BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT APPLICATION USING IONIC FRAMEWORK AHMAD FADHLAN BIN MAT JOHA BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT) UNIVERSITI SULTAN ZAINAL ABIDIN 2018 BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT APPLICATION USING RULE-BASED METHOD AHMAD FADHLAN BIN MAT JOHA Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Development) Faculty of Informatics and Computing Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia AUGUST 2018 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this report is based on my original work except for quotations and citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin or other institutions. ______________________________ Name : Ahmad Fadhlan Bin Mat Joha Date : .…………………………...….. i CONFIRMATION This is to confirm that: The research conducted and the writing of this report was under my supervision. ________________________________ Name : Dr Syarilla Iryani Binti Ahmad Saany Date : .................................................. ii DEDICATION In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah with blessed from Allah to ease this project, Blood Bank Management Application to be completed. I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved supervisor of this Final Year Project, Dr Syarilla Iryani Binti Ahmad Saany for this suggestion or ideas and also the valuable guidance and advice that encourage me to complete the system successfully. I would like to thank also to all lecturers and ISMSK (PP) group members who helped me directly and indirectly in many ways. I would like to express my gratitude to my mother, Wan Maharam Binti Wan Daud, my father, Mat Joha Bin Husin, siblings and friends for giving me support and encouragement to complete this project and to propose this project as Final Year Project. iii ABSTRACT In this technological and modern era, people like to interact with their gadget like mobile phone. This proposed system of the Blood Bank Management Application is an application that mobilize both the manual Blood Bank Management System and ready have web base Blood Bank Management System. This application intend to keep the data regarding to blood donation into mobile phone and manage the donation record to replace the blood donor red card called Certificate. There are many flaws when keeping the blood donation record manually like the record are more prone from being damaged, redundant and loss. Blood Bank Center always have a difficult time when the quantity of the blood in blood bank is almost running out. They are also facing a problem to inform donors about any information related to blood donation. The application also provide calculation for the total of blood packets which already stored into the blood bank according to each of the blood type which are A, B, AB, and O will be keep updated. Finally, this application hopefully make the management of blood donation and blood bank more effective and efficient. . iv ABSTRAK Dalam era moden dan berteknologi ini, manusia suka untuk berinteraksi dengan gajet seperti telefon mudah alih. Sistem cadangan Aplikasi Pengurusan Tabung Darah ini merupakan satu aplikasi yang menaik taraf kedua-dua Sistem Tabung Darah manual dan Sistem Tabung Darah berasaskan web. Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk menyimpan data berkaitan dengan pendermaan darah ke dalam telefon mudah alih dan mengurus rekod derma darah untuk menggantikan kad merah penderma darah yang dipanggil sebagai “Certificate”. Terdapat banyak kekurangan semasa menyimpan rekod derma darah secara manual seperti rekod lebih terdedah kepada rosak, bertindan dan hilang. Pusat Tabung Darah selalu menghadapi waktu kesukaran apabila kuantiti tabung darah hampir kehabisan. Mereka juga menghadapi masalah untuk memaklumkan kepada penderma berkenaan apaapa maklumat berkaitan derma darah. Aplikasi inijuga menyediakan pengiraan bagi jumlah paket darah yang sudah disimpan kedalam tabung darah mengikut setiap jenis darah yang mana A, B, AB, and O akan dikemaskini. Akhir sekali aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membuatkan pengurusan pendermaan darah dan tabung darah lebih efektif dan efisyen. v TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION i CONFIRMATION ii DEDICATION iii ABSTRACT iv ABSTRAK v LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATION/TERM/SYMBOLS xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objective 2 1.4 Scope 3 1.5 Limitation Of Work 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Blood Bank Management System Using Rule-Based Method 6 2.3 2.4 Designing a Web-Based Blood Bank Information Management System for the National Blood Bank of Ethiopia 7 Mobile Application vi 8 CHAPTER 3 3.1 METHODOLOGY 10 10 Introduction 3.1.1 Verification Phases 11 3.1.2 Coding Phase 12 3.1.3 Validation Phases 12 3.2 