Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Table of contents Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ i Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... i Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... ii INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter-I ................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Wind load analysis and design .............................................................................................. 2 1.1 Roof analysis and design ................................................................................................ 2 a) Roof1 ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.20 Wind pressure ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2.1 External wind pressure ............................................................................................. 4 1.2.2 Internal wind pressures ........................................................................................... 6 b) Roof – 2 ........................................................................................................................ 8 Wind pressure ................................................................................................................... 8 1.3 Transfer of wind loads to purlins .................................................................................. 10 1.3.1 Load combinations ................................................................................................. 10 1.4 Design of purlin ............................................................................................................ 12 1.4.1 Design actions ........................................................................................................ 12 1.4.2 Sectional properties ................................................................................................ 12 A. check for deflection .................................................................................................... 12 B. check for deflection .................................................................................................... 13 C. check for shear ........................................................................................................... 13 D. check for bearing (compression perpendicular to grain) ........................................... 13 E. check for lateral deflection ......................................................................................... 14 1.5 Truss analysis and design.............................................................................................. 14 1.5.1 Loading .................................................................................................................. 14 A. Reaction forces ........................................................................................................... 14 B. self weight .................................................................................................................. 14 1.5.2 Truss analysis ......................................................................................................... 16 1.5.3 Analysis results ...................................................................................................... 17 1.6 Design of truss members ............................................................................................... 18 A. rafter ........................................................................................................................... 18 B. horizontal chord.......................................................................................................... 18 C. Vertical members ....................................................................................................... 18 1.7 Wind load on flat slabs ................................................................................................. 19 1.7.1Flat slab for G+1 floor ............................................................................................ 19 wind pressure .................................................................................................................. 19 1.7.2 Flat slab @ +25.7 level .......................................................................................... 20 Chapter-2................................................................................................................................. 22 2.1 Slab analysis and design ................................................................................................... 22 1. Depth for deflection ........................................................................................................ 22 2. Loading ........................................................................................................................... 22 3. Analysis........................................................................................................................... 22 4. Moment Adjustments ...................................................................................................... 23 4.1 support adjustment .................................................................................................... 23 4.2 span adjustment ......................................................................................................... 23 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 i Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5. Load transfer to frames ................................................................................................... 23 1. Mezzanine@3.00m ......................................................................................................... 24 2.0 Mezzanine@3.60 .......................................................................................................... 28 3. First floor slab ................................................................................................................. 33 4.0 Second floor slab........................................................................................................... 42 5.0 Third, fourth, and fifth floor slabs ................................................................................ 48 6.0 6th floor level ................................................................................................................ 54 7.0 slab around the lift shaft -one way slab ........................................................................ 60 9.Flat roof for the stair case cover ...................................................................................... 61 10 Reinforcement bars for the slabs.................................................................................... 62 11.0 Bar cutoff and bar splices (slabs) ................................................................................ 67 12.0 Lap length ................................................................................................................... 67 2.2 Stair case analysis and design ....................................................................................... 69 A. stair 1 .......................................................................................................................... 69 B. stair 2 .......................................................................................................................... 69 C. stair 3 .......................................................................................................................... 70 Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................. 74 Earth quake analysis ............................................................................................................... 74 3.1 Determination of design earth quake force ................................................................... 74 3.2 Calculations center of mass and center of stiffness ...................................................... 75 3.2.1 Roof level ............................................................................................................... 75 3.2.2 6th floor level .......................................................................................................... 76 3.2.3 2nd , 3rd ,4th & 5th floor levels ................................................................................ 79 3.2.4 First floor level ....................................................................................................... 82 3.2.5 Mezzanine levels ................................................................................................... 86 3.2.6 Ground floor level ................................................................................................ 89 3.2.7 Foundation ............................................................................................................. 91 3.3 Determination of the center of mass ............................................................................ 92 3.4 Distribution of base shear over height of a building ..................................................... 93 3.5 Determination of the center of stiffness ........................................................................ 93 3.5.1 Determination of D-values of frames .................................................................... 93 3.6 Computation of direct shear forces, Qi ....................................................................... 119 3.7 Shear correction factors for torsion........................................................................... 123 3.8 Final total lateral forces .............................................................................................. 127 3.9 the Later loads ............................................................................................................. 129 Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................... 141 Beam and column analysis and design ................................................................................. 141 4.1 Beam design and analysis for flexure ......................................................................... 141 4.1.1 Design information .............................................................................................. 141 4.1.2 Depth for deflection ............................................................................................. 142 4.1.3 Checking the section for flexure using design chart ............................................ 142 4.2 Design of beams for shear and torsion ........................................................................ 151 4.2.1 Shear design ......................................................................................................... 151 4.2.2 Torsion design ...................................................................................................... 151 4.2.3 Combined actions................................................................................................. 152 4.3. Shear and torsion reinforcement ................................................................................ 153 4.3.1 Shear reinforcement ............................................................................................. 154 4.3.2 Torsion ................................................................................................................. 159 4.3.1 Shear reinforcement ............................................................................................. 165 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 ii Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.4 Anchorage length and laps for beams ......................................................................... 166 4.5 Column analysis and design........................................................................................ 169 4.5.1 Design procedures ................................................................................................ 169 4.5.2 Determination of the effective length .................................................................. 172 4.5.3 Check for sway mode........................................................................................... 173 4.5.4 Check slenderness ratio........................................................................................ 174 4.5.5 Check for long or short column condition and consideration of the second order effects. ........................................................................................................................... 174 4.5.6 Determination of the total eccentricity. ............................................................... 175 4.5.7 Reinforcement bars determination ....................................................................... 178 4.5.8 Transverse bars for columns ................................................................................ 178 4.5.9 Lap length for columns ........................................................................................ 179 CHAPTER 5 ......................................................................................................................... 180 5. Foundation design ............................................................................................................. 180 5.1 Loading ....................................................................................................................... 180 5.2 Proportioning of footing ............................................................................................. 180 5.3 Depth determination.................................................................................................... 181 5.3.1 Punching shear ................................................................................................... 181 5.4 Reinforcement ............................................................................................................. 185 5.4.3 Development length ............................................................................................. 187 Conclusion and recommendation .......................................................................................... 188 Sap 2000 results for selected axes ........................................................................................ 189 A) for columns on the selected axis .............................................................................. 189 B) for beams on selected axis ....................................................................................... 194 Reference materials ............................................................................................................... 199 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 iii Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Acknowledgement First, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our advisor Ato Yonas Teklehaimanot (Msc.) for he gave us fundamental project work on the structural design of a G+six building. We also want to thank him for his dedication and time devotion on guiding us how to proceed and for his uninterrupted advice during the progress of the project work. Our work could have been in vain in his absence. We have also grasped a good exposure of the practical world during the course of his advice. We are also thankful to Mohammed Abdela and Girum Yimer for their willingness to give us their office where we did our project. Finally, we are indebted to the department of civil engineering on providing us the necessary materials and computer rooms to accomplish our project in advance and properly. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 i Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Abstract This project deals about the structural analysis and design of a G+6 building considering all the external and external effects according to EBCS, 1995. It has five chapters and the contents and the duties accomplished in each chapter is explained below. The first chapter deals about the wind load analysis and design on roofs and flat slabs. The external wind pressure coming from different directions were collected and transferred to frames according to EBCS, 1995.We divided the roof of the building into two parts and each of its truss members made of timber were designed as elopements resisting axial forces. The second chapter focuses on the analysis and design of slabs and staircases. All the slabs are solids and two-way slabs. The depths of all the slabs are made the same for construction simplicity and reinforcement of each is determined using EBCS2, 1995. The third chapter is about the calculation of lateral forces particularly earthquakes loads. The weight of the building was computed by considering all elements from small to large. The centre of mass and centre of stiffness were computed by assuming preliminary sections. Finally, by accounting the tensional effects, the lateral forces were distributed to each floor and subsequently to frame joints according to their stiffness. The fourth chapter deals on the analysis and design of the frame of the structure. It was analyzed using SAP2000 as space frame taking five combinations for the existing lateral and vertical loads. Therefore, the beams and columns were designed using the loads obtained from analysis by taking the worst effect. Finally, the last chapter focuses on foundation design of the structure. We took the design bearing capacity of the weathered rock from EBCS-7 recommended for different soils and rocks. It was designed as square footing by considering two worst load combinations to support and safely distribute all the actions coming from the super structure. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 ii Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project INTRODUCTION Building structures are solids, which are composed of architectural and structural parts. The structural part of the building supports the body of the building preventing it from any collapse or failure. Therefore, structural design involves the determination of the different sections of the skeletal part of the building to make it stable and sustainable through out its design life. A structural design is executed in such a way that the building will remain fit with appropriate degrees of reliability and in an economic way. It should sustain all the actions and influences during execution and use. Therefore, structural design focuses on structural safety and serviceability with due durability. It must also optimize the cost expended in building the structure and maintenance. This structural design is executed based on the Ethiopian Building Code of Practice (EBCS) prepared in 1995 E.C. This code follows the Limit State design approach. Limit state is a state beyond which the structure no longer satisfies the design performance requirements. It consists of two states namely Ultimate Limit and serviceability Limit states. Ultimate Limit states are conditions related with collapse or states prior to structural failure. Its main concern is the safety of structure and people. Serviceability Limit states are those associated to conditions beyond which a structure does not accomplish specified service requirements. It is mainly concerned about the function of construction works, comfort of people, and appearance. The prime objective of design is structural safety and serviceability. Incase the structure fails, it must be in such a way it will minimize risks and casualty. It must extend the time for evacuation of people inside a building. This requirement of structural design is accomplished by the principle called ductility. Ductility allows yielding of steel reinforcement prior to the collapse of the building. Yielding of steel bars warns the start of failure of a structure or its part. Therefore, structures are designed to be under reinforced by certain percent to assure ductility mode of failure if it happens. This G+6 building is located in Mekelle city around Hawelti. The soil type is weathered rock limestone. The building compartments consist of banks, restaurants, offices etc. Therefore, it is designed according to EBCS 1 to 8, 1995 to fulfill the required functions and service of its parts. This structure is designed for 50 years design lifetime. Prior to designed, the structure was analyzed as space frame using SAP2000 to collect all the actions for each structure. Finally, the structural members such as roof, stairs, beams, columns, footings are designed using limit state design approach stated in EBCS published in 1995. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 1 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Chapter-I 1. Wind load analysis and design Wind as a moving air has an effect on effect on building structures. We use the knowledge of fluid mechanics to understand the effect of wind on building structures. Wind actions fluctuate with time, hence its effect on different situations and structures should be carefully analyzed. Wind act directly on the external surfaces of enclosed structures, through porosity of the external surface, internal surface through opening. Wind pressure act on areas of the surfaces producing forces perpendicular to the surface of the structure or on individual cladding components. The effect of wind on structures is significant on light and dynamic structures. It does have considerable effect on vertically standing walls, columns and beams etc. there fore; its effect can be easily studied on roof structures such as truss structures and flat slabs. Therefore, our analysis on wind load actions and its design will focus on roofs analysis and design and calculation of wind forces on flat slabs. Method of analysis There are two methods for wind load analysis, namely, the quasi-static method and detailed dynamic analysis. The former is applied to structures whose structural properties do not make them susceptible to dynamic exaltation. The latter is applied to structures which are likely to be susceptible to dynamic excitation. The choice of the above two methods depends on the value of the structure of their dynamic coefficient he dynamic coefficient depends on the type of structure, the height of the structure and its breadth. The quasi-static method is used for structures whose Cd value is less or equal to 1.2. For our case the building variables are: Height of building =25.7m Width of building =13m From figure 3.7 of EBCS-1, 1995, the value of the dynamic coefficient of this building is; Cd=0.98.that is Cd<1.2 and height of the building is less than 200m, this implies that the simple procedure of EBCS (quasi-static) method of analysis the appropriate method. This is used for wind load analysis and roof design. 1.1 Roof analysis and design The building is located in Mekelle city where there are some buildings around. Therefore according to EBCS-1, 1995, it belongs to terrain category IV. The variables for terrain category IV are: Terrain factor, KT = 0.24 Minimum height, Zmin = 16m Roughness length, Zo = 1m Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 2 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project The area where the building is going to be placed has an altitude of 2010m, for which its air density is, ρ =0.94 Kg/m3 (table 3.1, EBCS-1, 1995). Out of the different types of roofs, we selected a duo pitched roof with a pitch angle 150. There are two directions of winds to the roof. Wind perpendicular to the ridge (θ=00). Wind parallel to the ridge (θ=900). a) Roof1 A. Wind perpendicular (normal) to the ridge (θ=00). 1.7 24 Wind @ θ=0 Fig-1 wind direction @ θ=00 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 3 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1.20 Wind pressure 1.2.1 External wind pressure Wind pressure is computed as: We = qref Ce (Ze) Cpe (Ze) Where: qref = reference mean wind velocity pressure Ce (Ze) = exposure coefficient Z= reference height defined in appendix A of EBCS-1, 1995 Cpe= external pressure coefficient, and qref= V 2 ref 2 Where: Vref is the reference wind velocity defined in section 3.7.2, ρ is the air density The reference wind velocity is computed as Vref = CDIR CTEMPCALTVref,o Where: Vref,0 is the basic volume of the wind velocity to be taken as 22m/s VDIR is the direction factor to be taken as 1.0 CTEMP is the temporary (seasonal) factor to be taken as 1.0 CALT is the altitude factor as 1.0 Vref = 1*1*1*22=22m/s qref = ½*0.94*222 = 227.5N/m2 =0.2275KN/m2 Pressure coefficients A. For wind direction perpendicular to the ridge F H J I G F b=13m h=25.7m d=12.5m Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 4 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Ce(Z)=Cr2(Z) Ct2(Z)[1+7kT/ (Cr(Z) Ct(Z))] Where Cr(Z) is the roughness coefficient as defined in section 3.8.3 of EBCS-1 Ct(Z) is the topographic coefficient as defined in section 3.8.4 of EBCS-1 -for our building no escarpments or hills are located around and therefore Ct(Z) =1.00 - the roughness coefficient at a height Z is defined by Cr(Z)=KTln (Z/Z0) for Zmin ≤Z≤200m Cr(Z)= Cr (Zmin) forZ≤Zmin From above KT=0.24 Zo=1 Zmin=16m and Z=25.7 > Zmin Therefore, Cr(Z)=KTln (Z/Z0) =0.78 Ce(Z)=Cr2(Z) Ct2(Z)[1+7kT/ (Cr(Z) Ct(Z))]=1.92 Dividing the roof into zones To calculate the external and internal wind pressure coefficients, Cpe and Cpi, we divide the roof into the following zones. The magnitude of the coefficients depends on the loaded area of the roof. Different zones of the loaded area are subjected to different magnitude. The Cpe values are denoted below Cpe = Cpe, 1 A≤1m2 Cpe = Cpe, 1+ (Cpe, 10-Cpe, 1) logA 1m2<A<10m2 Cpe = Cpe, 10 A≥10m2 I. External pressure coefficient, Cpe e = b or 2h (which ever is greater) b = 13m & 2h = 2*25.7 = 51.4m Therefore e = 13m Area of each zone F = 3.25*1.3 = 4.23m2<10 m2 G = 6.5*1.3 = 8.45m2<10 m2 J = 1.3*13 = 16.9m2>10 m2 I = 4.95*13 = 64.35m2>10 m2 H = 4.95*13 = 64.35m2>10 m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 5 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project From EBCS-1, 1995 table A4 there are two cases where the roof zones are subjected to wind actions. These are when zones F, G, H are subjected to pressure and suction. Case I when Zones F, G, H subjected to suction The Cpe, 1 and Cpe, 10 values for a roof of 150 inclinations is tabulated below Table 1 Zone F G H I Cpe Cpe Pressure Cpe, 1 -2 Cpe,10 Cpe,1 -0.9 -1.3 0.2 -1.5 Cpe,1 0 -0.8 -0.85 0.2 J Cpe,1 Cpe,10 Cpe,1 Cpe,10 Cpe,1 Cpe,10 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -1.5 -1.0 -0.3 -0.3 0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -1.0 -1.0 We = .2275*1.92*Cpe(ze) = 0.44Cpe KN/m2 1.2.2 Internal wind pressures The pressure coefficients except the internal pressure coefficients are similar to the above computations. The fore Wi = 0.2275*1.92Cpi (zi). For closed buildings with internal partitions and openings windows, the extreme values of internal pressure coefficients are Cpi = 0.8 for internal pressure Cpi = -0.5 for internal suction The net pressure for the roof is therefore is given by Wnet = We±Wi The worst case for the roof will be when the internal wind action is pressure. That is when Cpi = 0.8 Wnet = 0.44(Cpe-Cpi) Table 2 Zone F G H I J Cpe -1.3 -0.85 -0.3 -0.4 -1.0 Cpi +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 Cpe- Cpi -2.1 -1.65 -1.1 -1.2 -1.8 2 Wnet(KN/m ) -0.924 -0.726 -0.484 -0.528 -0.792 Case II) when zones F,G,H are subjected to pressure In this case Cpi=-0.5 Table 3 Zone Cpe Cpi Cpe- Cpi Wnet , the worst effect will be when the internal wind action suction. That is when F 0.2 -0.5 0.7 .31 G 0.2 -0.5 0.7 0.31 H 0.2 -0.5 0.7 0.31 I -0.4 -0.5 0.1 0.04 J -1.0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.22 As it can be seen from table 2 and 3, the greatest wind actions are : Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 6 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project The largest suction = -0.924KN/m2 The largest pressure = 0.31KN/m2 B. wind parallel to the ridge (θ=900) For wind direction parallel to the ridge, the analysis is similar to wind perpendicular to the ridge. As usual dividing the roof into pressure zones. F H wind((θ=900) I G G H I F 1.25m 5m 6.25m b= 12.5m h = 25.7m e=b= 12.5 or 2h= 2*25.7=51.4 which ever is greater Therefore e = 12.5m Computing the corresponding pressure for each zone as in the steps followed above. Table 4 Zone F G H I Area Cpe Cpi Cpe-Cpi Wnet (KN/m2) 4.06 -1.57 +0.8 -2.37 -1.04 3.9 -1.59 +0.8 -2.39 -1.05 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 31.25 -0.6 +0.8 -1.4 -0.62 May 18,2006 42.20 -0.5 +0.8 -1.3 -0.57 7 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project b) Roof – 2 1.7m Wind @ θ=00 24m 12.5m Wind pressure The pressure coefficients remain the same as for roof-1 Cr (z) = 0.78 Ce (z) = 1.92 A) Wind direction normal to the ridge Using e=b=15m or e = 2h =51.4m, e = 15m (smaller of the two) Dividing the roof into zones F H J I G F 1.5m 4.75m Mekelle university department of civil engineering 1.5m 4.75m May 18,2006 8 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Table 5 zone Area(m2) Cpe Cpi Cpe-Cpi Wnet(KN/m2) F 5.625 -1.18 +0.8 -1.98 -0.87 G 11.25 -0.8 +0.8 -1.6 -0.7 +0.2 -0.5 +0.7 0.31 +0.2 -0.5 0.7 0.31 H 71.25 -0.3 +0.8 -1.1 -0.48 +0.2 -0.5 0.7 0.31 I 22.5 -0.4 +0.8 -1.2 -0.53 - J 71.25 -1 +0.8 -1.8 -0.72 - The above table is calculated for the cases that F, G and H are in suction and pressure. There are two cases to take for the internal pressure. A) When F, G and H are subjected in suction Taking Cpi = +0.8 (worst Case) Wnet = We – Wi = 0.44 (Cpe-Cpi) The maximum wind suction for the above table is -0.87KN/m2. A) when F, G and H are subjected in pressure Taking Cpi = -0.5(worst case) The maximum wind pressure is 0.31KN/m2. B. Wind direction parallel to the ridge Roof zoning For e=b or 2h Wind where b=12.5m and h=25.7m e = 12.5m F 3.13m H I G 6.25m H G I F 3.13m 1.25m 5m Mekelle university department of civil engineering 8.75m May 18,2006 9 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project The external pressure coefficients as read from EbCS-1, 1995 table A4 are tabulated below. Table 6 Zone F G H I Area Cpe Cpi Cpe-Cpi Wnet(KN/m2) 3.90 -1.59 +0.8 -2.39 -1.05 3.9 -1.59 +0.8 -2.39 -1.05 31.25 -0.6 +0.8 -1.4 -0.62 54.69 0.5 +0.8 -1.3 -0.57 From the above computations, the maximum suction on the roof is -1.05KN/m2. and the maximum pressure is 0.31KN/m2. For both roofs the design wind action is when wind direction is parallel to the ridge (@ θ=900) And Wdsign =1.05KN/m2 uniformly distributed suction =0.31KN/m2 uniformly distributed pressure. 1.3 Transfer of wind loads to purlins For purlin we take a trial section of 5*7cm2 maximum suction = 1.05KN/m2. Maximum pressure =0.31KN/m2. Weight of corrugated iron sheet (G-28) = unit weight*thickness = 76KN/m3*0.000397m = 0.03KN/m2. Self weight of purlin = unit weight * cross sectional area of purlin =6*5*6*0.0001 =0.02KN/m Live load :according to ebcs3 page ---------, there are two cases of live loads a) distributed =0.25KN/m2. b) concentrated load = 1K 1.3.1 Load combinations 1) pressure + dead load +live load (distributed) 2) pressure + dead load +live load (concentrated) 3) suction + dead load comb-1 Q1=0.31KN/m2 *c/c purlin spacing+1.3(0.03*c/c +1.6*0.25 =0.31*0.90*+1.3(0.03*0.90+0.02) +1.6*0.25 =0.74KN/m purlin+0.02) comb-2 Q2=0.31KN/m2 *c/c purlin spacing+1.3(0.03*c/c purlin+0.02 with point load at mid span =0.31*0.90*+1.3(0.03*0.90+0.02) =0.34KN/m with Qk=1KN*1.6=1.6KN Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 10 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project comb-3 Q3=-1.05KN/m2 *c/c purlin spacing+1.3(0.03*c/c purlin+0.02) =-1.05*0.90*+1.3(0.03*0.90+0.02) =-0.88KN/m For the two roofs Roof -1 truss spacing =1.30m Roof -2 truss spacing =1.50m From the above two roofs roof -2 will be critical and it is the design roof For a critical case the purlin is assumed to be simply supported with span length is equal to 1.50m. For the different load combinations 1) load comb-1 0.75KN/m 0.75KN/m 1.5m 1.5m Reaction = (0.75*1.5/2)*2=1.13KN Bending moment=wl2/8=0.75*1.52/8=0.21KNM 2) load comb-2 1.60KN 1.60KN 0.34KN/m 0.34KN/m Reaction = (0.34*1.5/2+1.6*/2)*2=2.11KN Bending moment=wl2/8+pl/4=0.34*1.52/8+1.6*1.5/4=0.70KNM 3) load comb-3 0.88KN/m 0.88KN/m Reaction = (0.88*1.5/2)*2=1.32KN Bending moment=wl2/8=0.88*1.52/8=0.25KNM There fore, the actions for the design of the truss, the loads transferred to truss joints are two 2.11KN/m ( down wards) 1.32KN/m ( up wards) There fore two truss configurations Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 11 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1.4 Design of purlin We selected zigba tree for our truss. It is a conifer tree of C-30 with the following strength characteristics. Strength properties of Class C-30 Bending strength, fmk = 30N/mm2 compressive perpendicular to grain , fc,90k = 5.7N/mm2 Shear parallel to grain , fvk = 3.0N/mm2 Modulus of elasticity, Yeoman = 12000N/mm2 1.4.1 Design actions From the purlin analysis above, the maximum actions are given below. Maximum bending moment , M = 0.7KNm Maximum shear ,V = 0.76KN 1.4.2 Sectional properties We took a purlin section of 50*70 mm as a trial. Its sectional properties are: H=70mm B=50mm Span length of purlin member is 1.5m A = 50mm*70mm = 3500mm2 Moment of inertia, I = bh3/12 = 1.43*106mm4 Zy = b*h2/6 = 50*702/6 = 40.83*103mm3γ A. check for deflection Therefore the design stress is computed by: σm,y,d = My/Zy = 0.7*106/40.83*103 = 17.144 N/mm2 fm,y,d = Kh*Kls*Kmod*fm,k/γm Since h<150mm, Kh = (150/h)0.2 = (150/70)0.2 = 1.165 Since the trusses satisfy the condition of for load shearing system. Kls = 1.1 γm = 1.3 for ULS ………………class II Assuming the average moisture of timber purlin doesn’t exceed 20% and for domestic dwelling the critical condition , duration class = permanent . kmod = 0.6 fm,y,d = 1.165*1.1*0.6*30/1.3 = 17.74 N/mm2 Therefore : σm,y,d/ fm,y,d = 17.144/17.74 = 0.966<1. Ok. