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MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines - Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Master of Teaching Guidelines for the
Professional Practice and Seminars 1 & 2
(PPS1 & PPS2) Modules
Roles and Responsibilities
Professional Practice Placement
Professional Practice Seminars
Appendix A: Lesson Observation Form
Appendix B: Assessment Report Form
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
This leading edge Master of Teaching (MTeach) degree will provide Teacher Candidates with
a professional qualification for entry to the teaching profession. Based on the disciplinary
knowledge and critical analytic skills of graduate entry students, the MTeach degree prepares
Teacher Candidates to make a real difference in the classroom. This innovative programme
links theory and practice to provide powerful insights into learners and the teaching process.
With a deep understanding of what and how students learn, and confidence to innovate,
Teacher Candidates will be ready to take the first step on a rewarding career path to the top of
the profession.
Professional Practice Placement and Seminar
The Professional Practice Placement and Seminar provides an integrated focus for all
university subjects taught in the semester and addresses Teacher Candidates’ developing
understandings of Professional Knowledge and Skills and Professional Engagement.
The Professional Practice Placements focus on developing understandings of school/institution
organisation, classroom management, principles of learning and teaching and the
application of these to specific curriculum content areas. Here, Teacher Candidates analyse
student characteristics in order to plan, develop and implement effective lessons and to
create productive classrooms. Teacher Candidates are mentored by experienced teachers in
collaboration with MTeach Clinical Specialists who are engaged in the on-campus teaching
The Professional Practice Seminars provide Teacher Candidates with opportunities to examine
pedagogic frameworks concerning instructional processes and student-centred learning.
Practical tasks completed in schools/institutions will be discussed and evaluated. Teacher
Candidates will assess their development in teaching and present evidence of their learning in
a reflective analysis based on the graduate standards for teaching.
For Semester 1 (January – May), Teacher Candidates will be registered for:
ET-5201-E/P/S/V/H – Professional Practice and Seminar 1 (PPS1)
For Semester 2 (August – December), Teacher Candidates will be registered for:
ET-5202-E/P/S/V/H – Professional Practice and Seminar 2 (PPS2)
Note: Suffixes denote the MTeach areas of specialisation as follows
Early Childhood Education and Care
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Vocational and Technical Education
Higher Education
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
The PPS1 & PPS2 modules will provide Teacher Candidates with practical experiences in
teaching. The focus is on impact on learning, diversity in learners, remediation and
enrichment. Teacher Candidates will be able to demonstrate their capacity to use a range of
strategies to establish a positive and inclusive learning environment; use a range of strategies
to assess and monitor student learning needs and use this to inform teaching, to report on
student development and learning and provide feedback to students; independently
access and manage a range of learning and teaching resources including technologies to
support their specialist area in teaching; describe their professional practice using set
standards; and plan and implement strategies to support their own professional growth.
The PPS1 & PPS2 module content:
 Awareness of the characteristics of professional knowledge and skills, and
professional engagement.
 The four days a week school/institution placement focuses on developing an
understanding of assessment for tracking student development and learning more
closely to inform teaching. Professional Practice Seminar sessions will be held
fortnightly by Clinical Specialists in the Teacher Candidates’ school/ institution/
 Provides for four days of school/institution placement so that Teacher Candidates
learn to take responsibility for independent teaching and demonstrate their capacity to
implement sustained sequences of lessons with consideration for the learning needs of
individual students. They will focus on student learning needs, assessment, the context
of the school and relationships with parents.
 Teacher Candidates will assess their own development in teaching and present
evidence of their learning in a reflective analysis based on set standards in:
professional knowledge and understanding of learners and the curriculum; design and
implement worthwhile and intellectually challenging learning experiences that value
diversity; assess and report constructively on student learning; support personal
development and participation in society; create and maintain safe and supportive
learning environments; foster positive relationships with parents; contribute effectively
to professional teams; and commit to reflective practice and ongoing professional
For both PPS1 & PPS2 modules, Teacher Candidates will be assessed on their attainment of
expected teaching standards based on evidences from their teaching performance, contribution
to seminars and their professional practice portfolio.
