BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2: INTRODUCTION TO SOLIDITY BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 LAB OUTLINE 1 ETHEREUM VIRTUAL MACHINE 2 SOLIDITY: OVERVIEW 3 QUICK DOCS 4 EXERCISE: SOLIDITY USING REMIX BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 1 ETHEREUM VIRTUAL MACHINE BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE ETHEREUM VIRTUAL MACHINE THE WORLD COMPUTER ● The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a powerful software embedded within each full Ethereum node, responsible for executing contract bytecode. ● It is a Turing complete software that runs on the Ethereum network. ● It allows anyone to run any program, given enough time and memory, making the process of creating blockchain applications much easier and efficient than ever before. AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE ETHEREUM VIRTUAL MACHINE THE WORLD COMPUTER ● Every node participating in the network runs the EVM ● Nodes will go through the transactions listed in the block they are verifying and run the code as triggered by the transaction within the EVM ● Every full node does the same calculations and stores the same values AUTHOR: NICK ZOGHB BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE ETHEREUM VIRTUAL MACHINE THE WORLD COMPUTER ● Solidity lets you program on Ethereum, and allows the creation and execution of smart contracts, without requiring centralized or trusted parties ● It is a statically typed, contract programming language that has similarities to Javascript and C. ○ Some contract-specific features include modifier (guard) clauses, event notifiers for listeners, and custom global variables AUTHOR: NICK ZOGHB BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 2 SOLIDITY OVERVIEW BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE BANK CONTRACT LEARNING FAST WHAT DOES A BANK NEED TO DO? 1. Manage Deposits 2. Manage Withdrawals 3. Balance Checks AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE BANK CONTRACT LEARNING FAST ● contract has similarities to a class in other languages (class variables, inheritance, etc.) ○ Declare state variables outside any function, so that they persist throughout the life of contract ● ● mapping is a dictionary that maps addresses to balances (here) ○ always be careful about overflow attacks with numbers ○ private means that other contracts can't directly access the mapping public makes something externally readable (not writeable) by users or contracts AUTHOR: COLLIN CHIN UPDATED BY: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE BANK CONTRACT LEARNING FAST ● event - Events are signals the contracts can fire. External listeners like DApps can listen to these events and act accordingly. ● constructor - When a contract is created, its constructor is executed only once. Constructors are optional. ● msg - a special global variable that contains properties which allow access to the blockchain. ○ msg.sender gives address of the message sender who made the current function call i.e. the person/contract currently connecting with the contract ( address of contract deployer/creator here ) AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE BANK CONTRACT LEARNING FAST ● deposit() ○ Takes no parameters, but we can send Ether using the payable modifier. ○ public makes function externally readable (not writeable) by users or contracts ○ Returns user’s balance as an unsigned integer (uint) ● In balances[msg.sender], no this or self required as it is a state variable ● LogDepositMade event is fired using emit AUTHOR: COLLIN CHIN UPDATED BY: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE BANK CONTRACT LEARNING FAST ● Withdraw() ○ ● withdrawAmount parameter ○ Returns user’s balance Note the way we deduct the balance right away, before sending ○ We do this because of the risk of a recursive call that may allow the caller to request an amount greater than their balance. AUTHOR: COLLIN CHIN BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE BANK CONTRACT LEARNING FAST ● balance(): ○ constant prevents the function from editing state variables, that are stored on the blockchain. ○ Returns user’s balance as an uint. AUTHOR: COLLIN CHIN UPDATED BY: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THE FALLBACK FUNCTION ● A contract can have exactly one unnamed function, which cannot have arguments and cannot return anything. ● It is executed on a call to the contract if none of the other functions match the given function identifier (or if no data was supplied at all). ● Furthermore, this function is executed whenever the contract receives plain Ether (without data). To receive Ether and add it to the total balance of the contract, the fallback function must be marked payable. If no such function exists, the contract cannot receive Ether through regular transactions and throws an exception. AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 3 QUICK DOCS BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 3.1 DATA TYPES BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA TYPES BYTES // Bytes are available from 1 to 32: byte a; // byte is same as bytes1 bytes2 b; bytes32 c; // Dynamically sized bytes: bytes m; // A special arrray, same as byte[] array but packed tightly. //More expensive than bytes1,.....,bytes32, so use those when possible. AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA TYPES STRING // same as bytes, but does not allow length or index access string n = "hello"; // stored in UTF-8, note double quotes, not single // prefer bytes32/bytes, as UTF-8 