import re readFile = open('/content/cse/CSE420_Lab01_20101345/input.txt', 'r') readFile = writeFile = open('/content/cse/CSE420_Lab01_20101345/output.txt', 'w') tokens = readFile.split() keywordsList = ['abstract','continue', 'for','new','switch', 'assert','default','goto','package','synchronized', 'boolean','do','if','private' ,'this', 'break','double','implements','protected','throw', 'byte', 'else', 'import', 'public', 'throws', 'case', 'enum', 'instanceof', 'return', 'transient', 'catch','extends', 'int', 'short','try', 'char', 'final', 'interface', 'static', 'void', 'class', 'finally', 'long', 'strictfp', 'volatile', 'const', 'float', 'native', 'super', 'while'] # tml arithmeticOperatorList = ['=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=', '&=', '|=', '^=', '>>=', '<<='] # logicalOperatorList = ['==', '!=', '!', '&&', '||', '>', '<', '>=', '<='] # alphabetsRegex = re.compile("[a-zA-Z]+") numRegex = re.compile("([+-]?[0-9]+)+[.]?[0-9]*") currKeywords = [] currIdentifiers = [] currNumbers = [] currArithmeticOperator = [] currLogicalOperator = [] currOthers = [] for token in tokens: if token in keywordsList and token not in currKeywords: currKeywords.append(token) elif token in arithmeticOperatorList and token not in currArithmeticOperator: currArithmeticOperator.append(token) elif token in logicalOperatorList and token not in currLogicalOperator: currLogicalOperator.append(token) elif alphabetsRegex.fullmatch(token) is not None and token not in keywordsList and token not in currIdentifiers: currIdentifiers.append(token) elif numRegex.fullmatch(token) is not None and token not in currNumbers: currNumbers.append(token) elif token not in keywordsList and token not in currIdentifiers and token not in currNumbers and token not in currOthers and token not in currLogicalOperator and token not in currArithmeticOperator: currOthers.append(token) writeFile.write("currKeywords: ") writeFile.write(', '.join(currKeywords)) writeFile.write("\ncurrIdentifiers: ") writeFile.write(', '.join(currIdentifiers)) writeFile.write("\nMath Operators: ") writeFile.write(', '.join(currArithmeticOperator)) writeFile.write("\nLogical Operators: ") writeFile.write(', '.join(currLogicalOperator)) writeFile.write("\nNumerical Values: ") writeFile.write(', '.join(currNumbers)) writeFile.write("\nOthers: ") writeFile.write(' '.join(currOthers)) writeFile.close() lab2 def mail_checker(test_string, state): if test_string == '' and state == 'q10': return 1 elif test_string == '': return 0 if state == 'q0': if test_string[0].isalpha(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q6') else: return 0 if state == 'q6': if test_string[0].isalpha() or test_string[0].isdigit(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q6') elif test_string[0] == "@": return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q7') else: return 0 if state == 'q7': if test_string[0].isalpha() or test_string[0].isdigit(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q8') else: return 0 if state == 'q8': if test_string[0].isalpha() or test_string[0].isdigit(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q8') elif test_string[0] == ".": return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q9') else: return 0 if state == 'q9': if test_string[0].isalpha(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q10') elif test_string[0].isdigit(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q8') else: return 0 if state == 'q10': if test_string[0].isalpha(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q10') elif test_string[0].isdigit(): return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q8') elif test_string[0] == ".": return mail_checker(test_string[1:], 'q9') else: return 0 #print (mail_checker('', 'q0')) def web_checker(test_string, state): if test_string == '' and state == 'q5': return 1 elif test_string == '': return 0 if state == 'q0': if test_string[0:3] == "www": return web_checker(test_string[3:], 'q1') else: return 0 if state == 'q1': if test_string[0] == ".": return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q2') else: return 0 if state == 'q2': if test_string[0].isalpha() or test_string[0].isdigit(): return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q3') else: return 0 if state == 'q3': if test_string[0].isalpha() or test_string[0].isdigit(): return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q3') elif test_string[0] == ".": return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q4') else: return 0 if state == 'q4': if test_string[0].isalpha(): return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q5') elif test_string[0].isdigit(): return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q3') else: return 0 if state == 'q5': if test_string[0].isalpha(): return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q5') elif test_string[0].isdigit(): return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q3') elif test_string[0] == ".": return web_checker(test_string[1:], 'q4') else: return 0 #print (web_checker('', 'q0')) input = open("/content/cse/CSE420_Lab02_20101345/input.txt", 'r') input = input = input.split('\n') print(input) noOfChecks = int(input[0].rstrip()) for i in range(noOfChecks): test_string = input[1+i].rstrip() if mail_checker(test_string, 'q0'): print('Email, ' + str(i + 1)) elif web_checker(test_string, 'q0'): print('Web, ' + str(i + 1)) ['2', 'dilrubashowkat@gmail.1com', ''] Web, 2 lab3 import re input = open("/content/cse/CSE420_Lab03_20101345/input.txt", 'r') input = input = input.split('\n') noReg = int(input[0]) noStr = int(input[noReg+1]) regex = input[1:noReg+1] strings = input[noReg+2:noReg+noStr+2] for val in strings: result = ["No",0] for idx2, val2 in enumerate(regex): reg=re.compile(val2) if re.match(reg,val): result = ["yes",idx2+1] print("{},{}".format(result[0], result[1]))