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IEEE 400.1-2018

IEEE Guide for Field Testing of
Laminated Dielectric, Shielded
AC Power Cable Systems Rated
5 kV to 500 kV Using High Voltage
Direct Current (HVDC)
IEEE Power and Energy Society
Sponsored by the
Insulated Conductors Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from S&P Global
IEEE Std 400.1™-2018
(Revision of
IEEE Std 400.1-2007)
Licensee=Bechtel Corp - Santiago, Chile/9999056135, User=Sarmiento Garces, Marga
Not for Resale, 01/27/2023 13:19:00 MST
IEEE Std 400.1™-2018
(Revision of
IEEE Std 400.1-2007)
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of
Laminated Dielectric, Shielded
AC Power Cable Systems Rated
5 kV to 500 kV Using High Voltage
Direct Current (HVDC)
Insulated Conductors Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society
Approved 05 December 2018
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from S&P Global
Licensee=Bechtel Corp - Santiago, Chile/9999056135, User=Sarmiento Garces, Marga
Not for Resale, 01/27/2023 13:19:00 MST
Abstract: The recommended practices and procedures for direct voltage acceptance and
maintenance testing of shielded, laminated, dielectric-insulated power cable systems rated 5 kV
to 500 kV are presented in this guide. It applies to all types of laminated power cable systems
such as paper insulated, lead covered, pipe-type, and pressurized cables that are intended for the
transmission or distribution of ac electric power. The tabulated test levels assume that the cable
systems have an effectively grounded neutral system or a grounded metallic shield.
Keywords: cable, cable installation, cable maintenance, cable tests, field test procedures, HVDC
tests, IEEE 400.1™, insulated cable, power cable systems, shielded power cable systems
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright © 2019 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 31 January 2019. Printed in the United States of America.
IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
ISBN 978-1-5044-5347-9
ISBN 978-1-5044-5348-6
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At the time this IEEE guide was completed, the Insulated Conductors Committee C-17 Working Group had
the following membership:
William E. Larzelere Jr., Chair
Johannes Rickmann, Vice Chair
Martin Baur
Manfred Bawart
Stefan Bergmann
Boguslaw Bochenski
Dominique Bolliger
Peter Coors
Mark Fenger
Oetjen Henning
Martin Henriksen
Paul Knapp
Ralph Patterson
Frank Petzold
Fanta Sacto
Ryan Tarring
Martin von Hermann
Hassan Younes
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have voted
for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
John Ainscough
Saleman Alibhay
Thomas Barnes
Earle Bascom III
Martin Baur
Manfred Bawart
William Bloethe
Boguslaw Bochenski
Dominique Bolliger
Kenneth Bow
Jeffrey Britton
Demetrio Bucaneg Jr.
William Byrd
Thomas Campbell
Kurt Clemente
Peter Coors
David Crotty
Frank Di Guglielmo
Gary Donner
Donald Dunn
Nadim Giotis
Craig Goodwin
Randall Groves
Jun Guo
Lauri Hiivala
Werner Hoelzl
Boris Kogan
Jim Kulchisky
Benjamin Lanz
William E. Larzelere Jr.
Michael Lauxman
Arturo Maldonado
William McDermid
Joe Nims
Lorraine Padden
Howard Penrose
Benjamin Quak
Lakshman Raut
Johannes Rickmann
Caryn Riley
Ryandi Ryandi
Bartien Sayogo
Gary Smullin
Kris Sommerstad
Gary Stoedter
John Vergis
Martin von Herrmann
J. Zimnoch
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 05 December 2018, it had the following
Jean-Phillipe Faure, Chair
Gary Hoffman, Vice Chair
John D. Kulick, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary
Ted Burse
Guido Hiertz
Christel Hunter
Joseph Koepfinger*
Thomas Koshy
Hung Ling
Dong Liu
Xiaohui Liu
Kevin Lu
Daleep Mohla
Andrew Myles
Paul Nikolich
Ron Petersen
Annette Reilly
Robby Robson
Dorothy Stanley
Mehmet Ulema
Phil Wennblom
Philip Winston
Howard Wolfman
Jingyi Zhou
*Member Emeritus
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
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Copyright © 2019 IEEE.
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 400.1-2018, IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded
AC Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC).
