5121/4 BGCSE RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAPER 4: COURSEWORK (PRIVATE CANDIDATES) 2022 -2023 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS BAHAMAS GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Completed assignment along with the attached declaration form must be submitted to the Examination and Assessment Division of the Ministry of Education on or before the second Friday in April of the examination year. Candidates are required to answer only ONE question. Additional instructions are given on the inside cover. TEACHER’S COPY This question paper consists of 5 printed pages. © MOE 2022 Turn over 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (CONTINUED) All Private Candidates will be required to complete a Coursework during the course of study. The Coursework must be directly related to the section/s of the syllabus for which the candidate has entered and should take the form of a response to a clearly formulated question or problem. The time devoted to the Coursework should be approximately proportional to the percentage of marks allocated for this part of the assessment, i.e. 20% of study time. Coursework should be placed in plain folders. The cover must be clearly marked with the candidate’s name and number, the subject code and the name of the centre through which the candidate is entered (if applicable). Coursework should not be submitted in expensive file covers, nor should valuable illustrative material be included. Completed Coursework must be submitted to the Testing and Evaluation Section of the Ministry of Education on or before the second Friday in April of the examination year. Coursework must include the title, a table of contents, a bibliography, and a diary of visits. Tables of statistics, diagrams, graphs, illustrations, photographs, map, etc. will be given credit provided they are pertinent to the study and clearly support some part of the text. Work which is little more than scrapbook collections or long extracts from reference or interpretation by the candidate will be given little credit. Quotations must be indicated clearly and their source stated. Candidates should note that Coursework will be assessed according to the extent to which they demonstrate achievement of the following objectives: (a) Select and present relevant factual information in an organized manner while showing understanding of religious language, sources, views etc.; (b) Evaluate issues of belief and practice; (c) Present and communicate a coherent viewpoint, using methods and media appropriate to the study of religion. Coursework must be supervised by a practising Religious Studies teacher and declaration forms completed for submission. 3 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RELIGIOUS STUDIES 5121/4 EXAMINATION & ASSESSMENT DIVISION COURSEWORK (PRIVATE CANDIDATES) DECLARATION FORM BGCSE EXAMINATIONS 2022 CANDIDATE NO. CANDIDATE NAME PAPER QUESTION/PROBLEM: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________ __ _________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ________ _____________________ __________________________________________ _________________ _________________________________________ __________________ DECLARATION BY CANDIDATE: I declare that the work contained in this folder is all my work, completed without unfair help from anyone. SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE __________________________________ DECLARATION BY TEACHER I have regularly supervised the candidate’s activities and, to the best of my knowledge, the work submitted is that of the candidate to whom the work is ascribed. SIGNATURE OF TEACHER ___________________________________ 4 1. Question/Problem In today’s society everyone is concerned with life after death. varying views of this religious belief. Discuss the Outline a. An explanation of the term ‘death’. [KU 4] b. A discussion of TWO main causes of death in The Bahamas. [KU 6] c. An explanation and discussion of Jesus’ claim that if you believe in Him you will never die. [KU 10] d. A comparison between the Christian and Jewish perspectives on life after death. [I 25] e. What are your views on life after death? Give reasons to support your answer. [JPR 10] f. An investigation to support or refute the Catholics belief in purgatory. g. A description, using biblical references, of heaven and Hades/hell. h. “Heaven and hell were designed to scare people into doing what is right.” Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your answer. [JPR10] [I 25] [KU 10] 5 2. Question/Problem The Early Church was established on the Day of Pentecost. How did this event influence the Church then and to what extent has it affected the Church now? Outline a. A description of how and why Pentecost (Shavuot or Festival of Weeks) was celebrated by the Jews. [KU 6] b. An explanation of what took place when the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. [KU 10] c. A discussion on the impact of the Holy Spirit on the work of the apostles. d. A comparison of life in the Jewish Community before and after the coming of the Holy Spirit. [I I5] e. An evaluation of the extent to which the Holy Spirit influenced the acceptance of Gentiles into the Early Church. [JPR 20] f. An investigation of how the work of the Holy Spirit is reflected in the social, moral and spiritual life of the Church today by interviewing a: - Pastor/Priest (Bishop/Deacon) - Youth Leader (Minister) - Church Counsellor. [I 35] [KU 14] 6 1. MARK SCHEME a. An explanation of the term ‘death’ . Level 1: Attempts to explain showing little understanding. Level 2: Gives a full explanation of the term death b. A discussion of TWO main causes of death in The Bahamas. Level 1: Discusses fully one cause Level 2: Discusses fully two causes c. A discussion and explanation of Jesus’ claim that ‘if you believe in Him you will never die’. [KU 10] Level 1: Attempts to explain why Jesus made the claim showing little understanding [1-6] Level 2: Explains fully why Jesus made the claim showing full understanding. [7-10] d. A comparison between the Christian and Jewish perspectives on life after death. [I 25] Level 1: Provides information on both religious groups without forming conclusions [1-10] Level 2: Provides information with similarities or differences [11-20] Level 3: Provides information from sources and shows similarities and differences [20-25] e. What are your views on life after death? Give reasons to support your answer. [JPR 10] Level 1: Attempts to give a response based on evidence but evaluation is weak. [1-6] Level 2: Evaluates presenting opposing views and formulates conclusion/s [7-10] f. An investigation to support or refute the Catholics belief in purgatory. [I 25] Level 1: Gives a weak explanation of the term purgatory [1-2] Level 2: Gives a clear explanation of purgatory but does not provide any evidence support or refute its existence. [3-10] Level 3: Formulates an opinion to support or refute purgatory making use of applicable references. [11-20] Level 4: Gives a clear concise view of both sides of the issue. [21-25] g. A description, using biblical references, of heaven and Hades/hell. [KU 10] Level 1: Gives a description of heaven and hell without biblical references. [1-5] Level 2: Gives full description using biblical references. [6-10] h. “Heaven and hell were designed to scare people into doing what is right.” Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your answer. [JPR10] Level 1: Evaluates for or against. Only presents own view [1-6] Level 2: Presents own and opposing view [7-9] Level 3: Presents own and opposing view and formulates conclusion [10] [KU 4] [1-2] [3-4] [KU 6] [1-3] [4-6] 7 2. Mark Scheme a. A description of how and why Pentecost was celebrated by the Jews. Level l: Level 2: b. [KU 14] [1-4] [5-8] [9-12] [13-14] Discusses life before. Discusses life before and after, but makes no comparison Discusses and makes comparison. Draws conclusion. [1-4] [5-8] [9-12] [13-15] An evaluation of the extent to which the Holy Spirit influenced the acceptance of Gentiles into the Early Church. [JPR 20] Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: f. Begins to discuss Gives examples of impact. Discusses impact fully by comparing before and after. Draws conclusions [1-3] [4-7] [8-10] A comparison of life in the Jewish community before and after the coming of the Holy Spirit. [I 15] Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: e. Begins to explain, making mention of one phenomenon. Gives further explanation using two phenomena. Gives full explanation A discussion on the impact of the Holy Spirit on the work of the apostles. Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: d. [1-3] [4-6] An explanation of what took place when the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. [KU-10] Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: c. Begins to describe. Gives full description. [KU-6] Begins to evaluate in very general terms. Uses examples to add strength to evaluation Discusses possible difficulties before. Formulates conclusion. [1-4] [5-10] [11-15] [16-20] An investigation of how the work of the Holy Spirit is reflected in the social, moral and spiritual life of the Church today by interviewing a: - Pastor/Priest (Bishop/Deacon) - Youth Leader (Minister) - Church Counsellor [I 35] Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Presents data from one or two sources without explanation Presents data from all three sources without explanation. Presents little analysis of data. Analyses data from all sources. Formulates conclusion. [1-8] [9-16] [17-24] [25-30] [31-35]