Uploaded by Star Academy Secondary School

Grid Batteries & COVID-19 Breathalyzer

The Extended-Use Grid Battery
Grid batteries are used to store energy collected from renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. These batteries can store
large amounts of energy, which can be used to provide power when the renewable energy sources are not available.
(Laraib Waheed PM2 Karachi Board)
COVID-19 Breathalyzer Test : ViraWarn Freedom
Even after 3 years Corona virus is here and that’s why we kept this invention in our list of Best New Inventions 2022. Gone are the days when you would have to wait for at least
48 to 72 hours for the results of COVID-19 tests, as a Baltimore-based medical company invented a handheld breath analyzer named ViraWarn Freedom that detects Covid-19 &
its variants with almost 100% accuracy and that too in just 5 seconds. You just need to blow into the device and that’s it, a green signal would mean a negative test result & a red
signal indicates that a person is a Covid positive. Moreover, the Freedom breathalyzer has also been verified by the renowned George Mason University. Also, the device is really
small in size and can provide up to 200 Covid-19 tests per cartridge, which makes it a must-have device, especially for public places like restaurants, theatres, classrooms, etc for
detecting COVID-19 variants. It is the only the single Corona focused New Invention of this year..
(Laraib Waheed PM2 Karachi Board)