To say that there is a marked difference of opinion on the matter of cable testing would be a decided
understatement. Many users, particularly utilities, while practicing acceptance testing, do not favor
maintenance testing or testing after cable systems have been in service, believing that such tests may shorten
cable life. A few utility users, and many industrial users, favor both acceptance and maintenance testing,
believing that such testing will contribute to improved service reliability. Others feel that either acceptance
or maintenance testing can cause cable damage, resulting in premature failures and customer dissatisfaction.
Annex C of this guide gives additional background and more detailed commentary on these attitudes and
philosophies. There is undoubtedly much to be said both for and against all viewpoints; only the individual
user can determine whether, how frequently, and at what stresses testing is to be conducted.
In short, this guide does not suggest that cable-system testing be done; it simply provides guidance for such
testing, developed by those who have found it useful. Additionally, it provides interpretive information based
on many years of experience. Finally, pervading the entire procedure, safety has been a constant consideration
in each step of the recommended practices. It is hoped that use of this guide will increase the fund of knowledge
on the subject and result in more meaningful testing procedures and methods.
Suggestions for improvements to this guide are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary, IEEE-SA
Standards Board, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from S&P Global
Copyright © 2019 IEEE.
All rights reserved.
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1. Overview����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.1 Scope���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.2 Purpose������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
2. Normative references���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
3. General������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
3.1 Environmental influences������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
3.2 Test equipment����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
4. Test procedure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
4.1 Test precautions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
4.2 Safety practices���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
4.3 Testing procedure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
4.4 Recording of test results��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
5. Evaluation of results���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
5.1 Current-time relationships������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16
5.2 Resistance values�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Annex A (informative) Reasons for testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Annex B (informative) Protection against possible severe voltage conditions due to flashover��������������������� 19
Annex C (informative) Discussion of differences of opinions regarding HVDC testing�������������������������������� 20
Annex D (informative) Bibliography������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
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Copyright © 2019 IEEE.
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1. Overview
This guide provides a description of the methods and practices to be used when field-testing laminated
dielectric power cable systems. There is no requirement that any testing be performed either at the time of
installation or periodically thereafter. However, it is well known that direct current (dc) testing of laminated
dielectric shielded power cables has been performed for many years, especially for new installations or after
repairs. If the user decides to have a direct voltage test made on the system, the following information is
intended to provide a guide to the methodology, voltages, and concerns to be considered during the testing.
1.1 Scope
This guide presents the recommended practices and procedures for direct voltage acceptance and maintenance
testing of shielded, laminated dielectric insulated power cable systems rated 5 kV to 500 kV used in ac
transmission systems. It applies to all types of laminated power cable systems such as paper-insulated metallicsheathed, high-pressure pipe-type, low-pressure gas-filled, and low and medium pressure self-contained
liquid-filled cables that are intended for the transmission or distribution of electric power. The tabulated test
levels assume that the cable systems have an effectively grounded neutral system or a grounded metallic
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to provide uniform practices and procedures for performing direct voltage
acceptance and maintenance tests on shielded, laminated power cable systems in the field and to provide
guidelines for evaluation of the test results.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
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Copyright © 2019 IEEE.
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IEEE Guide for Field Testing of
Laminated Dielectric, Shielded
AC Power Cable Systems Rated
5 kV to 500 kV Using High Voltage
Direct Current (HVDC)
IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Accredited Standards Committee C2, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®).1
IEEE Std 4™, IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing.2,3
IEEE Std 510™ (Withdrawn), IEEE Recommended Practices for Safety in High-Voltage and High-Power
3. General
3.1 Environmental influences
3.1.1 Temperature
The dielectric strength of some cable insulations is reduced at elevated temperatures. This necessitates a
reduction in the test voltages at higher temperatures. Temperature gradients in the cable insulation, caused
by heat dissipation from the conductor, can result in abnormal voltage distribution upon application of a high
direct voltage. For these reasons, high voltage direct current (HVDC) tests should be made with the cable at
ambient temperature if possible.
3.1.2 Atmospheric conditions
High humidity and conditions favoring condensation on exposed surfaces can affect test results to a marked
degree. Contamination of termination surfaces can greatly increase conduction or leakage current and reduce
flashover levels. Relative air density affects the flashover voltage of cable terminations. At elevations higher
than 1000 m (3280 ft), additional insulation and clearance may be required to withstand the prescribed test
voltage. If excessive corona or air discharges exist during a test, a reduced test voltage may result and high
leakage current readings will be present.
