Uploaded by Girish Gurajala

SAP MRP Delivery Schedule Types Explained

MRP Relevance for Delivery Schedule Type
Schedule Line Categories ......................................................................................................................... 2
A – Requirements according to FDS, deliveries according to validity ........................................................ 2
B – Requirements according to validity, deliveries according to validity ................................................... 4
C – Requirements according to FDS, deliveries according to JDS .............................................................. 6
D – Requirements according to validity, deliveries according to JDS......................................................... 8
E – Not JIT Delivery Schedules ............................................................................................................... 10
There are 5 MRP schedule types provided by SAP standard. The MRP relevance for delivery schedule
type can be used to control schedule line category which is relevant for planning and delivery.
Here I create some testing data to explain how this field is working.
Schedule Line Categories
Following schedule line categories are generally used by normal business scenario of scheduling
agreement (type LZ):
L1: MRP + Delivery
L2: MRP – No Delivery
BN: No MRP – No Delivery
CN: No MRP + Delivery
A – Requirements according to FDS, deliveries according to validity
Create a sales scheduling agreement with type LZ. Set the MRP relevance to “A” which represents that
FDS is relevant for MRP planning, and delivery will be controlled by validity (JIT horizon). If it is within
the JIT horizon, the JDS will be considered for delivery creation; if it is out of the JIT horizon, the FDS will
be considered for delivery creation.
Check “Forecast Delivery Schedule” tab for the schedule line category determination
Within the JIT horizon (26/10/2018), the schedule lines of FDS are not relevant for delivery (L2). After
the JIT horizon, the FDS schedule lines are relevant for delivery (L1).
Go to tab “JIT Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination:
Out of the JIT horizon, the schedule lines are not relevant for delivery (BN).
B – Requirements according to validity, deliveries according to validity
Create a sales scheduling agreement with type LZ. Set the MRP relevance to “B” which represents that
both FDS and JDS are relevant for MRP planning and delivery according to validity period setting. If it is
within the JIT horizon, the JDS will be considered for MRP and delivery creation; if it is out of the JIT
horizon, the FDS will be considered for MRP and delivery creation.
Go to tab “Forecast Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination:
Schedule line category “BN” represents non-MRP relevant and non-delivery relevant. So within JIT
horizon, the whole control is in JDS side. FDS only handles MRP and delivery creation out of JIT horizon.
Go to tab “JIT Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination:
Different from the settings on FDS, all schedule lines within the JIT horizon are relevant for MRP and
C – Requirements according to FDS, deliveries according to JDS
Create a sales scheduling agreement with type LZ. Set the MRP relevance to “C” which represents that
FDS is only relevant for MRP and JDS is only relevant for delivery. If it is within the JIT horizon, the JDS
will be considered for delivery creation; if it is out of the JIT horizon, the JDS will not be considered for
delivery creation. The FDS is always used for MRP.
Go to tab “Forecast Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination:
For all dates (within or without JIT horizon), the schedule lines on FDS are always not relevant for
delivery and only for MRP.
Go to tab “JIT Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination on JDS:
Out of the JIT horizon, the schedule lines (BN) are neither relevant for MRP, nor relevant for delivery.
D – Requirements according to validity, deliveries according to JDS
Create a sales scheduling agreement with type LZ. Set the MRP relevance to “D” which represents that
MRP is relevant for delivery, and delivery is always relevant for JDS. If it is within the JIT horizon, the JDS
will be considered for MRP and delivery creation; if it is out of the JIT horizon, FDS is considered for MRP
only. In this setting, no delivery will be created from FDS.
Go to tab “Forecast Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination:
Within the JIT horizon, the schedule lines (BN) are neither for MRP nor for delivery. Out of JIT horizon,
the schedule lines (L2) of FDS are only relevant for MRP. The delivery is not possible for FDS schedule
Go to tab “JIT Delivery Schedule” to check the schedule line category determination:
Only within the JIT horizon, the schedule lines (L1) are relevant for MRP and delivery. After the JIT
horizon date, schedule lines (BN) on JDS cannot do further things.
E – Not JIT Delivery Schedules
Create a sales scheduling agreement with type LZ. Set the MRP relevance to “E” which disables the JIT.
With this setting, the MRP and delivery is always relevant for FDS, and no JIT can be processed.
Go to tab “Forecast Delivery Schedule” to check schedule line category determination:
The JIT delivery schedule cannot be maintained at all. For all entries in FDS, the schedule lines are
relevant for MRP and delivery.