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Active Learning in Structural Concepts for Architecture Students

Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
Active Learning Approach in Teaching Structural Concepts
to Architecture Students
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI48104
Learning architectural design is usually a cooperative and problem based activity. The major proportion
of a student’s curriculum includes courses which are taught with a similar approach. In contrast, some
other courses like structures tend to be more theoretical and lecture based. Studies have indicated that
the students cannot maintain their attention during such lectures effectively (Prince [1]), and that some
meaningful activities are required to develop a positive learning attitude. In the case of teaching
advanced subjects, like structural form finding, some model making practices or simulations are
suggested to engage the students. However, in the case of teaching basic concepts of structures such as
forces and reactions in beams, behaviour of arches and cables, moment capacity and shear stress, a few
practical activities can be introduced. This study describes some practices based on active learning
strategies to teach basic concepts of structures to architecture students. By the use of this approach,
students and instructors are placed side-by-side, working together. Students observe the results of
experiments and analyse them to precisely comprehend the lecture material. The exercises were
designed for the course of “Structure I” and were carried out by students of the undergraduate and the
3-year master program at the University of Michigan.
In this paper, first, active learning is generally defined, and its characteristics are explained. Second, the
structural topics that were taught to students and the relevant exercises are described. Finally, students’
experiences are reviewed to conclude the effectiveness of an active learning approach in teaching
structures. In addition, some cautions are mentioned for instructors to consider in using such a strategy.
Keywords: Teaching structures, active learning, in-class exercises, basic structural concepts
1. Introduction
In the past decade, there has been a new trend to supplement lectures by activities that can engage
students through the process of learning. In general, “active learning” is anything that students “do” in
the classroom other than passively listening to the teacher, looking at slides and taking notes (Center
for Research on Learning and Teaching [2]). Architecture students, whose courses include problembased activities, seem to be more unaccustomed to lecture-based classes. On the other hand, lectures are
suitable to present information in teaching structures and this paper is not advocating changing that.
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
This study instead offers some examples of in-class activities that can come after lecture sessions and
enhance learners understanding of basic structural concepts.
The exercises were designed for the course “Structures I”, and were carried out by students of the
undergraduate and the 3-year master program at the University of Michigan. There were 108 students
who were divided into 5 groups, each group mentored by a graduate student instructor. Within these
groups students worked either individually or in groups of 2 or 3. The subjects that were taught by this
approach include adding forces, moment of a force, equilibrium systems, trusses, arches, elasticity,
centroid of area and shear stress (Onouye and Kane [3]). The exercises are briefly described, and the
experiences of both students and instructors are discussed in the following sections.
2. Why teaching with an active learning approach? And how?
“What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember and what I do I understand”. This old Chinese quote may
be well-known to us, and can explain the major need for active learning. Silberman modified this
quotation to make the argument at which level a lesson should be lecture based:
“What I hear, I forget;
What I hear and see, I remember a little;
What I hear, see and ask questions about or discuss with someone else, I begin to understand;
What I hear, see, discuss and do, I acquire knowledge and skill;
What I teach to another, I master.” (Silberman [4])
Edgar Dale’s cone of learning is a brief and well known demonstration of these statements. Dale
indicates doing the real thing allows us to understand and remember almost %90 of what we are taught.
Some further studies show that students in a lecture-based college classes are only attentive about 60%
of the time (Pallio [5]). Even if students are really concentrated, they only listen to about half of what a
teacher is saying (Silberman [4]). Because students’ brains don’t function the same as audio or video
tape recorders. The information should be processed, questioned, tested and categorized prior to being
saved. At the same time as listening to a teacher, students may ask themselves if they have heard this
information before, or does the information aligned with what they have heard somewhere else, and
what can they do with it. Hence, if they discuss information with others or ask questions, their brain can
do a better job (Ruhl et al. [6]). Moreover, if the students have the opportunity to state the information
in their own words, give examples, recognize the connection between what they are learning and other
facts or ideas, make use of it and see some of its consequences, they can learn better (Holt [7]). Thus,
through a teaching and learning process the more students “do” it, the more they learn it.
Moreover, students are distinctly different in their style of learning. They may be “visual learners” who
prefer to see and write down the information. Others may be “auditory learners” who rely on their ability
to hear and remember. Some ones may be “kinesthetic learners” who can learn by direct involvement.
What’s more, there are few students that can exclusively be considered as one kind of learner (Silberman
[4]). Therefore, multisensory teaching methods are to be more suitable in the teaching process.
In short, active learning is an approach in which students discuss, question, hear, see and “do” some
activities, either individually or collaboratively, to learn things. The activities may be playing a game,
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
acting a role, carrying out a simulation or observing an experiment. Besides, there is a false assumption
that adult learners in undergraduate or graduate programs do not require experiments and heightened
activities since they have the ability to understand abstract subjects. However, according to the earlier
explanations, learners in any age or field of study need to be engaged with some suitable activities to
comprehend the course materials.