3.1.3 Extraneous electric fields
Although field tests on cable are often made in the vicinity of energized equipment, extraneous electrical fields
usually will have little influence on direct voltage test results as long as the voltage measurement circuit is well
shielded. A simple test to see the influence can be made by ungrounding the test system prior to energization
and observing any indications on the test system instrumentation on the lowest metering range. It is always
important to maintain adequate clearances for the dc test voltages anticipated also taking into consideration
the recommended clearance for the energized adjacent circuits.
Care should always be taken to avoid sharp connections on the high-voltage circuit to maintain a low electric
field value and avoid corona discharges.
3.2 Test equipment
3.2.1 HVDC test equipment
The NESC is available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IEEE Std 510 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from Global Engineering, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO
80112-5704, USA, tel. (303) 792-2181 (http://​global​.ihs​.com/​).
Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
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Copyright © 2019 IEEE.
All rights reserved.
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The test voltage source should:
IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Provide the maximum (usually negative polarity) test voltage required plus some margin.
Provide a means of increasing voltage continuously or in small steps.
Have a current capability sufficient to charge the test object in a reasonable time.
Maintain a ripple factor as defined in IEEE Std 4 of less than 3%. Normally the capacitance of the test
object reduces the ripple voltage of the dc source to low levels.5
Provide a sufficiently powerful source to maintain voltage drops during transient current pulses to
a value of less than 10%. Care should always be taken to avoid strong corona discharges from highvoltage connections that cause transient current pulses.
— Provide voltage and current instrumentation that meet the requirements of IEEE Std 4. Ammeters used
to measure leakage current should have a low range that can resolve currents of 10 µA to 100 µA. An
ammeter of sufficient range and scale should be provided to measure the leakage current accurately.
Often, ammeters are provided with guard circuits to isolate the measurement of the current through the
test object from stray leakage current.
3.2.2 Power supply
A well-stabilized power source for the HVDC power supply (dc generator) is essential. Minor variations in the
mains voltage or the test voltage supply can cause major variations in the output current indication. The test
voltage should remain stable to within 3% during the test time.
3.2.3 Discharge resistor
A resistor with a resistance not less than 5000 Ω/kV of test voltage is recommended to be used to discharge the
cable system after testing. This resistor should be designed to withstand the full test voltage without flashover
and to handle the discharge energy without overheating. An insulating grounding stick rated for the full test
voltage and a flexible conductor should be provided to connect the resistor across the cable circuit and ground.
Remote control grounding devices that avoid operator intervention are preferred over manual grounding
At the end of a test, a solid, visible ground must be connected to the test cable after the test voltage is reduced
to a negligible value.
The energy to be dissipated by the discharge resistor after the test may be calculated from Equation (1) as
CV 2
is the energy (joules) (watt-seconds)
is the test voltage (volts)
is the capacitance of the test circuit (farads)
For information on references, see Clause 2.
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Provided by S&P Global under license with IEEE
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Copyright © 2019 IEEE.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
4. Test procedure
4.1 Test precautions
All components require de-energizing and solid grounding before testing. Checking with a reliable
voltage indicator that responds to alternating current (ac) and dc voltage is recommended. While the
indicator is in contact with each component and indicates no voltage, a ground connection should
be applied to the component and remain attached at all times except when the test voltage is being
applied. All unenergized metallic parts in the vicinity of the high-voltage connections should always
remain grounded.
All cable termination ends as well as all connecting leads of components being tested require guarding
from accidental contact by such means as barriers, enclosures, or a watchman at all points. The cable
ends require separation from all elements not to be subjected to test and by distances at least 0.25 cm/
kV (0.1 in/kV) of test potential for voltages up to 100 kV and at least 0.5 cm/kV (0.2 in/kV) for
higher test voltages. Please note that the test electrode geometry has a great influence on the safety
clearances. The values recommended in this paragraph are only for conditions where high-voltage and
ground electrodes are smooth and uniform and where high-voltage connections are made with round
conductors of adequate size to avoid corona. If the test connections are not smooth, larger clearances
should be provided.
The test lead itself as well as the entire measuring circuit should be corona-free. If a bare conductor
is used, it should be of a sufficient diameter to reduce corona discharges (streamers) from its surface.