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 12 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project B. check for deflection Check for U2inst ( γf =1 for SLs) Imposed load q = 0.88KN/m U2inst = 5qL4/(384EI) + 12qL2/(EA) = 5*0.88*15004/(384*12*103*1.43*106)+ 12*0.88*15002/(12*103*3500) = 3.946mm Permissible value of standard deflection U2inst ≤L/300 = 1500/300 = 5mm>3.946mm OK. Check for U2 fin U2 fin = U2inst (1+Kdlf) Kdlf for permanent load and service class 2 is 0.8 U2 fin = 3.946*1.8 = 7.10mm Permissible final deflection should be less than L/200 L/200 = 1500/200 = 7.5mm>7.1mm OK. C. check for shear Design shear is computed by τ = 3Vd/(2A) = 3*1.055/(2*3500mm2) = 0.452 N/mm2 fv,d = KLs*Kmod*fv,k/ γm = 1.1*0.6*0.3/1.3 = 1.523 N/mm2>0.452 N/mm2 OK. D. check for bearing (compression perpendicular to grain) Taking the bearing diameter of rafter to be 100mm: f c,90,d = Kls*Kmod*fc,90,k/ γm =1.1*0.6*5.7/1.3 = 2.894 N/mm2 Kc,90 for l1 = 1500-100 = 1400mm, a =0, l = 100mm l1= 1400>150, a = 0<100 Kc,90 = 1 σ,90,d =design force/bearing area, bearing area = 50mm*100mm =5000mm2 = 2.11*103/5000 = 0.422 N/mm2 <2.894 N/mm2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 13 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project E. check for lateral deflection Strength properties fm,k = 30 N/mm2+ Eo,mean = 12*103 N/mm2√ Eo,05 = 8*103 N/mm2 G,mean = 0.75*103 N/mm2 λrel,m = √(lef *h*fm,k/(∏*b2* Eo,05*√( Eo,mean/ G,mean) where Lef/L = 0.95 Lef = 0.95*L =0.95*1500 = 1425mm. λrel,m = √(1425*70*30/(3.14*502*8*103*√12*103/0.75*103) = 0.406 There fore ,Kinst = 1 for λrel,m <0.75 The buckling strength ,fm,d = 17.74 N/mm 2 σ, m,d = 3.673 N/mm2<17.74 N/mm2 1.5 Truss analysis and design 1.5.1 Loading A. Reaction forces There are two truss roofs in this building. But the spacing of trusses is the same for both. From the above analysis of purlin, the reaction forces transferred to truss joints are. 2.11 KN in pressure 1.32 KN in suction B. self weight Diameter of truss members = 10 cm Area = 3.14/4*(0.1)2 = 0.008m2 Assuming the weight of truss members to be located at the junction of the vertical members and the horizontal members. Unit weight of eucalyptus member is 8.5KN/m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 14 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Table 7 Name of member A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Load designation W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 Length Area (m2) 0.9 0.9. 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.07 0.234 0.468 0.702 0.963 1.17 1.404 1.70 0.9 0.99 1.12 1.28 1.46 1.652 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 1.034 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008. 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 Unit weight (KN/m3) 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Weight (KN) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.073 0.016 0.032 0.048 0.064 0.08 0.095 0.116 0.061 0.067 0.076 0.087 0.099 0.112 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.07 Weight (KN) 0.06 0.17 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.3 0.32 0.36 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 15 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1.5.2 Truss analysis The weight of the truss members combined with the joint loads was analyzed in two cases. That is when wind acts upwards ( suction ) and down wards (pressure). A. Down ward action B. upward action Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 16 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1.5.3 Analysis results Using the two cases of loading, it was analyzed using sap2000 &the resulting axial force in the members is indicated below. Positive values indicate tension Negative values indicate compression Case A Case B Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 17 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1.6 Design of truss members From the two loadings on trusses the maximum tension and compression from the axial force diagram are selected as: A. rafter P = 8.79 KN (tension) P = -14.49 KN (compression) Trial section of rafter, diameter = 10 cm Area = 7854 mm2 Using eucalyptus tree of class C-30 Material properties Parallel tension, ft.o,k = 18 N/mm2 Parallel compression , fc,o,k = 23 N/mm2 Members subjected to axial compression or tension are designed using the following expression provided that there no tendency for buckling. σc,o,d ≤fc,o,d or σt,o,d ≤ft,o,d Where, σc,o,d = design compression capacity fc,o,d = design compression force σc,o,d = axial force /area = 14.493*103/(7854) = 1.84<<23 N/mm2 OK. σt,o,d = axial force /area = 8.79*103/(7854 = 1.12 <<18 N/mm2 OK B. horizontal chord p = 13.97 KN(tension) p = -8.48 KN(compression) Trial section of rafter , diameter = 10 cm Area = 7854 mm2 Using eucalyptus tree of class C-30, material properties mentioned above. σc,o,d = 8.48*103/7854 = 1.08<<23 N/mm2 OK σt,o,d = 13.97*103/(7854 = 1.78<<18 N/mm2 OK C. Vertical members P =7.18 KN(t) P = -15.34 KN(C) D. Diagonal members P = 7.18 KN (t) P = -9.54 KN (c) For both vertical and diagonal members , Use eucalyptus tree of C-30 with diameter = 8mm. Area = 5026.55mm2 σc,o,d = 15.3*103/5026.55 = 3.04<<23 N/mm2 OK σt,o,d =19.38 *103/(5026.55 = 3.86<<18 N/mm2 OK Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 18 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1.7 Wind load on flat slabs The flat slabs on ground+1 floor and top of the stair case are subjected to wind pressure or suction which ever is worse. In the same as roof s, the pressure actions are computed below . 1.7.1Flat slab for G+1 floor wind pressure We = qref*Ce(z)*Cpe(z) qref = ½* ρ*Vref2 = 0.2275KN/m (calculated above for roof). b = 12m h = 8m z = 6m for terrain category properties, using Ebcs2, table________ KT =0.24 Zo = 1m Zmin = 16m, Z <Zmin Cr(z) = KT*ln(Zmin/ Zo)n = 0.24*ln(16/1) = 0.665 Ct(z) =1 (Unaffected by topography) There fore, Ce(z) = 1.56 Dividing the roof into pressure zones e =min(b=12,2h=12) ; Area Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 e=12m F=3.6m2 G=7.2m2 H=57.6m2 I=24.0m2 19 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Since the edge of the eave is sharp cornered, r/h can be approximated to be zero. Therefore, using EBCS-2 table A4 the external coefficients are calculated as follows. Table 8 Zone Cpe Cpi Cpe-Cpi Wnet F -1.222 +0.8 -2.02 -0.72 G -1.27 +0.8 -2.07 -0.73 H -0.4 +0.8 -1.20 -0.43 I -0.2 +0.8 -1.0 -0.35 +0.2 -0.5 +0.7 +0.31 Case-1 when zone I is in suction take Cpi=+0.8 2 Wnet=-0.73KN/m ( suction -uniformly distributed) Case-2 when zone I is in pressure take Cpi=-0.5 Wnet=+0.31KN/m2 ( pressure- uniformly distributed) 1.7.2 Flat slab @ +25.7 level wind pressure We = qref*Ce(z)*Cpe(z) qref = ½* ρ*Vref2 = 0.2275KN/m (calculated above for roof). b = 6m h = 6m z = 25.7m from above roof analysis’s at a height of Z=25.7m Cr(Z)=0.78 Ct(Z)=1.0 Ce(Z)=1.92 Dividing the roof into zones Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 20 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Table 9 Zone F G H Area(m2) Cpe Cpi Cpe-Cpi Wnet 0.9 -1.51 +0.8 -2.31 -1.02 1.8 -1.65 +0.8 -2.45 -1.08 14.4 -0.4 +0.8 -1.20 -0.53 I 18 -0.2 +0.8 -1.0 -0.44 +0.2 -0.5 +0.7 +0.31 Case-1 when zone I is in suction take Cpi=+0.8 Wnet=-1.08KN/m2 ( suction -uniformly distributed) Case-2 when zone I is in pressure take Cpi=-0.5 Wnet=+0.31KN/m2 ( pressure- uniformly distributed) Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 21 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Chapter-2 2.1 Slab analysis and design There are two types of slabs based on the load transferring mechanisms. These are one way and two way slabs. One-way slabs transmit their load in one direction while two way slabs resist applied two directions. These types of slabs are composed of rectangular panels supported at all four edges by walls or beams stiff enough to be treated as un yielding. In our case most of the slabs are two way and need to be analyzed based on the principle of two way actions. 1. Depth for deflection The minimum depth of a slab for deflection requirement is computed by: d≥ (o.4+0.6fyk/400)Le/ßa Where: Le is effective length of the slab fyk is the characteristic tensile strength of reinforcement ßa is ---------- 2. Loading Dead and live loads are calculated depending on the service of the slabs and self weight. Partition loads are distributed over the of the slab if thy are not large enough to cause localized effects. The design load are factored according to the following formula Pd = 1.3Gk+1.6Qk Where Pd = design load Gk = total dead load on slab Qk = total live load on slab 3. Analysis The analysis of slab moments of two way slabs is accomplished by the formula: mi = α iPdLx2 where mi = the design moment per unit width at the point of reference α i = the coefficient given in Table A-1 in EBCS2-1995. Pd = the design load Lx = the shorter span of the of the panel Ly = is the longer span of the panel In the following diagram the symbols stand for s = support f = span x = direction of shorter span y = direction of longer span The actual loads at supports and spans are collected from EBCS-2, 1995 table A-1. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 22 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4. Moment Adjustments 4.1 support adjustment For a continuous support there will be two supports which are different in magnitude. These moments are usually different in magnitude and must be adjusted to make only one moments. Therefore, the difference is distributed on either side of the support to Equalize their moments. There are two cases A. If ∆M<20% of the larger moment ,the design moment is the average of the two. B. If ∆M≥20% ,then the unbalanced moment is distributed based on the their stiffness. Let ML be moment in the left MR be the moment in the right K the stiffness of the slabs Therefore the design moment Md cab be calculated in either of the following formula KR Md MR * ∆M, taking the right KR KL Or KL Md ML * ∆M, taking the left KR KL I Where K LX 4.2 span adjustment If the moment in the adjusted support decreases, the span moment are increased to compensate for the for the changes in the support moments. The design moments for the spans are calculated M xd M xf C x ∆m M yd M yf C y ∆m Where ∆m = the change in moment in all supports. Cx and Cy are coefficients for adjusting span moments in EBCS-2,Table A- 5. Load transfer to frames Finally loads are transferred to beams as shear. The shear is calculated using the formula (EBCS-2, 1995). Vx = ßvx* Pd*Lx Vy = ßvy* Pd*Ly The load transfer coefficients are read from EBCS-2,1995 of Table A-3. The design load on a beam determined in the above may be taken as the maximum shear in the slab at of the support which will be distributed on 75% of the span of the beam. For the sake of simplicity the load is uniformly distributed throughout the length of the beam by multiplying the existing shear by 0.92. For all slabs the Material data: Concrete C-25 Steel S-300 Class I works considered Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 23 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1. Mezzanine@3.00m 6.00m 6.00 m 6.00 m 1.50m Slab 1 Slab 0 6.00m Slab 2 Slab 3 Slab 4 6. 6.00m Slab 5 1.50m Fig-1.1 labeling 1. Depth requirement for deflection d>(0.4+0.6*Fyk/300)*Le/ ßa panel 0 1 2 3 4 5 Le(mm) 750 1500 6000 6000 6000 1500 ßa 10 10 35 45 40 10 d(mm) 85 127.5 97.14 113.33 127.5 127.5 Therefore, the maximum depth is d=127.5mm Over all depth D=d+Ø+cover for Ø=14mm D=127.5+14+15 D=156.5mm Use D=160mm; d=131mm 2.0 Loading Panel 0 and 1 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 0.2*3*14=8.4KN (concentrated) Total Dead load, DD=4.9KN/m2 + 8.4KN Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(4.9+8.4)+1.6*5 Pd = 14.37KN/m2+10.92KN Panels 2,3,&4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 24 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Total dead load =4.9KN/m2 the same as above panels Live load= 5.0KN/m2 the same as above panels Design load, Pd =14.37KN/m2 Panel 5 The concentrated load is due to hand rails of steel which we consider it as equivalent 15cm HCB wall of height one meter. Thus, concentrated load is 0.15*1.00*12=1.8KN Thus the design load is pd=14.37KN/m2+2.34KN 3.0 Analysis using the EBCS code provision For the two slabs Mxi= αxi* Pd *Lx^2 For cantilever slabs M= Pd 1*Lx^2*0.5+ Pd *Lx where Pd =distributed load and Pd = concentrated load Panel Ratio panel type Pd Lx Ly/Lx αxs αxf αys αyf Mxs 0 canti 14.37 0.75 +10.92 1 cant 14.37 1.5 +10.92 2 1 14.37 4 1.5 0.053 0.040 0.032 0.024 12.19 3 1 14.37 6 1 0.032 0.024 0.032 0.024 16.55 4 2 14.37 6 1 0.039 0.029 0.039 0.029 20.18 5 cant 14.37 1.5 +2.34 Mxf - Mys - Myf 12.23 - - 32.55 9.20 12.42 15.00 - 7.36 16.55 20.18 - 5.52 12.42 15.00 19.68 Fig 2.2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 25 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.0 Moment adjustment 4.1 support adjustment Between panel 1and 2 M1=32.55 M2=7.36 Md=max(32.55,7.36)=32.55 Between panels 1and 3 M1=32.55 M3=16.55 Md =max(32.55,16.55)=32.55 Between panels 1and 4 M1=32.55 M4=20.18 Md =max(32.55,20.18)=32.55 Between panels 0 and 2 M0=12.23 M2=7.36 Md =max(12.23,7.36)=12.23 Between panels 5 and 2 M5=19.68 M2=7.36 Md =max(19.68,7.36)=19.68 Between panels 5and 3 M5=19.68 M3=16.55 Md =max(19.68,16.55)=19.68 Between panels 5and 4 M5=19.68 M4=20.18 Md =max(19.68,20.18)=20.18 Between panels 2and 3 M2=7.36 M3=16.55 ∆M=9.19 %=∆M/M3=9.19/16.55*100 =55.53%>20% So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =7.36+1/4/(1/4+1/6)*9.19 Md =12.87 Between panels 4 and 3 M3=16.55 M4=20.18 ∆M=3.63 %=∆M/M4=3.63/20.18*100 =18%<20% Md =M3+M4/2=18.37 4.2 span adjustment Panel 2 Since support moments increased, there is no span moment adjustment Panel 3 Md =14.81 Mi=16.55 ∆m=1.74; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 Mxd=12.42+0.38*1.74=13.08 Myd=12.42+0.28*1.74=12.91 Panel 4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 26 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Md =18.37 Mi=20.18 ∆m=1.81; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 Mxd=15+0.38*1.81=15.69 Myd=15+0.28*1.81=15.51 Fig2.3 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 27 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2.0 Mezzanine@3.60 1.0 Depth requirement for deflection d>(0.4+0.6*Fyk/300)*Le/ ßa panel 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Le(mm) 6000 6000 3000 1500 3000 3000 1500 ßa 40 40 30 10 35 36.67 10 d(mm) 127.5 127.5 85 127.5 72.86 69.54 127.5 Fig 2.4 Therefore, the maximum depth is d=127.5mm Over all depth D=d+Ø+cover for Ø=14mm D=127.5+14+15 D=156.5mm Use D=160mm; d=131mm 2.0 Loading Panel 5 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 0.2*3*14=8.4KN (concentrated) Total Dead load, DD=4.9KN/m2 + 8.4KN Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(4.9+8.4)+1.6*5 Pd = 14.37KN/m2+10.92KN Panels 6,7,8,10,&11 Total dead load =4.9KN/m2 the same as above panels Live load= 5.0KN/m2 the same as above panels Design load, Pd =14.37KN/m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 28 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Panel 9&12 The concentrated load is due to hand rails of steel which we consider it as equivalent 15cm HCB wall of height one meter. Thus, concentrated load is 0.15*1.00*12=1.8KN Thus the design load is pd=14.37KN/m2+2.34KN 3.0 Analysis using the EBCS code provision For the two slabs Mxi= αxi* Pd *Lx^2 For cantilever slabs M= Pd 1*Lx^2*0.5+ Pd *Lx Where Pd =distributed load and Pd = concentrated load Panel Ratio panel type Pd Lx Ly/Lx αxs αxf αys αyf Mxs Mxf Mys Myf 6 4 14.37 6 1 0.047 0.036 0.047 0.036 24.31 18.62 24.31 18.62 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 canti 6 4 canti 14.37 14.37 14.37+2.34 14.37 14.37 14.37+2.34 6 3 3 3 - 1 2 1.5 1.33 - 0.039 0.093 0.072 - 0.03 0.07 0.078 0.053 - 0.039 0.047 0.045 0.047 - 0.03 0.036 0.034 0.036 - 20.18 12.03 9.31 - 15.52 9.05 10.09 6.85 - 20.18 6.08 5.82 6.08 - Fig2.5 unadjusted moments Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 29 15.52 4.66 19.68 4.40 4.66 19.68 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.0 Moment adjustment 4.1 support adjustment Between panel 9and 6 M2 =19.68 M1 =24.31 Md=max(19.68,24.31)=24.31 Between panels 9and 7 M2 =19.68 M1=20.18 Md =max(19.68,20.18)=20.18 Between panels 11and 12 M2 =6.08 M 1 =19.68 Md =max( Between panels 6 and 7 M1 =24.31 M2 = 20.18 ∆M=4.13 %=∆M/M1 =4.13/24.31*100 =17%<20% Md =(24.31+20.18)/2=22.24 Between panels 7and 8 M1 =20.18 M2 =12.03 ∆M=8.15 %=∆M/M1=8.15/20.18*100 =40.4>20% So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =12.03+1/3/(1/6+1/3)*8.15 Md =17.46 Between panels 8 and 10 M1=6.08 M2=5.82 ∆M=0.26 %=∆M/M1 =4.28<20% Md =M8+M10/2=5.93 Between panels 11 and 10 M1=6.08 M2=5.82 ∆M=0.26 %=∆M/M1 =4.28<20% Md =M8+M10/2=5.9 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 30 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.2 span adjustment Slab6 Md =22.24 Mi= 24.31 ∆m=2.07 ; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 Mxd=18.62+0.38*2.07=19.41 Myd=18.62+0.28*2.07=19.20 Slab7 Md =17.46 Mi=20.18 ∆m=2.72 ; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 Mxd=15.52+0.38*2.72=16.55 Myd=15.52+0.28*2.72=16.28 Slab8 Md =5.93 Mi=6.08 ∆m=0.15; Cx=0.305, Cy=0.094 Mxd=9.05+0.305*.15=10.10 Myd=4.66+0.094*.15=4.67 Slab11 Md =5.93 Mi=6.08 ∆m=0.15; Cx=0.320, Cy=0.12 Mxd=6.85+0.32*.15=6.90 Myd=4.66+0.12*.15=4.68 Fig2.6 Adjusted moments Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 31 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5. Load transfer ( for both slabs) panel r pd Lx 0 14.37+10.92 1.5 1 14.37+10.92 1.5 2 1.5 14.37 4 3 1 14.37 6 4 1 14.37 6 5 14.37+10.92 1.5 6 1 14.37 6 7 1 14.37 6 8 2 14.37 3 9 14.37+10.92 1.5 10 1.5 14.37 3 11 1.33 14.37 3 12 14.37+10.92 1.5 ßvxc 0.45 0.33 0.36 0.40 0.36 0.60 0.51 - ßvxd 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.40 0.38 0.335 - Mekelle university department of civil engineering ßvyc 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.40 0.36 0.40 0.40 0.40 ßvyd 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.26 - Vxc 25.87 28.45 31.04 34.49 31.04 25.87 21.99 - May 18,2006 Vxd 20.69 22.42 20.69 17.24 16.38 14.44 - Vyc 18.97 28.45 31.04 34.49 31.04 17.24 17.24 17.24 - Vyd 25.29 25.29 20.69 25.29 22.42 11.21 25.29 11.21 25.29 32 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3. First floor slab 1.0 Depth for deflection d≥ (0.4+0.6*300)Le/ßa = 0.85Le/ ßa Fig2.7 labeling the effective depth required for the above slab panels is tabulated below Slab panel Ly/Lx Lx ßa d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.5 1 1 1.5 1 1 1.13 1.13 1.13 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 2 1.33 1.33 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 4.5 4.5 4 4 4 6 6 3 4.5 4.5 40 45 40 40 45 40 43.7 41.7 36.7 45 40 35 40 40 30 36.7 41.7 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 85 113.33 127.5 85 113.33 127.5 77.8 91.79 104.22 75.56 85 97.14 127.5 127.5 85 104.22 91.79 May 18,2006 Boundary condition Interior Interior end Interior Interior End Interior Interior end end Interior end end end Interior Interior end 33 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 18 1.5 3 35 19 1.5 4 35 20 1.5 4 40 21 1.33 3 36.7 22 9.14 1.5 10 23 21.33 .75 10 24 20 .75 10 25 26.07 .75 10 72.86 97.14 85 69.48 127.50 63.75 63.75 63.75 end Interior End Cantilever Cantilever Cantilever Cantilever Cantilever The governing depth is therefore is d = 127.5 Taking ø14 slab reinforcement and concrete cover depth of 15mm, the over all depth is computed as follows: D = d+ ø14+cover = 127.5+14+15 = 160mm 2.0 Loading 2.10 dead loading a. partition load pane 3 & 14 weight = t*h*unit weight of concrete where t = 15cm for partition HCB walls Unit weight of HCB is 12KN/m3 W =5.1*.15*3*12 =27.54 KN Distributing over the slab panel = 27.54/ (6*6) 0.77KN/m2 Panel 15 Weight = 5.9*0.15*3*12 =31.86KN Distribute load = 31.86KN/ (4.5*6) = 0.9KN/m2 Panel 23, 24, 25 Hand rail weight. Assuming an equivalent weight of 1m height of 15cm HCB wall distributing linearly at the end of the cantilever slab, the point load for a meter strip cantilever is given below: Point load = 1*0.15*12=1.8KN/m b. finishing The finishing materials for the slab are: 3 cm cement screed with unit weight = 20KN/m3 2 cm marble finish for restaurant with unit weight = 27KN /m3 2 cm terrazzo tile finish for offices and shops with unit weight = 22KN/m3 Distributed load per unit area for cement screed = 0.03*20=.6KN/m2 marble = 0.02*27= 0.54KN/m2 terrazzo tile =0.02*22= 0.44KN/m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 34 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Panel 5, 6, 8, 9 Finishing load = 0.6+.54= 1.14KN/m2 other panels = .6+.44 = 1.04 KN/m2 c. Self weight weight per m2 of slab = thickness * unit weight of concrete = .16*24= 3.84 KN/m2 2.20 Live load From EBCS-1 the different live loads of rooms is given below Room class live load Cafes and restaurants C1 3 KN/m2 Terraces C5 5 KN/m2 Shops C5 5 KN/m2 Office stores C5 5 KN/m2 Toilet C1 2 KN/m2 The different loadings on the slabs can be tabulated below Panel Partition Finishing Self weight Wind load Live load load load 1 1.04 3.84 0.31 5 2 1.04 3.84 0.31 5 3 1.04 3.84 0.31 5 4 1.04 3.84 5 5 1.14 3.84 3 6 1.14 3.84 3 7 1.04 3.84 5 8 1.14 3.84 3 9 1.14 3.84 3 10 1.14 3.84 5 11 1.04 3.84 5 12 1.04 3.84 5 13 .77 1.04 3.84 5 14 .77 1.04 3.84 5 15 1.77 1.04 3.84 2 16 .9 1.04 3.84 5 17 1.04 3.84 5 18 1.04 3.84 5 19 1.04 3.84 3 20 1.04 3.84 3 21 1.04 3.84 5 22 1.04 3.84 .31 5 23 *1.8 1.04 3.84 5 24 *1.8 1.04 3.84 5 25 *1.8 1.04 3.84 5 * is for point loads from partition on cantilever slabs Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 35 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3.0 Analysis Design Load The design loads of slabs is given by Pd = 1.3Gk+1.6Qk ( EBCS-1) This formula is used for each panels. Panel 1, 2, 3 Pd = 1.3 DL+1.6LL+wind load = 1.3(1.04+3.84)+1.6*5+.31 =14.65KN/m2 Panels 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 21 Pd = 1.3(1.04+3.84)+1.6*5 = 14.34KN/m2 Panels 5, 6, 8, 9 Pd = 1.3(1.14+3.84)+1.6*3 = 11.27KN/m2 Panel 13,14 Pd = 1.3(0.77+1.04+3.84+1.6*5 = 15.35KN/m2 panel5 Pd =1.3(1.77+1.04+3.84)+1.6*5 =11.85KN/m2 Panel 16 Pd=1.3(0.9+1.04+3.84)+1.6*5 =15.51KN/m2 panels 19&20 pd=1.3(1.04+3.84)+1.6*5 =11.14KN/m2 Panel22 Pd=1.3(1.04+3.84)+0.31+1.6*5 =14.65KN/m2 panel 23,24 &25 pd(uniform)=1.3(1.04+3.84)1.6*5 =14.34KN/m2 Pd(point load)=1.3*1.8=2.34KN/m 3 Analysis Mi= αxi *pd*Lx2( for two way slabs ) Mi = w*L2/2+p*L ( cantilever) panel Panel type 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 5 1 6 3 7 1 8 1 9 2 Pd Lx ratio αxs αxf αys αyf Mxs Mxf Mys Myf 14.65 14.65 14.65 14.34 11.27 11.27 14.34 11.27 11.27 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 4.5 4.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1 1 1.13 1.33 1.33 0.040 0.024 0.030 0.040 0.024 0.030 0.029 0.036 0.040 0.032 0.032 0.039 0.032 0.032 0.039 0.032 0.032 0.039 0.024 0.024 0.030 0.024 0.024 0.023 0.024 0.024 0.029 12.42 16.66 20.57 12.16 12.98 15.82 8.95 10.73 12.10 9.38 12.66 15.82 9.18 9.74 12.17 6.65 8.50 9.13 5.63 16.66 20.57 20.57 7.34 12.98 15.82 7.34 7.3 5.63 12.66 15.82 5.51 9.74 12.72 5.51 5.48 6.62 0.053 0.032 0.039 0.053 0.032 0.039 0.039 0.047 0.053 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 36 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 10 1 14.34 4 1 0.032 0.024 0.032 11 1 14.34 4 1.5 0.053 0.040 0.032 12 2 14.34 4 1.5 0.058 0.043 0.039 13 4 15.35 6 1 0.047 0.036 0.047 14 2 15.35 6 1 0.039 0.029 0.039 15 4 11.85 3 2 0.093 0.070 0.047 16 2 15.51 4.5 1.33 0.053 0.040 0.039 17 1 14.34 4.5 1.33 0.047 0.036 0.039 18 3 14.34 3 1.5 0.073 0.055 0.039 19 2 11.14 4 1.5 0.058 0.043 0.039 20 1 11.14 4 1.5 0.053 0.040 0.032 21 3 14.34 3 1.33 0.063 0.049 0.039 22 canti 14.65 1.5 23 canti 14.34 0.75 +2.34 24 canti 14.34 0.75 +2.34 25 canti 14.34 0.75 +2.34 0.024 0.024 0.029 0.036 0.029 0.036 0.029 0.024 0.030 0.029 0.024 0.030 - 7.34 12.60 13.31 25.97 21.55 9.92 16.65 13.65 9.42 10.34 9.45 8.13 - 5.51 9.18 9.87 19.89 16.03 7.47 12.56 10.45 7.10 7.66 7.13 6.32 - 8.9 7.34 7.34 8.95 25.97 21.55 5.01 12.25 9.29 5.03 5.7 5.03 - 5.51 5.51 6.65 19.89 16.03 3.84 9.11 6.97 5.35 5.17 4.28 3.83 16.48 5.79 - - - - 5.79 - - - - 5.79 Fig-2.8 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 37 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4. moment adjustment 4.1 support adjustment Between panels 1&2 M1=16.66 M2=12.42 ΔM = 4.24 %= 4.42/16.66*100 =25.45>20% K1 = 6/(6+4)=6/10 K2 = 4/(4+6)= 4/10 Md = 12.42+6/10*4.24 = 14.96KNm Between panels 1&4 M1=7.34 M2=5.63 ΔM = 1.71 %= 23.3%>20% Md = 5.63+0.5*1.71= 6.49KNm Between panels 2&3 M1=20.57 M2=16.66 ΔM = 3.91 %= 19.03<20% Md = 0.5(20.57+16.66)= 18.62KNm Between panels 2&5 M1=12.98 M2=16.66 ΔM = 3.68 %= 22.09>20% Md = 12.9+0.5*3.68=14.82KNm Between panels 4&5 M1=12.98 M2=12.16 ΔM = .82 %= 6.32%<20% Md = .5(12.98+12.16)=12.57KNm Between panels4 &7 M1=7.34 M2=7.34 ΔM = 0 %= 0<20% Md = 7.34KNm Between panels 5&6 M1=15.82 M2=12.98 ΔM = 2.84 %= 17.95%<20% Md = 0.5(15.82+12.98)=14.40KNm Between panels 5&8 M1=12.98 M2=10.73 ΔM = 2.25 %= 17.33%<20% Md = 0.5(12.98+10.73)= 11.86KNm Between panels 6&9 M1=15.82 M2=12.10 ΔM = 3.72 %= 23.51>20% Md = 15.82-.43*3.72=14.22KNm Between panels 7&8 M1=8.95 M2=7.3 ΔM = 31.65 %= 18.44%<20% Md = 0.5(28.95+7.3)= 8.13KNm Between panels 8&9 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 38 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project M1= 8.9 M2=7.3 ΔM = 1.6 %= 18%<20% Md = 0.5(8.9+7.3)= 8.1KNm Between panels 8&11 M1=12.16 M2=10.73 ΔM = 1.43 %= 11.76%<20% Md = 0.5(12.16+10.73)= 11.45KNm Between panels 9&12 M1=13.31 M2=12.10 ΔM = 1.21 %= 9.09%<20% Md = 0.5(13.31+12.10)= 12.71KNm Between panels 13&16 M1=25.97 M2=16.65 ΔM = 9.32 %= 35.89%>20% Md = 21.96KNm Between panels 13&14 M1=25.97 M2=21.55 ΔM = 4.42KN %= 17.02<20% Md =23.76KNm Between panels 14&17 M1=21.55 M2=13.65 ΔM = 7.9 %= 36.665>20% Md = 18.15KNm Between panels 14&15 M1=21.55 M2=9.92 ΔM = 11.65 %= >20% Md = 17.71 Between panels 16&19 M1=16.65 M2=10.34 ΔM = 6.31 %= 38%>20% Md = 13.68KNm Between panels 16&17 M1=12.25 M2=9.29 ΔM = 2.96 %= 24.16%<20% Md = 10.77 Between panels 17&20 M1=13.65 M2=9.45 ΔM = 4.2 %= 30.77%>20% Md = 11.68KNm Between panels 17&18 M1=9.42 M2=9.29 ΔM = .13 %= <20% Md = 9.36KNm Between panels 3&6 M1=20.57 M2=15.82 ΔM = 4.75 %= 23.09<20% Md = 18.20KNm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 39 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Between panels 20&21 M1=8.13 M2=5.7 ΔM = 2.43 %= 30%>20% Md = 6.74KNm Between panels 11&12 M1=8.95 M2=7.34 ΔM = 1.61 %= 18%<20% Md =8.15KNm b. span adjustment panel 12 Δm1=14.96-16.66=1.70 Δm2=16.66-14.82=1.84 Ly/Lx=1 Cx1=0.38 Cy2=0.38 Mdxf=Mdx+Cx1* Δm1+ Cx2* Δm2 Mdyf=Mdy+ Cy1* Δm1+ Cy2* Δm2 Therefore using the above formula Mdxf=12.66+0.38*1.7+0.28*1.84=13.82KNm Mdyf=12.66+0.28*1.70.+0.38*1.84=13.82KNm Cy1=0.28 Cx2=0.28 panel 3 Δm1=20.57-18.82=1.75 Δm2=20.57-18.82=1.75 Ly/Lx=1 Cx1=0.38 Cy1=0.28 Cx2=0.28 Cy2=0.38 Mdxf= Mdyf =15.82+0.38*1.75+0.28*1.75=16.88KNm panel 4 Δm1=20.57-18.82=1.75 Δm2=20.57-18.82=1.75 Ly/Lx=1 Cx1=0.38 Cy1=0.28 Cx2=0.28 Cy2=0.38 Mdxf= Mdyf =15.82+0.38 Fig 2.9 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 40 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5.0 load transfer to frames The shear force transferred to frames is tabulated in the following table . Panel name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Panel type 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 4 2 1 3 2 1 3 canti canti canti canti r =Ly/Lx 1.5 1 1 1.5 1 1 1.13 1.33 1.33 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 2 1.33 1.33 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 - pd Lx ßvxc ßvxd ßvyc ßvyd Vxc Vxd Vyc Vyd 14.65 14.65 14.65 14.34 11.27 11.276 14.34 11.27 11.27 14.34 14.34 14.34 15.35 15.35 11.85 15.51 14.34 14.34 11.14 11.14 14.34 14.65 14.34+2.34 14.34+2.34 14.34+2.34 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 4.5 4.5 4 4 4 6 6 3 4.5 4.5 3 4 4 3 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.45 0.33 0.36 0.45 0.33 0.36 0.36 0.42 0.44 0.33 0.45 0.47 0.4 0.36 0.6 0.44 0.41 0.51 0.47 0.45 0.47 - 0.24 = 0.24 0.26 0.4 0.34 0.31 - 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.4 0.36 0.4 0.36 0.33 0.36 0.36 0.33 0.36 - 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.24 - 26.7 29.01 31.64 25.81 22.31 24.34 20.65 21.30 22.31 18.93 25.81 26.96 36.84 33.16 21.33 30.71 26.46 21.94 20.94 20.05 20.22 21.98 13. 