3. What color(s) did they find have the fastest reaction time(s) Yellow was faster than the rest. 4. What color(s) did they find have the slowest reaction time(s)? Green one seem to be the least. 5. According to the introduction of their paper, what are some variables that affect a person’s reaction times? gender, age, physical fitness, level of fatigue, distraction, alcohol, personality type, limb used for test, biological rhythm, and health and whether the stimulus is auditory or visual. .6 How many measurements did they take for each color on how many subjects? measurements of sixty study subjects P value <0.001 and value 15.01 7. How was the specific reaction time test they used different from the one we used? Our test is focused on person’s reaction while theirs has so many . there’s wasn’t that different because both test is studying the same reaction. 8. Why might their results be important? (They give a suggestion). It could be very important due to traffic signals and forth. 1. Observe/Question: What did you notice? What is the problem you’re trying to solve? I noticed that the fastest reaction time color was red. There wasn’t any problem rather than it also depends on what color you also seem to do it last because I notice as I do it each time I get tired or bored to react fast. 2. Create Hypothesis: What is your hypothesis? Is it testable? My hypothesis to this test was, the first color you attend to do first was the one I had more energy to react fast and then I started to get tired o react. 3. Set-up and Perform Experiment: How did you test your hypothesis? What were your materials and methods? So I knew red would be a quick color react so started with if first and then then as I got to the other ones, they boring to react. It made feel little bit energy down rather than red because it was aggressive for my vision. What are the independent and dependent variables? Is there a control group and what is it? Independent v= reaction of time dependable v= how fast I reacted to the color. 3. Collect & Analyze Data: How did you collect and record and analyze your data? First, I used paper shit to calculate my data than used excel to form my data. calculations. MAKE SURE YOU DRAW AND LABEL YOUR STANDARD ERROR LINE SEGMENTS! 5. Form Conclusion: What do the standard error line segments tell you about your conclusion? Do they overlap or not and what does this mean? Is your hypothesis supported or rejected? Can you explain any experimental errors or design flaws if your results don’t make sense? Can you suggest future experiments it very much tells how fast I first started to react than as I go to the other colors, the reactions became so low.