A general guideline of 2.5 cm (1 in) conductor diameter for every 100 kV of test voltage is usually
sufficient for smooth conductors and cable terminations with stress relief electrodes. If a shielded
insulated conductor with the shield grounded is used to connect from the test source to the cable being
tested, that insulated conductor and its terminations must be rated for the maximum test voltage.
Unshielded high voltage (HV) cables may be used provided that they do not create corona discharges
during the test at maximum operating voltage.
Breakdown or terminal flashover may generate traveling waves up and down the cable that can be of a
magnitude great enough to cause degradation of the insulation of the cable or accessories or breakdown
of the cable insulation or the test source. A damping resistor or energy absorbing resistor in series with
the output of the dc test source rated for the reflected test voltage and energy stored in the cable if a
flashover occurs should be installed to isolate the dc test source from the test load. This resistor, if
properly sized, may protect the test source from overvoltages by absorbing the energy in the test circuit
and can reduce the oscillation amplitude of the traveling wave.
Surge arresters should be disconnected and grounded.
HVDC field-testing of cable systems involves all of the concerns normally associated with working
on energized circuits, as well as several unique concerns that must be addressed. Cable circuits
will normally have one or more ends remote from the location of the test equipment and the test
operator. These ends must be cleared and guarded to ensure the safety of personnel. Reliable voice
communication should be established between all such locations and the test operator.
Trapped charges: Shielded power cables have high capacitance and their dielectric absorption
characteristics may have long time constants. Trapped charges inside the cables may take long time
periods to decay to zero. Particular attention must be directed to the special techniques required for
discharging dc cables after testing to minimize the possibility of personal injury. Re-energizing a cable
with system voltage without adequate time after a HV acceptance or maintenance test may result in
breakdowns. Owners of cable systems should consult with the manufacturers to determine sufficient
rest time between tests or between polarity changeovers where required, to avoid damage.
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The following precautions should be considered when performing tests with HVDC in the field:
IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Polarization: When a cable is subjected to dc voltages it becomes polarized with a time constant that
depends on the insulation system used and that time constant generally shorter than the time constant
to reduce trapped charges. Tests where the polarity is reversed must consider the “off” time between
successive energizations when the polarity is reversed. Owners of cable systems should consult with
the manufacturers to determine sufficient rest time between tests or between polarity changeovers
where required, to avoid damage.
HVDC testing of laminated ac cables is not applicable to cable systems of mixed cable types that
include extruded dielectric cables.
Cables subjected to high-voltage testing that are not grounded for sufficiently long periods of time following
such tests can experience dangerous charge buildups as a consequence of the very long time constant
associated with dielectric absorption currents. For this reason, the grounding procedures recommended in
4.3 shall be followed.
4.2 Safety practices
When testing, personnel safety and service reliability of the electrical systems are of ultimate importance. All
cable and equipment tests must be performed on isolated and de-energized systems except where otherwise
specifically required and authorized. The safety practices should include at least the following requirements:
Applicable user safety operating procedures.
Recommended practices for safety in high-voltage testing (see IEEE Std 510).
Applicable state and local governing safety operating procedures.
Part 4 of the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) (Accredited Standards Committee C2-2002)
where applicable.
Protection of utility and customer property by such means as barriers, enclosures with warning signs,
and safety watchers at all points. The test program of each safety system should be designed to provide
for minimum interference, as much as practicable, with related operations channels, systems, or
Cables must be de-energized and grounded before testing begins.
While testing, one or more cable ends will be remote from the testing site; therefore, cable ends must
be cleared and guarded.
At the conclusion of high-voltage testing, cables and cable systems should be discharged and careful
consideration must be given to eliminate the aftereffects of the cables’ dielectric absorption and
capacitance characteristics. Those effects can be reduced by leaving both the conductor and sheath of
the cable grounded until it is placed in service.
4.3 Testing procedure
Disconnect all equipment from the cable to be tested that is not to be included in the test. Keep all existing
ground connections intact. Any temporary struts, ties, leads, spacers, and terminations or connecting leads
must be capable of sustaining the test voltage without undue leakage or heating. Prepare the cable system
for testing in accordance with manufacturer or utility recommendations. Clean insulator surfaces with a dry
cloth to minimize leakage currents and prevent flashover. An output connection is required to connect the
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
power supply to the termination of the cable under test. This connection should be smooth and free of surface
irregularities if possible.
