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NSTP Final Exam: Philippine Constitution & Citizenship

School of Education
Mauban, Quezon
Name: _____________________
Score: _____________
Yr./ Section: ________________
Date: _____________
NSTP Final Exam
IA. PREAMBLE (10pts)
We, the ______________ Filipino people, imploring the _______ of Almighty God, in order to build a just
and __________________, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the _________________, conserve and develop our ______________, and secure to ourselves
and our ________________, the blessings of _________________ and democracy under the rule of law
and a ______________ of truth, justice, _____________, love, equality, and ____________, do ordain
and promulgate this Constitution.
IB. Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine Flag (5pts)
II. Modified Multiple Choices. Identify word/s being described in each of the following. Write the
letter of the best answer in the space provided before each number. Avoid erasures.
A. Alien
B. Bill of Rights
C. right to privacy
D. Obligation to a
E. Dual citizenship
F. Dual allegiance
G. Embassy
H. Preamble
I. Citizen
J. Volunteer
K. Malacañang
L. freedom of expression
M. Due process of law
N. writ of habeas corpus
O. RA 8491
P. Right against selfincrimination
Q. right to religion
R. Naturalization
S. right to assembly
T. White House
U. Constitution
V. Rights against double
W. probable cause
X. Citizenship
______1. The right on the part of the citizens to gather peaceably in a public meeting to hear what ideas will be
______2. The voluntary method of acquiring citizenship by renouncing his former citizenship and embracing a
new one.
______3. The right of a person not to testify in court or speak against himself.
______4. An order issued to a person commanding him to produce the body of a person in court to determine the
legality of his detention; to free the person if he is illegally detained.
______5. ___________ of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be dealt with by law.
______6. A person who is a member of democratic community who enjoys full civil and political rights and is
accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the State.
______7. Primarily a set of rules and principles specifying how a country should be governed, how power is
distributed and controlled, and what rights citizens possess.
______8. A citizen of a country who is residing in or passing through another country.
______9. Liberty to say, write, disseminate or publish freely whatever one pleases without interference or fear of
subsequent prosecution or punishment for so doing.
______10. What is required before a person shall be deprived of life liberty, or property?
______11. Refers to the possession of two citizenships by an individual.
______12. Right of an individual to worship God & to embrace certain religious beliefs according to the dictates of
his conscience without interference.
______13. _____ is a duty which binds the parties to a contract to perform whatever has been agreed upon
according to the terms and intent of the contract provided such contract is lawful.
______14. A good reason for believing that the law has been broken or a crime has been committed
______15. An act prescribing the code of the national flag, anthem, motto, coat-of-arms and other heraldic items
and devices of the Philippines.
______16. These are guaranteed to every Filipino citizen in the article III of the Constitution.
______17. When a person is charged with an offense & his case is terminated, whether by conviction or acquittal,
without his express consent, he is forever free on the charge for which he has been tried.
______18. Right of a person to be left alone or the right to live without interference by other people in matters with
which they are not necessarily concerned.
______19. A term denoting membership in a political community with full civil and political privilege and this
membership imply, reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and duty of protection on the
part of the state.
______20. Official Residences” shall mean _____________, and other government-owned structures where the
President resides, and other structures occupied by the Philippine Consulate
III. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise write M.
____1. Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal assistance shall be denied to any
person by reason of poverty.
____2. When displayed with another flag, the Philippine flag shall be on the right of the other flag.
____3. A flag worn out through wear and tear shall be solemnly burned.
____4. It shall be prohibited to display the flag during international competitions where the Philippines is the host
or has a representative.
____5. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
____6. Laws impairing the obligation of contracts shall be passed.
____7. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of invasion or rebellion,
when the public safety requires it.
____8. The flag when flown at half-mast shall be first hoisted to the half-mast position for a moment then to the
____9. It shall be prohibited to display in public any foreign flag, except in embassies and other diplomatic
establishments, and in offices of international organizations.
____10. Involuntary servitude in any form shall exist except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall
have been duly convicted.
____11. A transformational leader inspires his/her followers to perform well.
____12. It shall be the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security and promote the general welfare of the
____13. A good leader passes on the responsibility of decision-making to his/her subordinates.
____14. Transformational leader is based on power that make use of rewards and coercion.
____15. The flag when flown at half-mast shall be first hoisted to the half-mast position for a moment then
lowered to the peak.
IV. Identification.
1. This type of involvement in decision-making is rarely applied when tackling important issues.
Unanimous agreement is sometimes assumed when some members do not want to disagree and
have chosen to stay silent. _________________
2. It is a process that involves selecting the most logical choice from among two or more options.
3. It is a form of power that provides some control over the work environment even as it fosters
camaraderie. ________________
4. A collection of individuals passionately committed to their end goal. _____________
5. It is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating
more effective work and productivity. ______________________
6. It involves compromising after all opinions have been heard. ________________
7. It is considered the most effective way to make a decision. ___________________
8. This small group whose members plan beforehand to get their own in decision-making.
9. Refers to the internal and external factors that stimulate the desire and energy of a human
person to be continually interested in something. _________________
10. It is a process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.