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
MTeach Clinical Specialists
In promoting the partnership between SHBIE and the schools, the MTeach Clinical
Specialists will:
 Be primarily responsible for promoting the partnership between SHBIE and their
assigned school/institution. They will bring together the strengths of SHBIE and the
capabilities of the schools/institutions to meet the professional development needs of
the MTeach Teacher Candidates and their MTeach School/Institution Mentors;
 With assistance from the MTeach School/Institution Mentors, ensure that an
appropriate programme of teaching activities is completed by the MTeach Teacher
Candidates during the four days each week in which they will attend MTeach
school/institution placement;
 Ensure that the teaching and learning of the specialist Learning Area modules is
integrated with the teaching activities of the four days per week placement in schools;
 Facilitate the Professional Practice Seminar sessions;
 Observe the MTeach Teacher Candidates in their teaching in school / institution on at
least two occasions per semester;
 With assistance from the MTeach School/Institution Mentors, assess and grade the
Practicum Performance;
 After consultation with the School/Institution Mentor, submit the following to the PL
in SP within one week after the final date of the MTeach Teacher Candidate’s teaching
placement: (i) the summative report indicating a mark a n d g r a d e f o r t he MTeach
Teacher Candidate’s Practicum Performance; (ii) a mark for the Professional Practice
and Seminar assignments; (iii) the summative report completed by the MTeach
School/Institution Mentor indicating a final mark and grade; and (iv) a final overall
mark and grade for the the MTeach Teacher Candidate;
 Consult with MTeach Teacher Candidates on the development of their MTeach
Professional Practice Portfolio.
MTeach School/Institution Mentors
The MTeach School/Institution Mentors will work in consultation with the MTeach Clinical
Specialists to devise a programme that meets the needs of the MTeach Teacher Candidate
prior to and during the placement. MTeach School/Institution Mentors will:
Support, guide and monitor the MTeach Teacher Candidate’s transition to the role of
professional teacher;
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Engage with MTeach Teacher Candidates’ teaching and provide verbal/written
feedback with priorities for future action;
 Facilitate conditions for MTeach Teacher Candidates to fulfil SHBIE task
 Provide formative assessment reports and discuss these with the MTeach Clinical
Specialist and the MTeach Teacher Candidate to assist in developing further goals for
learning to teach;
Submit the summative report indicating a mark and a grade to the MTeach Clinical
Specialist at the end of the MTeach Teacher Candidate’s teaching placement.
MTeach Teacher Candidates
MTeach Teacher Candidates are enrolled students in the Early Childhood Education and Care,
Primary Education, Secondary Education, Vocational and Technical Education or Higher
Education areas of specialisation of the Master of Teaching programme. MTeach Teacher
Candidates are placed as part of a cohort in partnership schools/institutions. MTeach Teacher
Candidates will attend fortnightly Professional Practice Seminar sessions at one of the
partnership schools/institutions/SHBIE as designed by their respective MTeach Clinical
Specialist. Each MTeach Teacher Candidate is required to attend:
 All scheduled days of placement and undertake practice teaching duties as determined
in consultation with their MTeach Clinical Specialist and MTeach School/Institution
 All of the fortnightly Professional Practice Seminar sessions that are held in their
respective school/institution/SHBIE.
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
The four days a week school/institution placement is structured to provide Teacher Candidates with
opportunities to work under the direction of the School/Institution Mentor for a sustained period.
Teacher Candidates will be working with individual students and groups of students leading up to
teaching the whole class and planning for this using formal documentation, e.g. lesson plans.
The four days per week placement consists of teaching/classroom tasks and the practicum
seminar/academic tasks. It is anticipated that the timing and sequencing of these activities will need to
be negotiated to meet the needs of schools/institutions, School/Institution Mentors and Teacher
Candidates. In order to engage in some of the academic tasks/activities it may be necessary for
Teacher Candidates to work in a suitable working space with access to electronic resources.