13 13 21.10 16.23 - 19.34 29.01 31.64 18.93 22.31 24.34 18.93 16.74 18.26 18.93 18.93 20.65 36.84 33.16 14.22 25.13 21.29 15.49 16.04 14.7 15.49 - 12.17 13.77 23.95 22.10 9.24 16.75 10.69 - Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 23.95 14.22 14.63 13.34 - 41 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.0 Second floor slab Fig 2.10 labeling 1.0 Depth requirement for deflection d>(0.4+0.6*Fyk/300)*Le/ ßa Panel 1,2,4,5 6 7,8,10,11 12 b,c,d,f,g,h a,e Le(mm) 6000 3000 4500 3000 1000 1000 ßa 40 30 36.7 35 10 10 d(mm) 127.5 85 104.22 72.86 85 85 Therefore, the maximum depth is d=127.5mm Over all depth D=d+Ø+cover for Ø=14mm D=127.5+14+15 D=156.5mm Use D=160mm; d=131mm 2.0 Loading Panel 1 and 2 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 5*.15*3*12/36 =0.75KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.75+0.46+0.6 = 5.63KN/m2 Live load, LL=4KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(5.63)+1.6*4 Pd = 13.75KN/m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 42 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Panel 4 and 5 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 5*.15*3*12/36 =0.75KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.75+0.46+0.6 = 5.63KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(5.63)+1.6*5 Pd = 15.34KN/m2 Panel 6 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 5.45*.15*3*12/36 =1.635KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+1.635+0.46+0.6 = 6.535KN/m2 Live load, LL=2KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(6.535)+1.6*2 Pd = 11.69KN/m2 Panel 7,8,10, and 11 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 0KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6 = 4.9 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*4.9+1.6*5 Pd = 14.37 KN/m2 Panel 12 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 0KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6 = 4.9 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*4.9+1.6*5 Pd = 14.37 KN/m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 43 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Panel b, c, f , g, h - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 -partition load concentrated = 1.3*3*.2*14 = 10.92KN/m - Partition wall = 0.2*2*3*14/3 = 5.6KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6+5.6 = 10.5 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*10.5+1.6*5 Pd = 21.65 KN/m2 Panel a ,e - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 -partition load concentrated = 1.3*3*.2*14 = 10.92KN/m - Partition wall = 0.2*2*3*14/7 = 2.4KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6+2.4 = 7.7 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*7.7+1.6*5 Pd = 18.01 KN/m2 3.0 Analysis using the EBCS code provision For the two slabs Mxi= αxi* Pd *Lx^2 For cantilever slabs M= Pd 1*Lx^2*0.5+ Pd *Lx Where Pd =distributed load and Pd = concentrated load Panel Ratio panel type Pd Lx Ly/Lx αxs αxf αys αyf Mxs Mxf Mys Myf 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13.75 13.75 15.34 15.34 11.69 12.77 12.77 14.37 14.37 6 6 6 6 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1 1 1 1 2 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.039 0.093 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.052 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.029 0.07 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.039 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.039 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.039 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.039 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.029 23.27 23.27 25.96 21.54 9.79 17.84 17.84 20.08 15.13 17.82 17.82 19.89 16.02 7.37 13.19 13.19 14.84 11.35 23.27 23.27 25.96 21.54 4.95 12.15 12.15 13.68 11.35 17.82 17.82 8.44 16.02 3.79 9.31 9.31 10.48 8.44 12 14.37 3 1.5 0.078 0.059 0.047 0.036 10.09 7.63 6.08 4.66 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 44 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Fig 2.11 unadjusted moments 4.0 Moment adjustment 4.1 support adjustment Between panel 1and 7 & between 2 and 8 M1 = 23.27 M2 =17.84 ∆M=5.43 %=∆M/M1 = 23%>20% , So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =17.84+1/4.5/(1/6+1/4.5)*5.43 Md =20.94 Between panel 4and 10 M1 = 25.96 M2 =20.08 ∆M=5.88 %=∆M/M1= 23%>20% , So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =25.96-1/6/(1/6+1/4.5)*5.88 Md =23.44 Between panel 5and 11 M1 = 21.54 M2 =15.13 ∆M=6.41 %=∆M/M1 = 29.7%>20% , So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =21.54-1/6/(1/6+1/4.5)*6.41 Md =18.79 Between panel 5and 6 M1 = 21.54 M2 =9.79 ∆M=11.75 %=∆M/M1 = 54.55%>20% , So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =21.54-1/6/(1/6+1/3)*11.75 Md =17.62 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 45 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Between panel 4and 5 M1= 25.96 M2 =21.54 ∆M=4.42 %=∆M/M1 = 17.02% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(25.96+21.54)/2 Md =23.75 Between panel 6 and 12 M1= 4.95 M2=6.08 ∆M=1.13 %=∆M/M1 = 18.5% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(4.95+6.08)/2 Md =5.52 Between panel 10 and 11 M1= 13.68 M2=11.35 ∆M=2.33 %=∆M/M1 = 17% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(13.68+11.35)/2 Md =12.52 Between panel 11 and 12 M1= 11.35 M2=10.09 ∆M=1.26 %=∆M/M1 = 11% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(11.35+10.09)/2 Md =10.72 4.2 span adjustment Slab 2 Md =25.96 Mi= 23.75 ∆m=2.21 ; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 M2 = 23.44 ∆m=2.52 Mxd=18.62+0.38*2.07=19.41 Myd=18.62+0.28*2.07=19.20 Slab4 Md =23.27 Mi= 20.94 ∆m1=2.33 ; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 Mxd=17.82+0.38*2.33 =18.71 Myd=17.82+.28*2.33 = 18.47 Slab5 Md =21.54 Mi=17.62 ∆m1=3.92 ; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28\ M2=18.79 ∆m2=2.75 Mxd=16.02+.38*3.92+.28*2.75=18.28 Myd=16.02+.38*3.92+.28*2.75 =18.28 Slab12 Md =6.08 Mi=5.52 ∆m=0.56; Cx=0.305, Cy=0.094 Mxd=7.63+0.305*0.56=7.8 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 46 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Myd=4.66+0.094*.56=4.71 Fig 2.12 adjusted moments 5.0 load transfer to frames panel 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 Pd 13.75 13.75 15.34 15.34 11.69 12.77 12.77 14.37 14.37 14.37 Lx 6 6 6 6 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3 ßvxc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.47 0.54 ßvxd 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.4 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.35 ßvyc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering ßvyd 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 Vxc 33 33 36.9 33.15 21.05 28.73 28.73 32.33 30.39 23.28 Vxd 21.45 21.45 23.99 14.04 18.96 18.96 21.34 20.05 15.09 May 18,2006 Vyc 33 33 36.9 33.15 14.04 22.99 22.99 25.87 23.28 17.24 Vyd 21.45 21.45 23.99 22.1 9.12 14.94 14.94 16.81 11.21 47 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5.0 Third, fourth, and fifth floor slabs Fig 2.13 labeling 1.0 Depth requirement for deflection d> (0.4+0.6*Fyk/300)*Le/ ßa panel 1,2,4,5 6 7,8,10,11 12 b,c,d,f,g,h a,e Le(mm) 6000 3000 4500 3000 1000 1000 ßa 40 30 36.7 35 10 10 d(mm) 127.5 85 104.22 72.86 85 85 Therefore, the maximum depth is d=127.5mm Over all depth D=d+Ø+cover for Ø=14mm D=127.5+14+15 D=156.5mm Use D=160mm; d=131mm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 48 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2.0 Loading Panel 1, 2, 4 and 5 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 5*.15*3*12/36 =0.75KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.75+0.46+0.6 = 5.63KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(5.63) +1.6*5 Pd = 15.345KN/m2 Panel 7, 8, 10 and 11 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 0KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6 = 4.90KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(4.90) +1.6*5 Pd = 14.37KN/m2 Panel 6 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 5.45*.15*3*12/18 =1.635KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+1.635+0.46+0.6 = 6.535KN/m2 Live load, LL=2KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*(6.535) +1.6*2 Pd = 11.69KN/m2 Pd = 14.37 KN/m2 Panel 12 - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 - Partition wall = 0KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6 = 4.9 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*4.9+1.6*5 Pd = 14.37 KN/m2 Panel b, c, f, g, h (cantilever slabs) - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 -partition load concentrated = 1.3*3*.2*14 = 10.92KN/m - Partition wall = 0.2*2*3*14/3 = 5.6KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6+5.6 = 10.5 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*10.5+1.6*5 Pd = 21.65 KN/m2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 49 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Panel a, e (cantilever slabs) - Self weight=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 - Terrazzo tile floor finish (2cm)=0.02*23=0.46KN/m2 - cement screed (3cm)=0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 -partition load concentrated = 1.3*3*.2*14 = 10.92KN/m - Partition wall = 0.2*2*3*14/7 = 2.4KN/m2 Total Dead load, DD=3.84+0.46+0.6+2.4 = 7.7 KN/m2 Live load, LL=5KN/m2 Design load Pd= 1.3DD+1.6LL = 1.3*7.7+1.6*5 Pd = 18.01 KN/m2 3.0 Analysis using the EBCS code provision For the two slabs Mxi= αxi* Pd *Lx^2 For cantilever slabs M= Pd 1*Lx^2*0.5+ Pd *Lx Where Pd =distributed load and Pd = concentrated load Panel Ratio panel type Pd Lx Ly/Lx αxs αxf αys αyf Mxs 1 15.345 6 1 0.047 0.036 0.047 0.036 25.96 2 15.345 6 1 0.047 0.036 0.047 0.036 25.96 4 15.345 6 1 0.047 0.036 0.047 0.036 25.96 5 15.345 6 1 0.039 0.029 0.039 0.029 21.54 6 11.69 3 2 0.093 0.07 0.047 0.036 10.01 7 14.37 4.5 1.33 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.036 20.08 8 14.37 4.5 1.33 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.036 20.08 10 14.37 4.5 1.33 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.036 20.08 11 14.37 4.5 1.33 0.052 0.039 0.039 0.029 15.13 Mxf 19.89 19.89 19.89 16.02 7.53 14.84 14.84 14.84 11.35 Mys 25.96 25.96 25.96 21.54 5.06 13.68 13.68 13.68 11.35 Myf 19.89 19.89 19.89 16.02 3.88 10.48 10.48 10.48 8.44 12 7.63 6.08 4.66 14.37 3 1.5 0.078 0.059 0.047 0.036 10.69 Fig 2.14 unadjusted moments Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 50 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.0 Moment adjustment 4.1 support adjustment Between panel 1and 7 & between 2 and 8 & 4 and 10 M1 = 25.96 M2 =20.08 ∆M=5.88 %=∆M/M1 = 22.6%>20%, so it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =20.08+1/4.5/(1/6+1/4.5)*5.88 Md =23.44 Between panel 5and 11 M1 = 21.54 M2 =15.13 ∆M=6.41 %=∆M/M1 = 29.7%>20%, so it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =21.54-1/6/ (1/6+1/4.5)*6.41 Md =18.79 Between panel 5and 6 M1 = 21.54 M2 =10.01 ∆M=11.53 %=∆M/M1 = 54.55%>20% , So it should be adjusted such that they take this change in moment by their stiffness. Md =21.54 -1/6/(1/6+1/3)*11.53 Md =17.70 Between panel 4and 5 M1= 25.96 M2 =21.54 ∆M=4.42 %=∆M/M1 = 17.02% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(25.96+21.54)/2 Md =23.75 Between panel 6 and 12 M1= 6.08 M2=5.06 ∆M=1.02 %=∆M/M1 = 16.7% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(5.06+6.08)/2 Md =5.57 Between panel 10 and 11 M1= 13.68 M2=11.35 ∆M=2.33 %=∆M/M1 = 17% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(13.68+11.35)/2 Md =12.52 Between panel 11 and 12 M11= 11.35 M12=10.09 ∆M=1.26 %=∆M/M10 = 11% <20% , so the average value should be taken Md =(11.35+10.09)/2 Md =10.72 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 51 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.2 span adjustment Slab 1, 2 Md =25.96 Mi= 23.44 ∆m=2.52 ; Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 M2 = 23.44 ∆m=2.52 Mxd=19.89+0.38*2.52=20.85 Myd=18.62+0.28*2.52=20.60 Slab4 Md =25.96 Mi= 20.94 ∆m1=2.21 Cx=0.38, Cy=0.28 M2 = 23.44 ∆m2=2.52 Mxd=19.89+0.38*2.21+0.28*2.52 =21.44 Myd=19.89+.38*2.21+0.28*2.52 = 21.44 Slab5 Md =21.54 Mi=17.7 ∆m1=3.84; Cx=0.38, CY=0.28 M2=18.79 ∆m2=2.75 Mxd=16.02+.38*3.84+.28*2.75=18.25 Myd=16.02+.38*3.84+.28*2.75 =18.25 Slab 10 Md =13.86 Mi=12.52 ∆m=1.34; Cx=0.325, Cy=0.135 Mxd=14.84+0.325*1.34=15.28 Myd=10.48+0.135*1.34=10.66 Slab 11 Md =11.35 Mi=10.72 ∆m=0.63; Cx=0.325, Cy=0.135 Mxd=11.35+0.325*0.63=11.55 Myd=8.44+0.135*0.63=8.53 Slab 12 Md =6.08 Mi=5.57 ∆m=0.51; Cx=0.305, Cy=0.094 Mxd=4.66+0.305*0.51=4.82 Myd=7.63+0.094*0.51=7.68 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 52 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Fig 2.15 adjusted moments 5.0 load transfer to frames panel 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 Pd 15.345 15.345 15.345 15.345 11.69 14.37 14.37 14.37 14.37 14.37 Lx 6 6 6 6 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3 ßvxc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.31 0.35 ßvxd 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.4 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.4 ßvyc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering ßvyd 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 Vxc 36.83 36.83 36.83 33.15 21.05 32.33 32.33 32.33 30.39 23.28 Vxd 23.94 23.94 23.94 14.04 21.34 21.34 21.34 20.046 15.09 May 18,2006 Vyc 36.83 36.83 36.83 33.15 14.04 25.87 25.87 25.87 23.28 17.24 Vyd 23.94 23.94 23.94 22.10 9.12 16.81 16.81 16.81 11.21 53 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 6.0 6th floor level Fig 2.16 labeling 1. Depth determination d>(0.4+0.6*Fyk/400)*Le/ßa panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Le(mm) 1 1 1 6 4.5 1 1 ßa 10 10 10 45 41.7 10 10 d(mm) 85 85 85 114 92 85 85 8 9 10 11 6 4.5 3 3 45 36.70 30 35 114 104 85 73 d=max(di)=114mm and D=d+cover+ø using ø=14 D=114+15+14=143mm but uniformity in construction from other slabs use the same thickness as others that is D=160mm and d=131mm 2.Loading 2.1 Dead loads(DD) For all slabs Self weight 0f the slab=0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 2cmTerrazzo tile Floor finish =23*0.02=0.46KN/m2 3cm thickness Cement screed =0.03*20=0.60KN/m2 Partition load Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 54 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project On slabs 1,2,3,6 =1.03KN/m2 (distributed load) =6.3KN (concentrated load) On slabs 4&8 =0.765KN/m2 (distributed load) On slabs 5,9 &11 = no load on slab7 =1.03KN/m2 (distributed load) =6.3KN (concentrated load) On slabs 4&8 =0.765KN/m2 (distributed load) On slabs 10 =0.99KN/m2 (distributed load) 2.2 Live load(LL) For all slabs other than slab 11=5KN/m2 For slab 11=3.5KN/M2 There fore the design load is Pd=1.3*DD+1.6*LL 3. Analysis panel Panel type 1 Cant 2 Cant 3 Cant 4 1 5 1 6 Cant 7 Cant 8 2 9 2 10 4 11 4 Mi=αi*Pd*Lx^2 Pd 15.71+8.19 15.71+8.19 15.71+8.19 15.37 14.37 15.71+8.19 16.37+8.19 15.37 14.37 13.26 14.37 Lx 1 1 ratio αxs 6 1 4.5 1.33 1 1 6 1 4.5 1.33 3 2 3 1.5 0.032 0.048 0.039 0.071 0.093 0.073 αxf αys αyf Mxs Mxf Mys Myf 0.024 0.033 0.029 0.053 0.070 0.059 0.032 0.032 0.039 0.039 0.047 0.047 0.024 0.024 0.029 0.029 0.036 0.036 16.01 16.01 16.01 17.71 13.97 16.01 16.38 21.58 20.60 11.10 10.09 13.28 9.60 16.05 15.42 8.35 7.63 17.71 9.31 21.58 13.68 5.61 6.08 13.28 6.98 16.05 10.48 4.30 4.60 Fig 2.17 unadjusted moments Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 55 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.0 Moment adjustment 4.1support adjustment Between panels 1&4 M1=17.71 M2=16.01 Md=max(M1,M2) Md=17.71 KNm %= 4.42/16.66*100 =25.45>20% K1 = 6/(6+4)=6/10 K2 = 4/(4+6)= 4/10 Md = 12.42+6/10*4.24 = 14.96KNm Between panels 1&8 M1=21.58 M2=16.01 Md=max(M1,M2) Md=21.58KNm Between panels 2&4 M1=17.71 M2=16.01 Md=max(M1,M2) Md=17.71KNm Between panels 2&5 M1=16.01 M2=9.31 Md=max(M1,M2) Md=16.01KNm Between panels 3&5 M1=16.01 M2=13.97 Md=max(M1,M2) Md=16.01KNm Between panels 3&9 M1=20.66 M2=16.01 Md=max(M1,M2) Md=20.66KNm Between panels 8&4 M1=21.58 M2=17.71 ΔM = 3.87 %= 3.87/21.58*100 =18%<20% Md = 0.5(21.58+17.71)= 19.65KNm Between panels 4&5 M1=17.71 M2=13.97 ΔM = 3.74 %= 3.74/17.71*100 =21.10%>20% K1 = 4.5/(4.5+6)=0.429 K2 = 6/(4.5+6)= 0.571 Md = 13.97+0.429*3.74= 16.11KNm Between panels 8&9 M1=21.58 M2=20.66 ΔM = 0.92 %= 0.29/21.58*100 =4.3%<20% Md = 0.5(21.58+20.66)= 21.12KNm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 56 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Between panels 5&9 M1=13.68 M2=9.31 ΔM = 4.37 %= 4.37/13.68*100 =31.90%>20% K1 = 4.5/(4.5+6)=0.429 K2 = 6/(4.5+6)= 0.571 Md = 9.31+0.571*4.37= 11.80KNm Between panels 4&10 M1=17.71 M2=11.10 ΔM = 6.1 %= 6.16/17.71*100 =37.32%>20% K1 = 3 /(3+6)=0.333 K2 = 6/(3+6)= 0.667 Md = 11.10+0.333*6.16= 12.20KNm Between panels 5&11 M1=10.09 M2=9.31 ΔM = 0.78 %= 0.78/10.09*100 =7.73%<20% Md = 0.5(10.09+9.31)= 9.70KNm 4.2 Span adjustment Panel 4a b/n 4&8 Md=19.65 Mi=21.50 Since moment increased no span moment adjustment is required. b/n 4&2 Since moment increased no span moment adjustment is required b/n 4&5 Md=16.11 Mi=17.71 Δm=17.71-16.11=1.6 Cx=0.380; Cy=0.280 Mxd=13.28+0.38*1.6=13.89 KNm Mxd=13.28+0.28*1.6=13.72 KNm Panel 5a In all directions the support moments increased so that no span moment adjustment is required. Panel 8a b/n 1&8 Since moment increased no span moment adjustment is required b/n 8&9 Md=19.65 Mi=21.58 Δm1=1.93 Cx=0.380; Cy=0.280 b/n 8&9 Md=21.12 Mi=21.58 Δm2=0.46 Cx=0.380; Cy=0.280 Mxd=13.28+0.38*(1.93+.46)=16.96 KNm Mxd=13.28+0.28*(1.93+.46)=16.72 KNm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 57 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Panel 9a b/n 5&9 Md=11.8 Mi=13.68 Δm=1.88 Cx=0.327; Cy=0.137 Mxd=15.42+0.327*1.88=16.03 KNm Mxd= 10.48+.137*1.88=10.74 KNm In the other supports the moment increased that no span moment adjustment is important. Panel 4b b/n 4&8 Since moment increased no span moment adjustment is required b/n 4&6 Since moment increased no span moment adjustment is required b/n 4&10 Md=12.20 Mi=17.71 Δm1=5.51 Cx=0.380; Cy=0.280 b/n 4&5 Md=16.11 Mi=17.71 Δm=1.60 Cx=0.380; Cy=0.280 Mxd=13.28+0.38*(5.51+1.6)=15.98 KNm Mxd= 13.28+0.28(5.51+1.6)=15.27KNm Panel 5b In all directions the support moments increased so that no span moment adjustment is required. Panel 10 In all directions the support moments increased so that no span moment adjustment is required. Panel 11 b/n 5&11 Md=9.70 Mi=10.09 Δm1=0.39 Cx=0.484; Cy=0.248 b/n 11&10 Md=5.85 Mi=6.08 Δm2=0.23 Cx=0.238; Cy=0.0.055 Mxd=4.66+.484*0.39+0.238*0.23=4.90 KNm Mxd= 7.63+0.248*0.39+0.055*0.23=7.71KNm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 58 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Fig 2.18 Adjusted moments 5. Load transfer to beams panel r Pd 1 15.71+8.19 2 15.71+8.19 3 15.71+8.19 4 1 15.37 5 1.33 14.37 6 15.71+8.19 7 16.37+8.19 8 1 15.37 9 1.33 14.37 10 2.0 13.26 11 1.5 14.37 Lx 1 1 1 6 4.5 1 1 6 4.5 3 3 ßvxc 0.33 0.415 0.36 0.36 0.60 0.54 ßvxd 0.24 0.40 0.35 ßvyc 0.33 0.33 0.36 0.36 0.40 0.40 Mekelle university department of civil engineering ßvyd 0.24 0.26 0.26 Vxc 30.43 26.84 33.20 23.28 23.87 23.28 Vxd 15.52 15.91 15.10 May 18,2006 Vyc 30.43 21.34 33.20 15.91 17.24 Vyd 23.90 23.90 23.90 23.90 24.56 22.13 23.28 10.34 11.21 59 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 7.0 slab around the lift shaft -one way slab Fig 2.19 This slab is simply supported and belongs to all floor with the same configuration. Ly/Lx >2.0, therefore it is one way slab with simply supported support conditions. 1. Depth for deflection 0.6 f yk Le , le =2500mm & β = 25 d (0.4 ) 400 a d ≥ 85mm (<131mm) ok. 2. Loading i. Dead load a. self weight= t*γc = 0.16*24=3.84KN/m2 b. finishing 3 cm cement screed, =0.03*20=0.6KN/m2 2 cm terrazzo tile, =0.02*22=0.4KN/m2 ii. live load, access for office = 5KN/m2 Design load = 1.3*DL+1.6*LL = 1.3*(3.84+0.6+0.44) +1.6*5 Pd= 14.344KN/m2 Shear and moments The slab is treated as a one way solid slab. Taking a meter strip and modeling it as a simply supported beam: 14.344 2.5m V=14.34*2.5/2=17.93KN/m Md= wl2/8=14.344*2.52/8=11.21KN-m Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 60 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 9.Flat roof for the stair case cover 6.0m 6.0m 1. Depth for deflection 6000 L 145.71 d 0.85 e d 0.85 * 35 a Using Ф14 D=d+ cover +0.5* (0.5Ф+1.5 Ф) 145.71+15+14=174.71 D=180mm, d=151mm 2. Loading -Wind load =0.31KN/m2 (pressure) - Self weight = 0.18*24=4.32 KN/m2 (DL) - Floor finish - cement screed= 0.03*20=0.6 KN/m2 (DL) - 10,000lt water tanker =9.81/ (6*6) =2.73 KN/m2 (LL) - Live load =1 KN/m2 (LL) Design load Pd=0.31+1.3*(4.32+0.6) +1.6*(1+2.73) = 12.67 KN/m2 3. Analysis M i i pd L2x Using appendix A of EBCS-2, 95 The slab is categorized under panel type 9, and hence αxf=αyf=0.056 Therefore Mxf=25.54=Myf 4. Load transfer Vx=Vy=ßvxPdLx, ßvx=0.33 = 0.33*12.67*6=25.09 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 61 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 10 Reinforcement bars for the slabs The reinforcements are provided for the design moments using design charts from EBCS_2;part II ,19995 table 1a Md b Km = where Md = design moment d b = width of slab taken as 1.00m d = effective depth of slab. Using Km and C-25 ,S-300 Ks is read from the chart and As= Ks *Md /d This is compared with the minimum reinforcement for temperature and shrinkage given as As,min =ρmin *b*d where ρmin= 0.5/fyk The spacing of the calculated bars is determined as S= 10000*as/As or 2D which ever is minimum design of slabs slab level mezanine@3m support sup b/n 0&2 1&2,3,4 2&3 3&4 5&2,3 span panel 2 3 4 mezanine@3.6m support 9&6,7 6&7 7&8 8&10 10&11 12&11 span 6 7 Md Km Ks As cal As.min As provide Ø spacing s provided 12.6 32.55 14.81 18.37 19.68 27 44 29 33 34 4 4.26 4.04 4.08 4.09 385 1058 457 572 614 218 218 218 218 218 385 1058 457 572 614 10 14 10 12 12 204 145 172 198 184 Ø10 c/c200 Ø14 c/c140 Ø 10c/c170 Ø12 c/c190 Ø 12c/c180 9.2 5.52 13.08 12.91 15.69 15.51 23 18 28 27 30 30 3.97 3.95 4.01 4 4.05 4.05 279 166 400 394 485 480 218 218 218 218 218 218 279 218 400 394 485 480 8 8 10 10 10 10 180 230 196 199 162 164 Ø8 c/c180 Ø8 c/c230 Ø10 c/c190 Ø10 c/c190 Ø10 c/c160 Ø10 c/c160 19.68 22.4 17.46 5.93 5.93 32.55 34 36 32 19 19 44 4.09 4.1 4.06 3.95 3.95 4.26 614 701 541 179 179 1058 218 218 218 218 218 218 614 701 541 218 218 1058 12 12 12 8 8 14 184 161 209 230 230 145 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c200 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø14 c/c140 19.41 19.2 16.55 16.28 34 33 31 31 4.09 4.08 4.07 4.07 606 598 514 506 218 218 218 218 606 598 514 506 12 12 12 12 187 189 220 224 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c220 Ø12 c/c220 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 62 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 8 4.45 10.1 16 24 3.95 3.98 134 307 218 218 218 307 8 8 230 164 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c160 10 4.4 16 3.95 133 218 218 8 230 Ø8 c/c230 10.09 24 3.98 307 218 307 8 164 Ø8 c/c160 4.71 6.87 17 20 3.95 3.96 142 208 218 218 218 218 8 8 230 230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 20.57 12.42 14.96 18.82 6.49 14.82 18.2 12.57 14.4 7.34 11.86 14.22 8.13 8.1 7.34 11.45 12.71 7.34 8.15 23.76 17.71 21.96 18.15 5.02 10.77 9.36 13.68 11.68 5.03 6.3 6.74 10.34 35 27 30 33 19 29 33 27 29 21 26 29 22 22 21 26 27 21 22 37 32 36 33 17 25 23 28 26 17 19 20 25 4.11 4 4.05 4.08 3.95 4.04 4.08 4 4.04 3.97 4 4.04 3.98 3.98 3.97 4 4 3.97 3.98 4.12 4.07 4.11 4.08 3.95 3.99 3.97 4.03 4 3.95 3.95 3.96 3.99 645 379 463 586 196 457 567 384 444 222 362 439 247 246 222 350 388 222 248 747 550 689 565 151 328 284 421 357 152 190 204 315 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 645 379 463 586 218 457 567 384 444 222 362 439 247 246 222 350 388 222 248 747 550 689 565 218 328 284 421 357 218 218 218 315 12 10 10 12 8 10 12 10 10 8 10 10 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 175 207 170 193 230 172 200 205 177 226 217 179 204 204 226 225 202 226 203 151 206 164 200 230 153 177 187 220 230 230 230 160 Ø12 c/c170 Ø10 c/c200 Ø10 c/c170 Ø12 c/c190 Ø8 c/c230 Ø10 c/c170 Ø12 c/c200 Ø10 c/c200 Ø10 c/c170 Ø8 c/c220 Ø10 c/c210 Ø10 c/c170 Ø8 c/c200 Ø8 c/c200 Ø8 c/c220 Ø10 c/c220 Ø10 c/c200 Ø8 c/c220 Ø8 c/c200 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c200 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c150 Ø8 c/c170 Ø10 c/c180 Ø10 c/c220 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c160 9.38 5.63 13.84 13.84 16.88 16.88 9.44 5.59 23 18 28 28 31 31 23 18 3.98 3.95 4.04 4.04 4.05 4.05 3.97 3.95 285 170 427 427 522 522 286 169 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 285 218 427 427 522 522 286 218 8 8 10 10 10 10 8 8 176 230 184 184 150 150 176 230 Ø8 c/c170 Ø8 c/c230 Ø10 c/c180 Ø10 c/c180 Ø10 c/c150 Ø10 c/c150 Ø8 c/c170 Ø8 c/c230 11 1st floor support 22&1,2,3 25&1,4,7,10 1&2 2&3 1&4 2&5 3&6 4&5 5&6 4&7 5&8 6&9 7&8 8&9 7&10 8&11 9&12 10&11 11&12 13&14 14&15 13&16 14&17 15&18 16&17 17&18 16&19 17&20 18&21 19&20 20&21 24&19,20,21 span 1 2 3 4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 63 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2nd floor support 1&2 4&5 5&6 1&7 2&8 4&10 5&11 6&12 7&8 10&11 11&12 13&1 14&2 15&4 10.28 10.21 13.18 13.18 6.91 5.82 5.48 8.22 6.94 9.61 5.51 5.51 5.73 9.48 6.89 10.37 21.85 22.03 16.98 17.32 7.47 7.47 10.35 14.15 7.66 11.18 7.1 5.35 5.23 7.85 4.28 7.13 6.84 4.36 24 24 28 28 20 18 18 22 20 24 18 18 18 24 20 25 36 36 31 32 21 21 25 29 21 26 20 18 17 21 16 20 20 16 3.99 3.99 4.04 4.04 3.96 3.95 3.95 3.98 3.96 3.99 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.99 3.96 3.99 4.11 4.11 4.05 4.06 3.97 3.97 3.99 4.04 3.97 4 3.96 3.95 3.95 3.97 3.95 3.96 3.96 3.95 313 311 406 406 209 175 165 250 210 293 166 166 173 289 208 316 686 691 525 537 226 226 315 436 232 341 215 161 158 238 129 216 207 131 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 313 311 406 406 218 218 218 250 218 293 218 218 218 289 218 316 686 691 525 537 226 226 315 436 232 341 218 218 218 238 218 218 218 218 8 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 10 12 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 161 162 193 193 230 230 230 201 230 172 230 230 230 174 230 159 165 164 150 211 222 222 249 180 217 230 230 230 230 211 230 230 230 230 Ø8 c/c160 Ø8 c/c160 Ø10 c/c190 Ø10 c/c190 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c200 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c170 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c170 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c150 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø10 c/c150 Ø12 c/c210 Ø8 c/c220 Ø8 c/c220 Ø10 c/c240 Ø10 c/c180 Ø8 c/c210 Ø10 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c210 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c230 23.27 23.75 17.62 20.94 20.94 23.44 18.79 5.52 12.15 12.52 10.72 19.97 21.75 21.75 37 37 32 35 35 37 33 18 27 27 25 34 36 36 4.12 4.12 4.06 4.11 4.11 4.12 4.08 3.95 4 4 3.99 4.09 4.12 4.12 732 747 546 657 657 737 585 166 371 382 327 623 684 684 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 732 747 546 657 657 737 585 218 371 382 327 623 684 684 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 10 10 8 12 12 12 155 151 207 172 172 153 193 230 212 205 154 181 165 165 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c190 Ø8 c/c230 Ø10 c/c210 Ø10 c/c200 Ø8 c/c150 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 64 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 16&5 17&11 18&10 19&8 20&7 span 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 19.97 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 3rd,4th&5th floor support 1&2 4&5 5&6 1&7 2&8 4&10 5&11 6&12 7&8 10&11 11&12 13&1 14&2 15&4 16&5 17&11 18&10 19&8 20&7 span 1 4.06 4.06 4.08 4.08 4.11 4.12 4.08 4.08 3.96 3.95 4 4.02 3.99 4.04 3.99 4.05 3.98 4 3.96 3.95 684 684 684 684 623 0 552 552 583 575 665 682 599 573 228 117 371 405 319 458 325 472 259 352 232 145 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 684 684 684 684 623 218 552 552 583 575 665 682 599 573 228 218 371 405 319 458 325 472 259 352 232 218 12 12 12 12 12 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 8 8 165 165 165 165 181 230 205 205 194 197 170 166 189 197 221 230 212 194 246 172 242 166 194 223 217 230 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c180 Ø8 c/c230 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c190 Ø12 c/c190 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c190 Ø8 c/c220 Ø8 c/c230 Ø10 c/c210 Ø10 c/c190 Ø10 c/c240 Ø10 c/c170 Ø10 c/c240 Ø10 c/c160 Ø8 c/c190 Ø10 c/c220 Ø8 c/c210 Ø8 c/c230 39 37 32 37 37 37 33 18 28 27 25 34 36 36 36 36 36 36 34 4.16 4.12 4.06 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.08 3.95 4.04 4 3.99 4.09 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.09 824 747 549 737 737 737 585 168 422 382 327 623 684 684 684 684 684 684 623 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 824 747 549 737 737 737 585 218 422 382 327 623 684 684 684 684 684 684 623 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 10 10 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 187 151 206 153 153 153 193 230 186 205 154 181 165 165 165 165 165 165 181 Ø c/c180 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c150 Ø12 c/c190 Ø8 c/c230 Ø10 c/c180 Ø10 c/c200 Ø8 c/c150 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c180 35 35 4.11 4.11 654 646 218 218 654 646 12 12 173 175 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c170 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.09 17.82 17.82 18.71 18.47 21.21 21.69 19.24 18.39 7.53 3.88 12.15 13.19 10.48 14.84 10.66 15.28 8.53 11.53 7.68 4.82 36 36 36 36 34 0 32 32 33 33 35 36 33 33 21 15 27 28 25 29 25 30 22 26 21 17 25.96 23.75 17.7 23.44 23.44 23.44 18.79 5.57 13.68 12.52 10.72 19.97 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 19.97 20.85 20.6 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 65 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 6th floor support 1&4a 1&8a 2&4a 2&5a 3&5a 3&9a 6&8b 6&4b 7&9b 7&5b 4a&8a 8b&4b 4b&10 4a&5a 8a&9a 8b&9b 4b&5b 10&11 5a&9a 9b&5b 5b&11 span 4a 5a 8a&8b 9a&9b 20.85 20.6 21.21 21.69 19.4 18.39 7.53 3.88 10.48 14.84 10.48 14.84 10.66 15.28 8.53 11.55 7.68 4.82 35 35 35 36 34 33 21 15 25 29 25 29 25 30 22 26 21 17 4.11 4.11 4.11 4.12 4.09 4.08 3.96 3.95 3.99 4.04 3.99 4.04 3.99 4.05 3.98 4 3.96 3.95 654 646 665 682 606 573 228 117 319 458 319 458 325 472 259 353 232 145 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 654 646 665 682 606 573 228 218 319 458 319 458 325 472 259 353 232 218 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 8 173 175 170 166 187 197 221 230 157 172 157 172 155 166 194 223 217 230 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c190 Ø8 c/c220 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c150 Ø10 c/c170 Ø8 c/c150 Ø c/c170 Ø8 c/c150 Ø10 c/c160 Ø8 c/c190 Ø10 c/c220 Ø8 c/c210 Ø8 c/c230 17.71 21.58 17.71 16.01 16.01 20.66 21.58 17.71 20.66 16.01 19.65 19.61 12.2 16.11 21.12 21.12 16.1 5.85 11.8 11.8 9.7 32 35 32 31 31 35 35 32 35 31 34 34 27 31 35 35 31 18 26 26 24 4.07 4.11 4.07 4.06 4.06 4.11 4.11 4.07 4.11 4.06 4.09 4.09 4 4.06 4.11 4.11 4.06 3.95 4 4 3.99 550 677 550 496 496 648 677 550 648 496 614 612 373 499 663 663 499 176 360 360 295 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 550 677 550 496 496 648 677 550 648 496 614 612 373 499 663 663 499 218 360 360 295 12 12 12 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 12 12 10 8 10 10 8 206 167 206 158 158 174 167 206 174 228 184 185 211 157 171 171 157 230 218 218 170 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c160 Ø c/c200 Ø10 c/c150 Ø10 c/c150 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c160 Ø12 c/c200 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c220 Ø12 c/c180 Ø12 c/c180 Ø10 c/c210 Ø10 c/c150 Ø12 c/c170 Ø12 c/c170 Ø10 c/c150 Ø8 c/c230 Ø c/c210 Ø10 c/c210 Ø8 c/c170 13.89 13.72 6.98 9.6 16.96 16.72 10.74 16.03 28 28 20 24 31 31 25 31 4.04 4.04 3.96 3.99 4.06 4.06 3.99 4.06 428 423 211 292 526 518 327 497 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 428 423 218 292 526 518 327 497 10 10 8 8 12 10 8 10 183 186 230 172 215 152 154 158 Ø10 c/c180 Ø10 c/c180 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c170 Ø12 c/c210 Ø c/c150 Ø8 c/c150 Ø10 c/c150 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 66 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4b 5b 10 11 stair cover slab one way slab 15.98 15.27 6.98 9.6 4.3 8.35 4.9 7.71 25.54 11.21 31 30 20 24 16 22 17 21 39 26 4.06 4.05 3.96 3.99 3.95 3.98 3.95 3.96 4.17 4 495 472 211 292 130 254 148 233 813 342 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 495 472 218 292 218 254 218 233 813 342 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 14 10 Ø10 c/c150 Ø10 c/c160 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c170 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c190 Ø8 c/c230 Ø8 c/c210 Ø14 c/c180 Ø10 c/c220 159 166 230 172 230 198 230 216 189 229 11.0 Bar cutoff and bar splices (slabs) Bars are cut off where they are not supposed to resist moments. For slabs support moments are cutoff some distance away from support. For simplicity support bars are cut in the following relative distances relative to their span. Fig 2.20 12.0 Lap length The basic anchorage length which develops the full design strength of a straight reinforcing bar is given by Lb = * fyd /(8fctd) for deformed bars. fctd = 0.21(20)2/3/1.5, for C-25 concrete 1.032Mp Fyd = 260.87 Mp for S-300 steel Lb= *260.87/(8*1.032) = 31.6 For deformed bars the required anchorage length The required development length Lb,net is calculated as Lb,net = 1*31.6* * As,cal/As,eff = 31.6 *As,cal/As,eff and 0 7 *31.6 *As,cal/As,eff for hooked tension bars Lb,min is the minimum anchorage length ] For bars in tension, Lb,min = 0.3Lb≥10 ≥200mm For bars in compression, Lb,min = 0.0.6Lb≥10 ≥200mm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 67 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project The anchorage length of bars that are bent up as shear reinforcement shall be at least equal to 1.3*Lb,net in tensions and 0.7* Lb,net in zones subjected to compression The lap length Lo shall be at least equal to Lo≥a1* Lb,net ≥ Looming Where looming = 0.3aa1Lb ≥200mm a1 is a function of the percentage of the reinforcement lapped at any one section as given in EBCS-2 Table 7.3 Therefore , for hundred percent 100% of lapping at a section, a1 =1.4 Looming = 1.4*0.3*a* Lb = 0.42 a Lb Generally the lap length Lo shall at least be equal to the basic anchorage length Lb. For 24 looming = 0.42*1*31.6*24≥15*24 = 320≥360mm = 360mm For 20 lo,min = 0.42*1*31.6*20≥15*20 = 270≥300mm 300mm But Lo≥a1* Lb,net ≥ Lo,min ≥1.4*31.6* ≥ 0.42*31.6 ≥45 ≥13.3 Lo ≥45 For 24 Lo ≥45*24 = 1080mm For 20 Lo ≥45*20 = 900mm For 16 Lo ≥45*16 = 720mm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 68 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2.2 Stair case analysis and design Stair case analysis and design is similar to slabs. It involves the steps followed by slabs. The inclined configuration is analyzed by projecting the loads on a horizontal plane. The stair has three flights. Each have their own dimension and support condition. A. stair 1 The stair from ground level to 1.05m height can be modeled as follows. Above the ground the stair starts from slab rather than from ground. Therefore, it is modeled as follows. B. stair 2 This stair runs from the first landing to the second landing. It is totally supported by the lower and upper stairs on their respective landings. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 69 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project C. stair 3 This stair runs from the second landing to the end of the next floor. It is modeled as. 2. Depth for deflection The minimum depth of slab for deflection requirement is 0.6 f yk Le d (0.4 )* 400 a For concrete C-25 and steel of S-300 Le d 0.85 a For stair 1,Le =3350mm and a = 20 ( simply supported ) 3550 d (0.85 * =150.88mm 20 For stair 2, Le =3750mm and a = 20 ( simply supported ) 3750 d (0.85 * =159.34mm 20 For stair 3, Le = 3500mm and a =24( end stair) 3550 d (0.85 * =125.73mm 24 Therefore, the governing depth is 159.34mm Taking 14 and concrete cover of 15mm, the over all depth is computed by. D = 159.34+15+14 = 198.34mm Take D = 200mm, where d =170mm. 2. Loading Soffit i. dead load o self weight weight of the triangular section Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 70 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project volume = 0.5*0.18*0.3 = 0.05m3 weight = 0.05*24 = 1.2KN/m weight of the inclined soffit = 0.2*24 = 4.8KN/m total weight = 6KN/m o floor finish 2 cm terrazzo ff Volume = 0.02*0.18*1.75+0.02*0.3*1.75 = 0.02m3 weight = 0.02*23 *5*23 = 2.3KN total area = 1.5*1.75 = 2.625 2.3 0.88KN / m weight per unit length = 2.625 3 cm cement screed 2.5 0.95KN / m Weight per unit meter = 2.625 DL = 6+0.88+0.95 = 7.83KN/m ii. Live load for staircase is 3KN/m2 design load , Pd = 1.3*7.83+1.6*3 = 13.42KN/m Landing i. dead load The weight similarly calculated as above. o Self weight = 4.8KN/m o Floor finish = 1.06KN/m ii. live load = 3KN/m2 Design load, Pd = 1.3*4.8+1.6*3 = 12.4 KN/m 3. Analysis Stair 2 Taking summation of moments at one end, q is solved. 