Name: Cabigquez, Baby Love C. Course: BSHM2-A Flint Hill Beef and Lamb 1. How did things go so wrong? - Things went wrong when Sally became overburdened by the work he had accepted. She concentrated on one thing because she believed she needed to make a good impression and be useful. She was only concerned with how the business would fare rather than the product or how the food would improve. 2. Should Sally bear any part of the blame? Should the institution where she received her training in hospitality bear some blame? - I believe that Sally and the institution where she was trained are not to blame, because we all make mistakes. We frequently overlook important details because we are overjoyed about something. Yes, she made a mistake, but blaming her or the institution isn't the best thing to do. Instead, Sally should train, which she can do by learning on the job she accepted. 3. If you were Sally, what would you say to Smith Hamilton, and what would you do? Would you "stick with him and learn something about the restaurant business"? - If I were Sally, I would apologize and promise to follow his advice the next time. And, of course, I'll agree to stick with him. Because it is a great opportunity for me to improve my skills, learn new things, and do my job more effectively.