During the weekly schools programme, it is anticipated that Teacher Candidates will have
opportunities for observation of classes taught by the assigned School/Institution Mentor, but also a
range of classes outside their specific Learning Areas. It is recommended that in the first few weeks of
each semester, Teacher Candidates will have opportunities to work with individual and small groups of
students, as well as engaging in team teaching with School/Institution Mentors. It is expected that
Teacher Candidates will have access to and participate in a range of collegial and extra-curricular
activities and that this participation is sustained during the entire placement.
Teacher Candidates are expected to plan for and implement sustained and continuous teaching
sequences. At all times during the teaching, Teacher Candidates are expected to maintain professional
documentation including detailed unit and lesson plans, respond to feedback and reflect on their
teaching practice.
Professional documentation is an essential component of the Professional Practice assessment.
Teacher Candidates must record their observations, teaching plans, lesson preparation, evaluation and
reflections. The main purpose of this record is to provide a framework for the review of planning,
implementation and evaluation of each teaching session. Records of lessons and resource files must be
submitted where required as part of the Professional Practice assessment.
The School/Institution Mentor and Clinical Specialist will provide feedback as part of this record.
Feedback should be supportive and constructive and point to specific directions for development and
improvement. In addition to written comments, the School/Institution Mentor and the Teacher
Candidate should discuss the lesson as soon as practicable after its completion. Where there are
differing perceptions of the effectiveness of a lesson these should be discussed fully so that the
Teacher Candidate can reflect on her/his teaching and make use of the advice offered. Future planning
and teaching should show that feedback has been considered and acted on.
To provide an optimum experience as well as accommodating mutual needs, School/Institution
Mentors and Teacher Candidates are advised to refer to specialist timetables and consider regular
classroom programmes/routines. It is anticipated that occasional visits to other classrooms and/or
schools within the school groups (no more than 2 per semester) will be planned as an integral
component of the school/institution placement programme to provide greater diversity of experience
for Teacher Candidates. These visits must be scheduled and approved by the School/Institution
Mentors in negotiation with appropriate school/institution personnel.
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
The Professional Practice Seminars focuses on issues concerning quality in teaching and the
production of the Teacher Candidates’ Professional Practice Portfolio. Teacher Candidates will be
encouraged to examine and reflect on how the evidence they collect for their Professional Practice
Portfolio relates explicitly to the MTeach Professional Practice Seminar Assessment Criteria, to be
discussed during the fortnightly seminar sessions. The seminar session also systematically draws on
work from SHBIE MTeach modules throughout the course and explores how the content informs the
decisions teachers make in their classroom teaching.