uses more storage AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA TYPES VAR // It is not always necessary to explicitly specify the type of a variable // Using var, the compiler automatically infers it from the type of the first expression that is assigned to the variable. // var cannot be used for function parameters or return parameters. bool x= true; var y= x; var z= false; // Here the type of both y and z will be bool. AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA TYPES // Variables can be used to assign function to variable function a(uint x) public returns (uint) { return x * 2; } var f = a; f(22); // call // By default, all values are set to 0 on instantiation. // Delete can be called on most types. It does NOT destroy the value, but sets it to 0, the initial value. AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 3.2 DATA STRUCTURES BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES ARRAYS // Arrays bytes32[5] nicknames; // static array bytes32[] names; // dynamic array uint newLength = names.push("John"); // push returns the new length of the array (Here 1) names.length; // get length names.length = 1; // lengths can be set (for dynamic arrays in storage only) // multidimensional array uint x[][5]; // arr with 5 dynamic array elements (opposite order of most languages) AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA UPDATED BY: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES MAPPINGS // Dictionaries (any type to any other type) mapping (string => uint) public balances; balances["charles"] = 1; console.log(balances["ada"]); // gives 0, all non-set key values return zero // 'public' allows access from another contract contractName.balances("charles"); // returns 1 // 'public' created a getter (but not setter) like the following: function balances(string _account) returns (uint balance) { return balances[_account]; } AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES MAPPINGS // Nested mappings mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public custodians; // To delete delete balances["John"]; // sets corresponding element to 0 delete balances; // do not set any element to 0 // Unlike other languages, we CANNOT iterate through all elements in a // mapping, without knowing source keys. However, we can build a data structure // on top to do this AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA UPDATED BY: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES MAPPINGS Delete has no effect on mappings as the keys of mappings may be arbitrary and are generally unknown. However, individual keys and what they map to can be deleted. Eg: If ‘a’ is a mapping, then delete a[x] will delete the value stored at x. AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES STRUCTS // Structs and enums struct Bank { address owner; uint balance; } Bank b = Bank({ owner: msg.sender, balance: 5 }); AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES STRUCTS // or struct Bank { address owner; uint balance; } Bank c = Bank(msg.sender, 5); c.balance = 9; // set to new value delete b; // sets to initial value, set all variables in struct to 0, exceptmappings AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 DATA STRUCTURES ENUMS // Enums enum State { Created, Locked, Inactive } // often used for state machine State public state; // Declare variable from enum state = State.Created; // enums can be explicitly converted to ints uint x = uint(State.Created); // 0 uint y = uint(State.Inactive); // 2 AUTHOR: ALI MOUSA UPDATED BY: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 WHERE DATA GOES NOTE ON MEMORY AND STORAGE ● Data locations: ○ memory vs. storage vs. stack - all complex types (array, struct, mapping) have a data location. does not persist, storage does. ● Default is memory storage for local and state variables; memory for function arguments ○ For most types, the data location to use can be explicitly set ● The stack holds small local variables ○ Used for values in intermediate calculations ○ General consensus is not to interact with it as a developer AUTHOR: NICK ZOGHB BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 4 EXERCISE BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 REMIX IDE THE WORLD ON A SINGLE WEB APP AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 REMIX IDE THE WORLD ON A SINGLE WEB APP AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 REMIX IDE THE WORLD ON A SINGLE WEB APP AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 REMIX IDE THE WORLD ON A SINGLE WEB APP AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 REMIX IDE THE WORLD ON A SINGLE WEB APP AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 REMIX IDE THE WORLD ON A SINGLE WEB APP AUTHOR: YOGESH AGARWAL BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THINGS TO DO UH-OH, TIME TO WORK We want you to flex your creative problem-solving skills in this new environment. With a mind for clean code, use the Remix IDE to implement the following: ● A ‘greeter’ contract with a 'greet' method that returns the string “Hello World!” ○ TRY: The user should be able to change the greeting without redeploying the contract ● The Fibonacci function ○ TRY: Iteratively AUTHOR: NICK ZOGHB BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS LAB 2 THINGS TO DO UH-OH, TIME TO WORK ● An XOR function ○ Input ‘1’ or ‘0’ ○ This does not require any bitwise operations! ○ TRY: Input a string of 1's and 0's, e.g. "10001110101101" ● A method to concatenate two strings ○ Importing a module is fine ○ TRY: Do not use a module AUTHOR: NICK ZOGHB