12.42 * 2.25 13.42 *1.5 2 2 q =16.89KN/m 2.25 2.25 The maximum span moment = 15.08 KNm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 71 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Stair1 A. starting from ground level Loading Shear force diagram Bending moment diagram B. for floors above the ground Loading Shear force diagram Bending moment diagram Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 72 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3. stair 3 Loading Shear force diagram Bending moment diagram 4. Reinforcement Using the sap2000 analysis results, reinforcement for each moments are calculated using EBCS-2 part-2 design chart. Effective depth of the stairs is 170mm. Main reinforcement bars Spacing calculated Md Spacing 1000a s ks * Md b AS= = Km Name moment Ks Provided d AS d support 31.34 32.9 4.08 752 12 C/C150 Stair 1 span 33.63 34.1 4.1 822 12 C/C 130 Stair 2 Stair 3 support span support Span 15.08 31.34 21.88 22.8 32.9 27.5 3.97 4.08 4.02 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 352 752 517 - May 18,2006 10 C/C 220 12 C/C 150 10 C/C 150 73 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Chapter 3 Earth quake analysis 3.1 Determination of design earth quake force The seismic base shear force, Fb, for each main direction is determined from: I. determination of base shear Fb = Sd(T1)W Sd(T1) = α ß γ The parameter α is the ratio of the design bed rock acceleration to acceleration of gravity, g and is given by: α = α0I αo =the bed rock acceleration ratio for the site and depends on the seismic zone as given in table 1.1 of EBCS-8, 95 (page 10). Zone 4 3 2 1 αo 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.03 In our case the building is in Mekelle which is located in zone 4; this implies αo = 0.1 I = the importance factor of the building (table 2.4, EBCS-8, 95, page 29) The structure is under category II of EBCS-8 ; there fore I = 1.2 The parameter ß is the design response factor for the site and is given by: 1.2S 2.5 2/3 T1 S = site coefficient for soil characteristics. Table 1.2 (page 11) Sub soil A B C class S 1.0 1.2 1.5 The soil is sub soil class A (class A includes rock, stiff deposits of sand, gravel or over consolidated clay). There fore S = 1.0. T1 = the fundamental period of vibration of the structure (in sec) for translational motion in the direction of motion. For buildings with heights up to 80m, the value of T1 may be approximated using: T1= C1H3/4 Where H = height of the building above the base in meters = 25.7m C1 = 0.075 for RC moment resisting frames and eccentrically braced steel frames. Hence T1= 0.075*(25.7)3/4 = 0.86 1.2 *1.0 2.5 1.33 2.5 OK 0.86 2 / 3 The parameter γ is the behavior factor to account for energy dissipation capacity, shall be derived for each design direction as follows. γ = γo KD KR KW ≤ 0.70 Where γo = basic type of the behavior factor, dependent on the structural type (table 3.2 Page 37) Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 74 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project KD= factor reflecting the ductility class (page 35 and 38) KR= factor reflecting the structural regularity in elevation (page 38) KW= factor reflecting the prevailing failure mode in structural systems with walls (page 38) γ = 0.2*2*1.2 = 0.5 ≤ 0.7 OK Sd(T1) = α ß γ = 0.12*1.33*0.5 = 0.08 W= seismic dead load, obtained as the total permanent load plus 20% of the floor live load. 3.2 Calculations center of mass and center of stiffness The horizontal forces at each floor level, Fi, determined in the above manner are distributed to lateral load resistive structural elements in proportion to their rigidities assuming rigid floor diaphragms. Center of mass (Xm, Ym): it is a point on a floor level where the whole floor mass and its inertial effects can be replaced using a lumped equivalent mass. Wi X i WiYi ; Xm Ym Wi Wi Where Xm, Ym= the coordinate of the point of application of Fi when the seismic action is parallel to the Y-direction and X-direction respectively. 3.2.1 Roof level designation roofing roof-1 truss purline G-28 CIS ceiling parapet roof-2 truss purline G-28 CIS ceiling parapet tie beam x2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y2 3 4 unit weight weight 4.4686 0.7 0.0624 1.224 17.34 8.5 6 76 8 14 37.983 4.2 4.743 9.792 242.76 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.5 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.5 569.25 240 0.0004 0.008 1.7 4.4686 0.84 0.0765 1.5 19.04 8.5 6 76 8 14 37.983 5.04 5.8125 12 266.56 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 24.85 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 33 33 33 0.7875 0.7875 0.7875 0.7875 0.7875 0.7875 0.7875 2.475 2.475 2.475 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 59.4 59.4 59.4 937.37 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 16.5 16.5 16.5 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 0 4.5 10.5 area height vol 0.00785 0.0035 158.397 153 10.2 569.25 200 0.0004 0.008 1.7 0.00785 0.0035 194.114 187.5 11.2 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 Mekelle university department of civil engineering x y May 18,2006 wixi wiyi 218.4 24.15 27.272 56.304 1335.2 0 968.57 128.52 148.22 306 6624 0 0 113.4 226.8 340.2 453.6 567 623.7 980.1 980.1 980.1 15102 199.412 22.05 24.901 51.408 1335.18 0 199.412 26.46 30.5159 63 1466.08 0 99.225 99.225 99.225 99.225 99.225 99.225 99.225 0 267.3 623.7 5003.99 75 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project stair flat slab 36 4.8 0.075 0.09 wall beam column 0.12 1.7 24 6.8 4.32 8.16 1.8 0.612 24 24 24 25 103.68 195.84 43.2 15.3 15 15 15 15 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 1555.2 2937.6 648 229.5 777.6 1468.8 324 114.75 3.2.2 6th floor level 6th floor level Slab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 area height vol 33 0.16 5.28 42 0.16 6.72 33 0.16 5.28 42 0.16 6.72 33 0.16 5.28 42 0.16 6.72 33 0.16 5.28 42 0.16 6.72 13.5 0.16 2.16 18 0.16 2.88 wall 1 2 3 4 5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 3 3 3 3 3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 unit weight weight x y wixi wiyi 24 126.72 2.5 1.75 316.8 221.76 24 161.28 2.5 8 403.2 1290.24 24 126.72 9 1.75 1140.48 221.76 24 161.28 9 8 1451.52 1290.24 24 126.72 21 1.75 2661.12 221.76 24 161.28 21 8 3386.88 1290.24 24 126.72 27 1.75 3421.44 221.76 24 161.28 27 8 4354.56 1290.24 24 51.84 31.5 2.25 1632.96 116.64 24 69.12 31.5 7.5 2177.28 518.4 1272.96 20946.24 6683.04 14 46.2 6 1.75 277.2 80.85 14 46.2 12 1.75 554.4 80.85 14 46.2 18 1.75 831.6 80.85 14 46.2 24 1.75 1108.8 80.85 14 46.2 30 1.75 1386 80.85 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 76 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle 6 0.9 3 2.7 7 1.2 3 3.6 8 1.1 3 3.3 9 1.1 3 3.3 10 1.1 3 3.3 11 1.1 3 3.3 12 1.1 3 3.3 13 2.5 3 7.5 14 2.6 3 7.8 15 2.4 3 7.2 16 0.96 3 2.88 17 0.96 3 2.88 18 0.96 3 2.88 19 1.16 3 3.48 20 1.16 3 3.48 21 0.96 3 2.88 22 0.96 3 2.88 23 0.96 3 2.88 24 2.8 3 8.4 25 1.2 3 3.6 26 2.6 3 7.8 27 0.6 3 1.8 28 0.6 3 1.8 beam x2 0.09 10.5 0.945 3 0.09 10.5 0.945 4 0.09 10.5 0.945 5 0.09 10.5 0.945 6 0.09 10.5 0.945 7 0.09 10.5 0.945 8 0.09 10.5 0.945 y2 0.09 33 2.97 3 0.09 33 2.97 4 0.09 33 2.97 column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 as senior project 14 37.8 14 50.4 14 46.2 14 46.2 14 46.2 14 46.2 14 46.2 14 105 14 109.2 14 100.8 14 40.32 14 40.32 14 40.32 14 48.72 14 48.72 14 40.32 14 40.32 14 40.32 14 117.6 14 50.4 14 109.2 14 25.2 14 25.2 1532.16 24 22.68 24 22.68 24 22.68 24 22.68 24 22.68 24 22.68 24 22.68 24 71.28 24 71.28 24 71.28 372.6 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 33 2.25 1247.4 33 7.5 1663.2 30 8.75 1386 24 8.75 1108.8 18 8.75 831.6 12 8.75 554.4 6 8.75 277.2 -1 5.25 -105 5.5 -1 600.6 24 -1 2419.2 27.6 4.5 1112.832 20.4 4.5 822.528 9.6 4.5 387.072 2.4 4.5 116.928 2.4 6 116.928 9.6 6 387.072 20.4 6 822.528 27.6 6 1112.832 24 11.375 2822.4 15 10.5 756 5.5 11.375 600.6 31.5 10.5 793.8 31.5 0 793.8 24786.72 0 5.25 0 6 5.25 136.08 12 5.25 272.16 18 5.25 408.24 24 5.25 544.32 30 5.25 680.4 33 5.25 748.44 16.5 0 1176.12 16.5 4.5 1176.12 16.5 10.5 1176.12 6318 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 May 18,2006 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 85.05 378 404.25 404.25 404.25 404.25 404.25 551.25 -109.2 -100.8 181.44 181.44 181.44 219.24 292.32 241.92 241.92 241.92 1337.7 529.2 1242.15 264.6 0 8385.09 119.07 119.07 119.07 119.07 119.07 119.07 119.07 0 320.76 748.44 1902.69 0 38.88 77.76 116.64 155.52 194.4 213.84 0 38.88 77.76 116.64 155.52 68.04 68.04 68.04 68.04 68.04 68.04 68.04 29.16 29.16 29.16 29.16 29.16 77 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle 13 0.09 3 0.27 14 0.09 3 0.27 15 0.09 3 0.27 16 0.09 3 0.27 17 0.09 3 0.27 18 0.09 3 0.27 19 0.09 3 0.27 20 0.09 3 0.27 21 0.09 3 0.27 terrazzo ff slab 1 33 0.02 0.66 2 42 0.02 0.84 3 33 0.02 0.66 4 42 0.02 0.84 5 33 0.02 0.66 6 42 0.02 0.84 7 33 0.02 0.66 8 42 0.02 0.84 9 13.5 0.02 0.27 10 18 0.02 0.36 cement screed 1 33 0.03 0.99 2 42 0.03 1.26 3 33 0.03 0.99 4 42 0.03 1.26 5 33 0.03 0.99 6 42 0.03 1.26 7 33 0.03 0.99 8 42 0.03 1.26 9 13.5 0.03 0.405 10 18 0.03 0.54 as senior project 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 24 6.48 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136.08 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 15.18 19.32 15.18 19.32 15.18 19.32 15.18 19.32 6.21 8.28 2.5 2.5 9 9 21 21 27 27 31.5 31.5 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 2.25 7.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19.8 25.2 19.8 25.2 19.8 25.2 19.8 25.2 8.1 10.8 351.39 2.5 2.5 9 9 21 21 27 27 31.5 31.5 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 2.25 7.5 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 194.4 213.84 0 38.88 77.76 116.64 155.52 194.4 213.84 29.16 29.16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2391.12 680.4 37.95 48.3 136.62 173.88 318.78 405.72 409.86 521.64 195.615 260.82 26.565 154.56 26.565 154.56 26.565 154.56 26.565 154.56 13.9725 62.1 49.5 34.65 63 201.6 178.2 34.65 226.8 201.6 415.8 34.65 529.2 201.6 534.6 34.65 680.4 201.6 255.15 18.225 340.2 81 5782.035 1844.798 78 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3.2.3 2nd , 3rd ,4th & 5th floor levels 2nd, 3rd ,4th & 5th floors levels slab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 unit area height vol weight weight x y wixi wiyi 27 0.16 4.32 24 103.68 3 2.25 311.04 233.28 36 0.16 5.76 24 138.24 3 7.5 414.72 1036.8 27 0.16 4.32 24 103.68 9 2.25 933.12 233.28 36 0.16 5.76 24 138.24 9 7.5 1244.16 1036.8 27 0.16 4.32 24 103.68 21 2.25 2177.28 233.28 36 0.16 5.76 24 138.24 21 7.5 2903.04 1036.8 27 0.16 4.32 24 103.68 24 2.25 2488.32 233.28 36 0.16 5.76 24 138.24 24 7.5 3317.76 1036.8 13.5 0.16 2.16 24 51.84 25.5 2.25 1321.92 116.64 18 0.16 2.88 24 69.12 25.5 7.5 1762.56 518.4 1088.64 16873.92 5715.36 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 6 2.25 226.8 85.05 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 12 2.25 453.6 85.05 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 18 2.25 680.4 85.05 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 24 2.25 907.2 85.05 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 30 2.25 1134 85.05 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 33 2.25 1247.4 85.05 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 33 7.5 1247.4 283.5 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 30 8.25 1134 311.85 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 24 8.25 907.2 311.85 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 18 8.25 680.4 311.85 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 12 8.25 453.6 311.85 0.9 3 2.7 14 37.8 6 8.25 226.8 311.85 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 1 -1 33.6 -33.6 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 79 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 14 1.6 3 4.8 14 67.2 15 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 16 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 17 1.6 3 4.8 14 67.2 18 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 19 0.6 3 1.8 14 25.2 20 0.6 3 1.8 14 25.2 21 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 22 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 23 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 24 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 25 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 26 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 27 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 28 0.96 3 2.88 14 40.32 29 0.6 3 1.8 14 25.2 30 0.6 3 1.8 14 25.2 31 3.2 3 9.6 14 134.4 32 1.2 3 3.6 14 50.4 33 0.6 3 1.8 14 25.2 34 1.6 3 4.8 14 67.2 35 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 36 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 37 1 3 3 14 42 38 0.8 3 2.4 14 33.6 beam 1565.76 x2 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 3 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 4 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 5 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 6 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 7 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 8 0.105 10.5 1.1025 24 26.46 y2 0.105 33 3.465 24 83.16 3 0.105 33 3.465 24 83.16 4 0.105 33 3.465 24 83.16 column 434.7 1 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 2 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 3 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 4 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 5 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 6 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 7 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 8 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 9 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 10 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 11 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 6 -0.125 403.2 -8.4 10.5 -1 352.8 -33.6 19.5 -1 655.2 -33.6 24 -0.125 1612.8 -8.4 28.5 -1 957.6 -33.6 31.5 0 793.8 0 31.5 4.5 793.8 113.4 27.6 4.5 1112.832 181.44 20.4 4.5 822.528 181.44 9.6 4.5 387.072 181.44 2.4 4.5 96.768 181.44 2.4 6 96.768 241.92 9.6 6 387.072 241.92 20.4 6 822.528 241.92 27.6 6 1112.832 241.92 31.5 6 793.8 151.2 31.5 10.5 793.8 264.6 24 10.625 3225.6 1428 15 10.5 756 529.2 10.5 11.5 264.6 289.8 6 10.625 403.2 714 1 11.5 33.6 386.4 -1 9.5 -33.6 319.2 -0.125 -5.5 -5.25 -231 -1 1 -33.6 33.6 25938.15 7893.69 0 5.25 0 138.915 6 5.25 158.76 138.915 12 5.25 317.52 138.915 18 5.25 476.28 138.915 24 5.25 635.04 138.915 30 5.25 793.8 138.915 33 5.25 873.18 138.915 16.5 0 1372.14 0 16.5 4.5 1372.14 374.22 16.5 10.5 1372.14 873.18 7371 2219.805 0 10.5 0 79.38 6 10.5 45.36 79.38 12 10.5 90.72 79.38 18 10.5 136.08 79.38 24 10.5 181.44 79.38 30 10.5 226.8 79.38 33 10.5 249.48 79.38 0 4.5 0 34.02 6 4.5 45.36 34.02 12 4.5 90.72 34.02 18 4.5 136.08 34.02 80 May 18,2006 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 12 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 13 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 14 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 15 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 16 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 17 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 18 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 19 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 20 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 21 0.105 3 0.315 24 7.56 terrazzo ff 158.76 1 33 0.02 0.66 23 15.18 2 42 0.02 0.84 23 19.32 3 33 0.02 0.66 23 15.18 4 42 0.02 0.84 23 19.32 5 33 0.02 0.66 23 15.18 6 42 0.02 0.84 23 19.32 7 33 0.02 0.66 23 15.18 8 42 0.02 0.84 23 19.32 9 13.5 0.02 0.27 23 6.21 10 18 0.02 0.36 23 8.28 cement screed 1 33 0.03 0.99 20 19.8 2 42 0.03 1.26 20 25.2 3 33 0.03 0.99 20 19.8 4 42 0.03 1.26 20 25.2 5 33 0.03 0.99 20 19.8 6 42 0.03 1.26 20 25.2 7 33 0.03 0.99 20 19.8 8 42 0.03 1.26 20 25.2 9 13.5 0.03 0.405 20 8.1 10 18 0.03 0.54 20 10.8 staircase landing 1 0.03 0.16 0.0048 24 0.1152 2 0.03 0.16 0.0048 24 0.1152 3 14.4 0.16 2.304 24 55.296 stairs 1 0.3585 1.5 0.53775 24 12.906 2 0.3585 1.5 0.53775 24 12.906 3 0.299 1.5 0.4485 24 10.764 floor finishes(2cm thick terrazzo tile landing 1 0.03 0.02 0.0006 23 0.0138 2 0.03 0.02 0.0006 23 0.0138 3 14.4 0.02 0.288 23 6.624 stairs 1 2.7 0.02 0.054 23 1.242 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.5 9 9 21 21 27 27 31.5 31.5 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 2.25 7.5 2.5 2.5 9 9 21 21 27 27 31.5 31.5 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 1.75 8 2.25 7.5 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 12.75 8.1 May 18,2006 181.44 226.8 249.48 0 45.36 90.72 136.08 181.44 226.8 249.48 2789.64 37.95 48.3 136.62 173.88 318.78 405.72 409.86 521.64 195.615 260.82 34.02 34.02 34.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 793.8 26.565 154.56 26.565 154.56 26.565 154.56 26.565 154.56 13.9725 62.1 49.5 34.65 63 201.6 178.2 34.65 226.8 201.6 415.8 34.65 529.2 201.6 534.6 34.65 680.4 201.6 255.15 18.225 340.2 81 0 0 0 0 1.4976 1.1232 1.9584 1.1232 829.44 315.1872 0 0 164.5515 104.5386 222.6285 104.5386 158.769 104.949 0 0.1794 0.2346 99.36 0 15.8355 81 0 0.13455 0.13455 37.7568 0 10.0602 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 2.7 0.02 0.054 23 1.242 3 2.25 0.02 0.045 23 1.035 floor finishes(3cm cement screed) landing 1 0.03 0.03 0.0009 20 0.018 2 0.03 0.03 0.0009 20 0.018 3 14.4 0.03 0.432 20 8.64 stairs 1 2.7 0.03 0.081 20 1.62 2 2.7 0.03 0.081 20 1.62 3 2.25 0.03 0.0675 20 1.35 466.929 17.25 14.75 8.1 21.4245 10.0602 9.75 15.26625 10.09125 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 0 0.234 0.306 129.6 0 20.655 27.945 19.9125 7511.833 3.2.4 First floor level Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 82 0 0.1755 0.1755 49.248 0 13.122 13.122 13.1625 2633.5 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1st floor slab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 27 36 45 45 36 27 27 36 36 27 13.5 18 74.25 81 67.5 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 4.86 6.48 8.1 8.1 6.48 4.86 4.86 6.48 6.48 4.86 2.43 3.24 13.365 14.58 12.15 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.98 4.2 1.04 1.04 0.46 1.62 0.78 2.4 0.9 0.9 2.1 0.9 0.9 1.2 1 3.6 2.4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5.94 12.6 3.12 3.12 1.38 4.86 2.34 7.2 2.7 2.7 6.3 2.7 2.7 3.6 3 10.8 7.2 9 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 25 25 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 22.75 22.75 22.75 22.75 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 37.75 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 4.53 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 wall beam x1 y1 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 116.64 155.52 194.4 194.4 155.52 116.64 116.64 155.52 155.52 116.64 58.32 77.76 320.76 349.92 291.6 2575.8 83.16 176.4 43.68 43.68 19.32 68.04 32.76 100.8 37.8 37.8 88.2 37.8 37.8 50.4 42 270 180 225 1574.64 65.52 65.52 65.52 65.52 43.92 43.92 43.92 43.92 108.72 3 3 3 9 9 9 21 21 27 27 31.5 31.5 3.75 -2.25 28.5 2.25 7.5 14.25 14.25 7.5 2.25 2.25 7.5 7.5 2.25 2.25 7.5 -2.25 9 2.25 6 22.5 20.62 25.59 30.82 28.95 22.09 6 12 12 18 20.1 33 33 30 0 6 25.5 10.5 10.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 4.5 4.5 18 2.25 8.25 5.25 2.25 2.25 7.5 8 9 0 0 -4 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 14.125 6.625 6.625 6.625 6.625 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 -4 May 18,2006 0 0 349.92 466.56 583.2 1749.6 1399.68 1049.76 2449.44 3265.92 4199.04 3149.28 1837.08 2449.44 1202.85 -787.32 8310.6 31675.05 498.96 3969 900.6816 1117.771 595.4424 1969.758 723.6684 604.8 453.6 453.6 1587.6 759.78 1247.4 1663.2 1260 0 1080 5737.5 24622.76 -262.08 0 393.12 786.24 790.56 1054.08 1317.6 1449.36 1535.67 83 0 0 262.44 1166.4 2770.2 2770.2 1166.4 262.44 262.44 1166.4 1166.4 262.44 131.22 583.2 -721.71 3149.28 656.1 15053.85 873.18 1852.2 240.24 240.24 106.26 306.18 147.42 1814.4 85.05 311.85 463.05 85.05 85.05 378 336 2430 0 0 9754.17 434.07 434.07 434.07 434.07 126.27 126.27 126.27 126.27 -434.88 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 3 4 5 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 37.75 37.75 37.75 16.75 4.53 4.53 4.53 2.01 24 24 24 24 14.125 14.125 14.125 3.625 0 4.5 10.5 16.5 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 108.72 108.72 108.72 48.24 920.88 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 241.92 12.42 16.56 20.7 20.7 16.56 12.42 12.42 16.56 16.56 12.42 6.21 8.28 34.155 37.26 31.05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 27 36 45 45 36 27 27 36 36 27 13.5 18 74.25 81 67.5 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.54 0.72 0.9 0.9 0.72 0.54 0.54 0.72 0.72 0.54 0.27 0.36 1.485 1.62 1.35 3 3 3 9 9 9 21 21 27 27 31.5 31.5 3.75 -2.25 28.5 27 36 45 45 36 27 27 36 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.81 1.08 1.35 1.35 1.08 0.81 0.81 1.08 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 16.2 21.6 27 27 21.6 16.2 16.2 21.6 3 3 3 9 9 9 21 21 column terrazo ff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 cement screed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 2.25 7.5 14.25 14.25 7.5 2.25 2.25 7.5 7.5 2.25 2.25 7.5 -2.25 9 2.25 1535.67 1535.67 1535.67 174.87 11846.43 0 69.12 138.24 207.36 276.48 345.6 380.16 0 69.12 138.24 207.36 276.48 345.6 380.16 0 69.12 138.24 207.36 276.48 345.6 380.16 4250.88 37.26 49.68 62.1 186.3 149.04 111.78 260.82 347.76 447.12 335.34 195.615 260.82 128.0813 -83.835 884.925 0 489.24 1141.56 795.96 4233.24 120.96 120.96 120.96 120.96 120.96 120.96 120.96 51.84 51.84 51.84 51.84 51.84 51.84 51.84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1209.6 27.945 124.2 294.975 294.975 124.2 27.945 27.945 124.2 124.2 27.945 13.9725 62.1 -76.8488 335.34 69.8625 2.25 7.5 14.25 14.25 7.5 2.25 2.25 7.5 48.6 64.8 81 243 194.4 145.8 340.2 453.6 36.45 162 384.75 384.75 162 36.45 36.45 162 84 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 36 27 13.5 18 74.25 81 67.5 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 1.08 0.81 0.405 0.54 2.2275 2.43 2.025 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21.6 16.2 8.1 10.8 44.55 48.6 40.5 27 27 31.5 31.5 3.75 -2.25 28.5 7.5 2.25 2.25 7.5 -2.25 9 2.25 1 2 3 0.03 0.03 14.4 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.0048 0.0048 2.304 24 24 24 0.1152 0.1152 55.296 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 1 0.3585 1.5 0.53775 2 0.3585 1.5 0.53775 3 0.299 1.5 0.4485 floor finishes(2cm thick terrazo tile) landing 1 0.03 0.02 0.0006 2 0.03 0.02 0.0006 3 14.4 0.02 0.288 stairs 1 2.7 0.02 0.054 2 2.7 0.02 0.054 3 2.25 0.02 0.045 floor finishes(3cm cement screed landing 1 0.03 0.03 0.0009 2 0.03 0.03 0.0009 3 14.4 0.03 0.432 stairs 1 2.7 0.03 0.081 2 2.7 0.03 0.081 3 2.25 0.03 0.0675 24 24 24 12.906 12.906 10.764 182.1024 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 23 23 23 0.0138 0.0138 6.624 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 23 23 23 1.242 1.242 1.035 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 20 20 20 0.018 0.018 8.64 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 20 20 20 1.62 1.62 1.35 929.6664 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 staircase landing stairs Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 583.2 437.4 255.15 340.2 167.0625 -109.35 1154.25 0 0 1.4976 1.9584 829.44 0 164.5515 222.6285 158.769 0 0 0.1794 0.2346 99.36 0 15.8355 21.4245 15.26625 162 36.45 18.225 81 -100.238 437.4 91.125 0 0 1.1232 1.1232 315.1872 0 104.5386 104.5386 104.949 0 0 0.13455 0.13455 37.7568 0 10.0602 10.0602 10.09125 0 0.234 0.306 129.6 0 20.655 27.945 19.9125 9501.917 0 0.1755 0.1755 49.248 0 13.122 13.122 13.1625 4482.472 85 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3.2.5 Mezzanine levels mezanine@3 slab 1 2 83.89 46.56 0.18 0.18 15.1002 8.3808 24 24 1 2 3 4 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 33 4.59 1.16 1.55 1.2 2 1.04 1.84 1.2 1.2 1.2 3.36 3.36 0.23 0.45 2.36 0.07 3 3 3 0.6 0.6 3 3 3 3 0.6 3 3 3 3 3 2.4 13.77 3.48 4.65 0.72 1.2 3.12 5.52 3.6 3.6 0.72 10.08 10.08 0.69 1.35 7.08 0.168 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 24 x1 2 3 4 5 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 22.75 7.5 7.5 22.75 15.25 2.73 0.9 0.9 2.73 1.83 24 24 24 24 24 wall beam Mekelle university department of civil engineering 362.4048 201.1392 563.544 192.78 48.72 65.1 10.08 16.8 43.68 77.28 50.4 50.4 10.08 141.12 141.12 9.66 18.9 99.12 4.032 979.272 65.52 21.6 21.6 65.52 43.92 0.6 9 14.38 14.38 -4.14 6 12.08 12.08 0.6 9.4 12.08 15 15 15 3.6 3.6 11.25 10.5 1.1 18 6.79 14.38 14.38 7.5 10.58 10.58 -0.1 2.25 0 10.58 18.11 -4.62 15 16.5 4 -4 -4 0 6 12 18 6.625 14.25 14.25 6.625 2.875 May 18,2006 0 0 217.44 1810.25 2027.70 -798.11 292.32 786.41 121.77 10.08 410.59 933.54 756.00 756.00 151.20 508.03 508.03 108.68 198.45 109.03 72.58 4924.60 -262.08 0.00 129.60 786.24 790.56 86 0 0 5211.38 2892.38 8103.76 1308.98 700.59 936.14 75.60 177.74 462.13 -7.73 113.40 0.00 106.65 2555.68 -651.97 144.90 311.85 396.48 -16.13 6614.32 434.07 307.80 307.80 434.07 126.27 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project y1 2 3 4 5 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 22.5 6 6 22.5 16.75 2.7 0.72 0.72 2.7 2.01 24 24 24 24 24 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0 0 0.16 0.16 0 0 0.16 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 3 3 3 2.4 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.384 24 24 24 24 64.8 17.28 17.28 64.8 48.24 430.56 11.52 11.52 11.52 9.216 3 2.4 0.48 0.384 24 24 11.52 9.216 3 2.4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.4 0.48 0.384 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.168 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1 2 cementscreed 1 2 mezanine@3.6 slab 3 4 5 wall 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 21 13 beam 83.89 46.56 0.02 0.02 1.6778 0.9312 23 23 11.52 9.216 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 4.032 144.72 38.5894 21.4176 83.89 46.56 0.03 0.03 2.5167 1.3968 20 20 90 25.32 18 0.18 0.18 0.18 16.2 4.5576 3.24 24 24 24 1.2 1.2 0.91 0.91 0.79 0.79 1.84 3 3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.88 2.88 2.184 2.184 1.896 1.896 4.416 7.2 7.2 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 column terrazo ff Mekelle university department of civil engineering 10.25 19 19 10.25 3.625 -4 0 4.5 10.5 16.5 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 12 6 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 6 12 18 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 10.5 4.5 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0.6 9 14.38 14.38 50.334 27.936 138.277 0.6 9 14.38 14.38 388.8 109.3824 77.76 575.9424 40.32 40.32 30.576 30.576 26.544 26.544 61.824 100.8 100.8 458.304 25.5 31.5 24 7.5 0.28 3.75 33.08 5.92 29.92 33 29.92 33 33.08 17.92 22.5 7.5 7.5 2.25 2.25 1.97 1.97 7.5 -4.62 10.58 May 18,2006 -41.00 0.00 85.50 107.63 59.81 1656.26 0.00 69.12 138.24 165.89 0.00 0.00 138.24 165.89 0.00 0.00 138.24 165.89 60.48 30.24 0.00 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 0.00 30.24 60.48 72.58 1134.72 23.15 192.76 0.00 30.20 251.42 497.54 -259.20 0.00 77.76 680.40 795.96 2904.93 120.96 120.96 120.96 96.77 0.00 0.00 51.84 41.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83.16 83.16 83.16 83.16 52.92 22.68 0.00 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -16.13 864.43 554.92 307.99 0.00 723.80 401.72 1988.42 9914.40 3445.55 1866.24 15226.19 1333.79 238.69 914.83 1009.01 794.20 875.95 2045.14 1806.34 2268.00 11285.94 2916.00 30.63 291.60 3238.23 302.40 302.40 68.80 68.80 52.29 52.29 463.68 -465.70 1066.46 1911.42 87 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project X5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 15.25 7.5 15.25 15.25 15 3 15 15 1.83 0.9 1.83 1.83 4.53 0.36 2.52 4.53 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 20 21 33 34 35 36 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.384 0.168 0.168 0.168 0.168 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3 4 5 cement screed 3 4 5 90 25.32 18 0.02 0.02 0.02 1.8 0.5064 0.36 23 23 23 90 25.32 18 0.03 0.03 0.03 2.7 0.7596 0.54 20 20 20 column terraz ff Mekelle university department of civil engineering 43.92 21.6 43.92 43.92 108.72 8.64 60.48 108.72 439.92 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 4.032 4.032 4.032 4.032 117.504 41.4 11.6472 8.28 18 24 30 33 29.5 31.5 29.5 29.5 2.875 14.25 2.875 2.875 -4 0 4.5 10.5 18 24 30 33 18 24 30 33 18 30 33 18 24 30 33 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 25.5 31.5 24 7.5 0.28 3.75 54 15.192 10.8 141.3192 25.5 31.5 24 7.5 0.28 3.75 May 18,2006 790.56 518.40 1317.60 1449.36 1535.67 272.16 1360.80 1535.67 8780.22 165.89 221.18 276.48 304.13 165.89 221.18 276.48 304.13 165.89 276.48 304.13 72.58 96.77 120.96 133.06 3105.22 1055.70 366.89 198.72 126.27 307.80 126.27 126.27 -434.88 0.00 272.16 1141.56 1665.45 96.77 96.77 96.77 96.77 41.47 41.47 41.47 41.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.13 -16.13 -16.13 -16.13 488.45 310.50 3.26 31.05 1377.00 478.55 259.20 3736.05 405.00 4.25 40.50 794.56 88 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3.2.6 Ground floor level ground floor level Grade beam x1 0.2 2 0.2 3 0.2 4 0.2 5 0.2 6 0.2 7 0.2 8 0.2 y1 0.2 2 0.2 3 0.2 4 0.2 5 0.2 Column 1 0.16 22.75 22.75 22.75 22.75 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 37.75 37.75 37.75 37.75 16.75 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 3.35 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3 0.48 24 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 109.2 109.2 109.2 109.2 73.2 73.2 73.2 73.2 181.2 181.2 181.2 181.2 80.4 1534.8 11.52 -4 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 14.125 14.125 14.125 14.125 3.625 0 May 18,2006 0 0 -436.8 0 655.2 1310.4 1317.6 1756.8 2196 2415.6 2559.45 2559.45 2559.45 2559.45 291.45 19744.05 10.5 0 723.45 723.45 723.45 723.45 210.45 210.45 210.45 210.45 -724.8 0 815.4 1902.6 1326.6 7055.4 120.96 6.625 6.625 6.625 6.625 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 -4 0 4.5 10.5 16.5 89 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 3 3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 6 6 3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 6 6 3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 0.48 0.48 0.576 0.576 0.576 0.576 0.78 0.78 0.48 0.576 0.576 0.576 0.576 0.78 0.78 0.48 0.576 0.468 0.576 0.576 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.252 0.252 0.252 0.252 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 11.52 11.52 13.824 13.824 13.824 13.824 18.72 18.72 11.52 13.824 13.824 13.824 13.824 18.72 18.72 11.52 13.824 11.232 13.824 13.824 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 375.408 100.8 91.56 50.4 91.56 334.32 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 12 6 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 10.5 4.5 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 1 2 3 4 2.4 2.18 1.2 2.18 3 3 3 3 7.2 6.54 3.6 6.54 14 14 14 14 4 12 15 18 10.5 3.25 10.5 3.25 1 2 3 0.03 0.03 14.4 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.0048 0.0048 2.304 24 24 24 0.1152 0.1152 55.296 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 1 0.3585 1.5 0.53775 2 0.3585 1.5 0.53775 3 0.299 1.5 0.4485 floor finishes(2cm thick terrazzo tile) 24 24 24 12.906 12.906 10.764 182.1024 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 wall staircase landing stairs Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 69.12 138.24 248.832 331.776 414.72 456.192 0 112.32 138.24 248.832 331.776 414.72 456.192 0 112.32 138.24 248.832 269.568 414.72 456.192 60.48 30.24 0 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 0 30.24 60.48 108.864 145.152 181.44 199.584 5716.512 403.2 1098.72 756 1648.08 3906 0 0 1.4976 1.9584 829.44 0 164.5515 222.6285 158.769 0 90 120.96 120.96 145.152 145.152 145.152 145.152 84.24 84.24 51.84 62.208 62.208 62.208 62.208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83.16 83.16 83.16 83.16 52.92 22.68 0 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -20.16 -24.192 -24.192 -24.192 -24.192 1643.472 1058.4 297.57 529.2 297.57 2182.74 0 0 1.1232 1.1232 315.1872 0 104.5386 104.5386 104.949 0 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project landing 1 2 3 0.03 0.03 14.4 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.0006 0.0006 0.288 23 23 23 0.0138 0.0138 6.624 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 1 2.7 0.02 2 2.7 0.02 3 2.25 0.02 floor finishes(3cm cement screed) landing 1 0.03 0.03 2 0.03 0.03 3 14.4 0.03 stairs 1 2.7 0.03 2 2.7 0.03 3 2.25 0.03 0.054 0.054 0.045 23 23 23 1.242 1.242 1.035 100.1706 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 0.0009 0.0009 0.432 20 20 20 0.018 0.018 8.64 13 17 15 9.75 9.75 5.7 0.081 0.081 0.0675 20 20 20 1.62 1.62 1.35 397.812 12.75 17.25 14.75 8.1 8.1 9.75 stairs 0 0 0.1794 0.13455 0.2346 0.13455 99.36 37.7568 0 0 15.8355 10.0602 21.4245 10.0602 15.26625 10.09125 0 0 0 0 0.234 0.1755 0.306 0.1755 129.6 49.248 0 0 20.655 13.122 27.945 13.122 19.9125 13.1625 1729.798 788.7029 3.2.7 Foundation foundation column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.325 0.325 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.325 0.325 0.4 0.4 0.325 0.4 0.4 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 7.8 7.8 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 7.8 7.8 9.6 9.6 7.8 9.6 9.6 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 12 6 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 May 18,2006 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 10.5 4.5 0 -4 0 0 57.6 115.2 172.8 230.4 288 316.8 0 46.8 115.2 172.8 230.4 288 316.8 0 46.8 115.2 172.8 187.2 288 316.8 50.4 25.2 0 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 0 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 35.1 35.1 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69.3 69.3 69.3 69.3 44.1 18.9 0 -16.8 91 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 255.6 0 6 12 18 24 30 33 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 25.2 50.4 75.6 100.8 126 138.6 3985.