Seminar Sessions – Semesters 1 & 2
Professional Engagement
Commit to professional practice
 Use the results of contemporary research into the design of
Seminar 1
effective teaching
Reflect critically on professional practice
Identify own professional development needs
Active members of the teaching profession
 Meet ethical, accountability and professional requirements
 Contribute to the effective functioning of professional teams
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Engage students in active, intellectually challenging learning
 Determine students’ learning needs in terms of prior
Seminar 2
knowledge and language for learning
Design learning experiences in which students question, share
ideas and knowledge and reflect on outcomes
Provide learning experiences in which develop students’ use of
higher-order and critical-thinking to solve problems and to
construct new ways of understanding
Provide learning environments in which students have
responsibility for their own learning
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Develop learning activities from well-articulated and relevant
 Establish learning goals based on relevant curriculum
statements, policies and materials
 Design learning experiences in which students examine the
Seminar 3
core ideas of a topic or problem, explore the processes
involved and develop key skills
Provide learning experiences that involve higher order and
critical thinking in the application of ideas to the world outside
the classroom
Use information and communication technologies which
develop students’ capabilities to research, analyse and
communicate knowledge
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Seminar Sessions – Semesters 1 & 2
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Analyse and use information about students in the design of
learning situations
 Plan for and support students in relation to their individual
Seminar 4
learning needs
Aware of the social, cultural and religious backgrounds of
students in order to treat students equitably
Respect students as individuals with sensitivity to their social
needs and interaction with others
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Assess and report on student learning
 Establish and communicate learning goals and assessment
Seminar 5
Plan for assessing student learning
Collect and use multiple sources of valid evidence to make
judgments about student learning and planning subsequent
learning experiences
Communicate with students about their progress
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Assessment Criteria
Professional Knowledge and Skills
1. Engage students in active, intellectually challenging learning activities
1.1 Determine students’ learning needs in terms of prior knowledge and language for learning
1.2 Design learning experiences in which students question, share ideas and knowledge and reflect on outcomes
1.3 Provide learning experiences in which develop students’ use of higher-order and critical-thinking to solve
problems and to construct new ways of understanding
1.4 Provide learning environments in which students have responsibility for their own learning
2. Develop learning activities from well-articulated and relevant content
2.1 Establish learning goals based on relevant curriculum statements, policies and materials
2.2 Design learning experiences in which students examine the core ideas of a topic or problem, explore the
processes involved and develop key skills
2.3 Provide learning experiences that involve higher order and critical thinking in the application of ideas to the
world outside the classroom
2.4 Use information and communication technologies which develop students’ capabilities to research, analyse
and communicate knowledge
3. Analyse and use information about students in the design of learning situations
3.1 Plan for and support students in relation to their individual learning needs
3.2 Aware of the social, cultural and religious backgrounds of students in order to treat students equitably
3.3 Respect students as individuals with sensitivity to their social needs and interaction with others
4. Assess and report on student learning
4.1 Establish and communicate learning goals and assessment criteria
4.2 Plan for assessing student learning
4.3 Collect and use multiple sources of valid evidence to make judgments about student learning and planning
subsequent learning experiences
4.4 Communicate with students about their progress
Professional Engagement
5. Commit to professional practice
5.1 Use the results of contemporary research into the design of effective teaching
5.2 Reflect critically on professional practice
5.3 Identify own professional development needs
6. Active members of the teaching profession
6.1 Meet ethical, accountability and professional requirements
6.2 Contribute to the effective functioning of professional teams
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Final assessment of the Professional Practice and Seminars 1 & 2 modules is based on the assessment
requirements, teaching performance, development of the Professional Practice Portfolio and the
Seminar sessions. Teacher Candidates must complete each component satisfactorily to achieve a pass
in each Professional Practice and Seminars 1 & 2 modules.
Assessment Requirements
 Attendance on all days of placement.
N.B. A medical certificate must be supplied for any absences and make up days must be
negotiated with the Clinical Specialist and/or School/Institution Mentor.
 Attendance at all Professional Practice Seminar sessions.
N.B. A medical certificate must be supplied for any absences and make up work must be
negotiated with the Clinical Specialist.
Assessment of Teaching Performance
Formative assessment of Teacher Candidates’ engagement with teaching and evidence of learning will
be conducted during the 4 days per week component of the placement in consultation with the
School/Institution Mentor. The main purpose of this assessment is to assist Teacher Candidates to
monitor their professional engagement in teaching, to identify areas of teaching needing further
development and to help them to develop strategies to address their particular needs.
A summative assessment of teaching practice will be conducted by the School/Institution Mentor at
the end of the school/institution placement. The Clinical Specialist will complete a faculty report form.
Reports will be submitted to the PL in SP, and any unsatisfactory assessments will be referred to both
the PL in SP and PL in ITP.
School/Institution Placement Report
Final assessment of the teaching placement will be based on the Teacher Candidate’s progression
towards the MTeach PPS Assessment Criteria. Scoring is on a 1 – 100 scale (according to the criteria
for assessment for each semester) and is given by the Clinical Specialist with input from the
School/Institution Mentor.