Check the operation of the test equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations prior to
connecting the test cable. If a portable dc voltage measurement system complying with IEEE Std 4 is available
the test equipment voltmeter can be checked by comparison before connecting the test load. When concern
exists about accidental flashover of the test set at the test voltage, a check of the test equipment should include
a voltage withstand test with a suitable margin before connecting to the load.
The current indication can be checked by connecting a short piece of small wire to the test lead and through a
suitable milliammeter to ground and raising the voltage slightly until the two instruments can be compared at
various current levels.
If the leakage current in the test equipment is a substantial portion of the test value to be measured, this current
should be measured and subtracted from the test current readings. Alternatively, guard current metering
circuits may be used that only measure the leakage current of the test cable. The current measurement may
be repeated at the end of the test. The source of extraneous leakage should be determined and eliminated if
The ground lead for the test equipment should be connected to a local ground or in the absence of a local
ground to the metallic shield of the cable that must be known to be grounded. All ground connections must be
observed to be solid mechanical connections prior to beginning any high-voltage test. For ungrounded cable
terminations, the metallic shield should be connected to a local ground, during HVDC testing. Connect the
high-voltage test lead to the first conductor or conductors to be tested. Remove any safety ground rods from
the conductor to be tested. When multiconductor or belted cables are tested, each conductor should be tested
separately, with the remaining conductors and shields grounded.
If the cable system has been operating under sufficient load to raise its temperature, it should be allowed to
cool to ambient temperature before applying the test voltage. The initially applied voltage should not exceed
the values given in Table 1.6 If the cable is not allowed to cool to ambient temperature before testing, the
test voltages may need to be reduced below the values in Table 1 and test values should be established by
agreement between the supplier and the owner of the cable system.
The voltage may be increased continuously or in steps to the maximum test value. Apply voltage slowly
enough to prevent overloading and/or tripping of the high-voltage test set or overshooting the test level. If the
voltage is increased continuously, the rate of increase should be approximately uniform and should result in
the maximum test voltage being reached in a time period of not less than 10 s and not more than 60 s. A voltage
rate of rise of <1kV/s is recommended. In cases where extremely long installations are to be tested, the rate of
voltage rise may be slower due to practical considerations of the test equipment.
If the step method of voltage increase is employed, a minimum of five steps is desirable. Duration at each
step should be long enough for the current to reach a steady value (1 min suggested). Current readings at each
voltage step should be recorded at the end of the step duration.
The maximum test voltage should be maintained for 15 min. After reaching the maximum test voltage, the
leakage current magnitude should be recorded at least twice: once at approximately 2 min and again at the end
of the test period (15 min).
Recommended test voltages for shielded cable systems 5 kV and above are set forth in Table 1. When, in
the opinion of the user/owner, it is necessary to use more stringent test voltages, the higher level should be
determined in consultation with the suppliers of the cable and cable accessories.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex D.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
If any equipment is included beyond the cable and its terminations, the dielectric strength of such equipment
must be taken into consideration when establishing the test voltage.
Recommended test voltages are found in Table 1.
Table 1—Field test voltages for laminated, shielded power cables from 5 kV to 500 kV
system voltage
System voltage,
kV rms,
System BIL,
kV crest
Acceptance test,
kV dc,
Maintenance test,
kV dc,
NOTE 1—Voltages higher than those listed, up to 80% of system BIL, may be considered, but the age and operating
environment of the system should be taken into account. The user is urged to consult the suppliers of the cable and any/
all accessories before applying the high voltage.
NOTE 2—When older cables or other types/classes of cables or other equipment, such as transformers, switchgear,
motors, etc. are connected to the cable to be tested, voltages lower than those shown in this table may be necessary to
comply with the limitations imposed by such interconnected cables and equipment. See IEEE Std 95™ [B5] and Table
1 of IEEE Std C37.20.2™-1999 [B7].
NOTE 3—If the test voltage exceeds 50% of system BIL, surge protection against excessive overvoltages induced by
flashovers at the termination should be provided. See Annex B.
NOTE 4—It is strongly recommended that the user consult with the manufacturer(s) of all components that will be
subjected to such testing before performing any tests on cables and cable accessories rated 115 kV and higher.