13 Requirement 3.2.1 Software Requirement 13 3.2.2 Hardware Requirement 14 3.3 15 System Design 3.3.1 Framework Design 15 3.3.2 Architecture Design 16 Data Dictionary 16 3.3.3 3.3.4 21 Process Model 21 Contact Diagram 22 Data Model Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 22 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 1 23 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 26 CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULT 27 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Interface Design 27 4.2.1 Welcome Page 28 4.2.2 Login Page 29 4.2.3 Homepage for users 30 4.2.4 Admin and Staff Detail page 31 4.2.5 Edit Profile 32 4.2.6 Admin Interface 33 Management Page 33 Register Staff 34 List Of Staff 35 vii Staff Report 36 Staff Interface 38 4.2.7 Management Page 38 Update Donor 39 Add Donation 40 Report Main Page 41 Report Donor 42 Donation Report 43 Blood Bank Report 44 4.2.8 45 Donor Interface Donation Record (Red Card) 45 Blood Donation Information 46 4.3 Testing 47 4.4 Type of Testing 47 4.4.1 Black Box Testing 47 4.4.2 White Box testing 47 4.4.3 Test Cases 48 Test Case for Register 48 Test Case for Login 49 Edit Profile 49 Admin 50 Staff 52 Donor 55 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 56 5.1 Introduction 56 5.2 Project Contribution 56 5.3 Project Limitation 57 5.4 Future work 57 REFERENCES 58 APPENDIX A (GANTT CHART) 60 viii LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE 3.1 Software Requirement 13 3.2 Hardware Requirement 14 4.1 Test Case Register 48 4.2 Test Case for Login 49 4.3 Test Case for Edit Profile 49 4.4 Test Case for Register Staff 50 4.5 Test Case for List of Staff 51 4.6 Test Case for Report 52 4.7 Test Case for Update Donor 52 4.8 Test Case for Add Donation 53 4.9 Test Case for Donor Report 53 4.10 Test Case for Donation Report 54 4.11 Test Case for Blood Bank Report 54 4.12 Test Case for Donation record and Blood Donation Information 55 ix LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 2.1 Admin Main Page 6 2.2 The application shown at Play Store 8 3.1 V-Shape Model System Development Life Cycled 10 3.2 System Framework for Blood Bank Management Application 15 3.3 user Table 16 3.4 donor Table 17 3.5 staff Table 18 3.6 donation Table 19 3.7 bloodbank Table 20 3.8 Contact Diagram (CD) 21 3.9 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 22 3.10 DFD Level 1 (Process 1.0) 23 3.11 DFD Level 1 (Process 2.0) 24 3.12 DFD Level 1 (Process 3.0) 25 3.13 ERD for Blood Bank Management Application 26 4.1 Welcome Page for all users. 28 x 4.2 Login Page 29 4.3 Error alert if the login failed 29 4.4 (a) Profile Admin 30 (b) Profile Staff 30 (c) Profile Donor 30 (a) Detail Profile Admin 31 (b) Detail Profile Staff 31 4.6 Form for updating profile 32 4.7 Profile successfully updated 32 4.8 Management page for admin 33 4.9 Input for new staff ID 34 4.10 Input for new staff details 34 4.11 List of Staff 35 4.12 Staff details 35 4.13 Deleting staff 35 4.14 Staff report page 36 4.15 All staff report 36 4.16 Active staff report 37 4.17 Not active staff report 37 4.18 Management page for staff 38 4.19 Update donor page 39 4.20 form for updating donor details 39 4.5 xi 4.21 Add donation form 40 4.22 Main page for the report 41 4.23 Donor Report 42 4.24 Search donor 42 4.25 Input donorID for any donor 43 4.26 Donor details 43 4.27 Donation report of a donor 43 4.28 Blood type selection 44 4.29 Color indicator based on quantity of blood 44 4.30 List of blood type A 44 4.31 Donor donation record 45 4.32 Information about blood donation 46 xii LIST OF ABBREVIATION/TERM/SYMBOLS CD Context Diagram DFD Data Flow Diagram FYP Final Year Project BBMA Blood Bank Management Application xiii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A PAGE Gantt Chart 60 xiv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background This project Blood bank Management Application is developed for the mobile operating system (or mobile OS), such as Android OS. A mobile OS is compatible support various features like Web Browser, Email, Bluetooth and etc. It is also a platform so developers can create applications or 'apps' (software programs developed for smartphones that can carry out specific functions). Blood Bank Management Application is a mobile application used by the hospital or a blood center. The system developed to promote the important of blood donation and also serve as a medium for public to increase their awareness on blood donation that can save many lives. This system have function use to keep the donation record of the donor. Besides, the process of adding data, delete data, update the data can be done anywhere by using mobile phone. This application goal is to save time and ease the blood bank management in hospital. Moreover, donors no need to open the laptop or computer to check about the blood donation