Overall MTeach PPS Assessment Criteria
Grade/Mark (%)
Assessment Criteria
A ≥ 80
Outstanding performance (exemplary standard in all, demonstrates initiative and
Working beyond the standards (demonstrates very high standard in most and
proficiency in all)
Performance at a threshold level of consistency with the standards
(demonstrates proficiency in all)
Working effectively and inexorably towards the standards (demonstrates
proficiency in most)
Performance inconsistent with the achievement of the standards (not proficient in
B ≥ 70
C ≥ 60
D ≥ 50
F ≤ 49
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
For the Seminar Sessions, Teacher Candidates are required to collect and analyse data
collected in schools/institutions and reflect on the implications of their findings for their
future teaching. These reflections will form the basis for Professional Practice Portfolio. The
development of the Portfolio will be monitored over the semester by the School/Institution
Mentor, in collaboration with the Clinical Specialist. The Teacher Candidates are expected
to keep a Professional Practice Portfolio.
The Seminar Sessions will provide each Teacher Candidate with the opportunity to share their
development from pre-service (or in-service) teacher to professional employment. During the
Seminar Sessions, Teacher Candidates will present an account of the development of their
teaching with reference to evidence and reflections collected in the Professional Practice
Portfolio and to the MTeach PPS Assessment Criteria.
During the Seminar Sessions, Teacher Candidates will be required to present findings of their
collected data as well as their reflections to a small group of Teacher Candidates and
colleagues and will be assessed by the Clinical Specialist.
Attendance at, preparation for, and participation in the Seminars will factor into the final
assessment of this component of the subject.
Assignments for PPS1 (Semester 1) module:
 Two reflective pieces (1000 words each) drawing on data collected this semester and
discussed during the seminar sessions (10% + 10% = 20%).
Each of the two pieces must focus on a different concept or theme.
Each reflection will link the data discussed to one or more of the MTeach PPS
Assessment Criteria.
 Seminar participation: 10%
Assignments for PPS2 (Semester 2) module:
 Presentation and critical discussion of videotaped lessons during the seminar sessions
 One reflective piece (2000 words) drawing on data collected this semester (i.e., the
videotaped lesson) and discussed during the seminar sessions (15%).
The reflective piece focuses on critical self-evaluation and analysis of teaching
performance and student learning.
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
This formative assessment sheet is intended as a guide for MTeach School/Institution Mentors
and MTeach Clinical Specialists when observing lessons by MTeach Teacher Candidates and
offering constructive feedback. It will also serve as a useful resource for completion of the
Assessment Report form at the end of the placement.
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
MTeach Teacher Candidate (Name & Registration No.):
Name of MTeach School/Institution Mentor:
Name of School/Institution:
Subject Area & Topic of the Lesson:
Date & Time of Lesson:
Year Level:
MTeach Area of Specialisation:
(please tick )
Pri Ed 
Sec Ed 
Class Size:
