भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/AAA/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ AAA Copy ] Provisional Enrolment Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Official Detail Enrolment No. : IEC2021072 (Processed by ashutosh dated 2021-12-11 17:02:48) Program Name : BTech (ECE) (Semester: 1) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN : JEE Mains (Roll No.: 210310356535) : 732557649468 Student Name Name in Hindi Date of Birth Gender Blood Group PWD Status Category Marital Status Religion Nationality Aadhar No. Academic Detail (E CE ) Personal 1. Aadhaar Card 2. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Parent# 3. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Student# 4. Authorisation by the Student and Parent# Detail 5. Character/Conduct Certificate# 6. Document Verification-cum-Seat Acceptance Letter : VAIBHAV PANDEY 7. JEE/CCMT Admit Card : DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH 8. JEE/DASA Rank Card : 29-12-2001 9. Marksheet of 10th Standard 10. Marksheet of 12th Standard : Male 11. MCAIP Form# : B+ 12. Medical Examination Report# 13. Migration/Transfer Certificate# : No 14. Pass Certificate of 10th Standard : General 15. Pass Certificate of 12th Standard : Unmarried 16. Proof of Date of Birth 17. Proof of Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) : Hinduism 18. Provisional Seat Allotment Letter from CCMT/JoSAA/DASA : INDIA 19. Undertaking for ONLINE document submission# h Entry Channel Document Detail : 96.20 (Year - 2018, Board - CBSE) XII Grade/% : 95.83 (Year - 2020, Board - CBSE) Rank/Score : 8141.00 (JEE Mains) : 0- Police Station ec X Grade/% : SHAKARPUR (Area: Urban) Comm. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,-110092 Perma. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) INDIA Answer Booklet No. Contact Detail Phone No. : 7838598978 : BT Email Parent/Guardian Detail Father Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Mother Name : Late RADHA PANDEY (Profession: Home Maker) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Guardian Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Relation: Father Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Note: # documents listed above are to be sent in original by post to Asstt. Registrar (AAA), AAA Section, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP), INDIA [ Seal & Signature ] (Student) (Parent/Guardian) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (for AAA Section ashutosh) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 1 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/F&A/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ AAA Copy ] Provisional Fee Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Enrollment No. : IEC2021072 Program Name : BTech (ECE) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN Current Semester : 1 Personal Detail (E CE ) Official Detail Student Name : VAIBHAV PANDEY (DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH) S/o Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) Fees Detail # FeesHead PaymentTerm Amount Admission Fee 2 Alumni Fund 3 Enrollment Fee 4 Identity Card Fee 5 Benevolent Fund Annual INR 550.00 6 Group Insurance and Student Welfare Fund Annual INR 1,100.00 7 Library Fee Annual INR 1,100.00 8 Cooler Usage Charges 9 Examination Fee 11 Hostel Rent 12 Medical Fee ec 10 Grade Card Fee h 1 One Time INR 2,750.00 One Time INR 8,800.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 550.00 Semester INR 6,000.00 Semester INR 550.00 13 Student Gymkhana Fee Semester INR 1,100.00 14 Transport Charges Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 60,000.00 1 BT 15 Tuition Fee (in INR) Total Rebate Settlement (Internet + Cooler) Charges INR 85,800.00 INR 1,100.00 Total INR 84,700.00 Payment Detail # PaymentNo Dated 2021-12-08 Mode PG Amount 1 11000069269329 1 Paid to JoSAA at the time of special round INR 40,000.00 2 Paid to JoSAA at the time of counselling INR 33,000.00 Total INR 11,700.00 INR 84,700.00 Account Detail (for digital transactions) AccountNo 912010055500866 HolderName ANIL KUMAR PANDEY [ Seal & Signature ] BankName IFSCCode AXIS BANK UTIB0000593 (Student) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (F&A Section) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 2 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/AAA/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ F & A Copy ] Provisional Enrolment Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Official Detail Enrolment No. : IEC2021072 (Processed by ashutosh dated 2021-12-11 17:02:48) Program Name : BTech (ECE) (Semester: 1) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN : JEE Mains (Roll No.: 210310356535) : 732557649468 Student Name Name in Hindi Date of Birth Gender Blood Group PWD Status Category Marital Status Religion Nationality Aadhar No. Academic Detail (E CE ) Personal 1. Aadhaar Card 2. