: Carboxylic Acid, Esters
- Properties of Carboxylic Acids
- Naming CA
- Properties of Esters
- Naming Esters
- Reactions
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- Esterification
- Hydrolysis
- Saponification
- Examples
Lesson 7: Amines and Amides
- Degree of Amines
- Properties of Amines
- Naming Amines
- General Formula of Amides
- Properties of Amides
- Naming Amides
- Reactions
- Preparation of Amides
- Reaction of Amides
- Examples
Lesson 8: Synthesis Reactions
- Flow Chart
- Examples
Lesson 9: Polymers and Polymerization …...……………………………………………..25
- General Molecular Structure
- Types Polymerization
- How are they formed?
- Addition Polymerization
- Condensation Polymerization
- Properties
- Examples
Lesson 1: History of Atomic Theory
- John Dalton
- J.J. Thomson
- Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment
- Discovery of Radioactivity
- Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
- Nuclear (Beehive) Model
- James Chadwick (Discovery of Neutrons)
- Atoms and Isotopes
Lesson 2:
- The Wave Nature of Light
- All forms of radiation
- Quantized energy photons
- Planck’s Assumption
- The Photoelectric Effect
- Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom
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- Continuous Spectrum
- Bohr’s Model
Lesson 3: The Quantum Mechanic Model
- The Wave Behaviour of Matter
- The Uncertainty principle
- The quantum mechanic model
- Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
- Pauli Exclusion Principle
- Relationships
Lesson 4: The Atomic Structure & Periodic Table
- Electron Configuration
- Shorthand Form
- Electron Configuration of Transition Metals
- Orbital Diagrams
- Aufbau Principle
- Hund’s Rule
- Configurations and periodic table
- Magnetic Properties
- Ferromagnetism
Lesson 5: Types of Chemical Bonds
- Ionic Compound
- Covalent Bond
- Lewis Structure and Octet Tule
- Valence Shell Electrons
- Lewis Dot Diagrams
- Rules for Drawing LD
- Exception (Less or More)
- Coordination Covalent Bonding
Lesson 6: Molecular Geometry & Bonding Theories
- Molecular Shapes
- VESPR Model
- Electron pair geometry
- Molecular geometry
- Rules for predicting
- Two central atoms
- Effective of nonbonding electrons and multiple
bond on bond angles
- Multiple bonds
Lesson 7: Electronegativity & Polarity of Bonds
- Electronegativity and Polarity of Bonds
- Electronegativity and Covalent Bonds
- Polarity of Molecules
Lesson 8: Covalent Bonding & Orbital Overlap
- Covalent Bonding
- Hybrid Orbitals
- Single Bonds
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- Multiple Bonds
Lesson 9: Intermolecular Forces
- Ionic Dipole
- Dipole-Dipole
- Hydrogen Bonding
- London Dispersion
Lesson 10: Structure & Properties of Solids
- Ionic Crystals
- Metallic Crystals
- Molecular Crystals
- Covalent Networks Crystals
- Semiconductors
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Lesson 1: Introduction
- Heat and Energy Changes
- Types of Systems
- Energy
- Law of Conservation of Energy
- Thermal Energy
- Heat
- Temperature
Lesson 2: Calorimetry
- Calorimetry
- Types of Calorimetry
- Coffee Cup
- Bomb
- Assumptions (Coffee Cup)
Lesson 3: Enthalpy
- Molar Enthalpy Change
Lesson 4: Representing Enthalpy Changes
- Endothermic
- Exothermic
Lesson 5: Bond Energies
- Bond Energies
- Additivity of Bond Energy
Lesson 6: Hess’s Law
- Hess’s Law of Summation
- Rules
Lesson 7: Standard Enthalpy of Formation
- Equation
Lesson 8: Rates of Reaction
- Chemical Kinetics
- Reaction Rate
- Calculating Average Reaction Rates
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- Calculating AROR
- When ratios are not 1:1
Lesson 9: Explaining Reaction Rates
- Collision theory
- Activation energy
- Activated complex
- Transition States
- Catalysts
- Chemical Nature of Reactants
- Concentration
- Surface Area
Lesson 10: Rate Law
- Rate Equation
Lesson 11: Reaction Mechanisms
- Explanations
Lesson 1: Introduction
- Examples
Lesson 2: Equilibrium Law & Constant
- Equilibrium Constant Expression
- General Equation
- Constant vs Reaction Rates
- Effects of Temperature
- Magnitude
Lesson 3: Equilibrium Calculations & Constant
- Examples
- Quotient (Q) Value
Lesson 4: Le Chatelier’s Principle
- Adding/Removing Product or Reactant
- Effects of Pressure
- Effects of Temperature
- Effects of Catalyst
Lesson 5: Solubility Equilibrium & Product Constant
- Solubility Product constant
- Common Ion effect
Lesson 6: Acid and Bases Summary of Theory
- Arrhenius Theory
- Bronsted Lowry Theory
- Conjugate Acid/Base
- Ionization
Lesson 7: Strong & Weak Acid & Bases
- Types of Acids
- Weak Acids/Bases
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- Self Ionization of Water
Lesson 8: pH Scale
- pH
- pOH
- How to measure?