Figure 1: Edgar Dale’s cone of learning (Thalheimer [8])
3. Teaching structural concepts with an active learning approach
Architecture design learning is usually a cooperative and problem based activity. The major proportion
of students’ classes are based on what we know as active leaning approach. In contrast, courses on
structures tend to be more theoretical and lecture based. In the case of teaching basic concepts of
structures, which might sound dry or uninteresting information to students, active learning can spice up
the course materials. In the following sections, some relevant exercises are described which can assist
instructors in teaching basic concepts of structures to architecture students. The related theories have
been explained to students in a lecture session prior to each exercise. Furthermore, exercises were
followed by discussing the results of experiments in groups and solving some relevant problems through
a process of question and answer.
3.1. Adding forces
This exercise is intended to give a sense of force combination in an equilibrium system. A string model
with a weight (nut) at one end is provided for each group of students to examine the different
combinations of three-force equilibrium systems. First, they are asked to hold the two string ends at 0°
and 90° and observe and draw a sketch of the result. Then, they should modify one end of the string to
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
45° and the other to 0° and finally try other component force angles. Having drawn sketches, they should
use trigonometry to calculate the forces in the string. Additionally, they should explain why there is
always a sag in a horizontal string even when the ends are pulled fairly tight. In this exercise students
assume the weight of the nut to be 10 units and scale it to draw their sketch suitably on graph paper.
Our experience shows that the practice, was fairly straightforward for students. On the other hand, a
considerable amount of preparation time was required to make the models prior to the class.
Figure 2: Practicing “adding forces” by string and a nut.
3.2. Moment of a force
This exercise allows students to look at the effect of distance and magnitude on an overturning moment.
Meanwhile, the calculation of dead load is reviewed. First, students should calculate the weight of a
15×5×4cm² wooden block with a density of 0.77 gr/cm³. Then, they should place the block on a surface
like a column so that the width of the t=5 cm and apply an F load with their finger at 2.5 cm above the
surface. Next, they should draw a sketch of the system and calculate the resisting moment of the column,
Mr. After this, they will set this resisting moment equal to the overturning moment Mo and solve for the
force F needed to overturn the block. In the next steps, students do the same experiments while their
fingers are at the mid height and, then, top of the column. This exercise brings a discussion about the
relation between the distance and magnitude of the force and the overturning moment.
This collaborative activity allowed students to compare their experiences and comprehend the notion of
moment of a force through discussions.
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
Figure 3: Experiencing the effect of distance and magnitude of an overturning moment
3.3. Equilibrium
This exercise provides the opportunity to experiment the equilibrium of a balanced beam. Students use
Archimedes’ equation for the forces on a lever to determine the end reactions of a balanced beam with
different force combinations. First, they set up the wooden fulcrum block at the center balance point.
Then, they place 2 pennies one end and try to find a point at the opposite side were 4 pennies can balance
the 2 using the Archimedes’ equation. In the next step, they should spread the 4 pennies out next to each
other and again find the balance point.
This activity looked like an adult version of playing see-saw and was interesting for students. However,
not all the pennies had the same weight and students should be informed for probable minor
discrepancies with their calculations.
Figure 4: an exercise on equilibrium of a balanced beam
3.4. Trusses
This exercise allows student to experiment with the graphic method of truss analysis to determine the
member forces. Students learn how to label the cells, draw force vectors and measure each vector to
determine the force in the members.
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
Figure 5: Graphic method of truss analysis
In general, the graphic method of truss analysis seems to be less straightforward for students, and the
activity required more direct instruction to help students get through the problem. However, there was
another project which covered truss design in which groups of students were asked to make a 1/64 scale
model of a bridge with 6 m width, 48 m span and 16 m maximum depth, using balsa wood. Students, to
the best of their knowledge, should choose a suitable geometrical pattern to reach a high strength-toweight ratio. The models may not weight more than 113gr and must carry a minimum load of 22.7. The
variables in this exercise were the number of elements, the truss patterns, the number of joints, the
number of truss panels and the height of the trusses. Then, were loaded until the breaking point and the
structural performance was presented in terms of weight to load capacity ratio. As part of this project
students did both experiments and analysis.
Figure 6: Testing the truss bridge project
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
3.5. Arches
Within this exercise students learn how to find the reactions and moments of a three-hinged arch. First,
they should adjust the arch model to have vertical side walls and copy the geometry onto graph paper
to determine the dimensions. Assuming a point load of 50 units at the top hinge, they find the end
reactions and the peak moment at the knee. In the next step, they readjust the model to have sloping side
walls, and in the same fashion find the reactions and the peak moment. Finally, they can compare the
two results and discuss the reasons.
Figure 7: A practice in calculating a 3-hinged arch
Surprisingly, this activity seemed to be challenging for students. Compared to the truss project, less
possibility of observing the arch’s structural performance might be the reason.