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Parent# 3. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Student# 4. Authorisation by the Student and Parent# Detail 5. Character/Conduct Certificate# 6. Document Verification-cum-Seat Acceptance Letter : VAIBHAV PANDEY 7. JEE/CCMT Admit Card : DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH 8. JEE/DASA Rank Card : 29-12-2001 9. Marksheet of 10th Standard 10. Marksheet of 12th Standard : Male 11. MCAIP Form# : B+ 12. Medical Examination Report# 13. Migration/Transfer Certificate# : No 14. Pass Certificate of 10th Standard : General 15. Pass Certificate of 12th Standard : Unmarried 16. Proof of Date of Birth 17. Proof of Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) : Hinduism 18. Provisional Seat Allotment Letter from CCMT/JoSAA/DASA : INDIA 19. Undertaking for ONLINE document submission# h Entry Channel Document Detail : 96.20 (Year - 2018, Board - CBSE) XII Grade/% : 95.83 (Year - 2020, Board - CBSE) Rank/Score : 8141.00 (JEE Mains) : 0- Police Station ec X Grade/% : SHAKARPUR (Area: Urban) Comm. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,-110092 Perma. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) INDIA Answer Booklet No. Contact Detail Phone No. : 7838598978 : BT Email Parent/Guardian Detail Father Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Mother Name : Late RADHA PANDEY (Profession: Home Maker) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Guardian Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Relation: Father Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Note: # documents listed above are to be sent in original by post to Asstt. Registrar (AAA), AAA Section, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP), INDIA [ Seal & Signature ] (Student) (Parent/Guardian) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (for AAA Section ashutosh) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 3 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/F&A/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ F & A Copy ] Provisional Fee Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Enrollment No. : IEC2021072 Program Name : BTech (ECE) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN Current Semester : 1 Personal Detail (E CE ) Official Detail Student Name : VAIBHAV PANDEY (DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH) S/o Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) Fees Detail # FeesHead PaymentTerm Amount Admission Fee 2 Alumni Fund 3 Enrollment Fee 4 Identity Card Fee 5 Benevolent Fund Annual INR 550.00 6 Group Insurance and Student Welfare Fund Annual INR 1,100.00 7 Library Fee Annual INR 1,100.00 8 Cooler Usage Charges 9 Examination Fee 11 Hostel Rent 12 Medical Fee ec 10 Grade Card Fee h 1 One Time INR 2,750.00 One Time INR 8,800.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 550.00 Semester INR 6,000.00 Semester INR 550.00 13 Student Gymkhana Fee Semester INR 1,100.00 14 Transport Charges Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 60,000.00 1 BT 15 Tuition Fee (in INR) Total Rebate Settlement (Internet + Cooler) Charges INR 85,800.00 INR 1,100.00 Total INR 84,700.00 Payment Detail # PaymentNo Dated 2021-12-08 Mode PG Amount 1 11000069269329 1 Paid to JoSAA at the time of special round INR 40,000.00 2 Paid to JoSAA at the time of counselling INR 33,000.00 Total INR 11,700.00 INR 84,700.00 Account Detail (for digital transactions) AccountNo 912010055500866 HolderName ANIL KUMAR PANDEY [ Seal & Signature ] BankName IFSCCode AXIS BANK UTIB0000593 (Student) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (F&A Section) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 4 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/AAA/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ Hostel Copy ] Provisional Enrolment Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Official Detail Enrolment No. : IEC2021072 (Processed by ashutosh dated 2021-12-11 17:02:48) Program Name : BTech (ECE) (Semester: 1) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN : JEE Mains (Roll No.: 210310356535) : 732557649468 Student Name Name in Hindi Date of Birth Gender Blood Group PWD Status Category Marital Status Religion Nationality Aadhar No. Academic Detail (E CE ) Personal 1. Aadhaar Card 2. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Parent# 3. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Student# 4. Authorisation by the Student and Parent# Detail 5. Character/Conduct Certificate# 6. Document Verification-cum-Seat Acceptance Letter : VAIBHAV PANDEY 7. JEE/CCMT Admit Card : DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH 8. JEE/DASA Rank Card : 29-12-2001 9. Marksheet of 10th Standard 10. Marksheet of 12th Standard : Male 11. MCAIP Form# : B+ 12. Medical Examination Report# 13. Migration/Transfer Certificate# : No 14. Pass Certificate of 10th Standard : General 15. Pass Certificate of 12th Standard : Unmarried 16. Proof of Date of Birth 17. Proof of Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) : Hinduism 18. Provisional Seat Allotment Letter from CCMT/JoSAA/DASA : INDIA 19. Undertaking for ONLINE document submission# h Entry Channel Document Detail : 96.20 (Year - 2018, Board - CBSE) XII Grade/% : 95.83 (Year - 2020, Board - CBSE) Rank/Score : 8141.00 (JEE Mains) : 0- Police Station ec X Grade/% : SHAKARPUR (Area: Urban) Comm. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,-110092 Perma. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) INDIA Answer Booklet No. Contact Detail Phone No. : 7838598978 : BT Email Parent/Guardian Detail Father Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Mother Name : Late RADHA PANDEY (Profession: Home Maker) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Guardian Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Relation: Father Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Note: # documents listed above are to be sent in original by post to Asstt. Registrar (AAA), AAA Section, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP), INDIA [ Seal & Signature ] (Student) (Parent/Guardian) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (for AAA Section ashutosh) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 5 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/F&A/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ Hostel Copy ] Provisional Fee Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Enrollment No. : IEC2021072 Program Name : BTech (ECE) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN Current Semester : 1 Personal Detail (E CE ) Official Detail Student Name : VAIBHAV PANDEY (DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH) S/o Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) Fees Detail # FeesHead PaymentTerm Amount Admission Fee 2 Alumni Fund 3 Enrollment Fee 4 Identity Card Fee 5 Benevolent Fund Annual INR 550.00 6 Group Insurance and Student Welfare Fund Annual INR 1,100.00 7 Library Fee Annual INR 1,100.00 8 Cooler Usage Charges 9 Examination Fee 11 Hostel Rent 12 Medical Fee ec 10 Grade Card Fee h 1 One Time INR 2,750.00 One Time INR 8,800.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 550.00 Semester INR 6,000.00 Semester INR 550.00 13 Student Gymkhana Fee Semester INR 1,100.00 14 Transport Charges Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 60,000.00 1 BT 15 Tuition Fee (in INR) Total Rebate Settlement (Internet + Cooler) Charges INR 85,800.00 INR 1,100.00 Total INR 84,700.00 Payment Detail # PaymentNo Dated 2021-12-08 Mode PG Amount 1 11000069269329 1 Paid to JoSAA at the time of special round INR 40,000.00 2 Paid to JoSAA at the time of counselling INR 33,000.00 Total INR 11,700.00 INR 84,700.00 Account Detail (for digital transactions) AccountNo 912010055500866 HolderName ANIL KUMAR PANDEY [ Seal & Signature ] BankName IFSCCode AXIS BANK UTIB0000593 (Student) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (F&A Section) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 6 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/AAA/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ Student Copy ] Provisional Enrolment Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Official Detail Enrolment No. : IEC2021072 (Processed by ashutosh dated 2021-12-11 17:02:48) Program Name : BTech (ECE) (Semester: 1) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN : JEE Mains (Roll No.: 210310356535) : 732557649468 Student Name Name in Hindi Date of Birth Gender Blood Group PWD Status Category Marital Status Religion Nationality Aadhar No. Academic Detail (E CE ) Personal 1. Aadhaar Card 2. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Parent# 3. Anti-Ragging Affidavit By Student# 4. Authorisation by the Student and Parent# Detail 5. Character/Conduct Certificate# 6. Document Verification-cum-Seat Acceptance Letter : VAIBHAV PANDEY 7. JEE/CCMT Admit Card : DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH 8. JEE/DASA Rank Card : 29-12-2001 9. Marksheet of 10th Standard 10. Marksheet of 12th Standard : Male 11. MCAIP Form# : B+ 12. Medical Examination Report# 13. Migration/Transfer Certificate# : No 14. Pass Certificate of 10th Standard : General 15. Pass Certificate of 12th Standard : Unmarried 16. Proof of Date of Birth 17. Proof of Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) : Hinduism 18. Provisional Seat Allotment Letter from CCMT/JoSAA/DASA : INDIA 19. Undertaking for ONLINE document submission# h Entry Channel Document Detail : 96.20 (Year - 2018, Board - CBSE) XII Grade/% : 95.83 (Year - 2020, Board - CBSE) Rank/Score : 8141.00 (JEE Mains) : 0- Police Station ec X Grade/% : SHAKARPUR (Area: Urban) Comm. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,-110092 Perma. Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) INDIA Answer Booklet No. Contact Detail Phone No. : 7838598978 : BT Email Parent/Guardian Detail Father Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Mother Name : Late RADHA PANDEY (Profession: Home Maker) Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Guardian Name : Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (Profession: Private Service) Relation: Father Contact : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, Phone: 9717796788, Email: AK.PANDEY05@YAHOO.COM Note: # documents listed above are to be sent in original by post to Asstt. Registrar (AAA), AAA Section, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP), INDIA [ Seal & Signature ] (Student) (Parent/Guardian) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (for AAA Section ashutosh) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 7 भारतीय सूच ना ौोिगकी सं थान इलाहाबाद Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament) Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015 (UP) INDIA Phone: 91-532-2922025, Email:, Web: Ref. No.: IIITA/F&A/Jul-2021/3251/1 [ Student Copy ] Provisional Fee Receipt ( Under OPEN Category ) Enrollment No. : IEC2021072 Program Name : BTech (ECE) Batch Year : Jul-2021 to Jun-2025 Enroll Category : OPEN Current Semester : 1 Personal Detail (E CE ) Official Detail Student Name : VAIBHAV PANDEY (DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDAR NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UTTAR PRADESH) S/o Mr. ANIL KUMAR PANDEY Address : 699, WESTGURU-ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI,, Central-110092 (Delhi (NCT)) Fees Detail # FeesHead PaymentTerm Amount Admission Fee 2 Alumni Fund 3 Enrollment Fee 4 Identity Card Fee 5 Benevolent Fund Annual INR 550.00 6 Group Insurance and Student Welfare Fund Annual INR 1,100.00 7 Library Fee Annual INR 1,100.00 8 Cooler Usage Charges 9 Examination Fee 11 Hostel Rent 12 Medical Fee ec 10 Grade Card Fee h 1 One Time INR 2,750.00 One Time INR 8,800.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 One Time INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 1,100.00 Semester INR 550.00 Semester INR 6,000.00 Semester INR 550.00 13 Student Gymkhana Fee Semester INR 1,100.00 14 Transport Charges Semester INR 0.00 Semester INR 60,000.00 1 BT 15 Tuition Fee (in INR) Total Rebate Settlement (Internet + Cooler) Charges INR 85,800.00 INR 1,100.00 Total INR 84,700.00 Payment Detail # PaymentNo Dated 2021-12-08 Mode PG Amount 1 11000069269329 1 Paid to JoSAA at the time of special round INR 40,000.00 2 Paid to JoSAA at the time of counselling INR 33,000.00 Total INR 11,700.00 INR 84,700.00 Account Detail (for digital transactions) AccountNo 912010055500866 HolderName ANIL KUMAR PANDEY [ Seal & Signature ] BankName IFSCCode AXIS BANK UTIB0000593 (Student) This is a computer generated copy, signature is not required. (F&A Section) © IIITA Copyright (12-12-2021) 8