Uploaded by Kaleb Trumbo

Food Consumption, Health, and Pollination Worksheet

Written Document Analysis Worksheet
(1) Type of document (check one):
9 Newspaper
9 Memorandum
9 Letter
9 Press release
9 Patent
9 Congressional record
9 Map
9 Advertisement
9 Census report
(2) Unique physical characteristics of the document (check one or more):
9 Handwritten
9 Interesting letterhead
9 Typed
9 Notations
9 “Received” stamp
9 Other
9 Telegram
9 Report
9 Other
9 Seals
12, Dec. 2022
(3) Date(s) of document:_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Smith, Matthew R.
(4) Author or creator of document:_______________________________________________________________________________
Deficits, Food Consumption, and Consequences for Human Health: A Modeling Study.
Title or position of author:_____________________________________________________________________________________
(5) For what audience was the document written ?_ ___________________________________________________________
(6) List three things the author said that you think are important.
low income
a. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
lost healthy food consumptions
b. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
high income higher rate of diseases.
c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(7) Why do you think this document was written ? _
We aimed to model the impacts on current global human health from insufficient
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
via diet.
(8) What evidence in the document helps you to know why it was written ? Quote from the
pollination supports agricultural production for many healthy foods,
such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, that provide key nutrients and _
protect against noncommunicable disease.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
(9) List two things the document tells you about life in the United States at the time it was written.
it was rough for the poor
a. __ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
the higher income had more consumption
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(10) Write a question to the author that is left unanswered by the document._ _
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
does it matter how much foood we eat if the poor still cant afoord it.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
N a t i o n a l A r c h i v e s W o r k s h e e t s