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 -16.8 1197.6 3.3 Determination of the center of mass Xm W X W i i ; Ym i W Y W i i i Where Xm, Ym= the coordinate of the point of application of Fi when the seismic action is parallel to the Y-direction and X-direction respectively. Slabs, beams and floor finishes Floor Foundation gf m1 m2 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor 4th floor 5th floor 6th floor roof stair column and wall weights wi wixi wiyi 0 1534.8 1132.4 1157.1 4426.4 1990.2 1990.2 1990.2 1928.1 1997 937.4 146.88 0 19744.1 4181.5 27742.5 53023.4 31756.7 31756.7 31756.7 30703.7 33046.2 15102 2203 0 7055.4 12994.1 5698.3 23769.6 10568.7 10568.7 10568.7 10251.6 10430.5 5004 1100.6 There for the base shear is Fb = Sd(T1)W and Sd(T1)=0.08 Fb =2705.678 wi 255.6 709.7 1124 575.8 1815.8 1724.6 1724.6 1724.6 1701.9 1668.3 0 211.1 wixi 3985.8 9622.5 6059.3 14391.1 28873.6 28727.8 28727.8 28727.8 28329.3 27177.8 0 3167.5 wiyi 1197.6 3826.2 7478.7 2399.9 10963.8 8687.5 8687.5 8687.5 8574.1 9065.5 0 1583.8 live load Center of mass weight 2017.5 1907.3 1669.8 6184.2 3760.4 3714.8 3714.8 3641.4 3682.1 1877.1 252.43 0 272.75 76 69 272.75 141.75 141.75 141.75 141.75 141.75 0 0 Xm 13.2 5.3 21.6 12.6 16.1 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.5 16.1 15.0 Ym 4.7 9.4 5.2 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.5 7.5 and W=33820.97 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 92 Wi 2290.2 1983.31 1738.8 6456.93 3902.15 3856.55 3856.55 3783.1 3823.85 1877.1 252.43 33820.97 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project storey gf m1 m2 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor 4th floor 5th floor 6th floor roof stair fb 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 2706 ft 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 162.8818 fb-ft 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 2542.8 wi 2290.2 1983.31 1738.8 6456.93 3902.15 3856.55 3856.55 3783.1 3823.85 1877.1 252.43 hi 2.5 5.5 6.1 8.5 11.5 14.5 17.5 20.5 23.5 26.5 28.2 wihi Fi(KN) 5725.5 30.67 10908.2 58.433 10606.7 56.818 54883.9 294 44874.7 240.39 55920 299.55 67489.6 361.53 77553.6 415.44 89860.5 481.37 49743.2 266.47 7118.53 38.133 474684 3.4 Distribution of base shear over height of a building The base shear force shall be distributed over the height of the structure concentrated at each floor level as; ( F F )W h Fi b n i i i W j h j j 1 For T 0.7 sec 0 Ft 0.07T1Fb 0.25Fb For T 0.7 sec Where n = number of stories Fi= the concentrated lateral force acting at floor I Ft= a concentrated extra force (in addition to Fn) at the top of the building accounting whiplash effect for slender building. This is given by Wi, Wj= that portion of the total weight, W, located at or assigned to level I or j, respectively and hi, hj= height above the base to level I or j, respectively Ft = 162. 3.5 Determination of the center of stiffness 3.5.1 Determination of D-values of frames Center of stiffness (Xs, Ys): a point where the stiffness or strength of the floor is concentrated. Diy xi ; Y Dix yi Where Dix= aKixc and Diy= aKiyc Xs s Diy Dix hb 3 Kx L 12 L Iy ; I x bh 3 Ky L 12 L Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 93 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Shear center (Xi, Yi): a point where the center of stiffness (shear center) of the ith shear wall or column is located. a k for general case 2k a 0.5 k for fixed column base 2k a 0.5k for pin sup ported columns 1 2k ; Where k k k beam 2k c k beam kc for general case for fixed column base Dix =D-value in the X-directionDiy = D-value in the Y-direction Fig 3 beam column designation Note: this representation is consistent for all beams and columns in any frame. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 94 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project D-value in the y-direction axis-x1 gr. floor column a b c d e g.beam 1 2 3 4 mezanine column a b c d e b h l kxc kyc 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 ki 40 50 400 1041.67 40 50 450 925.93 40 50 600 694.44 40 50 600 694.44 30 30 30 30 30 300 300 300 300 300 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.47 132.47 132.47 132.47 132.47 k 0.98 1.85 1.52 1.31 0.65 5.44 10.28 8.46 7.26 3.63 a 0.50 0.61 0.57 0.55 0.43 0.73 0.84 0.81 0.78 0.64 Dy 527.96 649.00 610.62 580.82 462.08 2830.50 1 2 30 30 40 40 400 450 ∑DyiXi -4 -11322 96.87 110.89 107.15 103.84 85.39 504.14 beam Xi -4 2016.57 ki 400.00 355.56 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 95 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 first floor column a 30 300 132.5 132.47 3.02 b 30 300 132.5 132.47 5.70 c 30 300 132.5 132.47 4.70 d 30 300 132.5 132.47 4.03 e 30 300 132.5 132.47 2.01 beam beam ki 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 450 355.56 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 axis-x2 groun floor column a b c d e g.beam 1 2 3 4 mezanine(+3) coumn a b c d e beam 5 other first floor level a b b h l kxc kyc 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 ki 40 50 400 1041.67 40 50 450 925.93 40 50 600 694.44 40 50 600 694.44 30 40 40 35 30 30 30 40 45 40 300 300 300 300 300 132.5 418.7 418.7 535.9 132.5 600 300 132.5 300 418.7 0.98 1.85 1.52 1.31 0.65 132.47 418.67 418.67 885.94 132.47 ki 266.67 0.00 3.93 2.35 1.94 0.93 3.63 132.47 418.67 1.51 0.90 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 22900.7 0.60 0.74 0.70 0.67 0.50 79.69 98.08 92.91 88.50 66.45 425.63 0.50 0.61 0.57 0.55 0.43 0.66 0.54 0.49 0.32 0.64 0.43 0.31 May 18,2006 -4 -1702.5 527.96 649.00 610.62 580.82 462.08 2830.50 0 0 87.80 226.17 205.88 282.10 85.39 887.35 0 0 56.98 130.16 96 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle c 40 300 418.7 d 35 45 300 535.9 e 30 300 132.5 beam 1 30 40 400 2 30 40 450 3 30 40 600 4 30 40 600 second floor column a 30 40 300 300 b 35 45 300 535.9 c 30 40 300 300 beam 1 30 35 450 2 30 35 600 3rd column a 30 40 300 300 b 35 45 300 535.9 c 30 40 300 300 beam 1 30 35 450 2 30 35 600 4th column a 30 40 300 300 b 35 45 300 535.9 c 30 40 300 300 beam 1 30 35 450 2 30 35 600 5th floor coumn a 25 30 300 130.2 b 25 30 300 130.2 c 25 30 300 130.2 beam 1 25 30 450 2 25 30 600 6th floor coumn a 25 30 300 130.2 b 25 30 300 130.2 c 25 30 300 130.2 beam 1 25 30 450 2 25 30 600 as senior project 418.67 0.74 885.94 0.45 132.47 2.01 0.27 0.18 0.50 113.42 163.17 66.45 530.18 0 0 169.49 200.87 133.46 503.81 0 0 97.36 168.73 76.51 342.59 0 0 97.36 168.73 76.51 342.59 0 0 51.18 79.08 49.01 179.28 0 0 19.45 48.32 35.24 103.02 0 0 400.00 355.56 266.67 266.67 533.33 885.94 533.33 ki 238.19 178.65 0.93 0.59 0.67 533.33 885.94 533.33 ki 238.19 178.65 0.45 0.47 0.33 533.33 885.94 533.33 ki 238.19 178.65 0.45 0.47 0.33 187.50 187.50 187.50 ki 43.40 86.81 0.75 1.46 0.71 187.50 187.50 187.50 ki 43.40 86.81 0.23 0.69 0.46 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.32 0.23 0.25 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.27 0.42 0.26 0.10 0.26 0.19 May 18,2006 97 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project roof coumn a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 0.23 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 0.69 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 0.46 beam ki 1 25 30 450 43.40 2 25 30 600 86.81 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.10 0.26 0.19 May 18,2006 19.45 48.32 35.24 103.02 0 0 98 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 99 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis x6 ground floor column b h l kxc kyc a 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 b 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 c 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 d 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 g.beam ki 1 40 50 400 1041.67 2 40 50 450 925.93 3 40 50 600 694.44 mezanine column a 30 360 110.4 110.39 b 40 360 348.9 348.89 c 40 360 348.9 348.89 d 35 45 360 446.6 738.28 beam ki 3 30 40 600 266.67 other 0.00 first floor column a 30 240 165.6 165.59 b 35 45 240 669.9 1107.42 c 35 45 240 669.9 1107.42 d 35 45 240 669.9 1107.42 beam ki 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 450 355.56 3 30 40 600 266.67 2nd floor column a 30 40 300 300 533.33 b 35 45 300 535.9 885.94 c 30 40 300 300 533.33 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 3rd floor Column a 30 40 300 300 533.33 b 35 45 300 535.9 885.94 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.98 1.85 2.52 0.65 4.72 1.33 2.70 0.65 1.21 0.34 0.40 0.24 0.93 0.44 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.50 0.61 0.67 0.43 0.70 0.40 0.57 0.25 0.38 0.15 0.17 0.11 0.32 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.19 May 18,2006 527.96 649.00 710.28 462.08 2349.33 24 56383.9 77.53 139.15 200.56 181.28 598.52 24 14364.6 62.35 161.37 185.08 119.01 527.80 24 12667.2 169.49 158.54 92.10 420.13 24 10083.2 97.36 168.73 100 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project c 30 40 300 300 533.33 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 4th floor column a 30 40 300 300 533.33 b 35 45 300 535.9 885.94 c 30 40 300 300 533.33 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 5th floor column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 6th floor column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 roof level column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 Axis x7 ground floor column b h l kxc kyc a 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.33 0.45 0.47 0.33 1.27 2.22 0.95 1.27 2.22 0.95 1.27 2.22 0.95 0.98 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.39 0.53 0.32 0.39 0.53 0.32 0.39 0.53 0.32 0.50 May 18,2006 76.51 342.59 24 8222.22 97.36 168.73 76.51 342.59 24 8222.22 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 24 5568.93 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 24 5568.93 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 24 5568.93 527.96 101 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project b 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 c 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 d 35 45 250 643.1 1063.13 g.beam ki 1 40 50 400 1041.67 2 40 50 450 925.93 3 40 50 600 694.44 mezanine column a 30 360 110.4 110.39 b 35 45 360 446.6 738.28 c 40 0 360 348.9 348.89 d 35 45 360 446.6 738.28 beam ki 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 450 355.56 3 30 40 600 266.67 first floor column a b c d beam 1 2 3 2nd floor column a b c beam 1 2 3rd floor column a b c beam 1 2 4th floor column a b 30 35 35 35 45 45 45 30 30 30 240 240 240 240 1.85 1.52 0.65 6.53 1.84 3.21 0.65 0.36 0.68 0.56 0.24 40 40 40 165.6 165.59 669.9 1107.42 669.9 1107.42 669.9 1107.42 ki 400 400.00 450 355.56 600 266.67 30 35 30 40 45 40 300 300 300 535.9 300 300 0.93 0.59 0.42 30 30 35 35 450 600 533.33 885.94 533.33 ki 238.19 178.65 30 35 30 40 45 40 300 300 300 535.9 300 300 533.33 885.94 533.33 ki 238.19 178.65 0.45 0.47 0.33 533.33 885.94 0.45 0.47 30 30 35 35 450 600 30 35 40 45 300 300 300 535.9 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.61 0.57 0.43 0.77 0.48 0.62 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.22 0.11 0.32 0.23 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.18 0.19 May 18,2006 649.00 610.62 462.08 2249.67 30 67490.2 84.51 354.18 215.06 181.28 835.03 30 25050.9 25.33 281.69 242.88 119.01 668.90 30 169.49 200.87 92.10 462.46 30 13873.8 97.36 168.73 76.51 342.59 30 10277.8 97.36 168.73 102 20067 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project c 30 40 300 300 533.33 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 5th floor column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 6th floor column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 roof level column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 0.33 1.27 2.22 0.95 1.27 2.22 0.95 1.27 2.22 0.95 0.14 0.39 0.53 0.32 0.39 0.53 0.32 0.39 0.53 0.32 76.51 342.59 30 10277.8 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 30 6961.16 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 30 6961.16 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 30 6961.16 Axis x8 ground floor column b h a 35 b 35 c 35 d 35 g.beam 1 40 2 40 3 40 mezani ne column a 35 b 35 c 40 l 50 50 50 kxc kyc 250 643.1 1063.13 250 643.1 1063.13 250 643.1 1063.13 250 643.1 1063.13 ki 400 1041.67 450 925.93 600 694.44 45 45 0 360 446.6 360 446.6 360 348.9 45 45 45 45 738.28 738.28 348.89 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.98 1.85 1.52 0.65 0.98 1.84 3.21 May 18,2006 0.50 0.61 0.57 0.43 0.33 0.48 0.62 527.96 649.00 610.62 462.08 2249.67 33 74239.2 242.19 354.18 215.06 103 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project d 35 45 360 446.6 738.28 0.65 beam ki 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 450 355.56 3 30 40 600 266.67 first floor column a b c d beam 1 2 3 2nd floor column a b c beam 1 2 3rd floor column a b c beam 1 2 4th floor column a b c beam 1 2 5th floor column a b c beam 1 30 35 35 35 40 45 45 45 0.36 0.68 0.56 0.24 40 40 40 240 375 666.67 240 669.9 1107.42 240 669.9 1107.42 240 669.9 1107.42 ki 400 400.00 450 355.56 600 266.67 30 30 30 30 35 30 40 45 40 300 300 300 535.9 300 300 0.93 0.59 0.42 533.33 885.94 533.33 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.22 0.11 0.32 0.23 0.17 ki 30 30 35 35 450 600 238.19 178.65 30 35 30 40 45 40 300 300 300 535.9 300 300 533.33 885.94 533.33 0.45 0.47 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.14 ki 30 30 35 35 450 600 238.19 178.65 30 35 30 40 45 40 300 300 300 535.9 300 300 533.33 885.94 533.33 0.45 0.47 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.14 ki 30 30 35 35 450 600 238.19 178.65 25 25 25 30 30 30 300 130.2 300 130.2 300 130.2 187.50 187.50 187.50 30 35 450 1.27 2.22 0.95 ki 0.39 0.53 0.32 181.28 992.71 33 32759.4 101.98 281.69 242.88 119.01 745.55 33 24603.2 169.49 200.87 92.10 462.46 33 15261.1 97.36 168.73 76.51 342.59 33 11305.6 97.36 168.73 76.51 342.59 33 11305.6 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 33 7657.28 238.19 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 104 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 30 35 600 178.65 6th floor column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 roof level column a 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 b 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 c 25 30 300 130.2 187.50 beam ki 1 30 35 450 238.19 2 30 35 600 178.65 1.27 2.22 0.95 1.27 2.22 0.95 0.39 0.53 0.32 0.39 0.53 0.32 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 33 7657.28 72.83 98.70 60.50 232.04 33 D-value in the Y-direction axis y1 g.floor column a b c d e f g h b 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 h 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 l 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 kx 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 ky k a D Yi 1063.13 1.62 0.59 376.61 1063.13 2.70 0.68 437.85 1063.13 2.16 0.64 411.21 1063.13 2.16 0.64 411.21 1063.13 2.16 0.64 411.21 1063.13 2.16 0.64 411.21 1063.13 3.24 0.71 459.00 1063.13 2.16 0.64 411.21 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 yi*Di 105 7657.3 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3329.50 g.beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mezanine@3 column a b c d e f g h beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mezanine@3.6 column a b c d e f g h beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 first floor column 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 600 600 600 600 600 300 1041.67 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 1388.89 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 132.47 132.47 132.47 132.47 132.47 132.47 132.47 533.33 35 35 35 35 0 0 0 400 600 600 600 664.45 442.97 442.97 442.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 662.34 662.34 662.34 662.34 662.34 662.34 662.34 662.34 0 0 0 0 30 40 600 30 40 600 30 40 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 266.67 266.67 533.33 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 45 45 45 45 0 0 0 300.00 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 6.44 10.73 8.59 8.59 6.91 5.24 7.86 1.30 0.50 0.84 0.67 0.67 0.54 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.76 0.84 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.72 0.80 0.39 0.20 0.29 0.25 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.23 0.17 101.08 111.66 107.44 107.44 102.75 95.89 105.61 210.30 942.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 132.81 195.24 165.98 165.98 139.93 110.99 153.61 110.99 1175.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 18,2006 -400 -1331800 -376868.5 -400 -470214.9 106 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project a 30 240 165.59 1.21 b 30 240 165.59 2.01 c 30 240 165.59 1.61 d 30 240 165.59 1.61 e 30 240 165.59 2.42 f 30 240 165.59 3.22 g 30 240 165.59 4.83 h 30 240 165.59 3.22 beam 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 600 266.67 7 30 40 300 533.33 axisy2 g.floor column a b c d e f g h b 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 h 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 g.beam 1 40 50 2 40 50 3 40 50 4 40 50 5 40 50 6 40 50 7 40 50 mezanine@3 column a 30 b 40 c 40 d 35 45 e 35 45 l 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 kx 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 ky 1063.1 1063.1 1063.1 1063.1 1063.1 1063.1 1063.1 1063.1 400 600 600 600 600 600 300 1041.7 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 1388.9 300 300 300 300 300 132.47 418.67 418.67 885.94 885.94 535.94 535.94 1.6197 2.6995 2.1596 2.1596 2.1596 2.1596 3.2394 2.1596 3.9317 2.0734 1.6587 1.5445 1.5445 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.38 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.62 0.71 0.62 0.5856 0.6808 0.6394 0.6394 0.6394 0.6394 0.7137 0.6394 0.6628 0.509 0.4534 0.4358 0.4358 62.35 83.06 73.86 73.86 90.59 102.15 117.11 102.15 705.13 376.61 437.85 411.21 411.21 411.21 411.21 459 411.21 3329.5 -400 -282052.4 0 0 87.804 213.1 189.81 233.54 233.54 May 18,2006 107 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project f 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.2958 0.3932 g 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.9436 0.4929 h 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.2958 0.3932 beam 4 30 40 600 266.67 mezanine@3.6 column a 30 60 3532.5 0 0 b 40 60 11164 0 0 c 40 60 11164 0 0 d 35 45 60 2679.7 4429.7 0.0498 0.0243 e 35 45 60 2679.7 4429.7 0.0498 0.0243 f 35 45 60 2679.7 4429.7 0 0 g 35 45 60 2679.7 4429.7 0 0 h 35 45 60 2679.7 4429.7 0.0995 0.0474 beam 1-Jan 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 30 40 300 533.33 first floor column a 30 240 165.59 1.2078 0.3765 b 40 240 523.33 0.6369 0.2415 c 40 240 523.33 0.5096 0.203 d 35 45 240 669.92 1107.4 0.3981 0.166 e 35 45 240 669.92 1107.4 0.3981 0.166 f 35 45 240 669.92 1107.4 0.3981 0.166 g 35 45 240 669.92 1107.4 0.9951 0.3323 h 35 45 240 669.92 1107.4 0.7961 0.2847 beam 1 30 40 400 400 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 600 266.67 7 30 40 300 533.33 2nd floor column a 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.7464 0.2718 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 210.71 264.14 210.71 1643.3 0 0 0 0 0 65.048 65.048 0 0 127.01 257.11 0 0 62.347 126.41 106.26 111.2 111.2 111.2 222.58 190.74 1041.9 0 0 145.65 May 18,2006 108 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project b 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.9951 0.3323 c 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.9951 0.3323 d 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.9951 0.3323 e 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.4927 0.4274 f 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.9951 0.3323 beam 1 30 40 600 266.67 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 300 533.33 3rd floor column a 30 40 300 300 533.33 0.7422 0.2707 b 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.4844 0.426 c 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.4844 0.426 d 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.4844 0.426 e 30 40 300 300 533.33 2.2266 0.5268 f 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.4844 0.426 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 300 357.29 4th floor column column a 30 40 300 300 533.33 0.5955 0.2294 b 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.191 0.3732 c 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.191 0.3732 d 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.191 0.3732 e 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.7865 0.4718 f 30 40 300 300 533.33 1.191 0.3732 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 300 357.29 5th floor column a 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 0.5955 0.2294 b 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 178.07 178.07 178.07 229.05 178.07 1087 0 0 81.197 127.8 127.8 127.8 158.04 127.8 750.45 0 0 68.829 111.97 111.97 111.97 141.54 111.97 658.25 0 0 29.874 48.598 May 18,2006 109 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project c 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 d 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 e 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.7865 0.4718 f 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 300 357.29 6th floor column a 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 0.5955 0.2294 b 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 c 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 d 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 e 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.7865 0.4718 f 25 30 300 130.21 187.5 1.191 0.3732 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 300 357.29 axisy3 g.floor column a b c d e f g h g.beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 b 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 h 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 l 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 400 600 600 600 600 600 300 kx 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 643.13 ky 1063.13 1063.13 1063.13 1063.13 1063.13 1063.13 1063.13 1063.13 1.62 2.70 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 3.24 2.16 0.59 0.68 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.71 0.64 48.598 48.598 61.433 48.598 285.7 0 0 29.874 48.598 48.598 48.598 61.433 48.598 285.7 0 0 450 1498274.59 376.61 437.85 411.21 411.21 411.21 411.21 459.00 411.21 3329.50 1041.67 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 1388.89 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 110 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project mezanin@3 column a 30 300 132.47 3.93 b 40 300 418.67 2.07 c 40 300 418.67 1.66 d 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.54 e 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.54 f 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.30 g 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.94 h 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.30 beam 1 0.00 2 0.00 3 0.00 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 0.00 6 0.00 7 0.00 mezanin@3.6 column a 30 60 662.34 0.00 b 40 60 2093.33 0.00 c 40 60 2093.33 0.00 d 35 45 60 2679.69 4429.69 0.05 e 35 45 60 2679.69 4429.69 0.10 f 35 45 60 2679.69 4429.69 0.10 g 35 45 60 2679.69 4429.69 0.15 h 35 45 60 2679.69 4429.69 0.10 beam 1 0.00 2 0.00 3 0.00 4 0.00 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 600 266.67 7 30 40 300 533.33 1st floor column a 30 240 165.59 1.21 b 40 240 523.33 0.64 c 40 240 523.33 0.51 d 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.40 e 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.60 f 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.80 g 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 1.19 h 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.80 beam 1 30 40 400 400.00 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.66 0.51 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.39 0.49 0.39 87.80 213.10 189.81 233.54 233.54 210.71 264.14 210.71 1643.34 450 739504.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.05 127.01 127.01 186.11 127.01 632.20 450 284489.33 62.35 126.41 106.26 111.20 154.02 190.74 250.46 190.74 1192.18 450 536478.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.38 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.37 0.28 May 18,2006 111 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 600 266.67 7 30 40 300 533.33 2nd floor column a 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.87 b 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 c 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 d 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 e 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 f 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.49 g 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 beam 1 30 40 600 266.67 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 300 533.33 3rd floor column a b c d e f g beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 4th floor column a b c d e f g 30 35 35 35 35 35 30 40 45 45 45 45 45 40 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 600 600 600 600 600 300 30 35 35 35 35 35 30 40 45 45 45 45 45 40 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300.00 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 300.00 533.33 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 533.33 0.74 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 1.25 1.19 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.43 0.33 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.38 0.37 162.56 178.07 178.07 178.07 178.07 229.05 178.07 1281.94 450 576872.37 81.20 157.30 157.30 157.30 157.30 205.76 111.71 1027.89 450 462548.52 178.65 178.65 178.65 178.65 178.65 357.29 300.00 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 300.00 533.33 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 533.33 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.60 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 1.00 1.19 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.37 May 18,2006 68.83 133.98 133.98 133.98 133.98 178.65 111.97 112 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 600 178.65 6 30 35 300 357.29 5th floor column a 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.45 b 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 c 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 d 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 e 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 f 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 1.36 g 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 beam 1 25 30 600 93.75 2 25 30 600 93.75 3 25 30 600 93.75 4 25 30 600 93.75 5 25 30 600 93.75 6 25 30 300 187.50 6thfloor column a 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.31 b 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 c 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 d 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 e 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 f 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.94 g 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 beam 1 25 30 600 93.75 2 25 30 600 93.75 3 25 30 600 93.75 4 25 30 600 93.75 5 25 30 600 93.75 6 25 30 300 187.50 stair column a 25 30 170 229.78 330.88 0.80 b 25 30 170 229.78 330.88 0.80 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 0.19 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.41 0.31 0.14 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.32 0.24 0.28 0.28 895.38 450 402922.03 24.09 40.66 40.66 40.66 40.66 52.75 40.66 280.12 450 126053.21 17.60 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 41.56 31.00 214.16 450 96372.67 65.46 65.46 130.92 450 58913.60 axisy4 g.floor Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 113 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project column b h l kx ky a 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 1.62 b 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.70 c 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.16 d 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.16 e 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.16 f 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.16 g 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 3.24 h 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.16 g.beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mezanin@3 column a b c d e f g h beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mezanin@3.6 column a b c d e f g h beam 1 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 600 600 600 600 600 300 1041.67 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 694.44 1388.89 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 132.47 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 885.94 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 400 600 600 600 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 535.94 5.44 2.24 1.79 1.79 1.54 1.30 1.94 1.30 0.59 0.68 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.71 0.64 0.73 0.53 0.47 0.47 0.44 0.39 0.49 0.39 376.61 437.85 411.21 411.21 411.21 411.21 459.00 411.21 3329.50 1050 3495974.04 96.87 283.24 253.37 253.37 233.54 210.71 264.14 210.71 1805.93 1050 1896228.27 86.88 156.91 127.01 127.01 127.01 127.01 186.11 127.01 1064.97 1050 1118215.70 400.00 266.67 266.67 266.