Higher Ed 
Professional Knowledge and Skills
1. Engage students in active, intellectually challenging learning activities
Determine students’ learning needs in
terms of prior knowledge and language
for learning
Design learning experiences in which
students question, share ideas and
knowledge and reflect on outcomes
Provide learning experiences in which
develop students’ use of higher-order and
critical-thinking to solve problems and to
construct new ways of understanding
Provide learning environments in which
students have responsibility for their own
2. Develop learning activities from well-articulated and relevant content
Establish learning goals based on
relevant curriculum statements, policies
and materials
Design learning experiences in which
students examine the core ideas of a
topic or problem, explore the processes
involved and develop key skills
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
2. Develop learning activities from well-articulated and relevant content (cont.)
Provide learning experiences that involve
higher order and critical thinking in the
application of ideas to the world outside
the classroom
Use information and communication
technologies which develop students’
capabilities to research, analyse and
communicate knowledge
3. Analyse and use information about students in the design of learning situations
Plan for and support students in relation
to their individual learning needs
Aware of the social, cultural and
religious backgrounds of students in
order to treat students equitably
Respect students as individuals with
sensitivity to their social needs and
interaction with others
4. Assess and report on student learning
Establish and communicate learning
goals and assessment criteria
Plan for assessing student learning
Collect and use multiple sources of valid
evidence to make judgments about
student learning and planning subsequent
learning experiences
Communicate with students about their
General comments or suggested actions for MTeach Teacher Candidate:
Lesson observed by: MTeach School/Institution Mentor
MTeach Clinical Specialist
Lesson Plan sighted
Professional Practice Folder sighted
Name and Signature:
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Assessment Report Form
MTeach 1st
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
MTeach 2nd
The purpose of this form is to gain information from schools/institutions about the progress the MTeach
Teacher Candidates have made, at the end of the MTeach first or second placement, towards the ‘Master of
Teaching Professional Practice and Seminar (MTeach PPS) Assessment Criteria’.
Please provide the names for the following:
MTeach Teacher Candidate: ........................................................................................................
School/Institution: ........................................................................................................................
MTeach School/Institution Mentor: .............................................................................................
MTeach Clinical Specialist: ..........................................................................................................
Year Level
Number of Lessons
Year Level
Number of Lessons
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Master of Teaching Professional Practice and Seminar (MTeach PPS)
Assessment Criteria
Professional Knowledge and Skills
1. Engage students in active, intellectually challenging learning activities
1.1 Determine students’ learning needs in terms of prior knowledge and language for learning
1.2 Design learning experiences in which students question, share ideas and knowledge and
reflect on outcomes
1.3 Provide learning experiences in which develop students’ use of higher-order and criticalthinking to solve problems and to construct new ways of understanding
1.4 Provide learning environments in which students have responsibility for their own learning
2. Develop learning activities from well-articulated and relevant content
2.1 Establish learning goals based on relevant curriculum statements, policies and materials
2.2 Design learning experiences in which students examine the core ideas of a topic or problem,
explore the processes involved and develop key skills
2.3 Provide learning experiences that involve higher order and critical thinking in the application
of ideas to the world outside the classroom
2.4 Use information and communication technologies which develop students’ capabilities to
research, analyse and communicate knowledge
3. Analyse and use information about students in the design of learning
3.1 Plan for and support students in relation to their individual learning needs
3.2 Aware of the social, cultural and religious backgrounds of students in order to treat students
3.3 Respect students as individuals with sensitivity to their social needs and interaction with
4. Assess and report on student learning
4.1 Establish and communicate learning goals and assessment criteria
4.2 Plan for assessing student learning
4.3 Collect and use multiple sources of valid evidence to make judgments about student learning
and planning subsequent learning experiences
4.4 Communicate with students about their progress
Professional Engagement
5. Commit to professional practice
5.1 Use the results of contemporary research into the design of effective teaching
5.2 Reflect critically on professional practice
5.3 Identify own professional development needs
6. Active members of the teaching profession
6.1 Meet ethical, accountability and professional requirements
6.2 Contribute to the effective functioning of professional teams
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Instructions: In filling the ‘Characteristics of Teaching’ in the tables below, please refer to ‘Table 1’ for the
descriptors for Levels A, B, C, D and F.
