VOCABULARY LOG TEMPLATE Due Dates: Completed Vocabulary Logs are due every Thursday in class. No emailed logs will be accepted for credit. Note: In conjunction with this assignment, grammar sentences for logged words will be due to Turnitin.com by midnight on the preceding Wednesday. Purpose: The intent of this assignment is not to memorize the words, but rather, become familiar with the words, their connotations, and how to properly use them in context. Your weekly grammar sentences should reflect this level of understanding. Directions: • Students are required to bring blank logs to class every day as words, definitions, and/or examples may be added at any time without prior notice. • All sections of the log must be complete and neatly hand-written. • Logs created on plain paper will not be accepted for credit • Words that you already know should NOT be logged. The idea is to increase vocabulary by logging words from our book studies, class lectures (any subject area), television/movies/music, and conversations. Your biggest source of words may come from your independent reading book. • Use common sense: log words you want to know and think you might use—do not log esoteric or archaic language. Expectations for Mastery: • Completion – 25 points All boxes in the chart are completed. • Accuracy – 25 points Definitions, synonyms, sentences, examples and/or images provided demonstrate an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the words. Online Resources: • Dictionary – http://dictionary.reference.com/ • Synonym Finder – http://www.synonym.com/synonyms/ • AP Language MC Exam Terms – http://grammar.about.com/od/terms/a/APterms.htm • Forest of Rhetoric – http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/silva.htm • Literary Devices Definitions & Examples - http://literarydevices.net/ • Argument Strategies & Fallacies - http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ *See next page for printable log template. Independent Vocabulary Log Name: ________________________________________ Hr: ___________________________ Date: _____________ New Word or Rhetorical Term 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. Definition/Synonym Memory Clue (a sentence, image, or real world connection)