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 2679.69 2679.69 2679.69 2679.69 2679.69 2679.69 2679.69 662.34 4429.69 4429.69 4429.69 4429.69 4429.69 4429.69 4429.69 0.30 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.13 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.00 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 114 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 0.00 3 0.00 4 0.00 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 600 266.67 7 30 40 300 533.33 1st floor column a 30 240 165.59 1.21 b 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.50 c 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.40 d 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.40 e 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.60 f 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.80 g 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 1.19 h 35 45 240 669.92 1107.42 0.80 beam 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 600 266.67 7 30 40 300 533.33 2nd floor column a 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 0.87 b 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 c 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 d 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 e 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 f 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.49 g 35 45 300 535.94 885.94 1.00 beam 1 30 40 600 266.67 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 4 30 40 600 266.67 5 30 40 600 266.67 6 30 40 300 533.33 3rd floor column a b c d e 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 300 300 300 300 300 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 533.33 533.33 533.33 533.33 533.33 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.74 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 0.38 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.37 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.43 0.33 0.27 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 62.35 133.46 111.20 111.20 154.02 190.74 250.46 190.74 1204.17 1050 1264378.50 162.56 178.07 178.07 178.07 178.07 229.05 178.07 1281.94 1050 1346035.54 81.20 127.80 127.80 127.80 127.80 May 18,2006 115 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project f 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 2.23 g 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.48 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 600 178.65 6 30 35 300 357.29 4th floor column a 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 0.60 b 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.19 c 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.19 d 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.19 e 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.19 f 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.79 g 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.19 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 2 30 35 600 178.65 3 30 35 600 178.65 4 30 35 600 178.65 5 30 35 600 178.65 6 30 35 300 357.29 5th floor column a 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.45 b 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 c 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 d 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 e 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 f 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 1.36 g 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.91 beam 1 25 30 600 93.75 2 25 30 600 93.75 3 25 30 600 93.75 4 25 30 600 93.75 5 25 30 600 93.75 6 25 30 300 187.50 6thfloor column a 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.31 b 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 c 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 d 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 e 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.53 0.43 0.23 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.47 0.37 0.19 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.41 0.31 158.04 127.80 878.25 1050 922163.23 68.83 111.97 111.97 111.97 111.97 141.54 111.97 770.22 1050 808728.55 24.09 40.66 40.66 40.66 40.66 52.75 40.66 280.12 1050 294124.16 0.14 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 May 18,2006 17.60 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 116 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project f 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.94 g 25 30 300 130.21 187.50 0.63 beam 1 25 30 600 93.75 2 25 30 600 93.75 3 25 30 600 93.75 4 25 30 600 93.75 5 25 30 600 93.75 6 25 30 300 187.50 stair column a 25 30 170 229.78 330.88 0.80 b 25 30 170 229.78 330.88 0.80 beam 1 30 35 600 178.65 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 0.32 0.24 0.28 0.28 41.56 31.00 214.16 1050 224869.57 65.46 65.46 130.92 1050 137465.06 May 18,2006 117 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project axis y5 g.floor column b h l kx ky a 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 1.62 b 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.70 c 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 2.16 d 35 45 250 643.13 1063.13 1.08 g.beam 1 40 50 400 1041.67 2 40 50 600 694.44 3 40 50 600 694.44 mezanine@31st column a 30 300 132.47 5.44 b 30 300 132.47 9.07 c 30 300 132.47 7.26 d 30 40 300 300.00 533.33 1.60 beam 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 1st floor2nd column a 30 300 132.47 3.02 b 30 300 132.47 5.03 c 30 300 132.47 4.03 d 30 30 300 225.00 225.00 1.19 beam 1 30 40 400 400.00 2 30 40 600 266.67 3 30 40 600 266.67 Xs D x D iy i iy ; Ys D y D ix i 0.59 0.68 0.64 0.51 376.61 437.85 411.21 329.89 1555.56 0.73 0.82 0.78 0.44 0.60 0.72 0.67 0.37 1650 2566682.18 96.87 108.53 103.84 133.42 442.66 1650 730393.77 79.69 94.80 88.50 83.72 346.71 1650 572069.57 …………..Varginon’s theorem ix Determination of center of stiffness using moment principle(verginon's theorem) ∑Dyi ∑DyiXi ∑Dxi ∑Dxiyi Mekelle university department of civil engineering Xs May 18,2006 ys 118 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle gf 20420 278234 mezanine@3 4515 36229 mezanine@3.6 3348 88768 first 5008 82185 second 3319 56611 third 2398 42139 fourth 2398 42139 fifth 1287 28224 sixth 1134 27767 roof 1134 27767 stair 346 5190.3 as senior project 6229131 14874 2989258 6477 932490.1 3130 2090875 4490 1922908 3651 1384712 2657 1211651 2324 420177.4 845.9 321242.2 714 321242.2 714 346.021 5190 13.63 8.02 26.51 16.41 17.06 17.57 17.57 21.93 24.48 24.48 15.00 4.19 4.61 2.98 4.66 5.27 5.21 5.21 4.97 4.50 4.50 7.50 3.6 Computation of direct shear forces, Qi Qi Dix, frame D V ix, frame 3.6.1 D-values in the X-direction Axis x1 x2 gf 2830 2830.5 mezanine@3 504.1 887.35 mezanine@3.6 0 0 first 425.6 530.18 second 0 503.81 third 0 342.59 fourth 0 342.59 fifth 0 179.28 sixth 0 103.02 roof 0 103.02 stair 0 0 x3 x4 x5 x6 2830.5 2831 2249.67 2349.33 887.35 1222 1014.27 0 0 0 921.84 598.52 530.18 846.2 734.16 527.8 503.81 503.8 462.46 420.13 342.59 342.6 342.59 342.59 342.59 342.6 342.59 342.59 179.28 232.4 232.04 232.04 103.02 232.5 232.04 232.04 103.02 232.6 232.04 232.04 0 173 173.01 0 x7 x8 ∑Dyi 2249.47 2249.67 20420 0 0.00 4515.3 835.03 992.71 3348.1 668.46 745.55 5008.2 462.46 462.46 3318.9 342.593 342.59 2398.1 342.593 342.59 2398.1 232.04 232.04 1286.7 232.04 232.04 1134.2 232.04 232.04 1134.2 0 0.00 346.02 3.6.2 D-values in the Y-direction axis y1 y2 gf 3329.5 3329.5 mezanin@3 942.2 1643.3 mezanine@3.6 1175.5 257.1 1st floor 705.1 1041.9 2nd floor 1087.0 y3 3329.5 1643.3 632.2 1192.2 1281.9 Mekelle university department of civil engineering y4 y5 ∑Dxi 3329.5 1555.6 14873.6 1085.9 442.7 5757.5 1065.0 0.0 3129.8 1024.2 346.7 4310.1 1281.9 0.0 3650.8 May 18,2006 119 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 3rd floor 750.4 1027.9 878.3 4th floor 658.2 895.4 770.2 5th floor 285.7 280.1 280.1 6th floor 285.7 214.2 214.2 roof 285.7 214.2 214.2 stair 130.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2656.6 2323.8 845.9 714.0 714.0 130.9 The direct shear forces are Dix, frame Qi V D ix, frame x- direction ground floor mezanine1 Axis Dyi VI Qi Axis Dyi VI Qi 1 2830.50 30.67 4.25 1.00 504.14 58.43 6.52 2 2830.50 30.67 4.25 2.00 887.35 58.43 11.48 3 2830.50 30.67 4.25 3.00 887.35 58.43 11.48 4 2830.50 30.67 4.25 4.00 1222.14 58.43 15.82 5 2249.67 30.67 3.38 5.00 1014.27 58.43 13.13 6 2349.33 30.67 3.53 6.00 0.00 58.43 0.00 7 2249.47 30.67 3.38 7.00 0.00 58.43 0.00 8 2249.67 30.67 3.38 8.00 0.00 58.43 0.00 20420.13 4515.25 mezanine2 first floor Axis Dyi VI Qi Axis Dyi 1 0.00 56.82 0.00 1.00 425.63 2 0.00 56.82 0.00 2.00 530.18 3 0.00 56.82 0.00 3.00 530.18 4 0.00 56.82 0.00 4.00 846.21 5 921.84 56.82 15.64 5.00 734.16 6 598.92 56.82 10.16 6.00 527.80 7 835.03 56.82 14.17 7.00 668.46 8 992.71 56.82 16.84 8.00 745.55 3348.50 5008.16 second VI Qi 294.00 24.99 294.00 31.12 294.00 31.12 294.00 49.68 294.00 43.10 294.00 30.98 294.00 39.24 294.00 43.77 third floor Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 120 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project floor Axis Dyi VI Qi Axis 1 0.00 240.39 0.00 1.00 2 503.81 240.39 36.49 2.00 3 503.81 240.39 36.49 3.00 4 503.81 240.39 36.49 4.00 5 462.46 240.39 33.50 5.00 6 420.13 240.39 30.43 6.00 7 462.46 240.39 33.50 7.00 8 462.46 158.23 33.50 8.00 3318.94 fourth floor fifth floor Axis Dyi VI Qi Axis 1 0.00 361.53 0.00 1.00 2 342.59 361.53 51.65 2.00 3 342.59 361.53 51.65 3.00 4 342.59 361.53 51.65 4.00 5 342.59 361.53 51.65 5.00 6 342.59 361.53 51.65 6.00 7 342.59 361.53 51.65 7.00 8 342.59 361.53 51.65 8.00 2398.13 sixth floor Axis Dyi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 stair Axis 0.00 103.02 103.02 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 1366.24 Dyi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.00 0.00 173.01 173.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 346.02 VI Qi 481.37 0.00 481.37 36.30 481.37 36.30 481.37 81.76 481.37 81.76 481.37 81.76 481.37 81.76 481.37 81.76 roof Axis Dyi 0.00 342.59 342.59 342.59 342.59 342.59 342.59 342.59 2398.13 Dyi 0.00 179.28 179.28 232.04 232.04 232.04 342.59 342.59 1739.86 Dyi 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 0.00 103.02 103.02 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 232.04 1366.24 VI Qi 299.55 0.00 299.55 32.79 299.55 32.79 299.55 32.79 299.55 32.79 299.55 32.79 299.55 32.79 299.55 32.79 VI Qi 415.44 0.00 415.44 42.81 415.44 42.81 415.44 55.41 415.44 55.41 415.44 55.41 415.44 81.80 415.44 81.80 VI Qi 266.47 0.00 266.47 20.09 266.47 20.09 266.47 45.26 266.47 45.26 266.47 45.26 266.47 45.26 266.47 45.26 VI Qi 201.01 0.00 201.01 0.00 201.01 100.51 201.01 100.51 201.01 0.00 201.01 0.00 201.01 0.00 201.01 0.00 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 121 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Y-direction Diy, frame Qi V Diy, frame ground floor Axis 1 2 3 4 5 mezanin@3 Axis 1 2 3 4 5 2nd floor Axis 1 2 3 4 4th floor Axis 1 2 3 4 mezanin3.6 Dxi VI Qi Axis Dxi VI Qi 3329.499 30.67 6.865588 1 1175.5 56.818 3329.499 30.67 6.865588 2 257.11 56.818 3329.499 30.67 6.865588 3 632.2 56.818 3329.499 30.67 6.865588 4 1065 56.818 1555.565 30.67 3.20765 3129.8 14873.56 Dxi VI 942.1712 58.433 1643.343 58.433 1643.343 58.433 1085.932 58.433 442.6629 58.433 5757.452 Dxi 0 1086.961 1281.939 1281.939 3650.839 Dxi 0 658.2481 895.3827 770.2177 2323.849 VI Qi 240.39 0 240.39 71.5711 240.39 84.40945 240.39 84.40945 VI 361.53 361.53 361.53 361.53 6th floor Axis Dxi VI 1 0 481.37 2 285.698 481.37 3 214.1615 481.37 4 214.1615 481.37 714.021 Axis stair d-value Dxi 1st floor Qi Axis 9.562197 1 16.67846 2 16.67846 3 11.02124 4 4.492633 5 VI Qi 0 102.4062 139.2981 119.8257 Qi 0 192.6084 144.3808 144.3808 3rd floor Axis 1 2 3 4 Dxi VI 705.13 1041.9 1192.2 1024.2 346.71 4310.1 Dxi 0 750.45 1027.9 878.25 2656.6 21.34046 4.667527 11.47681 19.3332 Qi 294 294 294 294 294 48.09799 71.07248 81.31994 69.86009 23.6495 VI Qi 299.55 299.55 299.55 299.55 0 84.61867 115.9019 99.02939 5th floor Axis Dxi VI Qi 1 0 415.44 2 285.7 415.44 3 280.12 415.44 4 280.12 415.44 845.93 roof Axis Dxi VI Qi 1 0 266.47 2 285.7 266.47 3 214.16 266.47 4 214.16 266.47 714.02 0 140.3068 137.5666 137.5666 0 106.6214 79.92428 79.92428 Qi Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 122 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1 0 201.011 0 2 285.698 201.011 100.5055 3 285.698 201.011 100.5055 4 0 201.011 0 571.396 3.7 Shear correction factors for torsion Eccentricities (ex, ey): the difference between the center of mass and center of stiffness of the floor. ex = Xs-Xm ey = Ys-Ym ٭Accidental eccentricity, eli=+ 0.05Li where Li is the length of the frame. The design eccentricity or etot = e + eli Accidental eccentricity along X-axis =1.85 along y-axis=1.03 Determination of eccentricity level Xs Ys Xm Ym gf 13.63 4.19 13.2 4.7 m1 8.024 4.61 5.3 9.4 m2 26.51 2.98 21.6 5.2 1st 16.41 4.66 12.6 5.5 2nd 17.06 5.27 16.1 5.4 3rd 17.57 5.21 16.3 5.2 4th 17.57 5.21 16.3 5.2 5th 18.58 4.97 16.3 5.2 6th 20.32 4.50 16.5 5.2 roof 20.32 4.50 16.1 5.5 stair 15 7.50 15.0 7.5 ix 1 iy 1 ( Dix )e y ,tot Jr ( Diy )e x ,tot Jr Where Jr=Jx+Jy ex 0.47 2.73 4.86 3.85 0.95 1.29 1.29 2.32 3.81 4.20 0.00 ey -0.55 -4.76 -2.23 -0.87 -0.16 0.03 0.03 -0.22 -0.73 -1.00 0.00 ed,x1 2.32 4.58 6.71 5.70 2.80 3.14 3.14 4.17 5.66 6.05 1.85 ed,x2 ed,y1 -1.38 0.47 0.88 -3.74 3.01 -1.20 2.00 0.15 -0.90 0.87 -0.56 1.05 -0.56 1.06 0.47 0.81 1.96 0.30 2.35 0.02 -1.85 1.03 * yi note: since ex,tot can be ex1 or ex2 and ey,tot can be ey1or ey2 due to * xi accidental eccentricity, αy= αy1or αy2 and αx= αx1 or αx2. J x ( Dix y i ) ( Dix yi2 ) ( Dix ) y s2 2 J y ( Diy x i ) ( Diy xi2 ) ( Diy ) xs2 And 2 x i xs xi , y i y s yi All the computations are done using table below. ground floor Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 123 ed,y2 -1.58 -5.79 -3.25 -1.90 -1.18 -1.00 -0.99 -1.24 -1.75 -2.03 -1.02 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 mezanine@3 Axis x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 mezanine@3.6 Axis x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 first floor Axis x1 2 3 4 5 Dyi 2830 2830 2830 2830 2250 2349 2249 2250 Dyi 504.1 887.4 887.4 1222 1014 0 0 0 Dyi 0 0 0 0 921.8 598.9 835 992.7 Dyi 425.6 530.2 530.2 846.2 734.2 X 17.63 13.63 7.63 1.63 -4.37 -10.37 -16.37 -19.37 X 4.02 8.02 2.02 -3.98 -9.98 -15.98 -21.98 -24.98 X 30.51 26.51 20.51 14.51 8.51 2.51 -3.49 -6.49 X 20.4 16.4 10.4 4.4 -1.6 DiyX^2 879766.3 525841 164782.8 7520.347 42961.72 252639.7 602806 844069.2 3320387 Dxi Y DixY^2 αix1 αix2 3329 3329 3329 3329 1556 8.19 4.19 -0.31 -6.31 -12.3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.01 DiyX^2 8147.104 57074.71 3620.743 19359.19 101021.7 0 0 0 189223.4 Dxi Y 223220.75 58397.23 324.11 132651.72 235800.86 650394.65 DixY^2 942 1643 1643 1806 443 8.62 4.62 0.12 -5.89 -11.8 DiyX^2 Dxi Y 0 0 0 0 66759.74 3773.256 10170.75 41813.04 122516.8 DiyX^2 177129.3 142597.2 57344.27 16382.55 1879.45 1176 257 632 1065 0 6.98 2.98 -1.52 -7.52 -13.5 Dxi Y Mekelle university department of civil engineering 69926.27 35000.29 21.73 62545.25 62527.58 230021.12 DixY^2 57256.22 2281.71 1462.55 60240.33 0.00 121240.81 DixY^2 0.93 0.94 1.00 1.09 1.04 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 May 18,2006 αiy1 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 αiy2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 αiy 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.09 1.02 0.94 0.87 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.03 1.01 0.98 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.09 1.02 0.98 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.94 1.00 1.14 1.07 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.03 0.95 0.88 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.03 1.00 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.01 1.09 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.02 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.02 1.00 0.89 0.90 1.00 1.14 1.07 0.91 0.99 1.01 1.09 1.00 124 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 second floor Axis 527.8 668.5 745.6 Dyi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 third floor Axis 0 503.8 503.8 503.8 462.5 420.1 462.5 462.5 Dyi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 4th floor Axis 0 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 Dyi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 0 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 342.6 -7.6 -13.6 -16.6 X 21.057 17.057 11.057 5.057 -0.943 -7.6 -13.6 -16.6 X 21.571 17.571 11.571 5.571 -0.429 -6.429 -12.43 -15.43 X 21.571 17.571 11.571 5.571 -0.429 -6.429 -12.43 -15.43 30485.73 123638.4 205443.8 754900.7 DiyX^2 0 146579.1 61594.42 12884.06 411.2421 24266.71 85536.6 127435.5 458707.6 DiyX^2 0 105771.3 45868.7 10632.64 63.05061 14159.94 52923.32 81554.93 310973.8 DiyX^2 0 105771.3 45868.7 10632.64 63.05061 14159.94 52923.32 81554.93 310973.8 705 1042 1192 1024 347 8.66 4.66 0.16 -5.84 -11.8 Dxi Y 0 1087 1282 1282 0 9.27 5.27 0.77 -5.23 -11.2 Dxi Y 0 750 1028 878 0 9.27 5.27 0.77 -5.23 -11.2 Dxi Y 0 658 895 770 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 9.27 5.27 0.77 -5.23 52845.10 22597.32 29.39 34965.83 48628.21 159065.85 DixY^2 0.00 30153.70 754.15 35104.99 0.00 66012.84 DixY^2 0.00 20818.39 604.69 24050.27 0.00 45473.36 DixY^2 0.00 18260.65 526.74 21091.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.14 1.03 0.83 May 18,2006 0.98 0.95 0.93 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.94 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.08 1.05 1.03 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.93 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.08 1.05 1.03 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.83 1.55 1.26 0.98 0.70 0.41 0.27 1.00 1.19 1.13 1.06 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.83 1.00 1.83 1.55 1.26 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.83 1.00 1.14 1.03 1.07 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.99 1.07 125 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5 5th floor Axis 0 Dyi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 6th floor Axis 0 179.3 179.3 232 232 232 342.6 342.6 Dyi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 roof level Axis 0 103 103 232 232 232 232 232 Dyi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 stair level Axis 0 103 103 232 232 232 232 232 Dyi x1 2 3 4 0 0 173 173 X 22.584 18.584 12.584 6.584 0.584 -5.416 -11.41 -14.4 X 24.323 20.323 14.323 8.323 2.323 -3.677 -9.677 -12.68 X 24.323 20.323 14.323 8.323 2.323 -3.677 -9.677 -12.68 X DiyX^2 0 61917.05 28390.25 10058.71 79.13863 6806.442 44648.06 71197.42 223097.1 DiyX^2 0 42549.77 21134.38 16073.95 1252.164 3137.257 21729.23 37290.3 143167 DiyX^2 0 42549.77 21134.38 16073.95 1252.164 3137.257 21729.23 37290.3 143167 DiyX^2 19 15 9 3 Dxi 0 286 280 280 0 Dxi 0 286 214 214 0 Dxi 0 286 214 214 0 Dxi -11.2 Y 8.97 4.97 0.47 -5.53 -11.5 Y 8.97 4.97 0.47 -5.53 -11.5 Y 8.97 4.97 0.47 -5.53 -11.5 Y 0.00 39879.26 DixY^2 0.00 7048.48 61.09 8575.56 0.00 15685.13 DixY^2 0.00 7048.48 46.71 6556.36 0.00 13651.55 DixY^2 0.00 7048.48 46.71 6556.36 0.00 13651.55 DixY^2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 14013.81 1557.09 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.00 0.98 0.93 0.91 1.00 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.00 0.98 0.93 0.91 1.00 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.00 0.98 0.93 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.08 1.05 1.07 1.02 0.97 0.92 0.89 1.00 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.96 1.00 1.08 1.05 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.97 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.02 0.97 0.91 0.88 1.00 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.95 1.00 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.02 0.99 0.97 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.83 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.06 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.00 126 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15570.9 -3 -9 -15 -18 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 131 0 0.00 4.97 0.47 -3.00 -11.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 1178.27 0.00 1178.27 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 αiy 1.026 1.090 1.023 0.981 0.961 1.000 1.000 1.000 Fi αiy 1.048 1.048 1.031 1.021 0.998 0.994 0.986 0.981 Fi 26.19 32.63 32.08 50.71 43.02 30.80 38.70 42.94 47.45 70.31 81.29 70.78 23.86 αiy 1.000 1.081 1.054 Fi 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 3.8 Final total lateral forces Then the total horizontal force at a particular frame will be Fix=αixFix where αix = max (αx1, αx2) Fiy=αiyFiy αiy= max (αy1, αy2) ground floor Axis x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 mezanine@.6 Axis mezanine@3 Qi 4.25 4.251 4.251 4.251 3.379 3.529 3.379 3.379 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 3.21 αiy Fi 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Axis 4.43 4.39 4.33 4.27 3.38 3.54 3.39 3.39 6.88 6.87 6.87 6.93 3.24 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 Qi αix x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 6.52 11.48 11.48 15.82 13.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.56 16.68 16.68 11.02 4.49 αix x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 Qi 24.99 31.12 31.12 49.68 43.10 30.98 39.24 43.77 48.10 71.07 81.32 69.86 23.65 Qi αix 0.93 0.94 1.00 1.14 1.07 6.69 12.52 11.74 15.52 12.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.93 15.64 16.65 12.54 4.80 ist floor Qi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 αix 0 0 0 0 15.64 10.16 14.17 16.84 21.34 4.668 11.48 19.33 αix αiy Fi 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.03 1.00 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.01 1.09 1.00 Axis 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.91 10.45 14.11 16.69 20.86 4.66 11.60 21.07 0.00 2nd floor 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.01 3rd floor Axis Qi x1 2 3 0 36.49 36.49 αix αiy Fi 1.00 1.07 1.05 0.00 39.07 38.16 Mekelle university department of civil engineering Axis x1 2 3 May 18,2006 0.00 32.79 32.79 127 0.00 35.46 34.55 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 36.49 33.5 30.43 33.5 33.5 0 71.57 84.41 84.41 1.02 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 37.26 33.48 30.32 33.25 33.20 0.00 72.75 84.65 85.00 0.00 4th floor 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 32.79 32.79 32.79 32.79 32.79 0.00 84.62 115.90 99.03 1.026 1.000 0.993 0.987 0.983 33.64 32.78 32.56 32.35 32.25 0.00 85.98 116.27 99.80 0.00 αiy 1.000 1.059 1.040 1.027 1.002 0.978 0.931 0.913 Fi αiy 1.000 1.082 1.058 1.076 1.021 0.987 0.965 0.954 Fi 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 5th floor Axis Qi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 0 51.65 51.65 51.65 51.65 51.65 51.65 51.65 0 102.4 139.3 119.8 αix αiy Fi 1.00 1.83 1.55 1.26 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.83 1.00 1.14 1.03 1.07 1.00 Axis 0.00 94.55 79.90 65.25 51.40 48.01 44.61 42.91 0.00 117.07 143.25 128.13 0.00 6th floor Qi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 0.00 42.81 42.81 55.41 55.41 55.41 81.80 81.80 0.00 140.31 137.57 137.57 αix 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.00 45.33 44.52 56.90 55.54 54.17 76.14 74.65 0.00 140.86 137.62 138.81 0.00 roof level Axis Qi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 0 36.3 36.3 81.76 81.76 81.76 81.76 81.76 0 192.6 144.4 144.4 αix αiy Fi 1.00 1.08 1.05 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.97 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.00 39.08 38.26 87.53 83.37 80.85 79.37 78.63 0.00 192.97 144.40 146.40 0.00 Axis Qi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 2 3 4 5 0.00 20.09 20.09 45.26 45.26 45.26 45.26 45.26 0.00 106.62 79.92 79.92 αix 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 stair level Axis Qi x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y1 0 0 100.5 100.5 0 0 0 0 0 αix αiy Fi 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 117.72 106.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 128 0.00 21.75 21.26 48.69 46.22 44.66 43.68 43.19 0.00 106.59 79.92 81.18 0.00 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 2 3 4 5 100.5 100.5 0 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 100.51 100.51 0.00 0.00 3.9 the Later loads Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 129 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis –y1 Axis-y2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 130 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-y3 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 131 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-y4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 132 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis –y5 In the Y-direction Axis-x1 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 133 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 134 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x3 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 135 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x4 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 136 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x5 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 137 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x6 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 138 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x7 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 139 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Axis-x8 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 140 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Chapter 4 Beam and column analysis and design 4.1 Beam design and analysis for flexure Beams are flexural members which are used to transfer the loads from slab to columns. Basically beams should be designed for flexure (moment). Further more it is essential to check and design the beam sections for torsion and shear. Our code recommends that beams are not designed for axial forces. In our case a particular beam axis is selected for design. The following out put data is taken from3-D analysis of the frame using SAP2000. Frame element forces Frame loc V T M 552 0 -47.3 16.6 -54.8 M 117.3 4 -55.0 -145.7 561 0 170 1.2 -256.8 M 92.3 6 175.1 -264 570 0 -183.6 0 -278.6 M 98.9 6 181.1 -276.3 579 0 58.8 1.8 -171.7 M 136.8 6 56.4 -163.5 588 0 182.4 14.51 -280 M 94.1 6 180.3 -268.7 597 0 179.3 15.9 -276.9 M 96.4 6 174.6 -264.5 606 0 211.1 19.4 -265.9 M 224.8 3 207.3 -273.6 4.1.1 Design information Material data Concrete C-25 Steel S-300 Class I works Preliminary section 300mm*450mm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 141 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.1.2 Depth for deflection 0.6 f yk Le d 0.4 400 a ; taking the larger span from the continuous beam; Le= 6000mm and ßa= 28(interior span) fyk= 300Mpa Substituting the above values; 0.6 * 300 6000 d 0.4 = 182.14. Using Ø20steel bars; 400 28 Overall depth D= d+cover+1.5Ø= 182.14+25+1.5*20=237.14<450mm effective depth d=450-1.5*20-25=395mm. 4.1.3 Checking the section for flexure using design chart 1. Beam 552 ML MR MR = -145.7 Ok and the MS= 117.3 ML=-54 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for MR= -145.7 (moment at the support) M 145.7 = = 55.79 < Km* so, the section is Km d b 0.3 0.395 singly reinforced. For Km =55.79 a corresponding value of Ks=4.62 is read from table 1a. There fore area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 4.62 * 145.7 = =1721.18mm2 As s 0.395 d II. For ML=-54.8 (moment at the support) M 54.8 = = 34.22 < Km*=57.83 so, the section is singly d b 0.3 0.395 reinforced. For Km =34.22 a corresponding value of Ks=4.09 is read from table 1a. There fore area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 4.09 * 54.8 = =567.42mm2 As s 0.395 d Km Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 142 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project III. For MS=117.3(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 160 290 300 Le 4000 300 1100 bw For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 5000mm There fore be=1100mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 D=395mm M u ,s 117.3 *10 6 us 0.06 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 *1100 * 396 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.13 , this implies X=0.13*395=51.35. d 0.8X=0.8*51.35=41.08 which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=1100mm. M 117.3 = = 26.14 < Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 1.1 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =26.14 a corresponding value of Ks=4.00 is read from table 1a. Therefore, area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 4.00 *117.3 = =1187.85mm2 As s 0.395 d 2. Beam 561 ML MR MR= -256.8 MS= 92.3 ML=-264.0 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for MR= -256.8 (moment at the support) M 256.8 = Km d b 0.3 0.395 so, the section is doubly reinforced. Mekelle university department of civil engineering = 74.07 > Km*=57.83 May 18,2006 143 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Km d 74.07 45 for 2 1.28 0.11 using table 1a * 57.83 d 395 Km K S M 1.015 * 4.48 * 256.8 =2956.3mm2 d 0.395 K ' ' M 1.6 *1.01* 256.8 =1050.6mm2 AS2 S d 0.395 AS1 ρ=1.015 ρ’=1.01 Ks=4.48 K’s=1.6 II. For ML=-264 (moment at the support) Km M b d 264 0.3 0.395 = reinforced. Km 75.1 1.3 * 57.83 Km ρ=1.01 ρ’=1.01 Ks=4.465 K’s=1.7 for = 75.1> Km*=57.83 so, the section is doubly d2 45 0.11 using table 1a d 395 K S M 1.01* 4.465 * 264 =3014mm2 d 0.395 K ' ' M 1.7 *1.01* 264 =1148mm2 AS2 S d 0.395 AS1 III. For MS=92.3(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 300 Le 3000 300 900 bw For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 6000mm There fore be=900mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 D=395mm M u ,s 92.3 *10 6 us 0.058 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 * 900 * 395 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.12 , this implies X=0.12*395=47.4. d 0.8X=0.8*47.4=37.92which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=900mm. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 144 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project M 92.3 = = 25.64< Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km d b 0.9 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =25.64 a corresponding value of Ks=4.08 is read from table 1a. Therefore, area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 4.08 * 92.3 = =954mm2 As s 0.395 d 3. Beam 570 ML MR MR= -276.3 MS= 98.9 ML= -278.6 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for ML= -276.3 (moment at the support) M 278.6 = = 77.15 > Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 0.3 0.395 doubly reinforced. Km d 77.15 45 for 2 1.33 0.11 using table 1a * 57.83 d 395 Km K M 1.01 * 4.45 * 278.6 ρ=1.01 =3170mm2 AS1 S d 0.395 K ' ' M 1.8 *1.01* 278.6 ρ’=1.01 =1282mm2 AS2 S d 0.395 Ks=4.45 K’s=1.8 II. For MR=-276.3 (moment at the support) The reinforcements are the same as the support reinforcement above. i.e AS1= 3170mm2 AS2 =1282mm2 III. For MS=98.9(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 300 Le 6000 300 1500 bw For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 6000mm There fore be=900mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 d=395mm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 145 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project M u ,s 98.9 *10 6 us 0.037 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 *1500 * 395 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.1 , this implies X=0.1*395=39.5. d 0.8X=0.8*39.5=31.6 which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=1500mm. M 98.9 = = 20.56< Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 1.5 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =20.56 a corresponding value of Ks=3.98 is read from table 1a. Therefore, area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 3.98 * 98.9 = =996.51mm2 As s 0.395 d 4. Beam 579 ML MR MR= -163.5 MS= 136.8 ML=-171.7 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for ML= -171.7 (moment at the support) M 171.7 = = 60.6 > Km*=57.83 so, the section Km d b 0.3 0.395 is doubly reinforced. Km d 60.6 45 1.2 for 2 0.11 using table 1a * 57.83 d 395 Km ρ=1.015 ρ’=1.01 K S M 1.015 * 4.54 *171.7 =2003 mm2 d 0.395 K ' S ' M 1.2 *1.01*171.7 =526.84 mm2 AS2 d 0.395 AS1 Ks=4.54 K’s=1.2 II. For MR=-163.5 (moment at the support) The reinforcements are the same as the support reinforcement above. i.e AS1= 3170mm2 AS2 =1282mm2 III. For MS=136.8(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 160 290 300 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 146 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Le 6000 300 1500 bw For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 6000mm There fore be=1500mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 D=395mm M u ,s 136.8 *10 6 us 0.05 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 *1500 * 395 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.11 , this implies X=0.11*395=43.45 d 0.8X=0.8*43.45=34.76 which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=1500mm. M 136.8 = = 24.2< Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 1.5 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =24.2 a corresponding value of Ks=3.99 is read from table 1a. Therefore area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 3.99 *136.8 = =1382 mm2 As s 0.395 d 5. Beam 588 ML MR MR= -268.7 MS= 94.1 ML=-280 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for ML= -280 (moment at the support) M 280 = = 77.34 > Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 0.3 0.395 doubly reinforced. Km d 77.34 45 1.34 for 2 0.11 using table 1a * 57.83 d 395 Km ρ=1.01 ρ’=1.01 K S M 1.01 * 4.45 * 280 =3186 mm2 d 0.395 K ' ' M 1.8 *1.01* 280 =1289 mm2 AS2 S d 0.395 AS1 Ks=4.45 K’s=1.8 II. For MR=-268.7 (moment at the support) The reinforcements are the same as the support reinforcement above. i.e AS1= 3186mm2 AS2 =1289mm2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 147 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project III. For MS=94.1(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 300 L 6000 bw e 300 1500 For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 6000mm There fore be=1500mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 D=395mm M u ,s 94.1 *10 6 us 0.04 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 *1500 * 395 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.1 , this implies X=0.10*395=39.50 d 0.8X=0.8*39.50=31.6 which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=1500mm. M 94.1 = = 20.56< Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km d b 1.5 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =24.2 a corresponding value of Ks=3.96 is read from table 1a. Therefore area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 3.96 * 94.1 = =943 mm2 As s 0.395 d 6. Beam 597 ML MR MR= -264.5 MS= 96.4 ML=-276.9 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for ML= -276.9 (moment at the support) M 276.9 = Km b d 0.3 0.395 doubly reinforced. Mekelle university department of civil engineering = 76.9 > Km*=57.83 so, the section is May 18,2006 148 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Km Km * 76.9 1.33 57.83 ρ=1.02 ρ’=1.06 for d2 45 0.11 using table 1a d 395 K S M 1.02 * 4.45 * 276.9 =3182mm2 d 0.395 K ' S ' M 1.8 *1.06 * 276.9 =1337.5 mm2 AS2 d 0.395 AS1 Ks=4.45 K’s=1.8 II. for MR=-264.5 (moment at the support) The reinforcements are the same as the support reinforcement above. i.e AS1= 3182mm2 AS2 =1337.5mm2 III. for MS=96.4(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 300 Le 6000 300 1500 bw For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 6000mm There fore be=1500mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 D=395mm M u ,s 96.4 *10 6 us 0.04 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 *1500 * 395 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.1 , this implies X=0.11*395=39.50 d 0.8X=0.8*39.50=31.6 which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=1500mm. M 96.4 = = 20.3< Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 1.5 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =20.3 a corresponding value of Ks=3.97 is read from table 1a. Therefore, area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 3.97 * 96.4 = =969 mm2 As s 0.395 d Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 149 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 7. Beam 606 ML MR MR= -265.9 MS= 224.8 ML=-273.6 MS Using table 1a of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995: I. for ML= -273.6 (moment at the support) M 273.6 = = 76.45 > Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km d b 0.3 0.395 doubly reinforced. Km d 76.45 45 1.32 for 2 0.11 using table 1a * 57.83 d 395 Km ρ=1.015 ρ’=1.045 K S M 1.015 * 4.45 * 273.6 =3128.6mm2 d 0.395 K ' S ' M 1.8 *1.045 * 273.8 =1302.9 mm2 AS2 d 0.395 AS1 Ks=4.45 K’s=1.8 II. for MR=-265.9 (moment at the support) The reinforcements are the same as the support reinforcement above. i.e AS1= 3128.6mm2 AS2 =1302.9mm2 III. for MS=224.8(moment at the span) In this case the section should be checked whether it is a rectangular or a T section. be 300 Le 3000 300 900 bw For T section be 5 5 actual width (c / c 6000mm There fore be=900mm. Using general design chart No1 of EBCS-2, part 2, 1995 D=395mm M u ,s 224.8 *10 6 us 0.24 ; for this value a corresponding Kx f cd be d 2 11.33 * 900 * 395 2 x value is read from the general chart. i.e. K x 0.2 , this implies X=0.20*395=79.00 d Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 150 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 0.8X=0.8*79.00=63.20 which is less than hf (the height of the flange) =160mm. the section is a rectangular section having width be=900mm. M 224.8 = = 40.01< Km*=57.83 so, the section is Km b d 0.9 0.395 singly reinforced (no compression reinforcement is required). For Km =40.01 a corresponding value of Ks=4.17 is read from table 1a. Therefore, area of reinforcing steel, As can be calculated from the formula K *M 4.17 * 224.8 = =2373 mm2 As s 0.395 d 4.2 Design of beams for shear and torsion 4.2.1 Shear design I. nominal reinforcement The shear force VC carried by the concrete in members with out significant axial forces shall be taken as VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd Where K1= (1+50ρ) < 2.0 K2= 1.6-d > 1.0 (d in meters). For members where more than 50%of the bottom reinforcement is curtailed, K2 = 1. A 0.4 min s f yk bw d As is the area of tensile reinforcement II. Limiting value of ultimate shear force VRD = 0.25fcdbwd , fcd < 20Mpa The maximum spacing Smax between stirrups, in the longitudinal direction should be Smax = 0.5d < 300mm if Vsd < 2 VRD 3 Smax = 0.3d < 200mm if Vsd > 2 VRD 3 If Vd is > VRD; the section must be changed III. If the existing shear is such that VC< Vd < VRD A * f vd A * Shear reinforcement need be provided. Vs Vd Vc vd v s bw The shear between the critical section which is at a distance d from the face of the support, and the point beyond which maximum spacing is used is reinforced by the difference of shear capacity of concrete. The region beyond this is reinforced with maximum spacing. 