information. Thus, all of the problem above is consuming a lot of time. 1 1.2 Problem Statement Currently, the availability of mobile application for Blood Bank Management is not wide, thus, it is done manually using traditional method. This will lead to the problems where the staff hard to search for the blood donation record. The record can be stored inside the application. Besides, some of the donors did not know what kind of benefit they will get by donating blood. With this Blood Bank Management Application, blood bank staff can manage the donor information in their phone and this will save a lot of times. Moreover, this application will have information about blood donation for the donors. This can encourage donor to come to the hospital and donate their blood. 1.3 Objective There are the objectives in this project to be achieve to make this project successfully complete: To design an application for publicize and advertise the advantage of blood donation to encourage people to donate blood. To develop an application that can manage blood bank using mobile phone and records blood donation as the alternative to replace the traditional way of recording Red Book Certificate. To test the functionality of the developed application to meet the user requirement. 2 1.4 Scope The scope for this system is divided into four which are administrator, blood bank staff, and donor. 1. Admin Manage Profile Manage Blood Bank Staff. View Report 2. Blood Bank Staff Manage Profile. Manage Donor Manage Donation View Report 3. Blood Donor. Manage registration and profile. View blood donation record View Information about blood donation. 3 1.5 Limitation Of Work There are some limitation of work since the proposed system is only cover certain aspects. 1. The system only cover English language. It did not support other languages. 2. There is no real time interaction between donor and blood bank staff in the system. 3. This application need human intervention to update the quantity of blood in the hospital. 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In the literature review, it discusses about the previous journal and research paper. The purpose of writing literature review is to provide background for the topic choose using previous research that has been done. 5 2.2 Blood Bank Management System Using Rule-Based Method Figure 2.1 Admin Main Page This web-based system is developed to computerize the blood bank management system in a hospital blood bank in order to manage the records of blood donors, blood donation campaign announcement and broadcast message about critical blood demand to donors. This Blood Bank Management System Using Rule Based method to store database on blood donation and making notification on campaign and critical blood demand. The advantages of the system would be as follows: 1. Access to the system secured by login. 2. This system filter the people that want to donate blood. So that the right people only can login as a donor. 3. Donor will be noticed if the blood quantity reach critical. 4. Donor also will be informed if there are blood donation campaign around Terengganu. 6 2.3 Designing a Web-Based Blood Bank Information Management System for the National Blood Bank of Ethiopia This paper is carried out at National Blood Bank Center, Addis Ababa. The project follows a design science methodology and an object oriented system analysis and design approach to analyze and design the system. In-depth interview, document review and inventory were done to analyze the existing situation. To model the analysis and design of the proposed system Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling techniques is used and both Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTML) and Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is used to develop the system prototype. And My Structured Query Language (MySQL) database management system is used to design the prototype database. All the system’s processes and its boundary were identified and described by using use case diagram. Eight processes with their corresponding actors were identified for the system. The flow of the process were presented using activity diagrams. The object model were described by using class diagram. And finally, the system prototype was developed for the user interface testing. The results of the user interface testing shows that User test for the system prototype was done and it shows that 75% of the participants in the evaluation and testing has shown positive attitude and response for the system usability. 7 2.4 Mobile Application Figure 2.2 The application shown at Play Store This application are developed to become a platform for recipient to find available donor easily arround them until around the world. Person who become the donor are listed in the system. Recepient can search any blood type and the choose the location of the donor. The system will filter it and display the donor that has the same blood type. The advantages of the system would be as follows: 1. This application have strong privacy control. 