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ATI Focused Review & Transcript Guide

Students: How to Complete Focused Review (Remediation) and Print a Transcript of Focused Review
Completion within ATI
After completing the ATI exam(s) this semester, you can access your results using the following steps:
1. Log into www.atitesting.com and click on “My Results” tab.
2. Within the “My Results” tab, select “Proctored Assessments” and look for the Assessment that you
just took.
3. The assessment report looks like a sheet of paper. You will be able to review your assessment report
(scores) by clicking on this paper icon.
Once you’ve pulled up your scoring report, look for your Proficiency Level. The box below explains what
each proficiency level means and will tell you how much focused review (remediation) you are required
to complete:
NCLEX-RN standards in this
content area
Knowledge demonstrated in
this content area
Performance in this content
Required Remediation time
for this content. This is the
minimum amount of time that
the student must spend
remediating on this specific
content. If a student scores at
a Level 1 or Below Level 1 on
more than one ATI test, then
he or she must remediate for
this amount of time for EACH
separate test’s content.
(Example: For two different
ATI tests scoring Below Level
1, the student would be
required to complete 4 hours
of Focused Review
(remediation) for the first test
Level 3
Level 2
Readily meets
Level 1
Just meets
Below Level 1
Does not meet
High level
Adequate level
Minimum level
Exceeds most
No Focused
students are
encouraged to
complete at
least one hour
of focused
review on
missed content
No Focused
students are
encouraged to
complete at
least two hours
of focused
review on
missed content
Meets the
Does not
the minimum
Does not meet
the absolute
Students are
required to
complete a
minimum of
three (3) hours
of focused
review on
missed topics.
Students are
required to
complete a
minimum of
four (4) hours
of focused
review on
missed topics.
Students are
not required to
Students are
not required to
of focused
completion that
of focused
area AND 4 additional hours of
Focused Review (remediation)
for the second test area.
Number of Completed,
Handwritten Active Learning
Templates you must turn in
documentation documentation meets or
to next
to next
exceeds the
amount of time
specified above
must be
submitted to
faculty as
directed in the
next semester.
that meets or
exceeds the
amount of time
specified above
must be
submitted to
faculty as
directed in the
next semester.
How to Complete the Required Focused Review
Now that you know how much focused review is expected of you, follow the steps below to complete
the focused review of your missed content:
1. Find the Proctored Assessment results following the steps above. Instead of clicking on the “paper”
icon under “Assessment Report”, you will now be focusing on the “Focused Review” column.
2. Click “Create” under the Focused Review column next to the proctored assessment you want to begin
3. On the next page, click next to “Select from all missed Topics to Review.” Then ensure there is a check
in the box under “Include” so that ALL of the individual “Topics to Review” boxes are checked. You need
to review all missed topics, so do not selectively check/uncheck the boxes next to your missed content.
4. After ensuring that all boxes are checked, click “Create Focused Review.”
5. Your Focused Review” window will open. It will be a blue window with the Focused Review table of
contents bar on the left. The Focused Review will be organized based on the questions you missed on
your ATI assessment.
6. Within the ATI Focused Review window, you are expected to click on each link in the left topic guide
to link you with reading excerpts, videos, or other learning activities related to your specific missed
content. When linked to an eBook, you will be brought directly to the chapter that relates to missed
content. You are not expected to read the entire eBook; you only need to read the specific chapter that
covers missed content. Then you will move on to the next link and follow the links located on the left
side of the Focused Review screen.
7. If an Active Learning Template opens that contains editable text boxes, you should print out those
templates to use as part of your focused review. An example completed Active Learning Template is
included at the end of this instruction packet for your review. Students who score a Proficiency Level of
1 must complete five of these HANDWRITTEN active learning templates on different missed topics,
and students who score a Proficiency Level of Less than Level 1 must complete ten of these
HANDWRITTEN active learning templates on different missed topics. Typed responses will not be
8. Work within the Focused Review to complete a review of all of the missed topics/content. You can
review the amount of time you’ve actually spent working in the Focused Review to ensure you’re on
track with the minimum amount you are required to complete by reviewing your transcript (see the
steps below).
How to Print Your Transcript
Once you’ve finished reviewing the content for your Focused Review, including the completion of the
minimum number of handwritten active learning templates, you are ready to print out the transcript
that will show your faculty that you’ve completed the minimum amount of remediation required. To
print your transcript, follow these steps:
1. Log into your ATI account (www.atitesting.com) and click on “My Results.”
2. On the top right area of the My Results window, click on “My Transcript.”
3. A PDF will open that includes the results of all of your ATI proctored assessments, as well as the total
time spent on Focused Review for each assessment.
4. Print out a copy of this transcript and highlight your name, your proficiency level, and the amount of
time you spent in the Focused Review before giving the transcript to your faculty next semester as
requested. Staple copies of the required handwritten Active Learning Templates to the back of the
transcript. When directed by your faculty next semester, you must turn in the transcript and active
learning templates.
Important Note: Students who fail to submit proof of Focused Review completion (the required
amount of work based on the Proficiency Level) to the faculty as directed next semester will be placed
on a clinical contract and WILL NOT be allowed to attend clinical until the required Focused Review is
completed. Students will earn a Clinical Unsatisfactory for each clinical day missed, which can
jeopardize the changes of successfully passing the course.
Sample Completed Active Learning Template (Remember: You must handwrite these):