4.2.2 Torsion design Torsion results from the monolithic character of construction; and any assembly in the loading of the floor slab produces torsion to the supporting beams. Torsion shear stresses create diagonal tension resulting in diagonal crack. Thus, we need to provide both closed stirrups and longitudinal steel to avoid brittle fracture. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 151 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project I. torsional resistance of concrete Torsional effect may be disregarded whenever the design torque TSD is less than TC given by (EBCS-2, 1995) TC = 1.2fctdAefhef however, minimum reinforcement may be provided in such away that ρmin= 0.4 , and the spacing of stirrups shall not exceed Uef fyk 8 More ever, at least one longitudinal bar shall be placed at each corner of the closed stirrup with spacing not exceeding 350mm. II. Limiting value of ultimate shear In order to prevent diagonal compression failure in the concrete the torsional resistance, TRD, of a section shall not be less than the applied torque TSd. Where TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef > Tsd. 4.2.3 Combined actions a) Torsion and bending or torsion and axial forces Simple super position by separately determining area of reinforcements may be applied. b) Torsion and shear limiting values for torsion and shear are TRd, com = βtTRd and VRd,com = βvVRd in which t 1 VSD V RD 1 TSD TRD V 1 tc 1 2 2 TSD TRD 1 VSD VRD Further the torsional and shear resistance of the concrete shall be TC, com = βtcTC and VC,com = βvcVC in which VSD VC 1 TSD TC 2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 152 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1 VC 2 TSD TC 1 VSD VC For our case the selected continuous beam in a particular axis has design shear and torsion values as shown in the above table. 4.3. Shear and torsion reinforcement 1. Frame 552 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 55KN Tsd = 16.6KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.031*1.75*1.205*300*395=64.41KN Length of the beam, L=4m VRD=335.65>55; no diagonal compression. Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete when shear and torsion come at a time are: a) Torsion 1 t 0.98 2 55 1 335.65 36.4 16.6 b) Shear 1 V 0.34 2 16.6 36 . 4 1 55 335.65 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 153 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Reduction factor for shear resistance of concrete a) Torsion tc 1 55 64 . 41 1 16.6 4.96 0.97 2 b) Shear VC 1 16.6 4.96 1 55 64.1 2 0.25 Corrected values TRd, com = βtTRd = 0.98*36.4= 35.67 VRd,com = βvVRd = 0.34*335.65=114.12 TC, com = βtcTC = 0.97*4.96=4.81 VC,com = βvcVC = 0.25*64.41=16.1 4.3.1 Shear reinforcement Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 1.775*55/2.15 = 44.9 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=16.1*2.15/55= 0.6m S max ASV f yk 56.52 * 300 140mm 0.4bw 0.4 * 300 d 395 Use 6 c/c 140mm. From X=0.6 to X=1.76m (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) *157 * 260.87 S 130mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (55 16.1) *10 3 Mekelle university department of civil engineering Use 6c/c 130mm. May 18,2006 154 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project b) Torsion Longitudinal reinforcements Uef = (D+d-4d)*2= (450+300-4*35)*2= 1360mm T TC (16.6 4.81) * 10 6 * 1360 Asl sd * U ef 350mm 2 3 2 Aeff f yd 2(87.4 *10 * 260.87 Transverse bars(use 8) U ef 1360 170mm 8 8 S 3 2 Aeff f yd Astr 2 * 87.4 *10 * 260.87 * 50.24 190mm Tsd TC (16.6 4.81) *10 6 Use 8 c/c 170mm 2. Frame 588 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 179.3KN Tsd = 14.51KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.031*1.1*1.205*300*395=40.5KN Length of the beam, L=6m VRD=335.65>179.3; no diagonal compression. Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete when shear and torsion come at a time are: a) Torsion 1 t 0.98 2 179.3 335.65 1 36.4 14.51 b) Shear 1 V 0.76 2 14.51 36.4 1 179.3 335.65 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 155 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Reduction factor for shear resistance of concrete a) Torsion tc 1 179.3 36.4 1 14.51 4.96 2 0.55 b) Shear VC 1 14.51 4 . 96 1 40.5 179.3 2 0.83 Corrected values TRd, com = βtTRd = 0.98*36.4= 35.67 VRd,com = βvVRd = 0.76*335.65=255 TC, com = βtcTC = 0.55*4.96=2.73 VC,com = βvcVC = 0.83*40.5=33.6 a) Shear reinforcement Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 2.605*179.3/3 = 155.7 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=33.6*3/179.3= 0.56m, since this distance is small let us use the average value of VC and VSD,L Vav=0.5* (VC + VSD,L)=0.5(155.7+33.6)=94.7KN X1 is the distance from X=0 to 94.7KN force. X1 = (94.7*3)/179.3=1.6m From X=0 to X=1.6m, use ø8 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) *100.5 * 260.87 S 150mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (94.7 33.6) *10 3 Use 8c/c 150mm. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 156 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project From X=1.6 to X=3.0m, use ø10 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) *157 * 260.87 S 110mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (155.7 33.6) *10 3 Use ø10 c/c 110mm b) Torsion Longitudinal reinforcements Uef = (D+d-4d)*2= (450+300-4*35)*2= 1360mm T TC (14.51 2.73) *10 6 *1360 Asl sd * U ef 190mm 2 3 2 Aeff f yd 2(87.4 *10 * 260.87) Transverse bars(use 8) U ef 1360 170mm 8 8 S 3 2 Aeff f yd Astr 2 * 87.4 *10 * 260.87 * 50.24 190mm Tsd TC (16.6 4.81) *10 6 Use 8 c/c 170mm 3. Frame 597 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 179.3KN Tsd = 15.9KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.031*2*1.205*300*395=40.5KN Length of the beam, L=6m VRD=335.65>179.3; no diagonal compression. Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete when shear and torsion come at a time are: a) Torsion 1 t 0.974 2 179.3 335.65 1 36.4 15.9 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 157 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project b) Shear 1 V 0.77 2 15.9 36.4 1 179.3 335.65 Reduction factor for shear resistance of concrete a) Torsion tc 1 179.3 73 . 61 1 15.9 4.98 2 0.795 b) Shear VC 1 15.9 4.98 1 179.3 73.61 2 0.37 Corrected values TRd, com = βtTRd = 0.974*36.4= 35.49 VRd,com = βvVRd = 0.77*335.65=258.45 TC, com = βtcTC = 0.795*4.96=3.96 VC,com = βvcVC = 0.37*73.61=27.24 a) Shear reinforcement Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 2.605*174.6/3 = 155.69 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=27.24*3/179.3= 0.46m, since this distance is small let us use the average value of VC and VSD, Vav=0.5* (VC + VSD,L)=0.5(155.7+27.24)=91.47KN X1 is the distance from X=0 to 91.47KN force. X1 = (91.47*3)/179.3=1.53m Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 158 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project From X=0 to X=1.53m, use ø10 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) * 2 * 78.54 * 260.87 S 223mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (91.47 27.24) *10 3 Use 10c/c 220mm. From X=1.53 to X=2.605m, use ø10 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) * 2 * 78.54 * 260.87 S 90 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (179.3 27.24) *10 3 Use ø10 c/c 90mm 4.3.2 Torsion Longitudinal reinforcements Uef = (D+d-4d)*2= (450+300-4*35)*2= 1360mm T TC (15.9 3.96) *10 6 *1360 Asl sd * U ef 460mm 2 3 2 Aeff f yd 2(87.4 *10 * 260.87) Transverse bars(use 6) U ef 1360 170mm 8 8 S 3 2 Aeff f yd Astr 2 * 87.4 *10 * 260.87 * 28.26 190mm Tsd TC (15.9 3.96) *10 6 Use 6 c/c 190mm. 4. Frame 606 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 211.1KN Tsd = 19.4KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.205*1.95*1.205*300*395=71.77KN Length of the beam, L=6m VRD=335.65>211.1; no diagonal compression. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 159 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete when shear and torsion come at a time are: a) Torsion t 1 211.1 335 . 65 1 36.4 19.4 2 0.95 b) Shear 1 V 2 0.76 19.4 36 . 4 1 211.1 335.65 Reduction factor for shear resistance of concrete a) Torsion tc 1 211.1 71.77 1 19.4 4.98 2 0.8 b) Shear VC 1 19.4 4 . 98 1 211.1 71.77 2 0. 6 Corrected values TRd, com = βtTRd = 0.95*36.44= 34.62 VRd,com = βvVRd = 0.76*335.65=255 TC, com = βtcTC = 0.8*4.98=4.00 VC,com = βvcVC = 0.6*71.77=43.10 a) Shear reinforcement Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 160 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 2.605*211.1/3 = 183.6 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=43.1*3/211.1= 0.6m, since this distance is small let us use the average value of VC and VSD,L Vav=0.5* (VC + VSD, L) =0.5(211.1+43.1)=126.55KN X1 is the distance from X=0 to 126.55KN force. X1 = (126.55*3)/211.1=1.8m From X=0 to X=1.8m, use ø8 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) *100.5 * 260.87 S 110mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (126.5 43.1) *10 3 Use 8c/c 110mm. From X=1.8 to X=2.605m, use ø10 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) * 2 * 78.54 * 260.87 S 171mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (126.5 43.1) *10 3 Use ø10 c/c 170mm b) Torsion Longitudinal reinforcements Uef = (D+d-4d)*2= (450+300-4*35)*2= 1360mm T TC (19.4 4.00) *10 6 *1360 Asl sd * U ef 460mm 2 3 2 Aeff f yd 2(87.4 *10 * 260.87) Transverse bars(use 8) U ef 1360 170mm 8 8 S 3 2 Aeff f yd Astr 2 * 87.4 *10 * 260.87 * 50.24 230mm Tsd TC (19.4 4.81) *10 6 Use 8 c/c 170mm. 5. Frame 561 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 175.1KN Tsd = 1.2KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.031*2*1.205*300*395=73.61KN Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 161 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Length of the beam, L=6m VRD=335.65>175.1; no diagonal compression. No Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete and shear resistance of concrete, as the design torsion is small. Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 2.605*175.1/3 = 152.42 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=73.61*3/175.1= 1.28m, From X=0 to X=1.28m, provide minimum reinforcement use ø8 Asv f yk 100.5 * 300 S max 251.25 0.4bw 0.4 * 300 Provide ø8 c/c 250mm From X=1.28 to X=2.605m, use ø10 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) * 2 * 78.54 * 260.87 S 181.98mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) * 10 (152.423 73.61) * 10 3 Use ø10 c/c 180mm 6. Frame 570 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 211.1KN Tsd = 19.4KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.205*1.95*1.205*300*395=71.77KN Length of the beam, L=6m VRD=335.65>211.1; no diagonal compression. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 162 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete when shear and torsion come at a time are: a) Torsion 1 t 0.95 2 211.1 335.65 1 36.4 19.4 b) Shear 1 V 0.76 2 19 . 4 36.4 1 211.1 335.65 Reduction factor for shear resistance of concrete a) Torsion tc 1 211.1 71.77 1 19.4 4.98 2 0.8 b) Shear VC 1 19.4 4.98 1 211.1 71.77 2 0. 6 Corrected values TRd, com = βtTRd = 0.95*36.44= 34.62 VRd,com = βvVRd = 0.76*335.65=255 TC, com = βtcTC = 0.8*4.98=4.00 VC,com = βvcVC = 0.6*71.77=43.10 a) Shear reinforcement Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 163 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 2.605*211.1/3 = 183.6 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=43.1*3/211.1= 0.6m, since this distance is small let us use the average value of VC and VSD,L Vav=0.5* (VC + VSD, L) =0.5(211.1+43.1)=126.55KN X1 is the distance from X=0 to 126.55KN force. X1 = (126.55*3)/211.1=1.8m From X=0 to X=1.8m, use ø8 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) *100.5 * 260.87 S 110mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (126.5 43.1) *10 3 Use 8c/c 110mm. From X=1.8 to X=2.605m, use ø10 (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) * 2 * 78.54 * 260.87 S 171mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (126.5 43.1) *10 3 Use ø10 c/c 170mm b) Torsion Longitudinal reinforcements Uef = (D+d-4d)*2= (450+300-4*35)*2= 1360mm T TC (19.4 4.00) *10 6 *1360 Asl sd * U ef 460mm 2 3 2 Aeff f yd 2(87.4 *10 * 260.87) Transverse bars(use 8) U ef 1360 170mm 8 8 S 3 2 Aeff f yd Astr 2 * 87.4 *10 * 260.87 * 50.24 230mm Tsd TC (19.4 4.81) *10 6 Use 8 c/c 170mm. 7. Frame 579 Design actions Aef = (D-2d’)*(b-2d’)…….area of equivalent hollow section. Aef = (450-2*35)(300-2*35)= 87.4*103 hef = def/5, def is the diameter of a largest circle that can be inscribed in the hollow section. hef = def/5 < A/U; A=450*300 = 13.5*104mm2 A/U= 900mm U= 2*300+2*450= 1500mm = (300-2*65) =230 < 900mm fctd = 0.21*fck2/3 = 0.21*202/3 =1.031 γc 1.5 Vsd = 55KN Tsd = 16.6KN-M VRD = 0.25fcdbwd =0.25*11.33*300*395 = 335.65 TRD = 0.8fcdAefhef = 0.8*11.33*87.4*103*46=36.44 TC = 1.2fctdAefhef = 1.2*1.031*87.4*103*46 = 4.98 VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd = 0.25*1.031*1.75*1.205*300*395=64.41KN Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 164 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Length of the beam, L=4m VRD=335.65>55; no diagonal compression. Reduction factors for section capacity of concrete when shear and torsion come at a time are: a) Torsion 1 t 0.98 2 55 1 335.65 36.4 16.6 b) Shear 1 V 0.34 2 16 . 6 36.4 1 55 335.65 Reduction factor for shear resistance of concrete a) Torsion tc 1 55 64 . 41 1 16.6 4.96 2 0.97 b) Shear VC 1 16.6 4.96 1 55 64.1 2 0.25 Corrected values TRd, com = βtTRd = 0.98*36.4= 35.67 VRd,com = βvVRd = 0.34*335.65=114.12 TC, com = βtcTC = 0.97*4.96=4.81 VC,com = βvcVC = 0.25*64.41=16.1 4.3.1 Shear reinforcement Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 165 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Taking the right portion of the diagram for design: VSD= 1.775*55/2.15 = 44.9 The distance X, where nominal reinforcement is needed X=16.1*2.15/55= 0.6m S max ASV f yk 56.52 * 300 140mm 0.4bw 0.4 * 300 d 395 Use 6 c/c 140mm. From X=0.6 to X=1.76m (d d 'C ) ASV f yd (395 45) *157 * 260.87 S 130mm 3 (VSD Vc ,com ) *10 (55 16.1) *10 3 Use 6c/c 130mm. b) Torsion Longitudinal reinforcements Uef = (D+d-4d)*2= (450+300-4*35)*2= 1360mm Tsd TC (16.6 4.81) * 10 6 * 1360 Asl * U ef 350mm 2 3 2 Aeff f yd 2(87.4 *10 * 260.87 Transverse bars(use 8) U ef 1360 170mm 8 8 S 3 2 Aeff f yd Astr 2 * 87.4 *10 * 260.87 * 50.24 190mm Tsd TC (16.6 4.81) *10 6 Use 8 c/c 170mm. 4.4 Anchorage length and laps for beams The design bond fbd depends on the type of reinforcement the concrete strength and the position of the bars during concreting. For good bondage bond condition fbd = fctd , for plain bars fbd = 2fctd , for ribbed bars . All reinforcements shall be properly anchoraged at each end with due consideration for the effect of arch action and shear cracks. Therefore tension or compression bars need to be developed to the appropriate embedment length .Hooks also helps to anchor bars in tension. The basic anchorage length which develops the full design strength of a straight reinforcing bar is govern by * f yd For deformed bars Lb 8 f ctd 0.21(20) 2 / 3 For C-25 concrete 1.5 =1.032Mp Fyd = 260.87 Mp for S-300 steel Lb= *260.87/(8*1.032) = 31.6 f ctd Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 166 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project For deformed bars the required anchorage length The required development length Lb,net is calculated as 1 * 31.6 * * As ,cal Lb ,net As ,ef = 31.6 * As ,cal As ,eff and 0.7 * 31.6 * As ,cal As ,eff for hooked tension bars Lb,min is the minimum anchorage length For bars in tension, Lb,min = 0.3Lb≥10 ≥200mm For bars in compression, Lb,min = 0.0.6Lb≥10 ≥200mm For the beams designed above the anchorage lengths for tension and compression bars is tabulated as The anchorage length of bars that are bent up as shear reinforcement shall be at least equal to 1.3*Lb,net in tensions and 0.7* Lb,net in zones subjected to compression. Beam Reinforcement tension compression 552 tension 561 570 579 588 597 606 As,cal(mm2) As,eff(mm2) Ф (mm2) 1721.18 1808 24 341 628 20 Lb,net=31.6 *As,cal/As,eff(mm) 720 345 2956.3 3164 24 710 compression 1050.6 1256 20 530 tension 3170 3164 24 760 compression 1282 1570 20 520 tension 2003 2260 24 675 compression 395 628 20 400 tension 3170 3164 24 760 compression 1282 1570 20 520 tension 3182 3164 24 760 compression 1337.5 1570 20 540 tension compression 3128.6 1303 3164 1570 24 20 750 630 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 167 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Therefore, for the sake simplicity we can take the maximum values of anchorage values. The anchorage length for tension bars should be at least 760mm. The anchorage length for compression bars is at least 630mm. For the beams at ends bars are bent up or down , the anchorage length is 1.3*750mm = 975mm and 0.7*630mm = for hooked bars The lap length Lo shall be at least equal to Lo≥a1* Lb,net ≥ Lo,min Where lo,min = 0.3aa1Lb ≥200mm a1 is a function of the percentage of the reinforcement lapped at any one section as given in EBCS-2 Table 7.3 Therefore, for hundred percent 100% of lapping at a section, a1 =1.4 Lo,min = 1.4*0.3*a* Lb = 0.42 a Lb Generally the lap length Lo shall at least be equal to the basic anchorage length Lb. For 24 lo,min = 0.42*1*31.6*24≥15*24 = 320≥360mm For 20 = 360mm lo,min = 0.42*1*31.6*20≥15*20 = 270≥300mm 300m But Lo≥a1* Lb,net ≥ Lo,min ≥1.4*31.6* ≥ 0.42*31.6 ≥45 ≥13.3 Lo ≥45 For 24 Lo ≥45*24 = 1080mm For 20 Lo ≥45*20 = 900mm For 16 Lo ≥45*16 = 720mm Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 168 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.5 Column analysis and design Columns are compression members which are used to transfer the load to the sub structure. 4.5.1 Design procedures Generally allowance shall be made for the uncertainties associated with the prediction of second order effects. For isolated elements the equivalent geometric imperfections may be introduced by increasing the eccentricity of the longitudinal force by an additional eccentricity ea, acting in the most unfavorable direction: L ea e 20mm 300 Where Le denotes the effective length of the isolated element A frame may be classified as non-sway for a given load case if the critical load ratio Nsd/Ncr for that load case satisfies the criterion: Nsd/Ncr < 0.1 Where: Nsd is the design value of the total vertical load Ncr is its critical value for failure in a sway mode Note: this representation is consistent for all frame elements. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 169 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project column design Frame109 frame beam h(cm) 1 2 3 4 column A B frame110 beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 column A B C Frame-112 frame beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 column A B C Frame-113 frame beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b(cm) L(cm) Ix Kx Iy Ky 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 600 450 600 600 112500 112500 112500 112500 187.5 250 187.5 187.5 312500 312500 312500 312500 520.8333 694.4444 520.8333 520.8333 50 55 45 200 600 468750 449180 2343.8 748.63 379687.5 449180.3 1898.438 748.6338 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 600 600 600 450 600 450 600 600 160000 160000 160000 160000 112500 112500 112500 112500 266.67 266.67 266.67 355.56 187.5 250 187.5 187.5 90000 90000 90000 90000 312500 312500 312500 312500 150 150 150 200 520.8333 694.4444 520.8333 520.8333 55 50 50 45 45 600 300 200 449180 468750 468750 748.63 1562.5 2343.8 449180.3 379687.5 379687.5 748.6338 1265.625 1898.438 Ix Kx Iy Ky h(cm) b(cm) L(cm) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 600 600 600 450 600 600 600 450 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 266.67 266.67 266.67 355.56 266.67 266.67 266.67 355.56 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 150 150 150 200 150 150 150 200 50 50 55 45 45 300 300 300 468750 468750 449180 1562.5 1562.5 1497.3 379687.5 379687.5 449180.3 1265.625 1265.625 748.6338 Ix Kx Iy Ky 107188 107188 107188 107188 160000 160000 160000 160000 178.65 178.65 178.65 238.19 266.67 266.67 266.67 355.56 h(cm) b(cm) 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 L(cm) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 600 600 600 450 600 600 600 450 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 78750 78750 78750 78750 90000 90000 90000 90000 131.25 131.25 131.25 175 150 150 150 200 170 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project column A B C Frame-114 frame beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 column A B C Frame-115 frame beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 column A B C Frame-116 frame beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 column A B C 50 50 50 h(cm) 45 45 45 b(cm) 300 300 300 L(cm) 468750 468750 468750 1562.5 1562.5 1562.5 379687.5 379687.5 379687.5 1265.625 1265.625 1265.625 Ix Kx Iy Ky 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 600 600 600 450 600 600 600 450 107188 107188 107188 107188 107188 107188 107188 107188 178.65 178.65 178.65 238.19 178.65 178.65 178.65 238.19 78750 78750 78750 78750 78750 78750 78750 78750 131.25 131.25 131.25 175 131.25 131.25 131.25 175 50 30 50 45 25 45 300 300 300 468750 56250 468750 1562.5 187.5 1562.5 379687.5 39062.5 379687.5 1265.625 130.2083 1265.625 Ix Kx Iy Ky h(cm) b(cm) L(cm) 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 600 600 600 450 600 450 600 600 56250 56250 56250 56250 107188 107188 107188 107188 93.75 93.75 93.75 125 178.65 238.19 178.65 178.65 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 78750 78750 78750 78750 65.10417 65.10417 65.10417 86.80556 131.25 175 131.25 131.25 30 30 50 25 25 45 300 300 300 56250 56250 468750 187.5 187.5 1562.5 39062.5 39062.5 379687.5 130.2083 130.2083 1265.625 Ix Kx Iy Ky h(cm) b(cm) L(cm) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 600 600 600 450 600 450 600 600 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 93.75 93.75 93.75 125 93.75 125 93.75 93.75 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 65.10417 65.10417 65.10417 86.80556 65.10417 86.80556 65.10417 65.10417 30 30 30 25 25 25 300 300 300 39760.8 56250 56250 132.54 187.5 187.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 130.2083 130.2083 130.2083 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 171 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Frame-117 1.0 Lex frame h(cm) b(cm) L(cm) Ix Kx Iy Ky beam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 column A C 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 600 600 600 450 600 450 600 600 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 56250 93.75 93.75 93.75 125 93.75 125 93.75 93.75 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 39062.5 65.10417 65.10417 65.10417 86.80556 65.10417 86.80556 65.10417 65.10417 30 30 25 25 300 300 56250 56250 187.5 187.5 39062.5 39062.5 130.2083 130.2083 4.5.2 Determination of the effective length The effective buckling length Le of a column in a given plane may be obtained from the following: o Non-sway mode Le m 0.4 0.7 L m 0.8 o Sway mode Le 7.5 4(1 2 ) 1.61 2 1.15 L 7.5 1 2 Le 1 0.8 m 1.15 L K Kc 1 1 K11 K12 K Kc 2 2 K 21 K 22 2 m 1 2 Our assumption is that the columns are sway mode and this will be proved in the next pages. The calculations are tabulated below. Or conservatively Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 172 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project frame 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 2.0 Lye frame 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 K1 187.5 266.7 266.7 178.6 178.6 93.8 93.8 93.8 K2 250.0 266.7 266.7 178.6 178.6 93.8 93.8 93.8 K7 0.0 187.5 266.7 266.7 178.6 178.6 93.8 93.8 K8 K1 187.5 266.7 266.7 178.6 178.6 93.8 93.8 93.8 K2 250.0 266.7 266.7 178.6 178.6 93.8 93.8 93.8 K7 0.0 187.5 266.7 266.7 178.6 178.6 93.8 93.8 K8 0.0 187.5 355.6 355.6 238.2 178.6 93.8 93.8 0.0 187.5 355.6 355.6 238.2 178.6 93.8 93.8 KA 1898.4 748.6 1265.6 1265.6 1265.6 130.2 130.2 130.2 KB 748.6 1265.6 1265.6 1265.6 130.2 130.2 130.2 0.0 KC KA 2343.8 748.6 1562.5 1562.5 1562.5 187.5 132.5 132.5 KB 748.6 1562.5 1562.5 1562.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 0.0 KC 0.0 1898.4 748.6 1265.6 1265.6 1265.6 130.2 130.2 0.0 2343.8 1497.3 1562.5 1562.5 1562.5 187.5 187.5 α1 6.1 3.8 4.7 7.1 3.9 1.4 1.4 0.7 α2 1.0 7.1 3.2 4.1 6.1 3.9 1.4 1.4 αm α1 7.1 4.3 5.9 8.7 4.9 2.0 1.7 0.7 α2 1.0 8.2 4.9 5.0 7.5 4.9 1.7 1.7 αm 3.5 5.4 4.0 5.6 5.0 2.6 1.4 1.0 L 2000 6000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Lex 3909.06 13857.58 6143.28 7010.67 6702.61 5297.56 4358.90 4062.02 4.0 6.3 5.4 6.9 6.2 3.4 1.7 1.2 L 2000 6000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Lye 4112.091 14735.95 6913.515 7652.923 7322.664 5816.584 4614.042 4205.874 4.5.3 Check for sway mode A frame said to be in sway mode if N Nsd/ Ncr > 0.1 otherwise non-sway Results are tabulated below frame 109 h(mm) b(mm) IC*10^6 no bars 550 550 7626 12 4492 Is Eie Ncr*10^6 Nsd*10^6 ratio 4E+07 65.274 4.6866 0.07 condition nonsway 28 6E+08 1.1E+14 12 28 6E+08 1.1E+14 2E+07 5.0829 3.6283 0.71 sway 110 550 112 500 450 4688 10 28 3E+08 6.2E+13 2E+07 12.886 3.1405 0.24 sway 113 500 450 4688 10 24 2E+08 4.6E+13 2E+07 7.7243 3.3636 0.44 sway 114 450 400 3038 8 24 1E+08 2.9E+13 2E+07 5.3339 2.5282 0.47 sway 115 450 400 3038 8 24 1E+08 2.9E+13 2E+07 8.4537 1.6846 0.2 sway 116 300 250 562.5 6 20 3E+07 5.9E+12 3E+06 2.7352 0.832 0.3 117 300 250 562.5 6 20 3E+07 5.9E+12 3E+06 3.2918 0.0925 0.03 sway nonsway revise columns 109 &117 frame 1835 >0.7*2000=1400 109 Lye= frame 3746 >0.7*3000=2100 117 Ley= Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 173 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.5.4 Check slenderness ratio For isolated columns, the slenderness ratio is defined by: L Where Le is the effective buckling length e i i is the minimum radius of gyration of the concrete section. Limits of slenderness The slenderness ratio of concrete columns shall not exceed 140 Second order effects in compressive members need not be taken in to account in the following cases: o For sway frames, the greater of one of the following equations 25 15 d o For non-sway frames M1 M2 Where M1 and M2 are the first-order (calculated) moments at the ends, M2 being always positive and greater in magnitude than M1,and M1being positive if member is bent in single curvature and negative if bent in double curvature. N d sd f cd Ac 50 25 slenderness ratio assumed as isolated columns frame Iy Le A 109 4E+05 183.5 110 4E+05 1474 112 4E+05 691.4 113 4E+05 765.3 114 4E+05 732.3 115 39063 581.7 116 39063 461.4 117 39063 374.6 λ i 3025 2376 2250 2250 1800 1800 750 750 11.2 13.75 12.99 12.99 14.52 4.658 7.217 7.217 condition non-slender non-slender non-slender non-slender non-slender non-slender non-slender non-slender 16.4 107 53.2 58.9 50.4 125 63.9 51.9 4.5.5 Check for long or short column condition and consideration of the second order effects. frame Ac(mm2) sway frames 110 2E+05 112 2E+05 113 2E+05 114 2E+05 115 2E+05 116 75000 Nsd(N) 4E+06 3E+06 3E+06 3E+06 2E+06 8E+05 v λ 1.348 1.232 1.319 1.24 0.826 0.979 λ<25 12.92 13.51 13.06 13.47 16.5 15.16 λcomputed 25 25 25 25 25 25 107.170527 53.22026382 58.91223233 56.36989359 101.9479819 80.8708697 frame type 2nd order effect Long Long Long Long Long Long considered considered considered considered considered considered 2nd order Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 174 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project non sway frames 109 117 M1 3E+05 1E+05 -18.8 -26.3 M2 λ 50- 25(M1/M2) 115.9 46.5 54.06 64.14 effect 14.1 65.7 Not considered considered 4.5.6 Determination of the total eccentricity. The total eccentricity to be used for the design columns of constant cross-section at the critical section is given by: etot = ee+ea+e2 Where ea is equivalent constant first-order eccentricity of the design axial load ee =eo …for first order eccentricity eo equal at both ends of a column. ee= 0.6eo2+0.4eo2 ee = 0.4eo2 ….for first order moments varying linearly along the length the equivalent eccentricity is the higher value. Where eo1 and eo2 are the first order eccentricities at the ends, eo2 being positive and greater in magnitude. ea is the additional eccentricity e2 is the second- order eccentricity, for non sway frames e2 is given by K L2 e2 1 e Where: Le is the effective buckling length of the column 10r K1=λ/20-0.75 for 15 < λ < 35 K1=1.0 for λ > 35 1/r is the curvature at the critical section In the amplified sway moments method, the sway moments found by a first order analysis shall be increased by multiplying them by the moment magnification factor: 1 s N 1 sd N cr Where Nsd is the design value of the total vertical load Ncr is its critical value for failure in a sway mode The amplified sway moments method shall not be used when the critical load ratio Nsd/Ncr is more than 0.25. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 175 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Results are tabulated below. a) determination of the imperfection eccentricity ,ea adjusted frame Le ea(mm) ea(mm) 109 1835 6.115 20 110 14736 49.12 49.12 112 6914 23.045 23.05 113 7653 25.51 25.51 114 7323 24.409 24.41 115 5817 19.389 20 116 4614 15.38 20 117 3746 12.487 20 b) second order eccentricity e2 frame Ncr*10^6 Nsd*10^6 Nsd/Ncr 109 65.27 4.69 0.09 110 5.08 3.63 0.65 112 12.89 3.14 0.27 113 7.72 3.36 0.35 114 5.33 2.53 0.28 115 8.45 1.68 0.28 116 2.74 0.83 0.14 117 3.29 0.09 0.01 c-1) case -1 for comb-1 frame M1x M2x M1y 109 0.7 3.6 2.3 110 7.8 9.4 2.3 112 1.8 3.6 34.8 113 2.8 3.7 60.3 114 1.5 2.2 69.5 115 0.9 1.1 38.7 116 3.2 4.2 60.3 117 1.1 3.1 12.7 c-2) case -2 worst case frame 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 M1x 26.8 6.0 22.7 41.3 48.9 26.8 55.0 8.5 M2x 156.7 7.6 30.5 42.6 57.2 34.5 69.5 23.4 M2y 8.1 16.9 44.7 61.1 139.9 48.8 60.5 32.2 M1y 0.0 179.3 223.7 231.6 221.3 135.5 116.6 54.8 σs σs(adjusted) 1.00 1.00 2.85 1.33 1.37 1.33 1.53 1.33 1.40 1.33 1.40 1.33 1.17 1.17 1.01 1.01 corrected moments for 2nd order σs M1x M2x M1y M2y 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.0 M2y 6.2 244.4 227.9 266.7 255.3 140.7 126.5 56.8 0.7 10.4 2.4 3.7 2.0 1.2 3.7 1.1 σs 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.0 3.6 12.5 4.8 4.9 2.9 1.5 4.9 3.1 M1x 26.8 8.0 30.3 55.0 65.2 35.7 64.2 8.6 2.3 3.1 46.4 80.4 92.6 51.6 70.4 12.9 M2x 156.7 10.1 40.7 56.8 76.2 46.0 81.2 23.7 Nsd eo1y eo2y eo1x 4.7 3.6 3.1 3.4 2.5 1.7 0.8 0.1 0.1 2.