Uploaded by Collins Epale

Electromagnetic field theory

Attempt all questions
1. Define the following terms with respect to Magnetostatics
a. Magnetic flux density
b. Magnetic field intensity
c. Magnetic flux
(6 marks)
2. Explain the relation between B and H
( 4 marks)
3. State biot- savart law
(2 marks)
4. Express biot-savart law in point form and in integral form
( 3 marks)
5. A current filament carries a current of 10 A in the az direction on the z axis . find the
magnetic field intensity H at point p(1,2,3)due to this filament if it extends from
a. Z= -infinity to infinity
b. Z=0 to 5m
c. Z=5 to infinity
(15 marks)