NOTE 5—It should be noted that this table and the test procedures suggested in this guide do not necessarily agree with
the recommendations of other organizations, such as those of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies [B1],
[B2], [B3], [B4]. Where there is concern, a user should consult the supplier of the cable and accessories to ascertain
that the components will withstand the test.
At the completion of the test period, the voltage can be reduced by returning the voltage control of the test
equipment to zero. The voltage on the cable will discharge through the internal resistance of the test equipment.
Normally this resistance has a very high ohmic value and the discharge time will be very long, especially for
cables longer than a few 100 m (300 ft.). A long discharge time may be impractical. Further, directly grounding
the cable with zero resistance while the voltage is at an elevated voltage can damage the cable. In order to
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
discharge longer lengths of cable safely, separate automatic grounding systems with built-in high-voltage
discharge resistance designed to provide a time constant of several seconds or longer can be used. In all cases,
discharge mechanisms should be designed to safely handle the test voltage and energy stored in the cable
under test.
After the test voltage is reduced to a low level, the high-voltage conductor should be solidly grounded. The
grounding provision used after a test should have no resistance included and be rated for the maximum fault
current and fault duration of the system. The cable should remain grounded until ready for service or further
testing. A retest should not be started until the cable has been grounded for a period of at least four times the
duration of the previous test.
4.4 Recording of test results
It is recommended that test data be recorded for future reference. Such data should include the date, time
of day, location, ambient temperature, relative humidity or weather condition, cable description, phase, and
circuit identification, as well as the name of the test operator and the test equipment used. The record of the
test schedule used should include the time of voltage application as well as the voltage and current readings.
Whenever available, the name of the manufacturer of the cable, its terminations, and its date of installation
should be added to the record.
5. Evaluation of results
5.1 Current-time relationships
The test current will momentarily increase for each voltage increment due to the charging of the capacitance
and the dielectric absorption characteristics of the cable. Both of these decay, the first in a few seconds, the
latter more slowly, ultimately leaving only the conduction current plus any external surface leakage or corona
currents. The time required to reach this steady-state current depends on the insulation temperature and
material. This time could be on the order of hours for laminar oil impregnated insulation.
One criterion of a satisfactory test in direct voltage testing is a steady current value or a decrease of current
with time at a fixed voltage application. While this may be partially obscured by corona current, voltage
regulation, and insufficient meter damping, the absence of an increase in current with time is generally a
practical criterion for acceptance.
If the current starts to increase, slowly at first but at an increasing rate, without any increase in applied voltage,
gradual insulation failure may be in progress. This process will probably continue until the cable or accessories
eventually fail unless the voltage is rapidly reduced. Non-pressurized impregnated paper insulations typically
exhibit this type of insulation failure.
If the test equipment overload system trips at any time during a test, it may indicate one of the following:
A very rapid increase in current beyond the rating of the test equipment
A flashover of the test equipment, the leads, or a termination
A failure of the circuit under test, the cable, a splice, or a termination
A failure can be confirmed by the inability to sustain another application of the test voltage.
In the event of such an apparent failure, it is recommended that the source of the failure be determined prior to
re-energization of the cable.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
5.2 Resistance values
Readings of voltage (V) and conduction current (I) observed during the HVDC test may be used to calculate
the effective insulation resistance (R) of the cable system by means of Ohm’s Law, R = V/I. A useful relation is
given in Equation (2) as follows:
DC test voltage (V )
Test current (µA )
= Insulation resistance (MΩ)
Calculating and plotting resistance versus voltage, in conjunction with a step-voltage test, is an aid in
evaluating the insulation condition and is frequently an even more sensitive indicator of an approaching
current avalanche failure than is the dynamic behavior of the microammeter itself. A reduction in insulation
resistance with increasing voltage can be such an indication, particularly in tests on laminar dielectric cables.
A decrease in calculated insulation resistance may also be the result of higher leakage currents due to corona
at increased voltage levels. The cable terminals should be checked for excessive corona, and steps should
be taken to mitigate the discharges, if present, as corona leakage currents can increase rapidly with higher
voltages after inception.