2. It contain a lot of facts about blood donation. 8 3. People can do report if the donor phone number are not available anymore. The disadvantage of the application is: 1. This application only available for 6 countries only in the world. 2. Not many donor registered in this application except people in India. 3. The interface is less attractive and not really friendly. 9 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Figure 3.1 below show the V-process Model that are chosen in developing this final year project. It is known as Verification and Validation model. This model are selected because of every single phase in the development cycle, there is a directly associated testing phase. Figure 3.1 V-Shape Model System Development Life Cycled 10 3.1.1 Verification Phases Verification focuses on development. There are several verification phase in this V- process Model such as: 1) Requirement Analysis Requirement Analysis is the first phase on the cycle. At this phase, requirement are collected by analyzing the needs of the users. 2) Functional Specification Developing the plan for the system design or blueprint, including requirements for hardware, software and network for the system under development. 3) Architectural Design This is also referred to as High Level Design (HLD). HLD phase focuses on system architecture and design. It provide overview of solution, platform, system, product and service/process. 4) Detail Design Detail Design phase can also be referred to as low-level design. The designed system is broken up into smaller units or modules and each of them is explained so that the programmer can start coding directly. The low level design document or program specifications will contain a detailed functional logic of the module. 11 3.1.2 Coding Phase At this point, halfway through the stages along the process, the actual coding and implementation occur. This period should allot for as much time as is necessary to convert all previously generated design and specification docs into a coded, functional system. This stage should be fully complete once the testing phases begin. 3.1.3 Validation Phases Validation Phases ensures that all that development was carried out correctly. This process is very dynamic and a great deal of testing takes place. These steps are also referred to as the 'tester's life cycle.' 1) Unit Testing In the V-Model, Unit Test Plans (UTPs) are developed during module design phase. These UTPs are executed to eliminate bugs at code level or unit level. A unit is the smallest entity which can independently exist, e.g. a program module. Unit testing verifies that the smallest entity can function correctly when isolated from the rest of the codes/units. 2) Integration Testing Integration testing is associated with the architectural design phase. Integration tests are performed to test the coexistence and communication of the internal modules within the system. 12 3) System Testing System testing is directly associated with the system design phase. System tests check the entire system functionality and the communication of the system under development. 4) Acceptance Testing Lastly, acceptance testing is the process of implementing all tests created during the initial requirements phase and should ensure that the system is functional in a live environment with actual data, ready for deployment. 3.2 Requirement 3.2.1 Software Requirement SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION MySQL (phpMyAdmin ) A software to run database of the system. XAMPP Server A localhost to run phpMyAdmin MySQL ( Workbench ) A software to create databases and tables Microsoft Word 2013 A software to write the report. UC Browser A browser to open the application. Notepad++ Use to create PHP code program. Visual Studio Code A software to create Ionic code (HTML, JS, and SCSS) Command Prompt Use to run the Ionic code and to deploy the application into smart phone. Table 3.1 Software Requirement 13 3.2.2 Hardware Requirement HARDWARE DESCRIPTION Laptop Laptop that used to build the system Memory :4GB RAM RAM of the laptop. USB cable Used to connect between the Smart phone and laptop. Smart Phone Smart phone will kept the application and test the application. Table 3.2 Hardware Requirement 14 3.3 System Design 3.3.1 Framework Design Figure 3.2 System Framework for Blood Bank Management Application Figure 3.2 shows about the framework of the system which consists of entities involves and the flow of the system generally. 