- Weak Acids
- Calculating Ka
- Precent Ionization
- pH for polyprotic acids
- pH of Weak acids
Lesson 9: Salt Solutions
- Rules
- Neutral Solutions
- Weak Solutions
Lesson 10: Acid Base Titrations
- Titration Curves
- Strong and Weak Acid and Base
- Weak Acid & Strong Base
Lesson 1: Electron Transfer Reactions …………………………………………………...92
- Electrochemistry
- Oxidation Reduction Reactions
- Rules for Oxidation Numbers
- Identifying Agents
Lesson 2: Balancing Redox Reactions …………………………………………………...94
- Requirements
- Half Reactions
Lesson 3: Galvanic Cells
- Household Battery
- How galvanic cells work?
- Line notation
- Diagrams
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Lesson 9: Intermolecular Forces
Ionic Dipole Forces:
- Forces that exist between an ion and a partial charge at the end of a polar molecule.
London Dispersion Forces
- Forces that exist between non-polar molecules.
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Dipole-Dipole Forces:
- Forces that exist between neutral polar
- They attract each other when the positive end
of one molecule is close to the negative end of
another molecule
- They are effective only when polar molecules
are close together, generally in solution
- They are weaker than ion-dipole forces
- at some instance, the 2e- of helium will be on
the same side creating a partial dipole
- when it comes in contact with another helium
atom, it will cause the electrons of the other
helium atom to move to the opposite end of
the molecule
- the negatively charged original helium atom
will be attracted to the positively charged
nucleus of the second helium atom
- the strength of London Dispersion Forces increases with increasing molecular size, mass and
number of electrons.
Hydrogen Bonding
- Attraction that exists between the
hydrogen atom in a polar bond (particularly
an H-F, H-O or H-N bond) and an
unshared electron pair on a nearby
electronegative ion or atom (usually O, F or
N atom)
- They are stronger than both dipole and
dispersion forces.
- They are significant to biological activities
such as the structure of proteins.
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Lesson 10: The Structure and Properties of Solids
- A crystalline solid is a solid whose atoms, ions or molecules are ordered in well defined
- The physical properties of crystalline solids, such as melting point and hardness, depends on
both the arrangement of particles and on the attractive forces between them.
Ionic Crystals
- Ionic solids are held together by ionic bonds
- T he strength of the bond depends on the charges of the ions
Typical Properties:
- Hard, high melting points, non-conductors of electricity as solids
but good conductors when melted
Metallic Crystals
- These crystals consist entirely of metal atoms
- The bonding is due to valence electrons delocalized throughout
the entire solid
- The strength of the bonding increases as the number of
electrons available for bonding increases
Typical Properties:
- Range from hard to soft, melting points range from high to low, conduct electricity well, have
characteristic lustre
Molecular Crystals
- Consists of atoms or molecules held together by intermolecular forces
- The properties depend on both the strength of the forces that operate between molecules and
also on the ability of the molecule to pack efficiently in three dimensions.
Examples: Water/Ice
Typical Properties:
- Soft, low melting points, non-conductors of electricity
Covalent Networks Crystals
- Consists of atoms held together in large interlocking networks or chains by covalent bonds
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- Can be one non-metal (graphite or silicon) or two nonmetals (SiC, SiO2)
- 2D or 3D
Typical Properties
- Very hard, very high melting points, non-conductors of
- Increase temperature causes the vibration of silicon atoms
- Electricity can be controlled through doping
- N-type doping involves adding electrons to the network by replacing Si with atoms in group 5
(ex. P)
- P-type doping involves removing electron from the network by replacing Si with atoms in
group 3 (ex. B)