Comparison of the calculated resistance of the three conductors of a circuit can be a very useful indicator of
an anomalous condition in the insulation of one or more of the cables. Although no clear guidelines for such
comparison can be given, an anomalous condition is likely if this ratio of insulation resistance is greater than
3:1 for cables longer than 1000 m (3000 ft). Somewhat higher resistance ratios can be permitted for cables less
than 300 m (1000 ft) in length.
The insulation resistance characteristics and terminating conditions vary so widely that a statement here of
absolute values of resistance would be misleading. Comparison of resistance values with those obtained when
the cable system was installed or last tested can be useful to “fingerprint” an installation over time.
All cable insulations exhibit a negative temperature-resistance coefficient; increased temperature will therefore
always result in lower insulation resistance. Several types of compounds used for filling cable terminations
exhibit much lower resistance and higher negative temperature-resistance coefficients than those of the oilpaper cables they terminate. For this reason, terminations should be allowed to cool to ambient temperature
before testing takes place. Some factory-prefabricated terminators may also exhibit relatively low resistance
and moderately high negative temperature- resistance coefficients.
Humidity, condensation, and precipitation on the surface of a termination can increase the leakage current by
several orders of magnitude and give rise to an undesirable flashover. Extremely low humidity levels may also
increase corona levels. Very high or very low humidity may increase the corona current, which is indicated in
the total leakage current.
Wind prevents the accumulation of space charges at bare energized terminals. This results in an increase of
corona. An insulating envelope surrounding a termination tends to retain this space charge even in the presence
of wind and can increase flashover voltages.
When a test includes other connected high-voltage apparatus in addition to the cable being tested, the current
measurement sensitivity required to note approaching avalanche conditions outlined in 5.1 may not be
observed due to masking by other extraneous current values of higher magnitudes. In such cases, avalanche or
runaway conditions may be noted only when the failure mechanism is far advanced. Reduction of voltage may
not be possible before actual breakdown occurs.
All of the above factors should be considered when comparing or evaluating the apparent insulation resistance
of a cable circuit.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Annex A
Reasons for testing
A.1 Acceptance tests
An acceptance test before placing the cable in service normally will reveal gross dielectric defects, weaknesses,
or errors that would result in failure within the first year or so.
A.2 Maintenance tests
Laminar dielectric cables, when pressurized, are much less susceptible to progressive deterioration from
partial discharge action at imperfections. When the dielectric is not pressurized, however, migration of oil
and the subsequent appearance of voids in the insulation will permit degradation from partial discharge
activity. A major cause of failure of these types of cable is failure of the enclosing sheath and a consequent
ingress of water. This condition is aggravated by cyclic loading of the cable. However, actual failure does not
occur immediately after a breach of the sheath. Insulation resistance decreases and dielectric losses increase
progressively after the initial moisture encroachment. Actual failure may not occur for several months.
The usefulness of maintenance tests on this cable type depends largely upon the frequency of the testing.
Results published to date indicate the intervals of less than one year may be necessary to obtain substantial
improvements in service reliability.
The consequences of experiencing a failure during performance of a maintenance test should be considered
prior to undertaking any such test. The faulted circuit would be out of service until repairs or possibly even
cable replacement could be completed. This could result in a prolonged delay for circuit availability.
A.3 Corrective actions
When a failure of a cable occurs, a retest may be necessary before a corrective action is taken which can
include: fault location, cable replacement, replacement or rework of terminations, and/or replacement of
accessories. Additional test methods not included in the scope of this guide may be required to determine the
location of the cause of unacceptable test results and corrective actions.
HVDC tests assess the overall condition of an insulation system and cannot necessarily identify individual
flaws except when those flaws result in a test failure.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Annex B
Protection against possible severe voltage conditions due to
B.1 Possible surge voltage conditions
If a flashover should occur during the course of a HVDC test, either in the cable itself or at the terminations,
voltage surges of a polarity opposite to the test voltage are initiated. These travel along the cable and produce
reflections at the terminals as described by traveling wave theory. Before any reflections occur, the traveling
wave voltage tends to neutralize the cable test voltage and relieve the prevailing voltage stress. However, an
internal or external flashover can result in traveling waves, which may result in a doubling of the test voltage
and a reversal of polarity. This polarity reversal is subsequently imposed on the shielded cable system. While
the maximum reversed voltage from conductor to ground would appear to be less than equipment BIL, the
effects of the reversals on stress between conductors and shield are uncertain. Cables and accessories could be
subject to damage or multiple failures when terminals are not surge-protected and an initial flashover or failure
takes place. Protective rod–rod gaps may be employed to limit the voltage at an end terminal (see IEEE Std 4).