15 3.3.2 Architecture Design Data Dictionary a) User Table Data Dictionary for Blood Bank Management Application consists of five entities such as user, staff, donor, donation and bloodbank. Figure 3.3 shows the data dictionary for user. There are two attributes consists in the table which are userID, userPassword. userID is the primary key for this table. Figure 3.3 user Table 16 b) Donor Table In Figure 3.4 below, there are fourteen attributes consists in the table which are donorID, donorName, address, address2, postcode, city, state, bloodType, rhesus, phoneNo, donorIC, gender, weight, donorQualification. donorID is the primary key for this table. Figure 3.4 donor Table 17 c) Staff Table In Figure 3.5, there are ten attributes consists in the table which are staffID, staffName, position, address, address2, postcode, city, state, phoneNo, gender and status. staffID is the primary key for this table Figure 3.5 staff Table 18 d) Donation Table In Figure 3.6, there are nine attributes consists in the table which are donorID, dateDonate, bloodSeriesNo, bloodType, rhesus, donationType, amount, place and weight. donorID, dateDonate and bloodSeriesNo is the composite primary key for this table. Figure 3.6 donation Table 19 e) Blood Bank Table In Figure 3.7, there are six attributes consists in the table which are bloodSeriesNo, amount, bloodType, rhesus, dateUpdate, dateExpire and status. bloodSeriesNo is the primary key for this table. Figure 3.7 bloodbank Table 20 3.3.3 Process Model Contact Diagram Figure 3.12 Contact Diagram (CD) The Blood Bank Management Application consists of 3 actors as shown in Figure 3.12 which are Administrator, Staff, and Donor. All of these actors need to login into the application before able to access their interface. Admin make registration of the staff into the system. The Staff is able to manage profile, manage blood donation, manage donor and view report. As for Donor need to register before use this application. Donor also can manage profile view blood donation record and view information about blood bank. 21 3.3.4 Data Model Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 Figure 3.13 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 is a diagram of a flow of data through an application. In Figure 3.13, there are four processes involved. Processes in this system consist of manage staff, manage donor, manage blood bank, and manage blood donation. There are four data store involved in this application which are staff, donor, bloodbank and donation data store. 22 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 1 Figure 3.14 DFD Level 1 (Process 1.0) Figure 3.14 shows the detail process for admin to manage staff. In managing the staff, administrator is able to Register Staff, Update Staff Record, Delete Staff, and View Staff. The detail of blood bank staff is stored in STAFF data store. 23 Figure 3.15 DFD Level 1 (Process 2.0) Figure 3.15 shows the detail process manage donor. In managing donor, the donor is able to view profile, register and update donor. The staff is able to vie donor, delete donor, and update donor. The detail of the donor is then stored in DONOR data store. 24 Figure 3.16 DFD Level 1 (Process 3.0) Figure 3.16 shows the detail process for staff to manage blood donation. In managing the blood donation staff is able to add blood donation and search for blood donation record. The detail of the blood donation is stored in DONATION data store. 25 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Figure 3.17 below show the ERD of the system. It shows all the entities involve in the database of the Blood Management Application. All the updated data in the data store is self-updated by user. Figure 3.17 ERD for Blood Bank Management Application 26 CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULT 4.1 Introduction This chapter discusses about the implementation of the application developed. It is include all the processes involved in getting the application to operate well with interfaces. The interface is labeled and described in detail like a user manual. 4.2 Interface Design The purposed of the interface design is to create a communication between application and user. The interface design should make the application is easy to be learn and memorable. The consistency of the interface such as location of the button, color and many more can make the application friendlier to the user. 27 4.2.1 Welcome Page Figure 4.1 below shows the first page that will be see by admin, staff and donor before go further with this application. Figure 4.1 Welcome Page for all users. 