3.6. Elasticity
In this exercise students use Hooke’s Law to find the elastic modulus of a material. First, each subgroup
pins a large graph paper to the wall and puts a clip on each end of the rubber cord, hanging it so that the
top clip is at the top of the graph paper. Then, they measure the length of the cord with one weight
hanging from the cord and again with two weights hanging, and measure its deformation. Given the
chord base area of the 5mm² and the washer weight of 14 gr, students are to calculate the stress and
strain. By hanging two and three weights on the chord, students are able to plot a graph and find its
slope to determine the modulus of elasticity. Students found this practice interesting to understand the
theories of stress and strains.
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
Figure 8: Finding the stress and strain of a rubber chord by experiment.
Figure 9: A graph of stress to strain ratio plotted based on students experiments.
3.7. Centroid of area
This exercise allows students to observe and locate the centroid of an area of a physical model. Through
the trial and error, they can physically locate the centroid by balancing it on the tip of their finger, and
locate the point at which the section can be balanced. Then, they can calculate the areas for each part of
the T shape and check their experiments. This practice can be helpful to convey the notion of centroid
of area to students and won’t be free of errors during the experiments because it is depending on
individual’s sense of balance.
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
Figure 10: A physical model to for observing and calculating its centroid of the area
3.8. Shear stress
This exercise examines single and double shears in pined connections. First, students connect two
basswood sticks with a wood pin though the holes. Keeping the sticks touching and inline. They then
pull hard, until the pin breaks in single shear. In the next step, they connect three sticks, and in the same
fashion pull them hard to break the pin in double shear. Then, students are able to describe their
experiences to gage the strength of each connection. Given the area of the pin equals to 5.6mm² and the
ultimate shear stress of the sticks to 0.66kg/cm², they can calculate the capacity of each joint based on
shear stress.
Although students don’t measure the amount of force required to break the pin, they can feel the
difference of pulling force. That helped the students to understand the different strength of single and
double shear joints.
Figure 11: Experiencing the single and double shear stress
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
4. Discussion and conclusion
Such exercises assisted students to observe what they have been taught in lectures and comprehend the
structural concepts better. Sometimes, they brought challenges that required much hard work for
students. Though, like any active learning practices, there are some concerns about them that should be
Active learning practices don’t encompass all the learning materials and most of the time a
short lecture is required to connect what students have experienced and the theories.
The activities required a significant amount of time that may interfere with covering all the
course materials suitably. However, by providing clear instructions, properly organizing the
groups, supervising students’ works and keeping the activities moving, wasted time can be
Sometimes learning individually is more effective that learning in groups. Therefore, students
were allowed to work individually or in groups.
Students may misinform each other during an exercise in group-based activities. This can be
prevented when the teacher reviews the material with the entire class.
Some students may be less accustomed to active learning and do not feel satisfied. In the short
term, they may be less happy, but in the long term they will benefit from it.
Teaching with an active learning approach often requires more preparation, and demands
instructor’s creativity. However, having gone through the exercise once, things tend to be more
straightforward the next time around.
Teaching basic concepts of structures requires lectures and problem solving sessions. Besides, there
should be some activities to enhance the process of learnings. Using visual examples during lectures,
asking questions and raising discussions are beneficial. Furthermore, “doing” some exercises engages
students to comprehend and remember course materials better. Active learning techniques have their
own concerns alongside the benefits. In this study, the attempt was made to avoid probable
imperfections through each exercise by elucidating the objectives and providing clear directions,
informing students about the amount of time they have and discussing the activities with the entire class.
Further works such as developing other games, puzzles and short-term projects can be done to teach
advanced subjects in structures.
My thanks to Professor Peter von Buelow for all his supports and help in planning and carrying out
the exercises and for his advice in the preparation of this paper.
[1] M. Prince, "Does Active Learning Works? A Review of the Research," Journal of Engineering
Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 223-231, 2004.
Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam
Future Visions
[2] "Center for Research on Learning and Teaching," University of Michigan, March 2015.
[Online]. Available: https://crlt.umich.edu/resources..
[3] B. Onouye and K. Kane, Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building
Construction, Boston: Pearson Education Inc., 2012.
[4] M. L. Silberman, Active learning : 101 strategies to teach any subject, Boston: Allyn and Bacon,
[5] H. Pallio, "What Students Think about and Do in College Lecture Classes," Teaching-Learning
Issues, no. 53, 1984.
[6] K. Ruhl, C. Hughes and P. Schloss, "Using the Pause Procedure to Enhance Lecture Recall," In
Teacher Education and Soecial Education, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 14-18, 1987.
[7] J. Holt, How Children Learn, New York: Pitman, 1967.
[8] W. Thalheimer, "People Remember 10%, 20%... Oh Really?," March 2015. [Online]. Available:
[9] D. Johnson, R. Johnson and K. Smith, Active Learning: Cooperative in College Classroom,
Edina,MN: Interaction Book Company, 1991.
[10] R. Pike, Creative Training Techniques Hand Book, Minneapolis, MN: Lakewood Books, 1989.