C@ CM Pre G 1st Year Studio: Foundation I S 2019-20 Core 6 S S 2020-21 P S S 2021-22 S S 2022-23 Options A S Arch. Elective or Thesis Prep A S University Elective University Elective Fundamentals of Computational Design University Elective University Elective University Elective University Elective University Elective University Elective U U A S 2023-24 2019.08.16 S = Studio,, P = Practice, B = Building Technology, E = Environmental Science, H = History, A = Architecture Elective, G = Required General Studies, U = University Electives 45 units University Elective U Arch. Elective Practice & Ethics P U 4th/5th Year Studio or Thesis: Advanced Synthesis Option IV E Arch. Elective Arch. Elective A U 4th/5th Year Studio: Advanced Synthesis Option III P Enviro. 22 Enviro Arch History: Core 3 H U 4th/5th Year Studio: Advanced Synthesis Option II E REDD Interpretation & Argument Generative Modeling Digital Media II Case Studies in Architecture & Cities P U 4th/5th Year Studio: Advanced Synthesis Option I B Enviro. 1 H U 3rd Year Studio: Intergation II B Modern Architecture E Statics/ Structures Building Physics Digital Media I G G 3rd Year Studio: Integration I including Performance Simulation Module H Materials & Assembly G G 2nd Year Studio: Elaboration II P U 2nd Year Studio: Elaboration I G Drawing II G Historical Survey of World Arch. & Urbanism Drawing I G Sem Architecture & the Arts G 1st Year Studio: Foundation II Sem Curriculum Chart | Class of 2024 Bachelor of Architecture, 1st Professional Degree Minimum Units Required: 450 Architecture Studio: 174 units Architecture Coursework: 141 units Required General Studies: 63 units University Electives: 72 units