28 4.2.2 Login Page Figure 4.2 below shows the login page of the application. Admin, blood bank staff and donor will interact with this interface. Only authorized user can used this application. Figure 4.3 show the error message will alert the user if they fail to enter correct username or password. Figure 4.2 Login Page Figure 4.3 Error alert if the login failed 29 4.2.3 Homepage for users After login into the application, all the user will redirect the profile page as shown in Figure 4.4(a), Figure 4.4(b) and Figure 4.4(c) below. At this page, application once again welcoming the user to use this application. It also show the important user details so that they don’t need to go to other page to see the important details. The view detail button will redirect user to user details page Figure 4.4(a) Profile Admin Figure 4.4(b) Profile Staff 30 Figure 4.4(c) Profile Donor 4.2.4 Admin and Staff Detail page Figure 4.5(a) and Figure 4.5(b) below show all the details of the admin and the staff. There are slightly different between this figures. Detail profile staff has attribute status either active or nor active. Figure 4.5(a) Detail Profile Admin Figure 4.5(b) Detail Profile Staff 31 4.2.5 Edit Profile All user can update their profile if they want to change their information. But some of the information are read only and cannot be edited. Figure 4.6 is the example if the admin want to change his information. While Figure 4.7 show the profile are successfully updated. Figure 4.6 Form for updating profile Figure 4.7 Profile successfully updated 32 4.2.6 Admin Interface Management Page Figure 4.8 below show the management page for admin where admin can register staff and view list of staff. Figure 4.8 Management page for admin 33 Register Staff In figure 4.9, to register new staff admin need to insert the new Staff ID so that it check if the staff ID already own by other staff. After “ok” button tapped, it will redirect admin to register staff detail page as shown in figure 4.10, where admin need to fill the form. The staff ID is carried from previous page to the register staff detail page and cannot be edited. Figure 4.9 Input for new staff ID 34 Figure 4.10 Input for new staff details List Of Staff Figure 4.11 below show the list of all staff that are using this application. Only important information will be displayed here. There are two button at each staff which is “view” for viewing staff details like in figure 4.12 and “Delete” button for deleting the staff record from database like in the figure 4.13. Figure 4.11 List of Staff Figure 4.12 Staff details 35 Figure 4.13 Deleting staff Staff Report Figure 4.14 show the front page of report staff. There are three category that admin can see staff report. First, admin can view all staff report (Figure 4.15), view active staff report (Figure 4.16) and view not active staff report (Figure 4.17). Figure 4.15 All staff report Figure 4.14 Staff report page 36 Figure 4.16 Active staff report 37 Figure 4.17 Not active staff report 4.2.7 Staff Interface Management Page Figure 4.18 show the management page for staff where staff can update donor detail and add donation. Figure 4.18 Management page for staff 38 Update Donor Figure 4.19 show the update donor page where all of the donor are listed with few of their details. Each of donor listed have a “Update” button that will redirect staff to update donor details form as shown in figure 4.20. Figure 4.19 Update donor page 39 Figure 4.20 form for updating donor details Add Donation Figure 4.21 show add donation form. Using this form, staff can add donation for any donor that already register in this application. Figure 4.21 Add donation form. 40 Report Main Page Figure 4.22 show the main page for the report. There are three types of reports that can be look by staffs. It is report about donor, donation report and blood bank report. Figure 4.22 Main page for the report 41 Report Donor Figure 4.23 show report of all donor where details of all registered donor can be seen by staff. Besides, as show in Figure 4.24, this staff can search which donor they want to take a look by searching their donorID. Figure 4.23 Donor Report Figure 4.24 Search donor 42 Donation Report Figure 4.25 show the input for donorID that require the staff to put in order to view donor information as shown in figure 4.26. From that page, staff can view donation report (Figure 4.27) for that particular donor. Figure 4.25 Input donorID for any donor Figure 4.26 Donor details 43 Figure 4.27 Donation report of a donor Blood Bank Report Figure 4.28 show that staff can choose the report for which type of blood to be shown. For example, staff choose blood type A. As show in figure 4.29, the color indicator of the warning is green which mean the quantity of blood type A in the blood bank center enough. If the color turn orange, the quantity almost critical. But when the color indicator turn red, the quantity of that particular blood reach critical. As in figure 4.30, when the staff tap on “Blood List” segment, this application will display all type A blood that are kept in blood bank center. Figure 4.28 Blood type selection. Figure 4.29 Color indicator based on quantity of blood 44 Figure 4.30 List of blood type A 4.2.8 Donor Interface Donation Record (Red Card) Figure 4.31 show donation record (red card) for the donor that currently login into the system. Donor can know how many times they donate their blood. Figure 4.31 Donor donation record 45 Blood Donation Information Figure 4.32 show that the information related to blood donation for example benefit of donating blood to the donor. Figure 4.32 Information about blood donation. 