1. Engaging students in active, intellectually challenging learning activities
Characteristics of Teaching
(Please give an estimated mark for each criteria)
1.1 Ability to determine students’ learning needs in terms
of prior knowledge and language for learning
1.2 Able to design learning experiences in which students
question, share ideas and knowledge and reflect on
1.3 Provided learning experiences in which he/she
developed students’ use of higher-order and criticalthinking to solve problems and to construct new ways
of understanding
1.4 Provided learning environments in which students
have responsibility for their own learning
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations Supporting Comment:
2. Developed learning activities from well-articulated and relevant content
Characteristics of Teaching
(Please give an estimated mark for each criteria)
2.1 Established learning goals based on relevant
curriculum statements, policies and materials
2.2 Designed learning experiences in which students
examine the core ideas of a topic or problem, explore
the processes involved and develop key skills
2.3 Provided learning experiences that involve higher
order and critical thinking in the application of ideas
to the world outside the classroom
2.4 He/she used information and communication
technologies which develop students’ capabilities to
research, analyse and communicate knowledge
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Supporting Comment:
3. Analysed and used information about students in the design of learning situations
Characteristics of Teaching
(Please give an estimated mark for each criteria)
3.1 Ability to plan for and support students in relation to
their individual learning needs
3.2 He/she was aware of the social, cultural and religious
backgrounds of students in order to treat students
3.3 He/she respected students as individuals with
sensitivity to their social needs and interaction with
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Supporting Comment:
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
4. Assess and report on student learning
Characteristics of Teaching
(Please give an estimated mark for each criteria)
4.1 Establish and communicate learning goals and
assessment criteria
4.2 Plan for assessing student learning
4.3 Collect and use multiple sources of valid evidence
to make judgments about student learning and
planning subsequent learning experiences
4.4 Communicate with students about their progress
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Supporting Comment:
Professional Engagement
5. Commitment to professional practice
Characteristics of Teaching
(Please give an estimated mark for each criteria)
5.1 Used the results of contemporary research into the
design of effective teaching
5.2 Reflected critically on professional practice
5.3 Identified own professional development needs
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Supporting Comment:
6. Active members of the teaching profession
Characteristics of Teaching
(Please give an estimated mark for each criteria)
6.1 Ability to meet ethical, accountability and
professional requirements
6.2 He/she has contributed to the effective functioning of
professional teams
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Supporting Comment:
Table 1: Overall Assessment Level Descriptors
This overall assesement level must be determined from the descriptors below. The descriptors relate to the
competencies of the MTeach Teacher Candidates at this stage of their MTeach programme. They do not
relate to the competencies of an experienced, qualified teacher.
80 – 100
70 – 79
60 – 69
50 – 59
49 and
Outstanding performance (exemplary standard in all, demonstrates initiative and
Working beyond the standards (demonstrates very high standard in most and
proficiency in all)
Performance at a threshold level of consistency with the standards (demonstrates
proficiency in all)
Working effectively and inexorably towards the standards (demonstrates proficiency in
Performance inconsistent with the achievement of the standards (not proficient in most)
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Please refer to Overall Assessment Level Descriptors above to give
an overall mark out of 100.
General Comments by MTeach School/Institution Mentor:
Please use additional paper for further comments if this space is not enough.
Note: Adapted from the MTeach Professional Practice Assessment Report Form, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne (with modifications to suit the
Brunei context in reference to the MTeach Professional Practice and Seminar (MTeach PPS) Assessment Criteria).
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)
Instructions to MTeach School/Institution Mentors in submitting this MTeach 1 st
and 2nd Placement Assessment Report Form
Dear MTeach School/Institution Mentor,
Please submit the completed MTeach Teacher Candidate’s Assessment Report Form at the end of the
MTeach Teacher Candidate’s School/Institution placement.
Submission procedure:
By email to the respective MTeach Clinical Specialist and cc to the Programme Leader in
School Partnership (PL in SP). Email addresses will be provided to you.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Instructions to MTeach Clinical Specialist in submitting this MTeach 1st and 2nd
Placement Assessment Report Form
Dear MTeach Clinical Specialist,
After consultation with the MTeach School/Institution Mentor, please submit the MTeach Teacher
Candidate’s Assessment Report Form completed by the MTeach School/Institution Mentor indicating
a final mark and grade to the Programme Leader in School Partnership (PL in SP) within one
week after the final date of the MTeach Teacher Candidate’s teaching placement.
Submission procedure:
 By email to the PL in SP.
Thank you for your cooperation.
MTeach PPS1 & PPS2 Guidelines (Revised 24th December 2015)