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.7 4.5 11.6 0.8 3.5 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.9 5.9 34.0 0.5 0.8 14.8 23.9 36.6 30.6 84.6 139.1 8.1 22.5 59.6 81.4 186.5 65.1 70.7 32.6 M1y 0.0 239.0 298.2 308.7 295.0 180.6 136.2 55.5 M2y 6.2 325.8 303.8 355.5 340.3 187.6 147.7 57.6 Nsd 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.5 1.9 1.3 0.6 0.1 eo1y 7.6 2.3 9.8 21.8 34.4 28.3 103.2 120.0 eo2y 44.5 2.9 13.1 22.6 40.3 36.4 130.4 330.3 c) determination of 1st order eccentricity e0 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 176 eo2x eo1x 0.0 69.5 96.3 122.6 155.8 143.0 218.8 773.5 1.7 6.2 19.0 24.2 73.8 38.6 84.9 352.8 eo2x 1.7 94.8 98.1 141.1 179.7 148.5 237.4 801.7 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project c-1) case -1 for comb-1 frame eo1y eo2y 109 0.15 0.77 110 2.87 3.45 112 0.58 1.16 113 1.11 1.45 114 0.79 1.16 115 0.71 0.87 116 4.49 5.90 117 11.61 33.96 c-2) case -2 worst case eo1x 0.00 69.55 96.29 122.57 155.80 142.99 218.84 773.51 eo2x 1.73 6.21 14.39 24.21 73.76 38.61 84.93 352.79 0.6*eo2y0.4*eoy1 0.40 0.93 0.46 0.42 0.38 0.24 1.74 15.73 0.4*eo2y 0.31 1.38 0.46 0.58 0.46 0.35 2.36 13.59 eoy 0.40 1.38 0.46 0.58 0.46 0.35 2.36 15.73 0.6*eo2y0.4*eoy1 1.04 -24.09 -29.88 -34.50 -18.06 -34.03 -36.58 -97.73 0.4*eo2y 0.69 2.48 5.76 9.69 29.51 15.45 33.97 141.12 eox 1.04 2.48 5.76 9.69 29.51 15.45 33.97 141.12 eo1y 7.63 2.33 9.77 21.83 34.43 28.28 103.23 119.98 eo1x 5.34 69.55 96.29 122.57 155.80 142.99 218.84 773.51 eo2x 1.75 94.80 98.10 141.13 179.74 148.47 237.42 801.74 0.6*eo2y0.4*eoy1 23.68 0.83 3.97 4.80 10.39 10.53 36.97 150.18 0.4*eo2y 17.82 1.17 5.25 9.03 16.11 14.56 52.18 132.12 eoy 23.68 1.17 5.25 9.03 16.11 14.56 52.18 150.18 0.6*eo2y0.4*eoy1 -1.09 29.06 20.34 35.65 45.52 31.89 54.92 171.64 0.4*eo2y 0.70 37.92 39.24 56.45 71.89 59.39 94.97 320.69 eox 0.70 37.92 39.24 56.45 71.89 59.39 94.97 320.69 frame 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 eo2y 44.54 2.93 13.13 22.56 40.27 36.41 130.44 330.29 Total eccentricity total eccentricity editor and moments c-1) case -1 for comb-1 eoy 0.40 109 1.38 110 0.46 112 0.58 113 0.46 114 0.35 115 2.36 116 15.73 117 c-2) case -2 worst case eox 1.04 2.48 5.76 9.69 29.51 15.45 33.97 141.12 Nsd*10^ 6 4.69 3.63 3.14 3.36 2.53 1.68 0.83 0.09 ea 20.00 49.12 23.05 25.51 24.41 20.00 20.00 20.00 ed,tot x 21.04 51.60 28.80 35.20 53.91 35.45 53.97 161.12 ed,tot y 20.40 50.50 23.51 26.09 24.87 20.35 22.36 35.73 Mdx 95.61 183.23 73.83 87.75 62.88 34.28 18.60 3.31 Mdy 98.59 187.23 90.45 118.38 136.31 59.71 44.90 14.90 eoy 23.68 1.17 5.25 9.03 16.11 14.56 52.18 150.1 8 eox 17.63 37.92 39.24 56.45 71.89 59.39 94.97 Nsd 3.52 3.44 3.10 2.52 1.89 1.26 0.62 ea 20.00 49.12 23.05 25.51 24.41 20.00 20.00 ed,tot x 37.63 87.04 62.29 81.96 96.30 79.39 114.97 ed,tot y 43.68 50.29 28.30 34.54 40.52 34.56 72.18 Mdx 153.65 172.83 87.63 86.99 76.71 43.66 44.92 Mdy 132.38 299.11 192.88 206.46 182.34 100.29 71.54 320.69 0.07 20.00 340.69 170.18 12.22 24.46 frame frame 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 177 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 4.5.7 Reinforcement bars determination Reinforcements provided according to EBCS-2, 1995 using interaction charts as follows. case-1 frame 109 112 113 114 115 116 117 case-2 frame 109 112 113 114 Ac(mm2) 302500 225000 225000 180000 120000 105000 75000 h(mm) 550.00 500.00 500.00 450.00 400.00 350.00 300.00 N 4686.60 3140.50 3363.60 2528.20 1684.60 832.00 92.50 Mh 95.61 73.83 87.75 62.88 34.28 18.60 3.31 Mb 97.67 90.45 118.38 136.55 59.71 44.90 16.28 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.7 0.1 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.15 0.11 0.11 0.06 w 0.63 0.47 0.53 0.71 0.57 0.16 0.15 remark bi 18 bi 18 bi 18 bi 18 bi 18 bi 18 bi 17 Ac(mm2) 302500 225000 225000 180000 h(mm) 550.00 500.00 500.00 450.00 N 3517.85 3096.70 2519.00 1893.40 Mh 153.65 87.63 86.99 76.71 Mb 132.38 192.88 206.46 182.34 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.15 0.16 0.20 w 0.32 0.825 0.7 0.76 115 120000 116 105000 117 75000 for circles frame Ac(mm2) casi-1 110 237583 casi-2 110 237583 400.00 350.00 300.00 1263.20 622.30 71.80 43.66 44.92 12.22 100.29 71.54 24.46 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.18 0.17 0.10 0.74 0.43 0.24 remark bi 18 bi 18 bi 18 bi 18 bi cha.no17&18 bi cha.no17 bi cha.no17 h(mm) N Mh Mb Mad 550.00 3628.30 183.23 190.51 264.3 1.3 0.18 0.93 bi 18 550.00 3436.50 172.83 299.11 345.5 1.3 0.24 1.17 bi 18 w final reinforcements frame 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 Ac(mm2) 302500 237583 225000 225000 180000 120000 105000 75000 w 0.63 1.17 0.83 0.70 0.76 0.74 0.43 0.24 As, calc 8277 12073 8062 6840 5941 3857 1961 782 Amin 2420 1901 1800 1800 1440 960 840 600 Asmax 24200 19007 18000 18000 14400 9600 8400 6000 As provided 8277 12073 8062 6840 5941 3857 1961 782 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 16 No bars 18.30 26.69 17.82 15.12 13.13 8.53 6.24 3.89 provided 19 12 14 12 10 9 7 4 4.5.8 Transverse bars for columns The purpose of transverse bars is to keep the longitudinal bars in position and prevent them from buckling outwards. The minimum diameter of ties or spirals is 6mm or the longitudinal bars divided by four, which ever is greater. The spacing of the bars is given by C/c spacing ≤ 12 b= least dimension of the colum 300mm 178 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Based on the above requirement and dimension of the transverse bars, the required spacing is tabulated below. Column Minimum Spacing frame b spacing calculated 109 24 550 300 288 112 24 400 300 288 113 20 400 300 240 114 20 300 300 240 115 20 300 300 240 116 16 250 300 192 117 16 250 300 192 For the column frame110, provide spirals with 100mm pitch. Spacing provided 280mm 280 240 240 240 190 190 Stirrup diameter 4.5.9 Lap length for columns According to EBCS-2,1995, the basic anchorage length Lb for any bar diameter of deformed bar is given by: Lb = * fyd /(8fctd) For C-25 and s-300 Lb = 260.87* /(8*1.032) = 31.6 The required anchorage length Lb,net is calculated as Lb,net = a*Lb* As,cal/As.eff ≥ Lb,min, where a = 1(deformed bars) & 0.7 for hooked bars in tension. Lb,min = 10 , for bars in tension = 18.96 ≤31.6 , for compression bars(calculated for beams above) For bars with 100% lapping at a given section where a1 = 1.4( , EBCS-2 Table 7.3), the required lap length is computed by : Lo≥a1* Lb,net ≥ Lo,min Lo≥1.4*31.6 The results for the above expression is tabulated below. Lb,net = 31.6 *As,cal/As,eff Column As,cal(mm2) Serf(mm2) Lo(mm2) (mm) frame (mm) 7883 8143 24 735 1030 110 8842 9048 24 940 1316 109 6840 7238 24 720 1008 112 5570 5655 20 625 875 113 551 5655 20 620 868 114 2971 3142 20 600 840 115 1961 2011 16 490 686 116 619 804 16 390 546 117 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 179 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project CHAPTER 5 5. Foundation design 5.1 Loading This is obtained from sap 2000 analysis result. Two combinations are considered. o Comb-1 Fx = 2.14KN M x= 2.29KNm F y = 5.18KN M y= 3.60KNm P = 4686.6KN o Comb-2 Fx = 91.75KN M x= 3.00KNm Fy = 3.20KN My = 156.70KNm P= 3517.85KN Material data Concrete C-25 Steel s-300 Soil data The soil where the structure is to be constructed is of weathered rock type and from EBCS-7, 1995 the design bearing resistance is given as 1400KPa. σs =1400KPa Taking a factor of safety 1.5, σal = 933.33KPa 5.2 Proportioning of footing A) Design for comb-1 1) proportioning of the plan area B’ b L’ Mekelle university department of civil engineering b is the dimension of the footing pad B’ is the footing column width L’ is the footing column height May 18,2006 180 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project b σs =P(1+ 6ea/a+6eb/b)/(a*b) Where ea= My/P and eb=Mx/P in our case B’=L’=550mm and we used a/b=1.50 usually used ratio. ea= My/P =3.60/4686.6=0.0008 eb=Mx/P =2.29/4686.6=0.0005 Using these data: 933.33=4686.6(1+ 6*0.0008/b+6*0.0005/b)/b2 Using trial and error procedure b =2.244m Use b=2.3m We check these values for maximum and minimum stresses. σmax = 4686.6(1+ 6*0.0008/2.3+6*0.0005/2.3)/2.32 = 887.276< 933.33 ok! min = 4686.6(1- 6*0.0008/(1.5*1.6)-6*0.0005/1.6)/(2.32) =882.7 >0 ok! B) Design for comb-4 σs =P(1+ 6ea/a+6eb/b)/(a*b) Where ea= My/P and eb=Mx/P in our case B’=L’=550mm and we used a/b=1.50 usually used ratio. ea= My/P =156.7/3517.85=0.045m eb=Mx/P =3.20/3517.85=0.001m Using these data: 933.33=3517.85(1+ 6*0.045/b+6*0.001/b)/b2 Using trial and error procedure b =2.067m However this is less than the above computed values for comb-1. So the governing condition for proportioning is comb-1 loading. So we use b=2.30m 5.3 Depth determination 5.3.1 Punching shear The punching shear is obtained at a distance d from the face of the columns. For comb-1 d + 0.55 0.55m d + 0.55 punching zone d/2 0.55m Mekelle university department of civil engineering b =2.3m May 18,2006 181 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project d/2 b =2.30m P=4686.50KN 882.7 887.27 Acting punching shear Pp=P-(0.55+d) 2 * σaverag Where σaverage = (882.7+887.27)/2 = 885.135 Sheared area Ap= (0.55+d)*4*d Acting stress Up= Pp/Up Punching resistance Ucp=0.5fctd *(1+50ρ) Where fctd=√0.21*Fck^2/3 /γc =0.21*(20)^(2/3)/1.5 =1.03*103 Kpa But Up<Ucp Pp=4686.6-(0.55+d)2 *885.135 < 567.34 Kpa (0.55+d)*4*d Solving for d by trial and error procedure d>0.84 Then D=d+cover =0.84+.05 =0.90m Use D=0.90m and d=0.85m For comb-4 d + 0.55 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 182 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 0.55m d + 0.55 punching zone d/2 0.55m b =2.3m d/2 b =2.30m P=3517.85KN 713.43 930.27 Acting punching shear Pp=P-(0.55+d) 2 * σaverag Where σaverage = (713.43+930.9)/2 = 822.17 Sheared area Ap= (0.55+d)*4*d Acting stress Up= Pp/Up Punching resistance Ucp=0.5fctd *(1+50ρ) Where fctd=√0.21*Fck^2/3 /γc =0.21*(20)^(2/3)/1.5 ρ= ρmin=0.002 fctd =1.03*103 But Up<Ucp Ucp=0.5fctd *(1+50ρ) =567.34KPa Pp=3517.85-(0.55+d) 2 * σaverag <567.34 Kpa (0.55+d)*4*d Solving for d by trial and error procedure d>0.74 And D=0.67+.05 = 0.79m <0.90m Therefore, use D=0.90m and d=0.85m 5.3.2. Wide beam shear for depth (diagonal shear) The wide beam shear is calculated at a distance of d from the face of the footing column. For comb-1 2 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 183 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 0.55m wide bean shear zone. 0.55m b =2.30m d 1 1 b =2.30m 2 P=4686.6KN 882.7 887.27 Section 1-1 Acting punching shear stress Vp =2.3*(2.3/2-0.55/2-.85) * σ’ Where σ’= (2.3-2.3*.5-0.55*.5-0.85)/2.3*(887.27-882.7)+882.7 =882.75 Vp=50.76KPa Resistance Ucw=0.3fctd *(1+50ρ) where the parameters are as defined above =386.10Kpa Hence Vp < Ucp ok! The section is enough. Section 2-2 The section is not within the area. For comb-4 2 0.55m wide beam shear zone. 0.55 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 184 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 1 b =2.30m d1 b =2.30m 2 3517.85KN σ’ σ’ 713.43 930.9 Section 1-1 Acting punching shear stress Vp =2.30(2.3/2-0.55/2-.85) * σ’ Where σ’= (2.3-2.3*.5-0.55*.5-0.85)/2.3*(930.9-713.43)+713.43 =718.86KN And Vp=41.33KPa Resistance Ucw=0.3fctd *(1+50ρ) where the parameters are as defined above =386.10Kpa Hence Vp < Ucp ok! The section is enough. Section 2-2 The section is out of the zone. 5.4 Reinforcement The design moments are obtained at the face of the columns. Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 185 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Critical section for moment calculation 887. 27 for comb-1 882.7 2.83 1.74 Critical section for moment calculation for comb-4 713.43 930.9 134.74 82.73 Design moments For comb-1 M=2.83 * 0.875*0.875/2+1.74*0.875*0.5*2/3+882.7*0.875*0.875 /2 =339.5KNm For comb-4 M=134.74 * 0.875*0.875/2+82.73*0.875*0.5*2/3+713.43*0.875*0.875 /2 =338.77KNm So, the design moment is Md = 339.5KNm Reinforcing bar determination, using steel 20 Km=√(Md/b) and As= Ks *Msd d d Where Ks is read from EBCS-2 part-II, 1995 and b=1.00m ( per meter width) table-1a Km=√ (339.5/1.00) /0.85 =21.7 for which Ks=4.00 and As= Ks *Msd =4.00*339.5/.85 d Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 186 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project As =1598mm2 = 6 steel bars a b 314 *1000 S Spacing, s = s* =196.5mm 1598 As 20mm so use 20 C/C 190mm S 2 * d 850 * 2 1700mm Reinforcement provisions o For As<As,min ;As=As,min distribute the bars uniformly. o For As>As,min; compute PB; PB 2 a 1 b Apply this percentage of steel in zone B PA=1-PB percentage of steel in zone A a Since a = b; PA=PB;, there is no zoning of reinforcements. Provide uniform reinforcemet in both directions. b Zo n e A Zo n e B Z olength neA 5.4.3 Development f yd 20 * 260.87 Ld 1019mm Kf ctd 4 (*a1.-28 b)/ 2 (a- b)/ 2 Ld,av=875-50=825mm, Ld,req>Ld,av hence bend the bars at the corner. b Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 187 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Conclusion and recommendation Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 188 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Sap 2000 results for selected axes A) for columns on the selected axis LOAD COMBINATION MULTIPLIERS COMBO COMBO TYPE CASE FACTOR LOAD TYPE COMB1 ADD VERTICAL 1 STATIC(DEAD) COMB1 ADD HPX 0 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB1 ADD HPY 0 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB2 ADD VERTICAL 0.75 STATIC(DEAD) COMB2 ADD HPX 1 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB2 ADD HPY 0 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB3 ADD VERTICAL 0.75 STATIC(DEAD) COMB3 ADD HPX 0 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB3 ADD HPY 1 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB4 ADD VERTICAL 0.75 STATIC(DEAD) COMB4 ADD HPX -1 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB4 ADD HPY 0 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB5 ADD VERTICAL 0.75 STATIC(DEAD) COMB5 ADD HPX 0 STATIC(QUAKE) COMB5 ADD HPY -1 STATIC(QUAKE) FRAME ELEMENT FORCES FRAME LOAD LOC P V2 109 COMB1 0 4686.61 -2.140495 109 COMB1 1 4681.31 -2.140495 109 COMB1 2 4676.01 -2.140495 109 COMB2 0 3512.07 88.54024 109 COMB2 1 3508.09 88.54024 109 COMB2 2 3504.12 88.54024 109 COMB3 0 3333.76 -1.692964 Mekelle university department of civil engineering TITLE COMB1 COMB1 COMB1 COMB2 COMB2 COMB2 COMB3 COMB3 COMB3 COMB4 COMB4 COMB4 COMB5 COMB5 COMB5 V3 T M2 M3 5.175736 2.16E-02 2.286316 -3.60057 5.175736 2.16E-02 -2.88942 -1.46008 5.175736 2.16E-02 -8.06516 0.680415 4.490137 1.083142 3.032294 151.276 4.490137 1.083142 -1.45784 62.7358 4.490137 1.083142 -5.94798 -25.8044 67.33003 1.237754 115.8598 -2.97424 May 18,2006 189 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 109 COMB3 1 3329.78 -1.692964 67.33003 1.237754 48.52974 109 COMB3 -1.692964 67.33003 1.237754 109 COMB4 -3325.8 0 3517.85 1 3513.88 109 COMB4 2 109 COMB4 109 COMB5 2 -3509.9 0 3696.16 -1.28128 -18.8003 0.411684 -91.75098 3.273467 -1.05078 0.39718 -156.677 -91.75098 3.273467 -1.05078 -2.87629 -64.9259 -91.75098 3.273467 -1.05078 -6.14975 26.82507 -1.517778 -59.5664 -1.20539 -112.43 -2.42662 109 COMB5 1 -3692.19 -1.517778 -59.5664 -1.20539 -52.8639 -0.90884 109 COMB5 2 -3688.21 -1.517778 -59.5664 -1.20539 6.702551 0.608938 110 COMB1 0 -4628.29 -2.874182 3.201618 0.218044 2.330593 -9.40649 110 COMB1 3 -4614.41 -2.874182 3.201618 0.218044 -7.27426 -0.78394 110 COMB1 6 -4600.53 -2.874182 3.201618 0.218044 -16.8791 7.838605 110 COMB2 0 -3476.17 54.69037 3.33663 -0.59156 5.2313 195.5844 110 COMB2 3 -3465.76 54.69037 3.33663 -0.59156 -4.77859 31.51334 110 COMB2 6 -3455.35 54.69037 3.33663 -0.59156 -14.7885 -132.558 110 COMB3 0 -3305.93 -2.252531 70.62159 0.375985 244.3846 -7.55948 110 COMB3 3 -3295.52 -2.252531 70.62159 0.375985 32.51983 -0.80189 110 COMB3 6 -3285.11 -2.252531 70.62159 0.375985 -179.345 5.955707 110 COMB4 0 -3466.26 -59.00164 1.465797 0.918629 -1.73541 -209.694 110 COMB4 3 -3455.85 -59.00164 1.465797 0.918629 -6.1328 -32.6893 110 COMB4 6 -3445.44 -59.00164 1.465797 0.918629 -10.5302 144.3157 110 COMB5 0 -3636.5 -2.058743 -65.8192 -4.89E-02 -240.889 -6.55026 110 COMB5 3 -3626.09 -2.058743 -65.8192 -4.89E-02 -43.4312 -0.37403 110 COMB5 6 -3615.68 -2.058743 -65.8192 -4.89E-02 154.0263 5.8022 112 COMB1 0 -4140.48 -1.798662 26.51266 -6.48E-02 34.79985 -3.62835 112 COMB1 1.5 -4135.53 -1.798662 26.51266 -6.48E-02 -4.96913 -0.93035 112 COMB1 3 -4130.59 -1.798662 26.51266 -6.48E-02 -44.7381 1.767639 112 COMB2 0 -3114.02 96.14928 22.0355 -0.44282 29.47306 144.8696 112 COMB2 1.5 -3110.31 96.14928 22.0355 -0.44282 -3.58019 0.645635 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 190 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 112 COMB2 3 -3106.6 96.14928 22.0355 -0.44282 -36.6335 -143.578 112 COMB3 0 -2970.59 -2.158519 150.5536 1.594374 223.7237 -4.00741 112 COMB3 1.5 -2966.88 -2.158519 150.5536 1.594374 -2.10673 -0.76963 112 COMB3 3 -2963.17 -2.158519 150.5536 1.594374 -227.937 2.468149 112 COMB4 0 -3096.7 -98.84728 17.73349 0.345558 22.72672 -150.312 112 COMB4 1.5 -3092.99 -98.84728 17.73349 0.345558 -3.87351 -2.04117 112 COMB4 3 -3089.28 -98.84728 17.73349 0.345558 -30.4737 146.2298 112 COMB5 0 -3240.13 -0.5394731 -110.785 -1.69164 -171.524 -1.43511 112 COMB5 1.5 -3236.42 -0.5394731 -110.785 -1.69164 -5.34697 -0.6259 112 COMB5 3 -3232.71 -0.5394731 -110.785 -1.69164 160.83 0.183309 113 COMB1 0 -3363.57 -2.137234 40.49068 9.10E-03 60.34201 -2.75925 113 COMB1 1.5 -3358.63 -2.137234 40.49068 9.10E-03 -0.39401 0.446606 113 COMB1 3 -3353.68 -2.137234 40.49068 9.10E-03 -61.13 3.652457 113 COMB2 0 -2526.33 93.60765 32.7714 -0.74641 49.25657 153.8601 113 COMB2 1.5 -2522.62 93.60765 32.7714 -0.74641 9.95E-02 13.4486 113 COMB2 3 -2518.91 93.60765 32.7714 -0.74641 -49.0577 -126.963 113 COMB3 0 -2429.18 -1.939427 166.1104 1.692223 266.7087 -2.5573 113 COMB3 1.5 -2425.47 -1.939427 166.1104 1.692223 17.54308 0.351841 113 COMB3 3 -2421.75 -1.939427 166.1104 1.692223 -231.623 3.260981 113 COMB4 0 -2519.03 -96.81351 27.96461 0.760054 41.25645 -157.999 113 COMB4 1.5 -2515.32 -96.81351 27.96461 0.760054 -0.69048 -12.7787 113 COMB4 3 -2511.61 -96.81351 27.96461 0.760054 -42.6374 132.4416 113 COMB5 0 -2616.18 -1.266425 -105.374 -1.67858 -176.196 -1.58157 113 COMB5 1.5 -2612.47 -1.266425 -105.374 -1.67858 -18.1341 0.318068 113 COMB5 3 -2608.76 -1.266425 -105.374 -1.67858 139.9275 2.217705 114 COMB1 0 -2528.15 -0.9201338 50.15692 -9.66E-03 69.49894 -1.51283 114 COMB1 1.5 -2523.2 -0.9201338 50.15692 -9.66E-03 -5.73644 -0.13263 114 COMB1 3 -2518.25 -0.9201338 50.15692 -9.66E-03 -80.9718 1.247571 114 COMB2 0 -1898.87 79.60029 39.85416 -1.03697 55.33154 111.5015 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 191 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 114 COMB2 1.5 -1895.16 79.60029 39.85416 -1.03697 -4.44971 -7.89896 114 COMB2 3 -1891.45 79.60029 39.85416 -1.03697 -64.231 -127.299 114 COMB3 0 -1837.43 -0.8763787 158.8766 2.117972 221.3313 -1.39758 114 COMB3 1.5 -1833.72 -0.8763787 158.8766 2.117972 -16.9836 -8.30E-02 114 COMB3 3 -1830.01 -0.8763787 158.8766 2.117972 -255.299 1.231553 114 COMB4 0 -1893.35 -80.98049 35.38122 1.022483 48.91687 -113.771 114 COMB4 1.5 -1889.64 -80.98049 35.38122 1.022483 -4.15495 7.700017 114 COMB4 3 -1885.93 -80.98049 35.38122 1.022483 -57.2268 129.1708 114 COMB5 0 -1954.79 -0.503822 -83.6412 -2.13246 -117.083 -0.87166 114 COMB5 1.5 -1951.08 -0.503822 -83.6412 -2.13246 8.378952 -0.11593 114 COMB5 3 -1947.36 -0.503822 -83.6412 -2.13246 133.8408 0.639804 115 COMB1 0 -1684.55 -0.6564836 29.15783 3.34E-02 38.69833 -1.12123 115 COMB1 1.5 -1681.9 -0.6564836 29.15783 3.34E-02 -5.03842 -0.1365 115 COMB1 3 -1679.25 -0.6564836 29.15783 3.34E-02 -48.7752 0.848222 115 COMB2 0 -1263.61 58.43499 23.30515 -0.80643 31.23643 90.89462 115 COMB2 1.5 -1261.62 58.43499 23.30515 -0.80643 -3.7213 3.242129 115 COMB2 3 -1259.63 58.43499 23.30515 -0.80643 -38.679 -84.4104 115 COMB3 0 -1233.41 -0.6978456 92.06669 1.790697 135.5141 -1.18083 115 COMB3 1.5 -1231.42 -0.6978456 92.06669 1.790697 -2.58589 -0.13406 115 COMB3 3 -1229.43 -0.6978456 92.06669 1.790697 -140.686 0.912711 115 COMB4 0 -1263.22 -59.41971 20.4316 0.85646 26.81106 -92.5765 115 COMB4 1.5 -1261.23 -59.41971 20.4316 0.85646 -3.83633 -3.44688 115 COMB4 3 -1259.24 -59.41971 20.4316 0.85646 -34.4837 85.68269 115 COMB5 0 -1293.42 -0.2868798 -48.3299 -1.74067 -77.4666 -0.50102 115 COMB5 1.5 -1291.43 -0.2868798 -48.3299 -1.74067 -4.97174 -7.07E-02 115 COMB5 3 -1289.44 -0.2868798 -48.3299 -1.74067 67.52316 0.359623 116 COMB1 0 -831.98 2.45706 40.27287 -4.50E-02 60.50126 3.20651 116 COMB1 1.5 -829.329 2.45706 40.27287 -4.50E-02 9.20E-02 -0.47908 116 COMB1 3 -826.679 2.45706 40.27287 -4.50E-02 -60.3173 -4.16467 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 192 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 116 COMB2 0 -622.302 41.48339 31.31137 -0.63758 46.93663 54.99307 116 COMB2 1.5 -620.314 41.48339 31.31137 -0.63758 -3.04E-02 -7.23202 116 COMB2 3 -618.326 41.48339 31.31137 -0.63758 -46.9975 -69.4571 116 COMB3 0 -610.779 1.717378 81.00648 2.070065 116.5516 2.24741 116 COMB3 1.5 -608.791 1.717378 81.00648 2.070065 -4.9581 -0.32866 116 COMB3 3 -606.803 1.717378 81.00648 2.070065 -126.468 -2.90473 116 COMB4 0 -625.668 -37.7978 29.09792 0.570097 43.81525 -50.1833 116 COMB4 1.5 -623.68 -37.7978 29.09792 0.570097 0.168373 6.513404 116 COMB4 3 -621.692 -37.7978 29.09792 0.570097 -43.4785 63.21011 116 COMB5 0 -637.191 1.968211 -20.5972 -2.13755 -25.7997 2.562355 116 COMB5 1.5 -635.203 1.968211 -20.5972 -2.13755 5.096039 -0.38996 116 COMB5 3 -633.215 1.968211 -20.5972 -2.13755 35.99182 -3.34228 117 COMB1 0 -92.4498 -1.373157 14.95719 -0.10888 32.19745 -1.0619 117 COMB1 1.5 -89.7991 -1.373157 14.95719 -0.10888 9.761655 0.997833 117 COMB1 3 -87.1485 -1.373157 14.95719 -0.10888 -12.6741 3.057568 117 COMB2 0 -66.8151 22.20233 11.81783 0.285902 24.9017 24.70395 117 COMB2 1.5 -64.8271 22.20233 11.81783 0.285902 7.174947 -8.59955 117 COMB2 3 -62.8391 22.20233 11.81783 0.285902 -10.5518 -41.9031 117 COMB3 0 -66.3854 -1.094417 37.18757 1.706004 56.78522 -0.83499 117 COMB3 1.5 -64.3974 -1.094417 37.18757 1.706004 1.00387 0.806635 117 COMB3 3 -62.4094 -1.094417 37.18757 1.706004 -54.7775 2.44826 117 COMB4 0 -71.8596 -24.26207 10.61796 -0.44922 23.39447 -26.2968 117 COMB4 1.5 -69.8716 -24.26207 10.61796 -0.44922 7.467535 10.0963 117 COMB4 3 -67.8836 -24.26207 10.61796 -0.44922 -8.4594 46.4894 117 COMB5 0 -72.2893 -0.9653181 -14.7518 -1.86933 -8.48905 -0.75786 117 COMB5 1.5 -70.3013 -0.9653181 -14.7518 -1.86933 13.63861 0.690115 117 COMB5 3 -68.3133 -0.9653181 -14.7518 -1.86933 35.76627 2.138092 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 193 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project B) for beams on selected axis LOAD COMBINATION MULTIPLIERS COMBO COMBO TYPE CASE FACTOR LOAD TYPE COMB1 ADD VERTICAL 1 STATIC(DEAD) TITLE COMB1 COMB1 COMB1 COMB2 COMB2 COMB2 COMB3 COMB3 COMB3 COMB4 COMB4 COMB4 COMB5 COMB5 COMB5 COMB1 COMB1 COMB2 COMB2 COMB2 COMB3 COMB3 COMB3 COMB4 COMB4 COMB4 COMB5 COMB5 COMB5 ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD HPX HPY VERTICAL HPX HPY VERTICAL HPX HPY VERTICAL HPX HPY VERTICAL HPX HPY 0 0 0.75 1 0 0.75 0 1 0.75 -1 0 0.75 0 -1 STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(DEAD) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(DEAD) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(DEAD) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(DEAD) STATIC(QUAKE) STATIC(QUAKE) FRAME ELEMENT FORCES FRAME LOAD LOC P V2 V3 T M2 M3 552 COMB1 0 0.15 -0.50 6.43 1.85 12.83 1.72 552 COMB1 1 0.15 2.33 6.43 1.85 6.40 0.80 552 COMB1 2 0.15 5.16 6.43 1.85 -0.03 -2.94 552 COMB1 3 0.15 7.99 6.43 1.85 -6.47 -9.52 552 COMB1 4 0.15 10.81 6.43 1.85 -12.90 -18.92 552 COMB2 0 -33.16 46.52 15.84 0.86 33.59 57.34 552 COMB2 1 -33.16 48.64 15.84 0.86 17.75 9.76 552 COMB2 2 -33.16 50.76 15.84 0.86 1.91 -39.95 552 COMB2 3 -33.16 52.88 15.84 0.86 -13.93 -91.77 552 COMB2 4 -33.16 55.00 15.84 0.86 -29.77 -145.71 Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 194 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 552 COMB3 0 -2.77 -3.38 552 COMB3 1 -2.77 -1.26 552 COMB3 2 -2.77 0.87 552 COMB3 3 -2.77 2.99 552 COMB3 4 -2.77 5.11 552 COMB4 0 33.38 -47.27 552 COMB4 1 33.38 -45.15 552 COMB4 2 33.38 -43.03 552 COMB4 3 33.38 -40.91 552 COMB4 4 33.38 -38.78 552 COMB5 0 2.99 2.63 552 COMB5 1 2.99 4.75 552 COMB5 2 2.99 6.87 552 COMB5 3 2.99 8.99 552 COMB5 4 2.99 11.11 561 COMB1 0 36.28 -169.86 561 COMB1 1.5 36.28 -84.24 561 COMB1 3 36.28 1.37 561 COMB1 4.5 36.28 86.99 561 COMB1 6 36.28 172.60 561 COMB2 0 -7.69 -81.75 561 COMB2 1.5 -7.69 -17.53 561 COMB2 3 -7.69 46.68 561 COMB2 4.5 -7.69 110.89 561 COMB2 6 -7.69 175.10 561 COMB3 0 23.35 -128.06 561 COMB3 1.5 23.35 -63.84 561 COMB3 3 23.35 0.37 561 COMB3 4.5 23.35 64.58 561 COMB3 6 23.35 128.79 561 COMB4 0 62.12 -173.05 561 COMB4 1.5 62.12 -108.83 561 COMB4 3 62.12 -44.62 561 COMB4 4.5 62.12 19.59 561 COMB4 6 62.12 83.80 561 COMB5 0 31.08 -126.73 561 COMB5 1.5 31.08 -62.52 561 COMB5 3 31.08 1.69 561 COMB5 4.5 31.08 65.90 561 COMB5 6 31.08 130.11 570 COMB1 0 36.42 -178.89 570 COMB1 1.5 36.42 -90.28 570 COMB1 3 36.42 -1.66 570 COMB1 4.5 36.42 86.96 570 COMB1 6 36.42 175.57 570 COMB2 0 -41.83 -84.76 570 COMB2 1.5 -41.83 -18.30 570 COMB2 3 -41.83 48.17 Mekelle university department of civil engineering -20.71 -20.71 -20.71 -20.71 -20.71 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 30.36 30.36 30.36 30.36 30.36 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -1.38 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 -3.99 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 4.41 4.41 4.41 May 18,2006 -13.79 -13.79 -13.79 -13.79 -13.79 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 16.57 16.57 16.57 16.57 16.57 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.10 -41.02 -20.30 0.41 21.12 41.83 -14.34 -8.15 -1.96 4.23 10.42 60.26 29.90 -0.46 -30.82 -61.18 1.68 0.53 -0.61 -1.75 -2.90 14.74 7.04 -0.66 -8.36 -16.06 -2.02 0.04 2.10 4.17 6.23 -12.22 -6.24 -0.26 5.72 11.71 4.54 0.76 -3.02 -6.80 -10.58 -1.43 -0.85 -0.26 0.32 0.91 13.28 6.65 0.03 195 -3.30 -0.98 -0.79 -2.71 -6.76 -54.76 -8.56 35.53 77.50 117.34 5.87 2.18 -3.63 -11.56 -21.62 -160.42 30.16 92.32 26.05 -168.65 16.12 90.58 68.72 -49.46 -263.95 -122.04 21.88 69.49 20.78 -124.25 -256.75 -45.34 69.75 88.53 10.98 -118.58 23.36 68.99 18.29 -128.72 -177.27 24.60 93.56 29.59 -167.31 12.73 90.02 67.61 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 570 COMB2 4.5 -41.83 114.63 570 COMB2 6 -41.83 181.09 570 COMB3 0 28.86 -134.99 570 COMB3 1.5 28.86 -68.53 570 COMB3 3 28.86 -2.07 570 COMB3 4.5 28.86 64.39 570 COMB3 6 28.86 130.85 570 COMB4 0 96.45 -183.58 570 COMB4 1.5 96.45 -117.12 570 COMB4 3 96.45 -50.66 570 COMB4 4.5 96.45 15.80 570 COMB4 6 96.45 82.27 570 COMB5 0 25.77 -133.35 570 COMB5 1.5 25.77 -66.88 570 COMB5 3 25.77 -0.42 570 COMB5 4.5 25.77 66.04 570 COMB5 6 25.77 132.50 579 COMB1 0 27.11 -10.08 579 COMB1 1.5 27.11 -5.84 579 COMB1 3 27.11 -1.60 579 COMB1 4.5 27.11 2.64 579 COMB1 6 27.11 6.88 579 COMB2 0 -49.61 43.70 579 COMB2 1.5 -49.61 46.88 579 COMB2 3 -49.61 50.06 579 COMB2 4.5 -49.61 53.24 579 COMB2 6 -49.61 56.42 579 COMB3 0 28.35 -8.60 579 COMB3 1.5 28.35 -5.42 579 COMB3 3 28.35 -2.24 579 COMB3 4.5 28.35 0.94 579 COMB3 6 28.35 4.12 579 COMB4 0 90.28 -58.82 579 COMB4 1.5 90.28 -55.64 579 COMB4 3 90.28 -52.46 579 COMB4 4.5 90.28 -49.28 579 COMB4 6 90.28 -46.09 579 COMB5 0 12.32 -6.52 579 COMB5 1.5 12.32 -3.34 579 COMB5 3 12.32 -0.16 579 COMB5 4.5 12.32 3.02 579 COMB5 6 12.32 6.20 588 COMB1 0 32.44 -178.65 588 COMB1 1.5 32.44 -90.03 588 COMB1 3 32.44 -1.42 588 COMB1 4.5 32.44 87.20 588 COMB1 6 32.44 175.82 588 COMB2 0 -44.44 -85.55 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 4.41 4.41 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 -5.00 -5.00 -5.00 -5.00 -5.00 -5.40 -5.40 -5.40 -5.40 -5.40 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -4.26 -5.70 -5.70 -5.70 -5.70 -5.70 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 4.91 May 18,2006 0.10 0.10 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -2.08 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 -0.41 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.42 -6.59 -13.21 14.06 6.83 -0.39 -7.62 -14.85 -15.42 -7.93 -0.43 7.07 14.57 -16.21 -8.11 0.00 8.11 16.21 -1.95 -0.72 0.52 1.76 3.00 13.55 6.86 0.16 -6.53 -13.23 -12.12 -5.73 0.65 7.04 13.43 -16.48 -7.93 0.62 9.17 17.72 9.19 4.66 0.13 -4.40 -8.93 0.62 0.36 0.10 -0.16 -0.43 14.32 196 -54.48 -276.27 -135.39 17.25 70.21 23.46 -122.97 -278.64 -53.11 72.72 98.86 25.31 -130.52 19.65 70.13 20.91 -127.99 -23.25 -11.31 -5.73 -6.51 -13.66 136.84 68.91 -3.79 -81.26 -163.50 -20.61 -10.10 -4.36 -3.39 -7.19 -171.72 -85.88 -4.81 71.49 143.01 -14.26 -6.87 -4.24 -6.38 -13.29 -176.26 25.25 93.84 29.50 -167.76 15.62 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 588 COMB2 1.5 -44.44 -19.08 588 COMB2 3 -44.44 47.38 588 COMB2 4.5 -44.44 113.84 588 COMB2 6 -44.44 180.30 588 COMB3 0 30.54 -134.73 588 COMB3 1.5 30.54 -68.27 588 COMB3 3 30.54 -1.81 588 COMB3 4.5 30.54 64.66 588 COMB3 6 30.54 131.12 588 COMB4 0 93.11 -182.43 588 COMB4 1.5 93.11 -115.97 588 COMB4 3 93.11 -49.50 588 COMB4 4.5 93.11 16.96 588 COMB4 6 93.11 83.42 588 COMB5 0 18.12 -133.24 588 COMB5 1.5 18.12 -66.78 588 COMB5 3 18.12 -0.32 588 COMB5 4.5 18.12 66.14 588 COMB5 6 18.12 132.61 597 COMB1 0 30.27 -174.31 597 COMB1 1.5 30.27 -88.70 597 COMB1 3 30.27 -3.08 597 COMB1 4.5 30.27 82.54 597 COMB1 6 30.27 168.15 597 COMB2 0 -81.18 -82.22 597 COMB2 1.5 -81.18 -18.00 597 COMB2 3 -81.18 46.21 597 COMB2 4.5 -81.18 110.42 597 COMB2 6 -81.18 174.63 597 COMB3 0 28.26 -131.35 597 COMB3 1.5 28.26 -67.13 597 COMB3 3 28.26 -2.92 597 COMB3 4.5 28.26 61.29 597 COMB3 6 28.26 125.50 597 COMB4 0 126.59 -179.25 597 COMB4 1.5 126.59 -115.04 597 COMB4 3 126.59 -50.83 597 COMB4 4.5 126.59 13.38 597 COMB4 6 126.59 77.59 597 COMB5 0 17.15 -130.12 597 COMB5 1.5 17.15 -65.91 597 COMB5 3 17.15 -1.70 597 COMB5 4.5 17.15 62.51 597 COMB5 6 17.15 126.73 606 COMB1 0 15.63 -65.91 606 COMB1 0.75 15.63 -34.22 606 COMB1 1.5 15.63 -2.53 606 COMB1 2.25 15.63 29.15 Mekelle university department of civil engineering 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 -4.65 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 -5.48 -5.48 -5.48 -5.48 -5.48 -5.17 -5.17 -5.17 -5.17 -5.17 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 May 18,2006 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.77 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.64 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 6.95 -0.42 -7.79 -15.15 -0.35 0.51 1.36 2.22 3.07 -13.39 -6.41 0.56 7.54 14.51 1.28 0.03 -1.22 -2.47 -3.71 -1.22 -0.68 -0.13 0.42 0.96 15.17 7.76 0.35 -7.05 -14.46 13.82 6.88 -0.05 -6.99 -13.92 -17.00 -8.77 -0.55 7.68 15.91 -15.65 -7.90 -0.14 7.61 15.37 -1.16 -0.54 0.08 0.70 197 94.09 72.87 -48.05 -268.65 -134.44 17.81 70.37 23.23 -123.60 -280.01 -56.22 67.89 92.29 17.01 -129.95 20.06 70.38 21.01 -128.05 -176.09 21.17 90.00 30.41 -157.61 12.71 87.87 66.72 -50.75 -264.54 -133.87 14.99 67.53 23.75 -116.34 -276.85 -56.12 68.28 96.36 28.13 -130.26 16.76 67.47 21.86 -120.07 -40.12 -2.57 11.21 1.23 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project 606 COMB1 3 15.63 60.84 606 COMB2 0 -38.94 112.25 606 COMB2 0.75 -38.94 136.01 606 COMB2 1.5 -38.94 159.78 606 COMB2 2.25 -38.94 183.54 606 COMB2 3 -38.94 207.30 606 COMB3 0 15.05 -51.99 606 COMB3 0.75 15.05 -28.23 606 COMB3 1.5 15.05 -4.46 606 COMB3 2.25 15.05 19.30 606 COMB3 3 15.05 43.06 606 COMB4 0 62.38 -211.10 606 COMB4 0.75 62.38 -187.34 606 COMB4 1.5 62.38 -163.58 606 COMB4 2.25 62.38 -139.81 606 COMB4 3 62.38 -116.05 606 COMB5 0 8.39 -46.87 606 COMB5 0.75 8.39 -23.10 606 COMB5 1.5 8.39 0.66 606 COMB5 2.25 8.39 24.43 606 COMB5 3 8.39 48.19 Mekelle university department of civil engineering -0.83 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 -13.60 -13.60 -13.60 -13.60 -13.60 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 -2.04 May 18,2006 -0.25 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.79 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 1.32 17.69 8.42 -0.85 -10.13 -19.40 0.34 -0.25 -0.85 -1.44 -2.04 -19.43 -9.23 0.97 11.18 21.38 -2.09 -0.56 0.97 2.49 4.02 198 -32.51 205.72 112.62 1.70 -127.04 -273.61 -33.85 -3.76 8.49 2.93 -20.45 -265.89 -116.47 15.12 128.89 224.84 -26.33 -0.09 8.33 -1.08 -28.32 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Reference materials Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 199 Structural design of a G+6 building @ Mekelle as senior project Mekelle university department of civil engineering May 18,2006 200