46 4.3 Testing Testing is a process to determine and identify the correctness of the application and to make sure the application meet the requirements and specification. The test had been conducted alongside with its results. Black Box Testing, White Box Testing and Test Case is used for the testing of the application. 4.4 Type of Testing 4.4.1 Black Box Testing Black Box Testing is a software testing technique where the application is being test without looking at the internal code structure and knowledge of internal path of the software. It is entirely based on the software requirements and its specifications. It is also focuses the input and the output of the application rather than the internal knowledge of the software program. 4.4.2 White Box testing White Box Testing is a testing that focuses on the flow of input and output of the application, security strengthening the security, and improving design and usability. It can be done at the system integration phase and unit levels of software development. It also involved series of predefined inputs against expected output. One of the goals of white box testing is to verify a working flow of an application. 47 4.4.3 Test Cases Test case can be define as sequence of steps to test the correct behavior of a functionality of an application. It is also set of conditions of variables which will be testing by a tester whether a requirement upon an application fully or partially satisfies. Test Case for Register Table 4.1: Test Case Register Step 1 Procedure Go to register page Expected Result Pass/Fail View form for username and Pass password. 2 Fill the username and password - Pass 3 Tap on “Signup” button Alert message “Now enter Pass your personal information” and auto redirect to personal information page 4 Fill up the form - Pass 5 Tap on “Signup” button Alert message “Successfully Pass Signed up! Please log in” and auto redirect to welcome page 48 Test Case for Login Table 4.2: Test Case for Login Step Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail 1 Go to login page Login page display Pass 2 Fill the username and password - Pass Successful login will Pass Username: ST17001 Password: staff123 3 Tap on “Login” button automatically redirect to Profile page Edit Profile Table 4.3: Test Case for Edit Profile Step 1 Procedure Expected Result Tap “View Detail” → Pass/Fail View form for Edit profile Pass “Edit Profile” 2 Edit the field that can be edited - Pass 3 Tap on “Save” button Alert message “Successfully Pass update your profile.” and auto redirect to detail page 49 Admin Register Staff Table 4.4: Test Case for Register Staff Step 1 Procedure Tap “Register Staff” Card Expected Result Pass/Fail View form for register staff Pass ID 2 Enter new staff ID - Pass 3 Tap on “Ok” button Alert message “Ok Good, Pass Now enter staff personal information.” and auto redirect to register staff detail page. 4 Enter staff details in the input - Pass Alert message “Successfully pass form. 5 Tap on “Register” button register staff.” and auto redirect to staff management page. 50 List Of Staff Table 4.5: Test Case for List of Staff Step 1 Procedure Tap “List Of Staff” Card Expected Result Pass/Fail View List of staff with view Pass and delete button at each of staff information. 2 If tap on “view” button View staff details like Pass StaffID, Staff Name, Staff Position, Address, Phone Number, Gender and Status. 3 If tap on “Delete” button Alert message “Confirm Pass Delete, Do you want to delete this staff from database?” 4 Tap on “Ok” button Alert message “Success, Staff has been deleted!” 51 Pass Report Table 4.6: Test Case for Report Step 1 Procedure Expected Result If tap “All Staff Report” Card. View list of all staffs with Pass/Fail Pass their information 2 If tap “Active Staff Report” Card. View list of all active staffs Pass with their information. 3 If tap “Not Staff Report” Card. View list of all not active Pass staffs with their information. Staff Update Donor Table 4.7: Test Case for Step 1 Procedure Expected Result Tap “Update Donor” Card View list of all donor with Pass/Fail Pass their information and “update” button. 