B.2 Surge protection requirements
The effects of test flashover occurrences can be minimized by preventing reflections at the terminals. This
could be accomplished by installing a protective device that will withstand test voltage but will flash over
if subjected to a voltage of opposite polarity, and of the same magnitude or significantly less, say 60% or
70%. Such a device can be connected to ground through a resistor approximately equal to the cable surge
impedance, thereby minimizing reflections at terminals.
One possible solution is to use metal oxide protective devices without internal spark gaps that are adequate for
the test voltage to be applied.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Annex C
Discussion of differences of opinions regarding HVDC testing
This annex sets forth some of the areas of debate among cable engineers on the merits of conducting HVDC
tests on shielded cable systems having laminar dielectric insulations.
There is undoubtedly much to be said both for and against all viewpoints. Improper testing can certainly give
a false indication of the cable condition and may cause damage, particularly when voltmeter range switches
are in the wrong position or when the tested cable is discharged by short-circuiting through essentially zero
resistance. Unskilled testing can also cause serious injury through unsafe practices. On the other hand, skillful
techniques and proper care, as outlined in this guide, can be of much help in improving service reliability of
cable systems.
The following should be noted when considering these issues:
In some cases, practical insulating systems may have significantly higher thresholds of damage
initiation when stressed with dc potential than when stressed with ac potential. This has lead to use of
dc test potentials several times higher than a comparable ac test level for cables and electric machines.
Under ac stress, the potential distribution across the insulation system is determined by unit
capacitances; under dc stress, the potential distribution is determined by unit resistances.
It should be noted that the test voltages and procedures recommended in this guide do not necessarily agree
with those recommended by other organizations. Where there is concern about testing up to other voltage
levels than those listed in this guide, a user should consult the suppliers of the cable and accessories or even
test a few accessories to ascertain that these components will withstand the test.
Still lower test voltages and shorter periods between tests may produce the same overall reliability as higher
test voltages and longer periods between tests; although no clear comparison has been established.
Some users may find it desirable to apply even more rigorous test potentials than those listed in the guide.
Some of these have found testing at dc test voltage on the order of 80% of system BIL to be desirable and useful
for their purposes. It should be noted that if the higher test voltages advocated by some are used, acceptance
testing after installation may employ the same voltages used in factory tests. Good installation practice assures
that the rigors of installation, splicing, and terminating have not lowered the dielectric strength of the system
below the factory test level.
Maintenance test voltages should be 75% of the acceptance (installation) test voltages. This provides for a
normal degree of deterioration in dielectric strength before replacement or repair is indicated.
The real purpose of a test is to apply a high enough voltage to detect in the insulation any weak spots likely to
cause a service failure before the next scheduled test. At the same time, the test voltage should not be so high
as to damage any sound insulation.
Acceptance test voltage duration is normally 15 min. Maintenance test voltage duration is normally not less
than 5 min or more than 15 min.
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IEEE Std 400.1-2018
IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV to 500kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Annex D
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] AEIC CS1-12, Specifications for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated Metallic Sheathed Cable, Solid Type.7
[B2] AEIC CS2-14, Specifications for Impregnated Paper and Laminated Paper Polypropylene Insulated
Cable, High Pressure Pipe Type.
[B3] AEIC CS3-16, Specifications for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated Metallic Sheathed Cable, Low PressureGas Filled Type.
[B4] AEIC CS4-18, Specifications for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated Low and Medium Pressure SelfContained Liquid Filled Cable.
[B5] IEEE Std 95™-2002, IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery
(2300 V and Above) With High Direct Voltage.8
[B6] IEEE Std 404™-2012, IEEE Standard for Extruded and Laminated Dielectric Cable Joints Rated 2 500 V
to 500 000 V.
[B7] IEEE Std C37.20.2™-2015, IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear.
AEIC publications are available from the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, 600 N. 18th Street, P. O. Box 2641,
Birmingham, AL 35291-0992, USA (http://​www​.aeic​.org/​). AEIC publications are also available from Global Engineering Documents,
15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112-5704, USA (http://​global​.ihs​.com/​).
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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