2 Tap on “Update” button View form for update donor Pass details 3 Enter necessary donor details in the input form. 52 Pass 4 Tap on “Save” button Alert message “Successfully Pass update donor detail.” Add Donation Table 4.8: Test Case for Add Donation Step 1 Procedure Tap “Add Donation” Card Expected Result Pass/Fail View form for update donor Pass details 2 Fill up the form - Pass 3 Tap on “Add Donation” button Alert message “Successfully Pass add donation.” and auto redirect to management page. Donor Report Table 4.9: Test Case for Donor Report Step 1 Procedure Expected Result Tap “All Staff Report” Card. View list of all staffs with their information 53 Pass/Fail Pass Donation Report Table 4.10: Test Case for Donation Report Step Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail 1 Tap “Donation Report” Card. View form Pass 2 Fill the input field for donorID - Pass 3 Tap “ok” button. View full information of that Pass particular donor. 4 Tap “View Donation” button View all donation record of Pass that particular donor. Blood Bank Report Table 4.11: Test Case for Blood Bank Report Step 1 Procedure Expected Result Tap “Blood Bank Report” Card. Radio popup appear on the Pass/Fail Pass screen 2 Tap which blood type that want to System will redirect to page be viewed and tap “ok” button chosen blood type and staff Pass can see warning color. 3 Tap “Blood List” segment. View list of that particular blood in the blood bank and total quantity. 54 Pass Donor Donation record (Red Card) and Blood Donation Information Table 4.12: Test Case for Donation record and Blood Donation Information Step 1 Procedure Expected Result Tap “Red Card” tab View list of all donation Pass/Fail Pass record of a donor 2 Tap on “info” tab View information about blood donation. Example: Benefit of donating blood to the donor 55 Pass CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction This chapter discussing about contribution, limitation and recommendation and the summary of the Blood Bank Management Application. This chapter also will touch about future work of this application. 5.2 Project Contribution Blood Bank Management Application is a developed system that help to ease the admin to manage staff such as register staff, and viewing staff information and record. Besides, it is also help the blood bank staff to manage donor, manage donation and manage blood bank. Moreover, this BBMA ease the processes involving blood donation such as record the donors’ blood donation in mobile phone which is replacing the manual system that record the record in papers. This application also provide the report so that admin, staff and donor can see the previous records. 56 5.3 Project Limitation Throughout the development of Blood Bank Management Application, there are several problems and limitations arise as shows below: 1. This application did not provide map to locate the nearest blood center. 2. Report can only be see inside phone and cannot be save in other format like pdf or word. 3. This did not provide questionnaire before they want to donate blood. The questionnaire need to answer manually. 5.4 Future work For the improvement of the system, some suggestion 1. Implementing a geolocation plugin so that user can find the location or the nearest blood donation campaign. 2. Donors supposed to receive the notification via push up notification or through Short Message System (SMS) so that they can know if the quantity of blood in blood bank reaching critical. 3. This application will add the questionnaire so that it can filter only qualified donor can donate blood. 57 REFERENCES Journal [1] Sara A. Hashim, Afnan M. Al-Madani, Shatha M. Al-Amri, Abeer M. Al-Ghamdi, Bayan S. Bashamakh. Nahla Aljojo, PhD (2014). Online Blood Donation Reservation And Managementsystem In Jeddah. Life Science Journal. [2] K M Akkas Ali, Israt Jahan, Md. Ariful Islam, Md. Shafa-at Parvez (2015). Blood Donation Management System. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER). [3] Prathamesh Raut, Prachi Parab, Yogesh Suthar, Sumeet Narwani, Sanjay Pandey (2016). Blood Bank Management System. International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking. [4] Ashita Jain, Amit Nirmal, Nitish Sapre, Prof Shubhada Mone (2016). 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Blood Bank Management System Using Rule-Based Method. 59 APPENDIX A (GANTT CHART) FYP 1 Schedule Duration February 1 2 3 March 4 Task Topic Discussion and Determination Project Title Proposal Proposal Writing – Introduction Proposal Writing - Literature Review Proposal Progress Presentation & Evaluation Discussion & Correction Proposal Proposed Solution Methodology Proof of Concept Drafting Report of the Proposal Submit draft of report to supervisor Seminar Presentation Report Correction Final Report Submission 60 5 6 April 7 8 9 May 10 11 12 13 14 15 FYP 2 Schedule Duration July 1 Task Development and Implementation of Project. Pre Conference Evaluation of System Development and Implementation of Project. Development and Implementation of Project. Development and Implementation of Project. FIK Academic Conference Submission and correction of thesis 61 August 2 3 4 5